Learning Experience Plan

Learning Experience Plan (LEP)

Template for written recording of plan of learning experiences from short (one session/lesson), to medium (series of lessons/unit of work). A range of examples are on your program Moodle site. As necessary, specific information on how to complete this LEP is provided by your lecturer in a course.

|Year level(s) |Duration |Focus |Implementation date(s) |Curriculum area(s) |

|Year 2 |30-40 min |Experience 3 The water cycle |17/2/13 |science |

|NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning |

|area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 – 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.) |

|Prior knowledge: LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests |

|including diagnosis of previous learning experiences) |

|value of water |

|actions that can conserve water |

|understand consequences of lack of water |

|identify / demonstrate actions that can conserve water |

|identify management and protection of resources |

|understand how science contributes to the preservation of resources |

|identify human management and protection of resources in other countries |

|appreciate diverse perspectives |

|present ideas to other students, both one-to-one and in small groups |

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|Learning outcomes/standards: LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be? |

|(Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience. Foreground achievement |

|standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate for phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as “the sum total of the learning and development experiences that are offered by a school, |

|formally and informally, in class and out of class”.) |

|Knowledge & understanding: (declarative) |Skills: (procedural/do) |

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|D 3 the water cycle |P 3 describe the water cycle |

|D4 value of water |P 4 understand consequences of lack of water |

|D 6 monitoring information |P 6 monitor rainfall, water levels and temperature |

|D 7 management and protection of resources |P 7 identify management and protection of resources |

|D 12 similarities and differences in observation results |P 12 Discuss similarities and differences in results of observations |

|D 13 presenting ideas to other students, both one-to-one and in small groups |P 13 present ideas |

|D 14 discussing with others what was discovered from an investigation |P 14 discuss discoveries from  investigations |

|D 15 content vocabulary |P15 identify meaning of content words |

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|Learning processes: LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn? |

|DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual learners?|DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their development? |

|(Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.) | |

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|DoL 1 Understand and be clear about tasks - Help students be clear about the directions |DoL 5 HOM – be clear and seek clarity DoL 5 HOM – Critical thinking – be accurate and seek accuracy |

|and demands of the task |Explain that when we check to make sure that our work is accurate and correct we are displaying the habit of |

| |being accurate and seeking accuracy. Discuss how being accurate can be beneficial when doing homework, when |

|Ask the students if they understand what they are being asked to do |checking for correct answers to problems, and the importance of being be accurate when preparing documents |

|Have students explain the task to each other , to clear up any confusions |related to money, when checking calculations, and completing mathematical problems |

|Provide examples of student work |Provide an explanation about how being accurate and seeking accuracy can be |

|When reviewing instructions have students mentally rehearse more complex parts to help them identify and clear up any|helpful before an upcoming test, |

|confusion |Being aware of negative self-talk and replacing it with positive self-talk such as “I am going to pass this |

| |test”. |

| |Identify people in the public arena who exhibit the habits of mind, people who have |

| |accomplished heroic deeds, or who are inspiring |

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|Time |Learning procedures |Dimensions of Learning (DoL) focus. |Resources |Assessment & feedback |

| |LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey? |including teaching strategies to be used |LMQ4 -What resources |LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner |

| |LMQ6 - Who will do what? | |do I have at my |has achieved the learning outcomes? (See |

| |(Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.) | |disposal? |also the QSA Assessment Bank.) |

| | | | |LMQ8 How will I inform others? |

| | | | |(Include moderation of teacher judgments of|

| | | | |standards if necessary.) |

| |Phase 1 Introduce, engage, focus, advance organiser, review prior knowledge, ‘hook’ | | | |

|30 – 40 | |Teacher as facilitator / instructor | |Class enrolment document |

|minutes |Revise | |computer |Simulator water cycle exploration sheet |

| |meaning of | |Online simulation |Simulator assessment results |

| |evaporation |DoL 5 HOM – be clear and seek clarity DoL 5|water cycle |Posts on website |

