WELCOME [www.elcosd.org]



Expect Excellence




2018- 2019

Principal – Dr. Michael Stauffer

Assistant Principal – TBD

Administrative Assistant – Jane Spangler

Administrative Assistant – Susan Harper

60 Evergreen Drive

Myerstown, PA 17067

Phone: 717-866-6591

Fax: 717-866-5837

This agenda belongs to:

NAME _________________________ GRADE __________


Table of Contents

School Information 5

Welcome 6

ELCO School District Mission, Goals, Values 7

District/Building Information 7

School Board of Directors 7

District Administration 8

Administration/Support Personnel 8

Faculty 8

Support Personnel 8

Bell Schedule 9

Attendance 11

Regulations/Procedures 11

Verifications 12

Daily Attendance 13

Morning Arrival Procedures 13

Dismissal Procedures 13

Educational Trips 13

Early Dismissals 13

Tardy 13

Medical/Dental/Miscellaneous Appointments 14

Withdrawal from School 14

Student Code of Conduct 14

Student Discipline 14

Dress Code 15

Student Responsibilities 16

Middle School Discipline Procedures 17

Disciplinary Consequences 18

After School Detention 18

Saturday Detention 18

In-School Suspension 19

Out of School Suspension 19

Expulsion 20

Board Policies 20

Bullying/Cyberbullying 20

Hazing 20

Internet Safety 20

Possession or Use of Tobacco Products 20

Responsible Use of Internet 21

Search and Seizure 21

Terroristic Threats 21

Unlawful Harassment 21

Weapons 21

Controlled Substances Administrative Guidelines 22

Preface 22

School Guidelines 22

Extracurricular Activities Drug and Alcohol Regulations 23

Academic Information 24

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism 24

Grading System 24

Academic Honor Roll 25

Enrichment Period 25

Homework 26

Make-Up Work 26

National Junior Honor Society 26

Parent Conferences 27

Retention Procedure 27

Midway Marking Period Reports 27

Student Services 28

Administration of Medication 28

Immunization Requirements 28

Food Allergy Management 28

School Counseling 28

Library 29

Student Records 29

Student Assistance Program 29

General Information 30

Audio / Video Cameras on Buses 30

Band Instruments 30

Bicycles/Skateboards/Scooters 30

Bus Rider Rules 30

Student ID Badges 31

Calculators 31

Camera Surveillance Policy 31

Care of School Property 31

Change of Address 31

Interscholastic Athletics 31

Field Trips 32

Food and Beverages 32

Gum 32

Hall Courtesy and Passes 32

Lockers 33

Lost and Found 33

Lunch Procedures 33

Lunch/Breakfast Prices 33

Obligations 34

Open Containers 34

Other Disruptions 34

Parent Volunteers/Chaperones 34

Personal Electronic Devices 34

Physical Education Uniform 35

Safety Drills 35

School Dances 35

School Insurance 35

School Issued iPads 36

Selling of Items 36

Student Council 36

Suicide Awareness, Prevention, and Response 36

Textbooks 37

Use of Phones 37

Video Taping/Recording/Pictures 37

Visitors 37

Notice to Parents 37


Photos – Media Release 38


Weather/Delay Information 38

Eastern Lebanon County Middle School

60 Evergreen Road

Myerstown, PA 17067

Phone: (717) 866-6591

Fax: (717) 866-5837

Alma Mater

To Thee dear Alma Mater,

We lift our hearts in song

The knowledge and the glories

The victories go on.

We honor and revere thee,

Recalling days gone bye

Our memories live for evermore,

To Thee dear ELCO High.

Words and Music by June and Harold Yeagley

School Colors

Blue and Gold

School Mascot



The administration, faculty, and staff welcome you to ELCO Middle School. The policies and procedures contained in this handbook have been carefully prepared and presented so that it will be of value in helping you succeed and become a part of the school. The purpose of this handbook is to give ELCO Middle School students and their parents or guardians an understanding of general information, rules, and guidelines that are necessary to promote a quality educational experience in our school. Students and parents should be aware that due to changes in board policy, law, or state and federal mandates, the handbook may be revised and/or amended as necessary at the discretion of the school administration.

