Social Studies – Kindergarten
Social Studies – Kindergarten
|Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Concepts and Facts |Has difficulty with concepts and facts, |Has difficulty using limited details to |When prompted, uses personal experiences to|Recognizes examples in classroom experiences. |
| |even when prompted. |make connections with concepts and facts. |make connections with concepts and facts. | |
|Tools of Social Studies Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Using Tools of Social Studies Inquiry |Has difficulty viewing provided resources, |With assistance, uses provided resource to |With assistance, uses provided resource |With assistance, uses provided resource to recall |
| |arranging pictures to create lists and |recall random ideas, arranges pictures to |(maps, globes, trade books, pictures, |information on a topic, creates approximations of |
| |signs, listening to others, and sharing |create lists and signs, views and restates |artifacts and technology) to recall random |documents in response to teacher prompts, recognizes |
| |ideas with others. |information, during discussion, listens to |information, arranges pictures (of |cause and relationships, during discussions, listens |
| | |the opinions of others and shares random |drawings/written symbols) to create |to the opinions of others, shares ideas/opinions with |
| | |ideas. |approximations of documents, states |others that are on the topic and asks others |
| | | |relationships (compare/contrast) between |questions. |
| | | |categories of information, listens to the | |
| | | |opinions of others and shares | |
| | | |ideas/opinions that are on the topic. | |
Student: _____________________________________
Project/Activity: ______________________________
Class: ______________
Date: ______________
Social Studies – First Grade
|Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Concepts and Facts |Developing prerequisite skills needed to |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and facts and |
| |demonstrate partial mastery of concepts and|and facts. |facts. |applies them to different contexts. |
| |facts. | | | |
|Tools of Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Variety of Resources |Developing prerequisite skills to use these|Uses following provided resources to locate|Uses following provided resources to locate|Uses following provided resources to answer |
| |provided resources to locate random |random information on a topic: |relevant information on a topic: |student-initiated questions: |
| |information: |Maps |Maps |Maps |
| |Maps |Globes |Globes |Globes |
| |Globes |Trade Books |Trade Books |Trade Books |
| |Trade Books |Pictures |Pictures |Pictures |
| |Pictures |Artifacts |Artifacts |Artifacts |
| |Artifacts |Digital Technology |Digital Technology |Digital Technology |
| |Digital Technology | | | |
|Organized Information and Communication |Developing prerequisite skills to arrange |With assistance uses teacher provided |Uses teacher provided patterns to create |Creates student-initiated lists, charts, timelines, |
| |pictures to create lists, charts, timelines|patterns to create lists, charts, timelines|lists, charts, timelines and maps. |maps or other documents. |
| |or maps. |and maps. | | |
|Discussions |Developing prerequisite skills needed to |Listens to the opinions of others and |Listens to the opinions of others and |Listens to the opinions of others, shares ideas or |
| |listen to others and to share ideas. |shares random ideas of opinions. |shares ideas or opinions which are on |opinions which are on topic and asks questions of |
| | | |topic. |others. |
Student: _____________________________________
Project/Activity: ______________________________
Class: ______________
Date: ______________
Social Studies – Second Grade
|Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Concepts and Facts |Has difficulty demonstrating partial |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and facts and |
| |mastery of concepts and facts, with |and facts. |facts. |applies them to different contexts. |
| |assistance. | | | |
|Tools of Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Variety of Resources |Has difficulty using provided resources to |With assistance, uses provided resources to|With assistance, uses provided resources to|Uses provided resources to acquire information to |
| |recall random information, with assistance.|recall information on a topic. |acquire information to answer questions. |answer questions. |
|Organized Information and Communication |With assistance, arranges pictures (or |Creates approximations of documents in |With assistance, uses teacher provided |Uses teacher provided graphic organizers to create |
| |drawings/written symbols) to create |response to teacher prompts and states |graphic organizers to create documents |documents and draws inferences from factual material. |
| |approximations of documents and stating |relationships (compare/contrast) between |(lists, timelines, maps, charts, Venn | |
| |relationships (compare/contrast) between |categories of information. |diagrams) and recognizes cause and effect | |
| |categories of information. | |relationships. | |
|Discussions |Has difficulty listening to others and |Listens to the opinions of others and |Listens to the opinions of others and |Listens to the opinions of others, shares ideas or |
| |seldom shares ideas with others. |shares random ideas of opinions. |shares ideas or opinions which are on |opinions which are on topic and asks questions of |
| | | |topic. |others. |
Student: _____________________________________
Project/Activity: ______________________________
Class: ______________
Date: ______________
Social Studies – Third Grade
|Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Concepts and Facts |Has difficulty demonstrating partial |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and facts and |
| |mastery of concepts and facts, with |and facts. |facts. |applies them to different contexts. |
| |assistance. | | | |
|Tools of Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Variety of Resources |Has difficulty using provided resources to |With assistance, uses provided resources to|With assistance, uses provided resources to|Locates and uses various resources to acquire |
| |recall information on a topic, even with |answer questions. |acquire information to answer questions. |information to answer questions, independently. |