| |reservoir |HOM – Critical thinking – be accurate and |exploration worksheet |Ability to access website |

| |runoff |seek accuracy explain that when we check to|simulator assessment |Group Discussion |

| |resources |make sure that our work is accurate and |worksheet |Observations ( informal and written) taken |

| |pollution |correct we are displaying the habit of |class enrolment |during experience |

| |ecosystem |being accurate and seeking accuracy. |document |Informal and written observations about |

| |biodiversity |Discuss how being accurate can be |resource material such|each student |

| |Discuss consequences of lack of water |beneficial when doing homework, when |as books, posters, and|Water cycle drawing in science book |

| |living things may be threatened that rely on water |checking for correct answers to problems, |images | |

| |things that need / don’t need water value of water |and the importance of being be accurate | | |

| |Identify things that need / don’t need water |when preparing documents related to money, | | |

| |management and protection of resources |when checking calculations, and completing | | |

| |what do we do in Australia to save / collect water? |mathematical problems | | |

| |what do people in other countries do to save / collect water? | | | |

| |how does science contribution to the preservation of resources? |DoL 1 understand and be clear about tasks -| |LMQ8 |

| |what is the cause of a drought? |Help students be clear about the directions| |Verbal feedback to learner |

| | |and demands of the task | | |

| |legal, safe and ethical practices when using the internet | | | |

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| |Phase 2 Develop skills & knowledge, build, practice, acquire, integrate, extend, refine |DoL 2: construct model – use a think aloud | | |

| | |process to demonstrate a new skill or | | |

| |The Water Cycle - Online Simulation (Gizmo) |process | | |

| | | | | |

| |Group Experience 3-4 students |DoL 1 attitudes and perceptions - perceive | | |

| | |classroom tasks as valuable and interesting| | |

| |Introduce and Discuss: |– provide a variety of challenging | | |

| | |experiences which promote interest and | | |

| |1. What is the water cycle? |engagement | | |

| |     What are the parts of the water cycle? | | | |

| |     Teacher to outline expectations of learning for this task |DoL 2 shape to make effective - | | |

| | |periodically check for understanding | | |

| |2. Click on |DoL 1 attitudes and perceptions - provide | | |

| | |appropriate feedback throughout the | | |

| |Go to Experience 3 - Online Simulation - The Water Cycle page |experience such as “well done”, keep | | |

| | |trying, you can do it” …in order to | | |

| | 2.  Scroll down to class enrolment document - download and save to the desktop  |recognise capability in completing the | | |

| | |tasks | | |

| |3. Scroll down to the Exploration water cycle student work sheet – save to the desktop | | | |

| | |DoL 2 construct meaning – help construct | | |

| |Print a copy |meaning for vocabulary terms by linking | | |

| | |experiences through discussion, and | | |

| |4. Complete “prior Knowledge Question” on the water cycle exploration worksheet |resource material such as posters, images,| | |

| | |charts, and computer experiences, to foster| | |

| |    BEFORE COMMENCING SIMULATION  |thinking skills and word association | | |

| | | | | |

| |5. Teacher to demonstrate and explain the concept of the online simulation.  Model  think aloud process |DoL 2 construct meaning - provide a range | | |

| |to demonstrate a new skill or  process point out the connections and patterns of the water cycle |of materials and images that encourage the | | |

| | |learner to discover or figure out the | | |

| | |information for themselves | | |

| |6. DoL 1 Understand and be clear about tasks - Help students be clear about the directions and demands of|DoL 2 internalise / practice - practice | | |

| |the task. Ask the students if they understand what they are being asked to do. Have students explain the |the skill immediately and as often as | | |

| |task to each other, to clear up any confusion. When reviewing instructions have students mentally |practicable | | |

| |rehearse more complex parts to help them identify and clear up any confusion  |DoL 2 acquire and integrate knowledge – use| | |

