Adams, George 193,195

The Upper Moore County, NC Land Grant Project

When this project began many years ago, I had one simple goal – build a small neighborhood for my ancestor, Everet Wallace, in hopes of discovering more information about him and his family. Many years later a small neighborhood has become one large puzzle with well over 1000 pieces. Researchers with Moore County, NC ancestors know that due to a courthouse fire in 1889 most early county court records, deeds, tax lists, etc. were destroyed making genealogical research infinitely more difficult. The only deeds that survived were ones that families re-registered after the fire so putting together a plausible neighborhood map seemed impossible. Fortunately, all original land grants were filed at the North Carolina Secretary of State’s office in Raleigh and are currently located at the North Carolina State Archives for every county in the state. As of 2009, I’ve searched, photocopied, transcribed and indexed almost 1200 original land grants for the upper region of Moore County, NC.

This document will be helpful when viewing the MS Excel document titled “Upper Moore County, NC Land Grant Registry” which includes information on every land grant that I’ve cataloged. The “Registry” in turn will be helpful to consult when viewing the actual DeedMapper MBL file.

Morgan Jackson

6724 Eastbrook Drive

Raleigh, NC 27615


please visit my website at



The ID number listed was created to assist in indexing the large number of grants. It is the only number that is used in the Index. It has no correlation to the DeedMapper MBL file.


The full name of the grantee as it appears on the original land grant. The Index uses the more traditional version of the name, i.e. the name “Isam Wallis” might appear in the Registry while the traditional/correct spelling of “Isham Wallace” will appear in the Index.


Total number of acres that the grantee received from the State of North Carolina.


The date used is the actual date the land was surveyed. The date the land was entered was generally a year or more before the survey and the date the land was granted was usually six months to a year after the survey was completed. I chose this date because it is the most consistent and is the only date in which the individuals (grantees and chain carriers) were actually present.

Chain Carriers

The chain carrier was an assistant to the surveyor and helped position the measurement chains. In most cases, the chain carrier was a relative, neighbor or close associate of the grantee.

Location /Additional Info

Area used by the surveyor to describe the vicinity of the track of land. In most cases, a watercourse was used. The Additional Info was used to further define area, i.e. East of Flag Creek or Persimmon Branch of Flag Creek.

Grant #

Actual land grant number used by the Secretary of State’s office. Original grants can be located at the State Archives using this number. This number is also listed in the “ID” field of DeedMapper MBL file. Letters preceding a hyphen and the grant number indicate that the land grant was issued in another county (B=Bladen County, C=Cumberland County, M=Montgomery County, O=Orange, R=Randolph). A zero preceding a hyphen and the grant number indicate a Moore County Land Entry that was not issued by the state, i.e. 0-123.


Names listed in this section were denoted in the original land grant as neighbors or as owning land adjoining the surveyed property.

***Author’s notes

The rows within the MS Excel document “Upper Moore County, NC Land Grant Registry” that are highlighted a bright yellow cannot be found on the Deedmapper MBL file.

It is also important to note that the names listed do not necessarily imply that each number corresponds to the same person, i.e. there were many entries for “John Smith” over a 150 year period of time and it is left up to the reader to determine which John Smith entries are applicable for their search.

Many people have asked about David Allison and the large amount of land grants that he received from the state of North Carolina. Allison was a land speculator who by all accounts never stepped foot in Moore County, NC. His agent, John Porterfield, applied for land grants for David Allison all across the state in the 1790’s. He clearly speculated himself into massive amounts of debts and most of Allison’s land ended up being sold at auction at the county courthouse. Allison died in a debtor’s prison in Philadelphia, PA.


The numbers listed below correspond directly to the “ID” number in the accompanying MS Excel file “Upper Moore County, NC Land Grant Registry.” The key to the index is listed on the bottom of each page. A bolded number is listed when the person was the actual recipient of the land grant from the state of North Carolina. An underlined number is listed when the person was a chain bearer/chain carrier. A number that is not bolded or underlined is listed when the person was listed as a neighbor/owning adjoining land.

Adams, George 193,195

Agerton, Thomas 44,44

Allen, ----- 493,646

Allen, Elizabeth 459,460

Allen, James 451,455

Allen, Joseph 360,449,450,450,451,451,452,452,453,454,455,455,456,457,458,459,459, 461,469,469,491,491,492,593,594,604,646,650,652,653,653,711

Allen, Lockey 458,459,491,494,498,749,749,783

Allen, Mark 456,458,462,492,493,494,495,497,498,749

Allen, Raleigh 457,458,459

Allen, Raleigh S. 580,779

Allen, Reuben 457,460,460,461,462,491,494,495,711,780

Allen, Samuel 800,800

Allison, David 14a,61,82,87,134,135,136,200,233,238,267,368,417,445,447,449,455, 488,489,558,564,636,639,640,641,651,660,668,670,705,714,752,753,816,847,



Alston,----- 799

Andrews, ----- 1125

Andrews, Adam 1126

Andrews, John 707

Andrews, Michael 862,865,1126

Argo,----- 933,938

Argo, David 352,353

Argo, John 1050,1062

Armistead, ----- 1124

Armstead, Westwood 871

Armstrong, ----- 487

Armstrong, Thomas 1030

Asbill, Susan 975

Asbill, William 835

Askins, John 346,1023

Atkins, Joel 633

Atkinson, Benjamin 537

Atkinson, John 537,1045,1046,1063

Atkinson, Thomas 1045

Auman,----- 890

Auman, Andrew 705,800,868

Autery,----- 795, 796,881,1067,1076

Autery, Elijah 954

Autery, Frederick 1067,1078,1079

Autery, Jerry 754

Bailey, Benjamin 764,765,766,767,768,775

Bailey, Burrel 586,765,766,767

Bailey, John 586,764,768

Baldwin, David 620,622

Barber, Benjamin 793

Barrentine, William 424

Barrett,----- 374,539,633,757,762

Barrett, John 533

Barrett, John A. 255

Barrett, Nathan 526

Barrett, Samuel 248,255,257,257,313,314,358,370,513,514,515,756,1035

Barrett, Solomon 75,76,133,535,702,702

Barrett, William 83,98,129,162,169,171,254,255,256,313,314,326,358,359,502, 531,532,533,534,534,679,688,689,693,694,724,725,756,763,1033