Everyone involved with the ELCO Middle School shares in the responsibility of developing and maintaining a climate that is conducive to teaching and learning. ELCO Middle School students are expected to behave in a manner that shows respect for themselves, others, and their school. Students are further expected to maintain good school attendance, work as diligently as possible to achieve academic excellence, and to abide by all school rules and regulations.

Student Handbook Disclaimer

In case of conflict between a Board Policy and the provisions of this Handbook, the Board Policy most recently adopted will prevail. Students and parents/guardians should be aware that this document is reviewed annually since policy adoption and revision is an ongoing process. These changes will generally supersede the provisions found in the Handbook, which will become obsolete by the newly adopted policy. The Handbook is not a contract between the parents/guardians or students. It may be amended at any time at the discretion of the School District

The Eastern Lebanon County School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices, as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 504. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Amy Shoemaker, Title IX Coordinator, 180 ELCO Drive, Myerstown, PA 17067. Phone: (717) 866-7117.


The mission of the ELCO School District is to prepare ALL students, K-12, to be successful for THEIR future.



• Use exemplary instructional strategies (to include EATS-formatted lesson plans) to implement our Standards-driven, sequential student learning map curriculum.

•  Change the focus in the classroom from teaching to learning.


• Through the formal observation cycle and the differentiated supervision plan, increase collegial dialogue among all educators.

• Increase the frequency of contact with parents and community members with regards to the students, and the events within the District.


• Cultivate meaningful mentorship relationships with students so that each individual student has the opportunity, and support, to be successful.

• Further build relationships with colleagues through collaboration in order to better our overall practice and profession.

• Increase opportunities for our parents and community to become active partners with the District.


School Board of Directors

Mr. Jack Kahl.......................................... President

Dr. Barbara Smith................................... Vice President

Mr. Thomas Ferrari ................................. Treasurer

Mrs. Tracey Gray Hayes

Ms. Erin Stettler

Mrs. Jadell Souders

Mr. Ray Ondrusek

Mrs. Debra Thomas

Mrs. Amber Weaver

*Mrs. Gloria Hill – Board Secretary

District Administration

Superintendent .......................................... Mrs. Julia Vicente

Assistant Superintendent…………............ Mrs. Barbara Davis

Business Manager……………………….. Mr. Michael Miller

Director of Pupil Services ......................... Mrs. Amy Shoemaker

Director of Special Education ................... Mr. Jeremy Sweigart

Director of Technology.............................. Mr. Robert Boltz

Director of Buildings and Grounds………. Mr. Doug Dresch

ELCO Middle School Administration & Support Personnel

Middle School Principal ........................... Dr. Michael Stauffer

Middle School Assistant Principal............ TBD

School Counselors ................................. Miss Allison Wagner

Miss Lisa Fulton

School Nurse ......................................... Mrs. Renee Zimmerman

School Police Officer............................. Officer Daniel Gonzalez

Administrative Assistants

Principal's Office .......................................... Mrs. Susan Harper

Assistant Principal’s Office.......................... Mrs. Jane Spangler


Teacher Subject Area(s)

