Kevin Combs - Southeast Missouri State University

Kevin Combs

Prof. Glen Williams


2 Feb 2009

Title: Far From a Superstar; Far More Than an Inspiration

Purpose: To inform of Spencer Musto’s impact and influence in my life and others.


I. As he walked out onto the basketball court at halftime of the JV game, Spencer Musto found himself in a situation he could’ve only dreamed of.

II. He looked around the gymnasium at the 1100 people in the stands, most standing up for him, some even screaming his name.

III. He turned to pick up his basketball and shuffled out onto the court, alone, all eyes focused on him and his ball. He adjusted his #20 homemade basketball jersey as he made his approach to the half court line.

IV. This was his moment, his Senior Night moment. And as he swished home his half court shot, the crowd erupted, an electric mix of cheers and tears.

V. Spencer was not the superstar, not a starter, not even a player on our varsity team. But he was our team manager, handicapped by Down’s syndrome and other mental handicaps, and he had a heck of a jump shot.

VI. (Thesis) Spencer Musto is an inspiration to me as well as many other people.

VII. (Preview): Spencer inspires others with his attitude and his work ethic, and by overcoming the challenges he faces on a day to day basis.


I. Spencer’s attitude is something everyone should aspire to.

A. He is a creature of love.

1. Spencer is a big fan of bear hugs, and if he knows you, you better believe you’re going to get one.

2. His love is contagious.

A. On the basketball team, Spencer brought us closer together by being so collegial and so devoted to the team.

3. If Spencer can show us all such love and devotion, surely we can

show each other, as well.

B. Spencer cares for people.

1. Spencer can sense the bad day.

a. He saw me come in to practice one time, head down, feeling depressed, and he rushed over to me and after our usual big, scary bear hug, he saw that I was a little down.

b. He took his heavy arm and draped it around me, telling me that ‘it was all going to be ok’ and ‘I shouldn’t worry about anything’

c. And at that moment, I knew Spencer was right. He usually was.

Transition: Spencer’s attitude is truly inspirational, and so is his work ethic. Spencer is an extremely hard and diligent worker, doing everything to the best of his ability.

II. Spencer’s work ethic is something everyone should aspire to.

A. He works two jobs.

1. One of his jobs is at a hotel, folding sheets, cleaning rooms, making beds, and so on. His parents have received numerous rave reviews from his supervisors for the efficiency and dedication that Spencer shows in his work.

2. The other job Spencer has is a recent hiring at Schnucks’ Grocery Store. He is a bagger there, and, once again, receives great reviews from his employer. They even call him on off days when they need someone to fill in.

3. I think we’d all be hard pressed to find multiple employers that give us such high marks, and yet Spencer has never had an employer who has not.

Transition: It is important to remember that all of his hard work, his dedication, and his diligence, are not only inspiring in themselves, but that Spencer must overcome Down’s syndrome and being mentally challenged on a day to day basis.

III. Spencer’s champion spirit is something we should all aspire to.

A. He’s very involved in athletics

1. Spencer’s Down’s syndrome and other mental handicaps have never stopped him from living his life the way he wants.

a. He is a star athlete within the Special Olympics program, receiving awards in basketball and softball.

b. He might even have a few of his MVP medals on hand if you’d like to see them.

2. He is constantly practicing, shooting his basketball day in and day out whenever and wherever he can.

B. He’s learning to come out of his comfort zone and attempt to be social

1. It’s extremely hard to really talk to people when you have trouble forming complete sentences. Spencer acknowledges his shortcomings in the speech department and still, in spite of the difficulty, has tried to give our team motivational speeches before big games.

2. When I first met Spencer, he hated to be introduced to people. He was very self conscious. Now, with a little prodding, Spencer will not only tell you his name and age, but if you’re lucky, might just give you a preview of the varsity basketball game matchup later that night.

a. Seeing this transformation in him has truly inspired me. I take speaking for granted, I even get nervous giving a speech in front of people in class, but knowing that Spencer, despite massive speech impediments can do it, helps put it all in perspective.

Transition: Spencer has had to overcome so many challenges on a day-to-day basis that it makes me appreciate better the opportunities I have.


I. Martin Luther King Jr. once said ““If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

II. Well I think Dr. King would be proud of Spencer Musto, an inspiring figure who does give pause to the hundreds who know him, giving everything he has to overcome his obstacles and be an effective citizen.

III. I can only aspire to have the attitude, the work ethic, and the courage to face my obstacles the way that my friend Spencer has.

IV. And if you’re ever lucky enough to come to a Parkway South basketball game, you’ll get to see a man that I am fortunate enough to call my friend, sitting down on the end of the bench in his home made #20 basketball jersey and ball cap. And if you’re really lucky, he just might show you his jump shot.


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