| |assistance. | | | |
|Organized Information and Communication |Has difficulty creating approximations of |With assistance, uses teacher provided |Uses teacher provided graphic organizers to|With assistance, creates documents based on teacher |
| |documents in response to teacher prompts |graphics to create documents and recognizes|create documents (outines, summaries, |examples and predicts likely outcomes based on factual|
| |and stating relationships |cause and effect relationships, when |reports, research photographs, maps, |information. |
| |(compare/contrast) between categories of |prompted. |charts, graphic organizers and | |
| |information. | |presentations) and draws inferences from | |
| | | |factual material. | |
|Discussions |Has difficulty listening to others and |Listens to the opinions of others and |Listens to the opinions of others and |Listens to the opinions of others, shares ideas or |
| |seldom shares ideas with others. |shares random ideas of opinions. |shares ideas or opinions which are on |opinions which are on topic and asks questions of |
| | | |topic. |others. |
Student: _____________________________________
Project/Activity: ______________________________
Class: ______________
Date: ______________
Social Studies – Fourth Grade
|Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Concepts and Facts |Has difficulty demonstrating partial |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and facts and |
| |mastery of concepts and facts, with |and facts. |facts. |applies them to different contexts. |
| |assistance. | | | |
|Tools of Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Variety of Resources |Even with assistance, has difficulty using |Uses provided resources to acquire |Locates and uses various resources |Independently locates and uses various resources to |
| |provided resources to acquire information |information to answer questions. |(textbooks, trade books, maps, globes, |acquire relevant information to answer questions. |
| |and to answer questions. | |graphics, encyclopedias, special reference | |
| | | |materials, primary documents, artifacts, | |
| | | |lecture, interviews and technology) to | |
| | | |acquire information to answer questions. | |
|Organized Information and Communication |Even with assistance, has difficulty using |Uses teacher provided graphic organizers to|With assistance, creates documents that |Creates documents based on teacher examples that |
| |teacher provided graphic organizers to |create documents and draws information from|communicate to others (outlines, timelines,|communicate to others, forms opinions based on |
| |create documents, recognizing cause and |factual material. When prompted, shares |summaries, reports, research papers, maps, |critical examination of relevant information and |
| |effect relationships and sharing incomplete|information informally. |charts, graphic organizers, and |shares information by presenting it in small groups. |
| |information. | |presentations) based on teacher examples, | |
| | | |predicts likely outcomes or summarizes | |
| | | |information using supporting evidence and | |
| | | |shares information informally. | |
|Civil Discourse |Offers opinions without evidence or offers |With assistance, gives an opinion that is |With assistance, supports an opinion with |With assistance, supports an opinion with |
| |no opinion and seldom listens to others, |related to the topic and listens to others.|evidence/reasoning and listens to others. |evidence/reasoning, considers the opinions of others |
| |even with assistance. | | |by asking questions to further understanding. |
Student: _____________________________________
Project/Activity: ______________________________
Class: ______________ Date: ______________
Social Studies – Fifth Grade
|Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Concepts and Facts |Has difficulty demonstrating partial |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and facts and |
| |mastery of concepts and facts, with |and facts. |facts. |applies them to different contexts. |
| |assistance. | | | |
|Tools of Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |
|Variety of Resources |Uses provided resources to acquire |Locate and uses various resources to |Locates and uses various resources |Independently locates and uses multiple resources to |
| |information to answer questions. |acquire information to answer questions. |(textbooks, trade books, maps, globes, |compare information about research topics and checks |
| | | |graphics, encyclopedias, special reference |reliability of information acquired through research. |
| | | |materials, primary documents, artifacts, | |
| | | |lecture, interviews and technology) to | |
| | | |acquire information to answer questions. | |
|Organized Information and Communication |Uses teacher provided graphic organizers to|With assistance creates documents based on |Creates documents (outlines, timelines, |Creates documents appropriate to audience and topic, |
| |create documents and draws inferences from |teacher examples, predicts likely outcomes |summaries, reports, research papers, maps, |forms opinions based on critical examination of |
| |factual material with little supporting |or summarizes information using supporting |charts, graphic organizers, presentations) |relevant information, states a hypothesis for further |
| |evidence and when prompted, shares |evidence and shares information with others|based on teacher models. Forms opinions |study and shares information by presenting findings to|
| |information with others during class |in class discussions. |based on critical examination of relevant |a formal audience. |
| |discussion. | |information and shares information by | |
| | | |presenting it in small groups. | |
|Civil Discourse |Even with assistance, has difficulty |With assistance, supports an opinion with |With assistance, supports an opinion with |Supports opinions with evidence/reasoning, considers |
| |sharing opinions and listening to others. |evidence/reasoning and listens to others. |evidence/reasoning, considers the opinions |the opinions of others by asking questions to further |
| | | |of others and asks questions to further |understanding. |
| | | |understanding. | |
Student: _____________________________________
Project/Activity: ______________________________
Class: ______________ Date: ______________
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