Barton,----- 345,348,916,934

Barton, James 917,927,994

Bean,----- 13,91

Bean, Jesse 1049

Bean, Peter 211

Bean, Richard 1032

Beeson,----- 936

Bethune,----- 485,756

Bethune, Allen 500,586,591,592,592,726

Bethune, Christian 726,727,760,769

Bethune, Christopher 1071

Bethune, Farquard 1038

Bethune, John 688

Bethune, John G. 503,592,720,726,726,727,735,739,746,769

Bethune, Murdock 519,545,557,561,671,673,1036,1040

Bird,----- 853,871

Bird, Richard 824,840,853,865,895,904,937,939

Bird, Robert 805,827,828,842,842,864,869,869,870,870,943,943,974,1072,1072

Bird, William 818,824,870,895,943,948,973,974

Black,----- 977

Black, Cornelius 277

Black, Kenneth 793

Boroughs,----- 349,631,632,777

Boroughs, Bryant 272,282,286,307,317,318,319,323,324,409,439,941,1064

Bowdon, Travis 1124,1124

Bowdon, William 1124

Brady,----- 277

Brady, Bradley 102,270,271,273

Brady, Charles 141,319,409

Brady, James 245,439,927

Brady, John 325

Brady, Robert 288,409

Brazel, George 637,644,645,645,706

Breachis, William 197

Brewer,----- 109,933

Brewer, Adam 978

Brewer, Alexander 776

Brewer, Ambrose 98,99,141,172

Brewer, David 181

Brewer, Drury 99,181

Brewer, Elijah 181

Brewer, George 447,449

Brewer, Harmon 181,317

Brewer, Henry 231

Brewer, Howell 96

Brewer, Jephtah 99

Brewer, John 885

Brewer, King 448

Brewer, Laneer (Nearer) 282,282,284,564

Brewer, Micajah 6,23,25,79,80,81,284,286

Brewer, Sampson 297

Brewer, Solomon 10a,16,20,77,182

Brewer, William 191,297,371,463,511,748,753,754,754

Brewer, Willis 802,860

Bridges,----- 395,482,659

Bridges, Joseph 639,640,640,642,655,656,657,712

Britt, Alford 594

Britt, Avington 428,429,436,459,460,470,478,481,483,506,506

Britt, Belaver 704

Britt, Benjamin 482,659,752

Britt, Brittan 414,474,474,499,582,582,583,583,584,584,585,587,587

Britt, Brittan D. 581,583,584,587,787

Britt, Bryant 475,499,581,582,583,584,585

Britt, J. 379

Britt, Joseph 460,582,585,586,720,727,775,782

Britt, Levi 581,587,787

Britt, Merryman 414,427,429,460

Britt, Noah 483

Britt, Ryal 427,429,482,659

Britt, William R. 229,300,301,404,416

Britt, Zacheus 587,736

Brooks, Phillip 384

Brower, A. 974

Brower, Alfred 778,979

Brower, Nicholas 244

Brown,----- 149,151,187,209,260,336,362,363,549,808

Brown, Abner 20

Brown, Ambrose 1a

Brown, Bailey 268

Brown, Enoch 303

Brown, Henry 245,245,290,889,961,962

Brown, Isaiah 191,192,194,197,231,236,236,237,301,411

Brown, Isaac 189,193,294,659

Brown, Jesse 1a,144,184,189,190,190,191,191,193,195,215,235,269,411,529,533,539,


Brown, John 74,194,199,978,979

Brown, Matilda 252

Brown, Spencer 271

Brown, Thomas 184,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,226,227,228,231,236,237,295,295, 299,300,301,303,335,373,411

Brown, William 153,199,215,226

Brown, William A. 336

Brown, William W. 236,336

Brownlow,----- 60,161,175,723

Brownlow, John 355,356

Bryant, James 274

Bryant, Michael 17a

Bryant, W.R. 274

Buchanan, Donald 419,420

Buie, (widow) 599

Buie, Calvin 595,728,730

Buie, John 7a,473,595,595,720,728,729,730,730,732

Buie, John Alexander 593

Buie, John C. 595,720,728,729,730,731,731,732,732,737

Buie, Murdock M. 729,730,731,732

Buie, Sarah E. 731

Buie, William 594

Buie, William C. 593,594

Buie, William Kenneth 593

Bullock,----- 374,455,456,457,535,753,754,825,860,867

Bullock, Allan 798,878

Bullock, Francis 90,185,187,360,450,450,451,453,454,454,469,469,641,643,643,652,



Bullock, Jonathan/John 116,116,264,801,802,803,804,812,823,825,845,850,860,860,954,


Burgess, J.W. 776

Butler,----- 369,544,750

Caddell,----- 186,692,693,719

Caddell, Benjamin 690

Caddell, Green B. 772

Caddell, John 690,782

Caddell, John L. 781

Caddell, Joseph 249,385

Caddell, Presley 249

Caddell, William 311

Cagle,----- 808,857,1029

Cagle, A.W. 243,249

Cagle, Branson 245

Cagle, Christian 839

Cagle, Christopher 158,838,839,854,866

Cagle, David 984

Cagle, Dempsey 211

Cagle, Elisha 175,249,879

Cagle, Enoch 212,213,214,219,263,263

Cagle, Enoch S. 201

Cagle, George 15a,18a,34,66,67,144,145,147,159,160,160,161,162,203,209,211,215, 258,446,446,568,707,830,837,887,888,889,966,1069

Cagle, George M. 987

Cagle, George W. 210,262,970,970

Cagle, Harmon 463

Cagle, Henry 16a,38,40,87,158,163,163,200,200,204,204,205,205,206,206,207,207,



Cagle, Isaac 3a,144,159,187,215

Cagle, Isham 210

Cagle, J.R. 243

Cagle, Jacob 8,32,58,72,133,134,177,202,203,258,262,987,1054,1066

Cagle, James M. 212,219,219

Cagle, John 41,64,84,142,144,147,149,159,159,160,161,184,184,196,196,200,201,208,


839,866,888 945,983,983,984

Cagle, John M. 890,891

Cagle, Jonathan 966

Cagle, Leonard 37,41,570,830,859,863,863,923,923,956

Cagle, Lewis 212,213,214,219

Cagle, Martin 203,210,211,890,890,891,987

Cagle, Peter 204,205,206,217,218,218

Cagle, Roger 644,645,706,707,712

Cagle, William 144,145,158,162,163,203,216,217,371,372,463,529,817,848,854

Caldwell, William 293

Callicut,----- 713,920

Callicut, Archibald 783

Callicut, Asa 920

Callicut, Eli 800,848,868,920

Callicut, James 891,891,965,965

Callicut, William 817,817,848

Campbell,----- 1041

Campbell, Alexander 601

Campbell, Archibald 611

Campbell, Charles 550

Campbell, John 13,178,680

Carpenter,----- 452,560,575

Carpenter, Adam 862

Carpenter, Betty 564

Carpenter, John 538

Carpenter, Solomon 406,533

Carpenter, Owen 574,575,624,624,625,832,841,865,895,896,896,918,920,937,939

Carringer, George 103,104,150,150,797,798,801,802,844,860,861,861,898,898,899,900,


