Night – Specific Examples of Kindness, Cruelty ...

Night – Finding Examples to Support Themes

In order to prepare for our first formal essay, in this assignment you will practice finding examples and pulling quotations from the text that show a particular theme.

• For each theme, find three examples from the book.

• In each box, explain the example and how it demonstrates the theme in your own words and include a quotation from the book using MLA Citation that supports this example.

This project is due on Tuesday, November 26 and is worth 25-points.

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|Resistance |Loss of Identity |Loss of Faith |Relationships Between Fathers and Sons |

|Example 1: |Example 1: |Example 1: |Example 1: |

|The foreman Franek wants Elie to give |The prisoners lose their identity when | |Elie and his father had a good |

|him his gold crown, but Elie resists his|the SS guards take away their names and |Elie wants to know if god is still alive|connection but then they lost the good |

|request by giving mulitple reasons why |give them numbers. |or dead. He is a sad little angel; The |connection. The blockalteste said to |

|he cannot comply. Although Franek wields| |three prisoners were lynched because |Elie that to think about himself and not|

|power over him, Elie does everything he |Quote 1: |they live in the concentration camp for |think about his father. |

|can to keep his gold filling. |“We were told to roll up our left |a long time. | |

| |sleeves and file past the table. Three | | |

|Quote 1: |veteran” prisoners, needles in hand, | | |

|“I answered that…without that crown I |tattooed numbers on our left arms. I | |Quote 1: “He was right I thought deep |

|could no longer eat…I needed to get my |became A-1773” (Wiesel 42). |Quote 1: “For god’s sake, where is god? |down, not daring to admit it to myself” |

|father’s advice” (Wiesel 55). | |Where he is? This is where-hanging here |(Wiesel 111). |

| | |from this gallows” (Wiesel 65). | |

|Example 2: |Example 2: |Example 2: |Example 2: |

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|Juliek was playing his violin and he was|The SS guard called the prisoners that | | |

|a song from Beethoven. Juliek played a |they are filthy dogs. They were no |He will never forget and murdered his |Elie’s father got smacked for no reason |

|German song and he is not supposed to |longer marching the prisoners were |dreams and soul to ashes. He saw the SS |at all. Elie wanted to defend his father|

|play German music. |running. If they stop for a second they |guard burning bodies and killing |but he wanted want to get into trouble. |

| |will quickly get shot eliminated the |children. | |

| |filthy dogs. | | |

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|Quote 2: |Quote 2: | | |

| |“Faster, you tramps, you flea-ridden |Quote 2: |Quote 2: |

|“All I could hear was the violin and it |dogs!” (Wiesel 85). |“Never shall I forget those flames that |“My father suddenly had a colic attack” |

|was as if Juliek’s soul had become his | |consumed my faith forever” (Wiesel 34) |(Wiesel 39). |

|bow” (Wiesel 95). | | | |

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|Example 3: |Example 3: |Example 3: |Example 3: |

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|The man tells Elie to lie about his age |The police said to the Jewish that they |He feels furious and god won’t them and |His father left his inheritance to |

|that to them that you are not fifteen |were good for nothings. The SS guard was|Elie is asking all of these questions. |remember him by those tools. Elie took |

|you are eighteen. He wanted to lie to |wants the prisoners to hard work and | |the spoon and knife to remember his |

|the SS guard. |work faster | |father. |

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|Quote 3: |Quote 3: |“My eyes had opened and I was alone, | |

| | |terribly alone in a world without god, | |

|“’Fifteen.’ ‘No. you’re eighteen.’ ‘But |“Faster!, Faster! Move you lazy |without man” (Wiesel 68). |“Keep the spoon and knife. You will need|

|I’m not, ‘I’m said. ‘Fool. Listen to |good-for-nothings!” (Wiesel 19). | |them as much as I” (Wiesel 75). |

|what I say’ “(Wiesel 30). | | | |

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