| | |the three minute pause | | |

| |7. To enrol in simulation (Gizmo) | | | |

| |Click on |Do L 3 extend and refine knowledge | | |

| | | | | |

| | |DOL 3 inductive reasoning - when content is| | |

| | |complex it is appropriate to use highly | | |

| |8. In the top right hand corner click on enrol in a class. Enter the class code. This code is on the |structured induction tasks and to monitor | | |

| |class enrolment document you downloaded and saved to the desktop    TE2DNBLGYH |students closely. They may need assistance | | |

| | |in seeing patterns or connections in pieces| | |

| |9. Collect data:  Create two water cycles using the simulator |of information | | |

| | | | | |

| |each cycle should have at least four steps and should begin  and end  at the same location. | | | |

| |choose any starting point from the list on the right.          | | | |

| |when the cycle is complete, choose the PATH tab | | | |

| |write down the steps on the worksheet.  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |10. To commence simulation  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |      Click on launch Gizmo  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·    internalise / practice - practice the skill immediately and as often as | | | |

| |practicable | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·   help construct meaning for vocabulary terms by linking experiences through | | | |

| |discussion, and resource material such as posters,  images, charts,                | | | |

| |    and computer experiences, to foster thinking skills and word association | | | |

| | | | | |

| |11. Analyse Data: Complete simulator assessment worksheet | | | |

| | | | | |

| |12. Use the information presented in the simulation to answer the questions | | | |

| |   | | | |

| |13 Save and download simulator assessment results to desktop. Don’t forget | | | |

| |to name the file. Print a copy and paste it into you science book | | | |

| | | | | |

| |14. Discuss the meaning of transpiration, precipitation, glacier, condensation -  | | | |

| |ask students to provide examples | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·        periodically check for understanding | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·        provide appropriate feedback throughout the experience such  as “well | | | |

| |done”, keep trying, you can do it” …in order to  recognise capability in    | | | |

| |         completing the tasks | | | |

| | | | | |

| |15.  Upload the simulator assessment results to the Experience 3 Simulator | | | |

| |Assessment Results page  | | | |

| |        Click on  | | | |

| |         | | | |

| | | | | |

| |16 Introduce DoL 5 HOM – Critical thinking – be accurate and seek accuracy  explain that when we check to| | | |

| |make sure that our work is accurate and correct we are displaying the habit of being accurate and seeking| | | |

| |accuracy. Discuss how being accurate can be beneficial when doing homework, when checking for correct | | | |

| |answers to problems, and the importance of being be accurate when preparing documents related to money, | | | |

| |when checking calculations, and completing mathematical problems.  | | | |

| | | | | |

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| |17. Provide an explanation about how being accurate and seeking  accuracy can be helpful before an | | | |

| |upcoming test, being aware of negative self-talk and replacing it with positive self-talk such as “I am | | | |

| |going to pass this test”. Identify people in the public arena who exhibit the habits of mind, people who | | | |

| |have accomplished heroic deeds, or who are inspiring. Ask for feedback from students  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |18. Students to reflect and verbalise on something they have  learned | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         use the three minute pause | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         periodically check for understanding | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         provide appropriate feedback throughout the experience such  as “well | | | |

| |done”, keep trying, you can do it” …in order to  recognise capability in  | | | |

| |          completing the task | | | |

| | | | | |

| |19. Students to practice using the simulator ( if time permits) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         practice the skill immediately and as often as practicable | | | |

| | | | | |

| |20.  Group discussion.  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |          Each group to describe the water cycle  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         describe consequences of lack of water | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         identify management and protection of resources | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         discoveries from investigations  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |21.  Ask students to draw the  water cycle , paste into science book  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         periodically check for understanding | | | |

| | | | | |

| |·         inform the students that the experience is nearly over,  but before concluding there are | | | |

| |several things that need to be checked  | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Phase 3 Conclude, culminate, draw together, review & summarise key learnings, checks for learning, | | | |

| |consolidation, homework/review tasks | | | |

| | | | | |

| |22.    Revise the meaning of transpiration, precipitation, glacier, condensation | | | |

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|Reflection: LMQ9 Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)? |

|(Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didn’t. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved?  Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that |

|need to be addressed.) |

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