Carringer, Jacob 801,901,903,906

Carroll, John 2,44,48,354

Caster,----- 806

Caswell, Richard 142,162,569

Cavanaugh,----- 873,874

Caviness, James 958

Chaney,----- 533,621,1035

Chaney, James 142,620,1017

Cheek,----- 62

Chason, Joseph 52,352

Chisholm, Angus 774

Chisholm, Daniel 720,765,766,767,768,773,774

Chisholm, Murdock 774

Chrisco, Barney 974,979,981

Chrisco, John 973,977

Clark, Alexander 550

Clark, Donald 555,556

Cobb, Sidney 262

Cochran,----- 734

Cockman,----- 31

Cockman, David 16,128,155,156,157,157

Cockman, George 155,249

Cockman, I.W.H 243

Cockman, John 16,17,18,19,31,76,155,155,156,157,176,182,186

Cockman, Joseph 8a,9a,11,14,15,20,29,42,157

Cockman, Josiah 18

Cockman, Michael 16,18,157,186

Cockman, Noah 156

Cockman, Sampson 31,249

Cole,----- 533

Cole, Calvin 723

Cole, Calvin C. 611,612

Cole, Elisha 733,735,746,781

Cole, J.A. 723

Cole, James 437,612,719,722

Cole, John 733

Cole, John P. 269

Cole, Joseph 549,608,611,612,617

Cole, Ralph 970

Cole, William W. 611,612

Comer, Adam 666,814,830,841,847,851,852,872,921,926,926,931,931,1068,1068,1070,


Comer, John 666,814,841,847,851,852,872,872,918,1069

Comer, Martin 872

Comer, Phillip 975

Cook, Greenberry 936,942

Cook, Joshua 935,942

Cook, William 98,915,924,933,934,934,935,936,938,942,1050,1062

Cooper,----- 344,345

Cooper, Benjamin 92,115,141,829,829

Cooper, Isham 339

Cooper, William 92

Copeland, John N. 764,764

Copeland, W.B. 773

Copeland, William 609,727,775

Cosh,----- 973

Cost,----- 835,948

Cotton,----- 245,462,518,711

Cotton, James 479,528

Cotton, Thomas Leonard 986

Cox, Calvin 166,186,384,386

Cox, George 406,425

Cox, John 67,125,126,538,655,656,785,786,1030,1031

Cox, Robert 683,751,995,1059,1060

Craven,----- 302

Craven, John 710

?Crooper, Richard 125

Currie, John R. 775

Currie, Lauchlin B. 272,273,274,310,323,772

Currie, Murdock 701

Dannelly, John 275,285,287,362,385,386,386

Dannelly, Noah 291,409

Dannelly, Thomas 275,362,363

Dannelly, William 186,326,385,388,409

Davidson,----- 94,173

Davidson, Andrew 149,153

Davidson, David 97,101,152

Davidson, Hiram 303

Davis,----- 702,809,879

Davis, Betsy 858,889

Davis, Elizabeth 248

Davis, Emma 976

Davis, George 18a,66,70,147,147

Davis, Hardy 207,207,239,803,811,816,833,834,836,848,849,850,855,856,857,858,859,


Davis, Isham 880

Davis, Jesse 885

Davis, John 731,975,976

Davis, Lewis 857

Davis, Matthew 44,183,188,224,289,296,409

Davis, Peter 808,808

Davis, Robert 284,713,975,976

Davis, Stephen 147,239,240,241,713

Davis, Susie 863

Davis, Thomas 636

Davis, William 2,713,855

Deaton,----- 269,615

Deaton, Burrel 239,343,412,414,428,429,474,475,477,483,499,510,582,589

Deaton, Elias 306

Deaton, Daniel 736

Deaton, David 473,473,480,736

Deaton, Hiram 343,412,414,431,476,477,478,481,483

Deaton, Isaac 588,720,727,733,735,739,791

Deaton, Jackson 475

Deaton, James 248,257,314,874

Deaton, John 305,306,306,357,357

Deaton, John M. 711

Deaton, Joseph 425,716,716,725

Deaton, Levi 140,238,240,240241,330,332,332,341,341,342,343,412,413,414,429,429,


Deaton, Matthew 144,331,379,784,797,799

Deaton, William 305,343,431,462,476,477,479,479

Dennis,----- 530

Dicks, James 758

Diffie, William 752

Donaho, ----- 985

Donaho, John 623,990,1005

Donaho, Thomas 990

Dowd,----- 387,921

Dowdy, Corneilus 168

Dowdy, James 292,312

Dowdy, William 292

Duckworth, Jacob 354

Duckworth, Joseph 2,43,45,417,417,678

Dudley, Edward 518

Dunlap,----- 691,928,950

Dunlap, Corneilus 274,314,693,757,759

Dunlap, James 4a,74,123,170,511,748,885,968,980

Dunlap, John 61,187,191,195,197,226,529,534,759,928,951,952,952,953,972,980,981

Dunlap, Joseph F. 325

Dunn,----- 633,751,1033,1053

Dunn, Bartholomew 6a,15a,16a,18a,68,70,71,71,127,137,137,160,215,405,539,539 542,543,543,626,627,743,743,744,755,984,990,1033,1035

Dunn, Benjamin 540,540

Dunn, Ezekiah 235,517,627,1052

Dunn, Hezekiah 88,90,137,217,264,596,630,743,744,760,835,842,1068,1069,1070,


Dunn, Isaac 521,613,744,774,1044

Dunn, John 488,489,540,628,629,629,638,919

Dunn, Joseph 55,383,385,386,537,1024,1045,1045,1046,1046,1063,1065

Dunn, Richard 435,443,455,508,516,518,521,613,621,630,742,743,744,991,991,1002,


Dunn, Ruth 1065

Dunn, Samuel 383,539,631,632,1024,1063,1065

Dunn, Thomas 626,626,639,640,642,705,712,712,755,1035

Dunn, William 2a,6a,31,42,137,139,516,517,525,540,543,626,627,1035,1042,1043,1048,


Edwards,----- 7a,29,30,32,58,72,176,359

Edwards, Robert 38,39,39,40,42

Elkins, Samuel 915,917

Ellison, Robert 828

England,----- 150,536,913,917,958

England, (widow) 631

England, William 348,927,934,994

Fagin,----- 874

Fagin, George 924,934,935,941,1001

Fagin, Richardson 924,934

Fields, Green B. 756

Fields, Kinchen 756

Finley, William 1029

Freeman,----- 490

Freeman, Henry 432,433,434

Freeman, James 710

Freeman, James C. 711

Freeman, John 414,433,434,474,710

Freeman, Reuben 432,487,488,489,490,628,660,660,661,661,662,667,713,1030

Freeman, William 371,372,402,404,415,416,432,433,434,434,496

Fry, John 695,717,731,736

Fry, John M. 252

Furr,----- 30,31,58,85

Furr, Jacob 9,10,35,35,64,64,66,67,68,136

Furr, Leonard 19a,9,10,14,34,34,35,35,36,37,65,66,67,67,68,70,78,82,89,91,125,136, 136, 144,145,146,151,161,178,184,198,233,238,306,998,1032,1066

Furr, Upshur 184,196,721

Gaines,----- 873

Gaines, James 958

Gallemore, James 648,656,657

Garner,----- 851,861,948,955,973

Garner, A.D. 438

Garner, Adam 969,973,977,977

Garner, Bradley 141,141,152,801,862,865,886,927,937,944,955,967

Garner, Edmund 410,892

Garner, John 801,865,873,892,896,921,923,927,937,964,988,994,1014

Garner, John Foushee 856

Garner, Lewis 801,801,883,884,892

Garner, Peter 875,885,921,969

Garner, Stedman 438

Garner, Vincent 929,1005

Garner, William 163,830,921,956,1007,1009,1010,1010

Gaster, Henry 907

Geason, Joseph 47,52,53,55,940

George, Moses 1123

Gibson, James 547,567,995

Gibson, John 6a,143,406,425

Gilliam, John 19a,107,453,562,652,703,705,922

Gilliam, William 444,445,562

Gillis, Daniel 548,549,550,551

Gillis, John 526,527

Gilmore,----- 854,942

Gilmore, Hugh 934

Gilmore, James 158,208

Gilmore, Thomas 435,538

Glascock, George 631,632

Goanes, John M. 790

Goings, Lindsey 987

Goings, Nelson 987

Goldman, Gunroad 1005

Goldman, John 985,1007,1008

Goldston,----- 933,1037

Goldston, John Hor 933

Goldston, Robert W. 296, 410

Gordon, James 201

Graham,----- 2a,66,159

Graham/Grimes, Thomas 67,68,126,144,160,306,440,449,451,538,619,785,786,997,

1031, 1034

Graves, Peter 916,917,925,927,934,935

Graves, Thomas 1133

Green, Farn 142

Gregg, Frederick 1001

Gregory, Edward 528

Griffith,----- 19,155,156,166,311

Grove,----- 169,171,342,358,383,532,553,677,1063

Grove, Richard 562

Grove, William 519

Grove, William B. 562

Guest, Henry 1019

Haines, (see Hines)----- 170

Haines, James 11a,12,12,13,48,179

Hall,----- 1058

Hall, Enoch 1055,1056,1061

Hamill,----- 702,957

Hamill, Hugh 189

Hancock, Evachel 970,971

Hancock, John 248

Hannon, Jesse 793

Hardin,----- 43,79

Hardin, Gabriel 43,55,351,1023,1050

Hardin, Hugh C. 439

Hardin, Jacob 61

Hardin, James 61,62,63,936

Hardin, Robert 62,63

Hardin, William 536

Hare,----- 664

Hare, Isham 976

Hare, John 440,487,490,490,634,660,661,662,665,666,667,668,669,670,698,911,912,


Hare, Leonard 371

Hare, Owen 670

Hare, Peter 487,488,489,489,490,635,660,661,662,662,663,664,667,667,668,699,926,


Hargrove, John 59,358,370,523,680,1047

Harris, William 418

Hart Leonard 821,824,840,898,900,901,903,904,905,906,910,937,939

Hart, Michael 158,216,855,907,908,909,929,1005

Hart, Simon 84,84,89,568,568

Harvel,----- 360,466

Harvel, Mason 332,360,412

Harvel, Thomas 329,426,466,553

Harvick, Jacob 435,450,451,518,647

Hayes, Silay 926

Henry, Micajah 1125

Henson, John 7,30,31,46

Hensworth, Loven 1023

Hill,----- 58,72,176

Hill, Green 326,327,328

Hill, Isaac 1,7,40,1019

Hill, Michael 14,14,31,42

Hill, Seth 1127

Hill, William 326,327,328

Hilliard, Sion 79

Hines, James 16a,17a

Hines, Mary 17a,65

Hodgin, Asbury H. 959

Hodgin, John 960

Hodgin, John H. 959,961,962

Hogg,----- 856

Hogg, James 207

Holland, Bennett 415

Holland, Edmond 231,415,434,461,461,479,495,496,710,711

Holland, James 413

Holland, Richard 360,412,413,415,433,434,658

Holcombe, James 278

Holden, John 849

Holmes, Thomas 1018

Hooper, William 1017

Horner,----- 320

Horner, Chestly 168

Horner, George 118

Horner, George W. 176,245,290

Horner, James 243,438

Huffman,----- 1000

Hunsucker,----- 150,641,642,645,861,955

Hunsucker, Abraham 801,898,940,944

Hunsucker, Christopher 138

Hunsucker, Conrad 899

Hunsucker, David 424

Hunsucker, George 6a,106,143,406,407,423,424,425,500,503,504,507,508,525,533,725

Hunsucker, George M. 244,325

Hunsucker, John 143,423,637,706,707,715,930,1013

Hunsucker, Martin 471

Hunsucker, Nelson 324

Hunsucker, William 260,272,407,408,409

Hussey, Goodwin 884,884,886

Hussey, James G. 967

Jackson,----- 688

Jackson, Henry 126

Jackson, James 472,509,510,590,590

Jeffrey,----- 564

Jeffrey, James 452,538,560,1006

Johnson, Archibald 350

Johnson, Bunn 933

Johnson, Cayal 22

Johnson, John 353

Johnston, Hugh 1007

Joiner, Drury 3,4,32,33,130

Jones,----- 86,251,261,328

Jones, Allen 75,168,169

Jones, David 75,76,77,168,169,256,313,314

Jones, Isaac 73

Jones, John 128,168

Jones, N. 248

Jones, O.S. 248

Jones, S. 248

Jones, William 64,64,69,69,73,74,78,8 5

Jordan,----- 893

Jordan, Alex 889,968

Jordan, Miles 880,956,966,968,968,969

Keachey, James 594,600

Kelly,----- 358,691,958

Kelly, Angus 382,388

Kelly, Hugh 287,382,387

Kelly, K.B. 723

Kelly, M. 587

Kelly, Malcolm 787

Kelly, Thomas 516

Kennedy,----- 116,320,363,955

Kennedy, Alexander 103,104,104,115,141,150,152,152,302,437,609,618,618,723

Kennedy, Angus 723,773

Kennedy, David 88,97,113,114,141,148,149,150,151,152,153,196,199,844,874,968,


Kennedy, Duncan 437,502

Kennedy, Duncan M. 315,609,617,695,716,716,717,718,719,720,721,722,723,724,735,


Kennedy, Edward 152

Kennedy, Elias 245

Kennedy, Enoch 295,373

Kennedy, George 106,154

Kennedy, Hiram 151,209,358

Kennedy, John 113,114,194,226,294,296,297,301,303,374,375,425,437,551,722,722,844,


Kennedy, John A. 304

Kennedy, Lewis 302

Kennedy, Martin 502,611,612,724,725,784

Kennedy, McIntyre 723

Kennedy, Robert 876,880,956,968

Kennedy, William 151,724

Key,----- 546,553

Key, Crawford 457,478,481

Key, George 357,676

Key, James 343,414,427,428,429,431

Key, John 341,393,470,470,471,484,485,486,545,552,557,561,571,671

Key, Joshua 190

Key, Moses 484

Key, Ryal 295,373,429

Key, Samuel 485,505

Key, Thomas 341,428,484,486,505,519,558,561,561,573

Key, Vinson 485

Key, William 342,342,561,561,571,572,676

Kidd, Neil 267,268

Kings, John 214

Knight, Thomas 359

Lakey,----- 78

Lakey, James 11a,93,119

Lakey, Mary 93

Lakey, William 85,86,170,320

Lamb,----- 272,307

Lamb, Henry 344,345,346,350,350

Lathum,----- 979

Lathum, Corneilus 200,200,807,816,818,863,866,1123

Lathum, James 816

Lathum, Johnson 706

Lathum, William 817,849,856,857,858

Lawler, Abner 938

Lawler, Evan 938,941

Lawler, John 938,941

Lawley, John 207,218,836,839

Lawson,----- 345

Lawson, David 282,351,352,354

Lawson, Mary 351

Leach,----- 764

Leach, Alexander 480,491,493,493,497,498,499,576,579,583

Leach, Alexander P. 577,578

Leach, Angus 497

Leach, Angus B. 457,576,579,580

Leach, Archibald 459,459,498,577,578,579,580,581,582,779

Leach, Daniel P. 576,580

Leach, Duncan 580

Leach, James A. 970

Leach, John 580

Leach, John J. 970

Leach, Malcolm M. 579

Leach, Malcom P. 577,578,579

Leach, Neil 576,578

Ledbetter, Matthew 1028

Lee,----- 942,1026

Lee, Abel 993,994,1001

Lewis,----- 360

Lewis, John 719,722,772

Lewis, Patience 770

Lewis, William 654

Lolly, Joseph 216

Loving,----- 919

Loving, Bailey 97,104

Ludlow,----- 666,852,872

Ludlow, James 625,841

Lukeus, William 1006,1012

Lunsford,----- 507

Lyon, Richard 1001

Mallitt, William 1127

Maness,----- 268,299,829

Maness, Abednego 96,99,109,181,302

Maness, Abel 124

Maness, Alfred 978

Maness, Ambrose 92,92,93,113,114,115,115,116,116,138,138,141,527

Maness, Amos 89

Maness, Asa 291

Maness, Donald/Daniel 298,811,811,823,845,850,867

Maness, Eli 971

Maness, Elizabeth 978

Maness, Enoch 245

Maness, Everet 95

Maness, Garner 100,102,109,124,271,307,778

Maness, Henry 100,102,102,408

Maness, Isaac 100,102,172,270,273

Maness, James 19a,87,87,95,101,106,107,108,140,154,181

Maness, John 100,213,214,883,883,884

Maness, Jonah B. 124

Maness, L. 845

Maness, M.G. 488

Maness, Mishack 94

Maness, Namelis 89

Maness, Nathan 109,352

Maness, Shadrack 95,96

Maness, William 84,88,89,94,97,108,110,111,112,112,140,173,244,355,1041,1073,


Marley, N.G.S. 244

Marley, Nathaniel 776

Martin,----- 219,814,880

Martin, Alexander 764

Martin, Allen 736

Martin, Angus 770,772

Martin, John 7a,7a,8a,4,30,32,33,121,130,266,388,547,679,680,684,989,989,1011,1011

Martin, John L. 607,608,616,617

Martin, Murdock 59,772

Martin, N. 587

Martin, Norman 472,787

Martin, William 567,759

Martindale, Samuel 318,349,938

Martindale, William 960

Mash, Uriah 1126

Matheson,----- 75,76,77,365,513,534,614,695,728,732

Matheson, John 421

Matheson, Kenneth 50,607,717,718,718,758

Matheson, Malcolm 525

Matheson, Murdock 525,526,527,548,548,549

Matheson, N. 607

Matheson, Neil 49,419,420,420,421,521,522,523,524,526,527,533,548,549,724,1134

Matheson, Norman 10a,10a,11a,12a,12,48,49,50,315,376,419,420,421,522,523,524, 549,609,717,1047,1134

Matthews, Thomas 7,31,46

Matthews, William 260

McArthur, Charles 472,473,474,475,480,480,499,509,731,737,789

McArthur, James 603, 619

McAulay,----- 69,95,99,100,109,154,181,511,702,

McAulay, Angus 745,1022,1027,1053,1055

McAulay, Daniel 604,729,746

McAulay, Donald 591,605,606,1056,1057

McAulay, John 88,89,90,108,138,139,151,266,266,424,525,541,542,593,598,600,601, 605,633,701,714,755,1022,1036,1038,1040,1053,1055,1056,1057,1058,1059,


McAulay, Malcolm 472,473,480,595

McAulay, Murdock 59,525,539,542,542,543,543,544,557,558,604,672,683,745,750,751, 751,1022,1027,1053,1058,1059,1060,1071,1074

McAulay, Roderick 593,594,605,606

McAulay, William 605,606

McCaskill,----- 762

McCaskill, Alexander 178,382,388

McCaskill, Allen 269,790

McCaskill, Angus 679

McCaskill, Kenneth 485,676,789

McCaskill, John 269,679

McClendon, Jacob 359,688,770,989,1011

McClendon, Jemima 688

McClendon, Joel 142,688

McClendon, William 94

McCrummen, Corneilus 129

McCrummen, Daniel 73,129,129,176,305,305,313,357,368,378,379,379,380,381

McDonald,----- 726,727,1024

McDonald, A.D. 610

McDonald, Allen 769,771,790,791

McDonald, Angus D. 610,719,770,771

McDonald, Daniel A. 789

McDonald, Donald 202,282,322,417,552,563,688,738,740,741,781

McDonald, John 8,27,82,122,132,135,146,161,317,531,532,565,566,615,771,998,


McDonald, John B. 738

McDonald, Kenneth 771

McDonald, Martha 19a

McDonald, Neil 610,770,770

McDonald, Norman 738,740,741

McDonald, William 8,15,45,531

McDuffie, John 472,509,510,590,599,599,734,787

McDuffie, Malcolm 599,734

McDuffie, Neil 733,734,736

McDuffie, Norman 509,588,733,734,735,737,746,791,791

McGee,----- 76,131

McGee, Joseph 7a,9a,12a,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,26,32,33,53,410,417,418

McInnis, John 792

McInnis, Neil 770

McIntosh,----- 387

McIntosh, Alexander 166,167,326,327,684,999,1000

McIntosh, Duncan 166,265,270,273,312,321,322,322,680,778

McIntosh, John 164,165,720,727,739,769

McIntosh, Neil 8,45,133,134,167,177,266,278,312,314,684,1066

McIntosh, William J. 166

McIver,----- 589,591

McIver, Alexander 359,991

McIver, Angus 82,122,135,146,998,1076

McIver, Daniel 475,589,733,784,789,790,791

McIver, Duncan 530,550,681,682

McIver, Jennet 790

McIver, Margaret 791

McKay,----- 33,75,76,128,155,168,359,745,762,1033,1053

McKay, Archibald 1027,1055,1057,1058

McKay/McCoy, John 126,127,134,177,1031,1066

McKenzie, Daniel 676

McKenzie, John 784

McKenzie, Kenneth 266,678,721,1051

McKinnon,----- 633

McKinnon, Alexander 423,424,601,602,604

McKinnon, Angus 50,73,74,381,427,476,588,590,592,593,596,597,600,964

McKinnon, Ann 726,741

McKinnon, Charles 563

McKinnon, Christian 740,741

McKinnon, Donald 423,588

McKinnon, John 6a,143,423,533,596,597,598,601,604,672,704,737

McKinnon, John Atlas 504,507,588,589,600,726,727,738,739,740,740,741,769,789

McKinnon, Neil 472,473,510,510,599

McKinnon, Norman 501,547,567,567,597,598,598,599,600,600,602,602,672,683,683,


McKinnon, William 601,737,766

McLean,----- 732

McLean, Allen 175,364,368,369,369,378,554,559

McLean, Angus 367

McLean, Daniel 10, 175,378,380, 505,505,512,520,524,618,766,784

McLean, Duncan 520

McLean, Hector 60,71,365,376,376,377,378,522,532,544,549,551,554,675,750,1034

McLean, Hugh 723

McLean, Neil 202,520,520

McLean, Peter 9

McLeod,----- 10,17,83,86,109,130,182,315,326,374,377,407,444,485,549,756,870,882,


McLeod, Alexander 599

McLeod, Angus 681,682

McLeod, Donald 13,59,139,341,364,366,367,554,557,557,558,558,561,603,603,718,


McLeod, John 19,76,83,120,132,169,174,185,185,212,213,214,219,244,253,263,267,



McLeod, Kenneth 755

McLeod, Murdock 49,364,365,366,367,379,379,559,750,788,1034

McLeod, Nancy 380,554

McLeod, Neil 3a,6a,7a,8a,9a,13a,58,59,60,61,62,63,69,74,78,85,93,94,95,96,117,120, 141,143,145,151,153,171,173,174,175,213,254,306,308,341,342,357,366,367,

368,369,370,375,378,379,387,388,401,424,442,463,488,493,510,512,544,553, 554,555,556,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567,599,602,639,658,662,674, 674,677,679,680,683,684,685,694,708,709,750,751,752,753,754,790,840,860,


McLeod, Norman 366,366,367,421,555,556,556,602,630,630,1034,1036,1040

McLeod, Samuel 717

McMillan, Archibald 442,554,1067,1078,1079

McNeill,----- 4a,77,328,536,704,717,814

McNeill, A.H. 438

McNeill, Alexander 315,409,410,695,696

McNeill, Archibald 198,495

McNeill, Daniel 188,196,211,230,246,246,247,258,259,260,261,261,263,276,310,367, 410,553,696,788,788

McNeill, Hector 49,133,676,677,696,788,1047,1134

McNeill, John 306,329,403,463,631,632,788

McNeill, Lauchlin 688

McNeill, Malcolm 417,872,918,919,920,1049

McNeill, Noah 247,261

McNeill, Phillip 553,677

McNeill, Simon 505

McNeill, Thomas 258,258,262,263

McPherson, John 621

McQueen,----- 280

McQueen, Angus 164,165,326,384,387

McQueen, Daniel 11

McQueen, Donald 157,164,165,166,167,180,186,265,265,278,1039,1042,1043,1048

McRae,----- 716,769

McSwain, Daniel 613

McSween, Donald 999,1000

McSween, William 14a,452

Mears,----- 7,28,30

Mears, John 39,422

Medford, John Morgan 394,395,447,449,482,544,655,656,657,658,659,708

Medford, William Morgan 434

Melton,----- 127,170,255,438

Melton, Ancel 1a,1a,2a,3a,4a,,4a,12a,14a,9,78,78,127,139,235,361,465,613,619,619,


Melton, George 243

Melton, Hiram 288,361

Melton, Isaiah 78,759

Melton, James 4a,5a,7a,8a,9a,10a,11a,12a,12a,15,15,17,19,20,29,33,42,73,75,76,77,


Melton, John 5a,276,363

Melton, Nathaniel 6a,405,539

Melton, Robert 11a,297,361

Melton, William 504,716

Mendenhall, George C. 294,295,304,373

Miller, Harman 715

Miller, Ryland R. 495,715

Moody,----- 977

Moody, Anderson S. 928,946,947,948,949,950,951,953,972,972,980

Moody, Benjamin F. 946,948

Moody, Daniel 953

Moody, James L. 950,951

Moody, Peter S. 948,949,972

Moody, William 946,947,948,949,953

Moore, Edward 874,913,913,914,914,915,917,924,924,940,1003,1037

Moore, George 285,285,362,363,913,914,924

Moore, James 915,924,941,960,1037,1062

Moore, John 171,271

Moore, Nancy 399,416

Moore, Thomas 571,991,1004

Moore, William 1125

Moore, Zachariah B. 793

Morgan,----- 713,873

Morgan, General Jackson 397

Morgan, George 360,393,395,464,651,654,655,656,657,687

Morgan, George T. 462

Morgan, Jackson 468

Morgan, James 360,397,399,401,402,403,416,431,432,441,448,465,467,468,477,649, 651,686,1013

Morgan, James G. 403,404,416,468

Morgan, James T. 468

Morgan, John 229,230,234,299,329,332,335,337,372,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,

397,398,399,400,401,430,430,431,464,464,466,468,482,629,648,654,685,687, 785,786,1003,1015

Morgan, John M. 400

Morgan, Joseph 360,426,431,466,467,623,988

Morgan, Joseph P. 711

Morgan, Nathan 299,337,390,391,392,396,397,400,400,403,426,426,464,465,466,467,


Morgan, Pleasant 403,468

Morgan, Solomon 1014,1016

Morgan, William 335,389,389,398,399,430,441,453,454,454,488,489,623,628,628,637,

638, 639,640,642,644,646,647,648,649,650,650,651,652,653,654,655,658,660, 661,668,685,685,686,686,687,705,708,708,711,901,903,919,919,1014,1077

Morgan, William T. 402,404,431

Morris, Edward 985,1006,1012

Morris, William 986

Morrison,----- 219,254,269,373,374,406,506,586,671,691,693,814,880,1021

Morrison, Alexander 545,546,615,615,633,671,673

Morrison, Allen 448,519,545,546,781,782,922,1021

Morrison, Angus 369,437,500,501,502,503,504,508,508,525,526,526,527,548,548,549, 592,607,608,614,616,617,718,719,720,724,727,764,769

Morrison, John 314,673,694,719,722,768,781,782,1059,1060

Morrison, Kenneth 481

Morrison, Malcom 437,500,501,502,503,526,533,548,549,551,559,613,614,718

Morrison, Malcolm P. 616,717,718

Morrison, Neil 580,615,788

Morrison, Norman 546,1038

Morrison, William 501,502

Munroe,----- 501

Munroe, Alexander 60,614,675,675

Munroe, Archibald 476,478,481,506

Munroe, Donald 49,60,365,377,524,675

Munroe, Duncan 759

Munroe, Francis 504,507,610,611,769,771

Munroe, James A. 425,508

Munroe, John 782

Munroe, Lauchlin B. 507,588,780,782

Murchison,----- 358,370,382

Murchison, Daniel 512,537

Murchison, Kenneth 679,680,684

Murchison, Roderick 246,367,512

Murphy, Joseph 1006,1012

Murray, James 1062

Muse, Daniel 256,256,280,312,313,326,327,328,328

Muse, Franklin 313

Muse, George 287

Muse, James 39

Muse, James H. 155,156,311

Muse, Miles 256,313

Muse, Riley 248,257

Muse, Thomas 256

Myrick,----- 883

Myrick, John 886

Myrick, Margaret 884

Myrick, P.K. 778

Myrick, Palmer K. 964

Nall,----- 94,97,105,124,253,268,697,803,811,829,878,939,1124

Nall, Martin 827

Nall, Nicholas 90,101,110,116,138,153,173,185,264,663,664,783,815,827,831,832,834,


Needham,----- 34

Needham, Bailey 833

Needham, John 144,238,240,241,833,907

Needham, William 89,112,140

Nelson, A.D. 773

Newton,----- 6a,424,546

Newton, John 405

Newton, Meloney 365,405,406,524,533,673

Newton, Nicholas 419,513,514,515,516,517,521,522,523,534,620,621,621,622,673,990,


Newton, William 513,514,515,518,1052

Nichols, John 846

Oats, Martin 921,1010

Owen, James 211,889

Owen, Kiza M. 952

Owen, Medford 511,747,748

Owen, William 747,952

Owen, William B. 952,952

Owens, James 966

Owens, John 837

Page,----- 879

Parrish,----- 438

Parrish, Ashley 231,294,779,780,945

Parrish, Nelson H. 231

Parsons, (widow) 925

Patterson,----- 544,549,750

Patterson, John 368,378,544,551,552,619

Patterson, Robert 1039

Pearce, ----- 1123,1126

Pearce, John 1124

Pearce, William 1124

Pearce, Windsor 1127

Pender, Ephraim 1012

Penn, Thomas 125

Pennington,----- 150,283

Pennington, Isaac 284,353,354,917,940,1023

Pennington, Levi 352

Perry,----- 318

Perry, Benjamin 324

Perry, John 344,345,346,347,348,349,916

Perry, Samuel 318,319,324,325,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,631,632,916,934

Perry, Stephen 319,960

Perry, William 777

Person,----- 962

Person, Benjamin P.149,153,874

Person, Joseph J. 960

Person, Neil 314

Person, Thomas 961

Petty,----- 409

Phillips, Abner 925

Phillips, James 1124

Plummer, Alexander 380,957

Pood,----- 350

Powell,----- 45,409,410,417

Presley,----- 866

Purvis, Thomas 408

Quimby,----- 359

Quinn, William 1017

Ramage, Darius 774

Ray,----- 773, 809,948,969,973,977

Ray, Archibald 875.876

Ray, Kenneth 720,727,775

Reed, John 126

Reed, William 904,1130

Reeder, William 969,973,974,977,978,979,981

Reeves, William 182,220,223

Reuben,----- 168

Reynolds, Jeremiah 456,492,493,497,497

Reynolds, Wiley R. 270,325,777

Richardson,----- 6,32,101,198,467,757

Richardson, Abraham 354,1003

Richardson, David 342,364,390,391,394,430,431,444,445,553,629,677

Richardson, Drury 1,6,7,17,21,22,23,24,25,40,47,51,52,53,56,80,81,105,138,182,222


Richardson, Edward 5a,54,80

Richardson, Enoch 24,56,252,252

Richardson, J. 462

Richardson, John 24,30,56,119,121,130,131,174,192,411

Richardson, Jonathan 780

Richardson, Noah 183,220,221,223,223,225,274,293,381

Richardson, Robert 21,23,51,105,678,1025,1051

Richardson, Stephen 7,17,29,30,108,118,119,131,154,363,570,1032

Richardson, Thomas 228,301

Richardson, William 1,7,21,21,22,26,46,51,52,53,54,105,220,221,222,266,301,536,678,


Richardson, William B. 220,221,223,293

Riddle, James 681,682

Riddle, John 124,271,273,273,310

Ritter,----- 6,323,359,885

Ritter, Elias 778

Ritter, Everet 60,279,281

Ritter, George 292,312,328

Ritter, Jesse 46,60,134,167,180,180,278,279,280,283,321,1028,1041,1042,1043,1049

Ritter, John 5,7,25,25,46,47,47,52,53,79,80,80,180,188,188,224,275,275,276,279,279


Ritter, John R. 183,225,277

Ritter, John T. 254,287

Ritter, Marvel 292,312

Ritter, Moses 180,280

Ritter, Richardson 285,286

Ritter, Thomas 276,278,278,359,679,762,763,1028,1041,1042,1043,1049

Ritter, W.D. 277,291

Ritter, Wesley 183,225

Ritter, William 183,187,224,225,277,288,289,290,291

Rouse, John 784

Rouse, Martin 311

Sanders, Christian 716

Sanders, Hardy 198,226,227,228,229,230,301,329

Sanders, Hardy L. 195

Sanders, Isham 228,230

Sanders, Isaac 992

Sanders, Jesse 425,504,507,771

Sanders, John 230

Sandifer, Robert 8a

Savory, William 1014

Searcy, William 828,832,860,1128,1129,1133

Shamburger,----- 298,808,974,977

Shamburger, Absolom 809

Shamburger, Elizabeth 897

Shamburger, Henry 813

Shamburger, John 203,210,714,714,805,806,807,808,809,809,810,811,812,814,818,843,


Shamburger, Martin 885,885

Shamburger, Matthew 966

Shamburger, Peter 212,219,714,803,803,805,806,809,810,811,812,813,814,815,815,818,


Shamburger, William 813,814,815,815,928

Shaw, John A. 961,962

Shearing, Charles 43,61,62,63

Sheffield,----- 702,920

Sheffield, Adam 240,330,530,663,831

Sheffield, Everet 511,535,666,700,701,701,747,747,976

Sheffield, Hannah 535,541,636

Sheffield, Isaac 635,663,663,664,697,698

Sheffield, Isham 535,535,541,541,634,636,700,700,701,714

Sheffield, John 511,530,530,535,541,541,574,575,624,634,634,635,635,636,643,643,

662,664,665,665,667,668,668,669,697,697,698,698,699,699,700,701,714,795, 796,831,831,885,931,954

Sheffield, Mark 1010

Sheffield, Martin 976

Sheffield, Stephen 147,193,888

Sheffield, William 625

Shepherd, John 621

Shields, Benjamin 925

Shields, Corneilus 198,201,252,259,306,776,888,888,962

Shields, Neil 196,304

Shields, William 961,962

Singleton, William 653

Sink,----- 106,118,253,320

Sink, Parrell 108

Sitton, James 1062

Smith,----- 16a,336,457,596,961

Smith, A.B. 814

Smith, Adam 847,851,852

Smith, Anderson B. 876,880

Smith, Angus 782

Smith, Ann 960

Smith, Benjamin 422

Smith, Bryan 873

Smith, Eli 436,779,780,781,782

Smith, Everet 34,184,197,229,232,233,234,237,238,238,239,241,299,300,301,333,334,


Smith, George 398

Smith, Henry 528

Smith, Hiram 710

Smith, Isaac 234,300,333,335,340,397,398,703

Smith, Isham 227,229,229,231,237,299,300,301,331,336

Smith, Jacob 93,94

Smith, John 126,144,198,240,241,305,330,331,332,402,413,442,442,517,528,545,621,


Smith, Joseph 333,335,340,398,436,779,779,780,781,782

Smith, Leonard 882,959

Smith, Leonard C. 959

Smith, Levi 233

Smith, Martha 409

Smith, Mary 28

Smith, Nathan 227,232,322,326,329,332,333,334,335,337,338,338,339,340,360,392,394,


Smith, Nicholas 1017,1019

Smith, Noah 274

Smith, Peter 44

Smith, Spinks 873

Smith, Stephen 846

Smith, Thomas 266

Smith, William 13,59,192,230,299,300,326,329,338,339,339,340,372,376,389,401,411,



Smith, Zachariah 1,1,5,5,7,22,26,27,28,54,54,57,1019

Smitherman,----- 851

Smitherman, Jesse 749,783

Smitherman, Thomas 857,858,859,859,863,863,923

Sowell,----- 693,694

Sowell, Beyhue 178

Sowell, Celia 691,757

Sowell, Charles 64,65,66,67,68,68,70,70,71,159,984

Sowell, Dempsey 1033

Sowell, Gideon 388

Sowell, Isaac 387

Sowell, Isham 746

Sowell, Jason 196,197,226,259,888

Sowell, Jesse 278,387,762,763

Sowell, John 359,387,601,762,763

Sowell, Lemuel T. 246

Sowell, Lewis 708,760,761,761,992,1008,1021,1027,1071

Sowell, Nancy 18a

Sowell, Teaser L. 418

Sowell, Turner 247,247,788

Sowell, W.F. 720,735,746

Sowell, Wesley T. 595

Spencer,----- 948,974

Spencer, C. 981

Spencer, Clark 974,979

Spencer, Elizabeth 969,973,979

Spencer, Harbart 494,495,715,965

Spencer, Jesse S. 783

Spinks, Enoch 896,937,988,1131,1132

Spinks, John 1123

Spinks, Lewis 807,835,943,1072

Spivey,----- 466,814,875

Spivey, Isaac 890

Spivey, James 337

Spivey, John 13a,36,37,72,91,174

Stanton, John 1003

Stinson,----- 130

Stroud, David 896,993,994

Stuart, Charles 807

Stuart, E.J. 950,980,982

Stuart, Edward 947

Stuart, Edward J. 951,972

Stuart, P.M. 982

Stuart, W.J. 982

Stuart, William 188

Stuart, William J. 950

Stutts,----- 100,245,407

Stutts, A. 439

Stutts, Abraham 273,311,312,323,324,325

Stutts, Christopher 15a,15a,19a,37,69,71,87,87,107,119,144,148

Stutts, Corneilus 250,251

Stutts, D.L. 757

Stutts, Dempsey 19a,316

Stutts, Edmond 172

Stutts, George 254,691,693,694

Stutts, H.C. 316

Stutts, Henry 7a,3,86,106,106,117,118,118,119,120,121,122,123,123,124,154,170,171,



Stutts, Henry B. 169,169,253,254,691,693,719

Stutts, Jacob 7a,3,36,38,38,41,85,86,91,119,121,130,134,135,147,154,169,170,242,254,



Stutts, Jacob C. 19a,296

Stutts, James 168,250,251,252,757

Stutts, John 24,72,106,123,182,239,293,315,334,362,363,695

Stutts, John C. 695

Stutts, John H. 251,254,255,607,607,608,619,694

Stutts, Leonard 93,250,251,272,323,874

Stutts, Leonard C. 308

Stutts, Linzy 117,120,171

Stutts, Mariah 19a

Stutts, R.B. 757

Stutts, William 69,117,118,120,243

Stutts, William B. 172

Stutts, Z.P. 325

Taylor, Reuben 1011

Teague, Isaac 882

Tear, John 1017

Teaster, Nathaniel 674

Teaster, Robert 674

Tedwell, Francis 573,994

Tedwell, Jean (widow) 330,364,442

Tedwell, Samuel 356,573

Thomas, Jesse 500,508

Thomas, Micajah 167

Thornton, James 43,138,1064

Thornton, John 132

Tillis, Richard 751,985,992

Tolman, Ann (widow) 11a,73,77,251,257

Tolman, John 50

Traps,----- 916,941

Traps, James 349

Traps, John 1026,1026

Tucker, L. 816

Tucker, Thomas 994

Tyson, Jacob 355

Upton,----- 221,223

Upton, Jesse 17,57,182,222,383,385,386,537,1024

Upton, John 222,347,348,383,1063,1065

Upton, Richard 384,537

Viner(?), John 1032

Vonkenna, Peter 1007

Waddle,----- 139,141,350,484,525,542,545,546,557,603,606

Waddle, Duncan 214

Waddle, Edmond 318

Waddle, Hugh 571

Waddle, Maurice Q. 720,726,727,730,732,764,765,766,767,768,769

Waddle, William 958

Wade, Signal 937

Wadsworth, Jason 57

Wallace,----- 143,256

Wallace, Aaron 793

Wallace, Alexander 792

Wallace, Everet 9a,13a,14a,64,64,69,85,86,148,311

Wallace, Isham 243,250,251,257

Wallace, Joseph 329

Wallace, Josiah 124,183,225

Wallace, Nicholas 17a,143,423

Wallace, Ruffin 792

Wallace, William B. 124

Wallace, William L. 83,689

Ward, Thomas 486

Watkins, Ewel 623

White, Phil 131,131

Whitfield, Luke 623

Whitley, Stephen 878

Wilkerson, Robert 943

Wilkerson, Thomas 899

Wilkins,----- 704,712

Wilkins, Robert 9a,11

Williams,----- 10a,11a,306,324,529,887,1031

Williams, A. 438

Williams, A.J. 309,309

Williams, A.M. 776

Williams, Alfred 894

Williams, Alston 267,887

Williams, D.M. 777

Williams, E.T. 778

Williams, George 15a,18a,71,128,176,257

Williams, George B. 316

Williams, Isaac 894

Williams, James 18a,18a,984

Williams, Jeremiah 18a,48,66,170,179,240,241,304,304,361,709,709,754,754,778,886,964,984

Williams, Jerry 172

Williams, John 85,624,721,811

Williams, Joseph 571,724,725

Williams, Josiah 310

Williams, Lawrence 610

Williams, Lindsey 250,251

Williams, M. 307

Williams, Matthais 235

Williams, Matthew 307,308,309,315,696,777

Williams, Perry 777

Williams, Samuel 994

Williams, Stephen 304

Williams, Thomas 18a,65,176,179,185,185,187,309,702,709,709,887,967,984

Williams, Thomas G. 893,945

Williams, Walter 316

Williams, Wesley 967

Williams, Wesley W. 246,247,250,251,261,308,309,309,696,696

Williams, William 3a,18a,66,70,71,126,221,298,374,690,724,725,784,984

Williamson,----- 66,372,840,878

Williamson, A.M.D. 776

Williamson, Allen 374,702,709,881,957,957

Williamson, Anderson 893

Williamson, Asa 375

Williamson, Bailey 185,189,199,199,298,298,882,886,893

Williamson, C.C. 776

Williamson, Edmund 227,294

Williamson, Hiram 963

Williamson, James 840,939

Williamson, John 298,575,819,820,821,822,824,826,834,845,850,894,895,897,897,904

Williamson, Joshua 618

Williamson, Kendrick 967

Williamson, Lewis 957,963

Williamson, Margaret 884

Williamson, Matthew 375

Williamson, William 90,189,373,374,375,511,709,748,753,797,797,799,799,821,822,



Williamson, William J. 893

Williamson, William W. 468

Williamson, Wyatt 298,963,982

Willy, James 512

Wilson, Moses 919,922,926

Wilson, Jeremiah 809,810,810,812,813,843,869

Wilson, Robert 56,275

Wood,----- 374

Wood, (widow) 17

Wood, James 123,439,705,804

Wood, William 530,541

Wright,----- 704

Wright, James 642

Wright, Joseph 349,350

Wright, Levi 415,461,495,496,715,965

Wright, Sherwood 434,496,715

Wright, Uriah 637

Wright, William 495,496,637,638,638,639,640,641,641,642,642,705,715,965,980,929

Younger, Thomas 871

Yow,----- 799,824

Yow, Christopher 798,801,802,825,825,826,826,861,865,939,944

Yow, Emmanuel 362,363

Yow, Henry 304,309,878,886,981

Yow, Spinx 981

Yow, Vinson(?) 1003


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