Mrs. Megjorie Arnold English

Mr. Jeffery Bennett Social Studies

Mrs. Angela Bicher Science

Mr. Travis Bicher Social Studies

Mrs. Karen Blair Mathematics

Mrs. Dennie Boltz English

Mr. Craig DeVore Music

Mrs. Julie DeVore Computer Skills

Mrs. Melodie Fair Music

Mrs. Heather Gery Health & Physical Education

Mr. Todd Gaffney Health & Physical Education

Mr. Wyatt Hall Technology Education

Mrs. Erin Harris English

Mr. Brock Hoover Science

Mrs. Jennifer Juarez Family & Consumer Science

Mrs. Laurabeth Kapp Gifted Education

Mr. Amy Keller English

Mr. Kirk Keppley Social Studies

Ms. Lisa Kercher Science

Miss Wendy Kerst Library

Mrs. Wanda Kulp Special Education

Mr. Scott Laicha Mathematics

Mr. Matthew Landis English

Mrs. Jennifer Martin French

Mrs. Toni Mehaffey Special Education

Mr. Sean Miller Science

Mrs. Samantha Roy Special Education

Mrs. Kimberly Sandoe Art

Mrs. Jennifer Schooley English

Mrs. Paulina Seibert Speech & Language Pathology

Mrs. Bethany Snyder Mathematics

Mr. Jonathan Swift Music

Mrs. Christina Ulrey Special Education

Mr. Greg Underkoffler Health & Physical Education

Ms. Sara Velazquez Spanish

Mr. Christopher Weidner Social Studies

Mrs. Michelle Whitmoyer English

Mrs. Jenny Wolgemuth Special Education

Mrs. Emily Ziegler English

Mr. Warren Zimmerman Mathematics

Mr. Paul Zook Mathematics

Support Personnel

Bernice Bricker Sandy Hartman Jean Henry Shaun Keath

Crystal Kimmel Cody Fake Vicki Oswald Javier Lugo-Ramos

Paula Plummer Brett Lovell Judy Umbenhauer Joseph Kunder

Stephanie Bohannon

Patrica Swanger – Head Custodian


The STUDENT AGENDA BOOK is provided for all students. The Agenda Book helps students (and parents) keep track of all assignments and supports organizational skills. Students are expected to record their daily assignments. Therefore, it must be kept in good condition for the entire year. Any student who loses the Agenda is required to purchase a new one from the school office.


Homeroom 7:35 to 7:49

Per. 1 7:52 to 8:35

Per. 2 8:38 to 9:21

Per. 3 9:24 to 10:07

Per. 4 10:10 to 10:53

Per. 5--6 Lunch 10:56 to 11:26

Per. 5 7th/8th grade 10:56 to 11:39

Per. 6--7 Lunch 11:42 to12:12

Per. 6 6th grade 11:29 to 12:12

Per. 6 8th grade 11:42 to 12:25

Per. 7--8 Lunch 12:28 to 12:58

Per. 7 6th/7th grade 12:15 to 12:58

Per. 8 .1:01 to 1:44

Per. 9 .1:47 to 2:30


Homeroom 9:35 to 9:47

Per. 1 9:50 to 10:19

Per. 2 10:22 to 10:51

Per. 5 - 6 Lunch 10:54 to 11:23

Per. 6 - 7 Lunch 11:26 to 11:55

Per. 7- 8 Lunch 11:58 to 12:27

Per. 3 12:30 to 12:59

Per. 4 1:02 to 1:31

Per. 8 1:34 to 2:03

Per. 9 2:06 to 2:30


Homeroom 7:35 to 7:47

Per. 1 7:50 to 8:20

Per. 2 8:23 to 8:52

Per. 3 8:55 to 9:24

Per. 4 9:27 to 9:56

Per. 8 9:59 to 10:28

Per. 5 - 6 Lunch 10:31 to 11:00

Per. 6 - 7 Lunch 11:03 to 11:32

Per. 7 - 8 Lunch 11:35 to 12:04

Per. 9 .12:07 to 12:30


Homeroom 7:35 to 7:49

Club Period 7:52 to 8:37

Per. 1 .8:40 to 9:17

Per. 2 .9:20 to 9:57

Per. 3 .10:00 to 10:37

Per. 4 .10:40 to 11:17

Per. 5 7th/8th grade 11:20 to 11:57

Per. 5--6 Lunch 11:20 to 11:50

Per. 6 6th grade 11:53 to 12:30

Per 6 8th grade 12:00 to 12:37

Per. 6--7 Lunch 12:00 to12:30

Per. 7--8 Lunch 12:40 to 1:10

Per. 7 7th/6th 12:33 to1:10

Per. 8 ..1:13 to 1:50

Per.9 .1:53 to 2:30

ATTENDANCE (Board Policy 204)

Attendance at school is mandatory by state law for students under the age of seventeen. The law prescribes legal action with possible fines for excessive illegal absences.

Attendance in school is a prerequisite to learning. Daily attendance and active participation in each class is a critical part of the learning process and is necessary for students to achieve academic standards and maintain consistent education progress. The philosophy behind the policy, supported by Board Policy 204, is to promote responsibility and to increase the potential for our students to be successful in school and in all future endeavors.

Attendance Regulations and Procedures

A student’s absence from school will only be excused for one of the following reasons:

• Illness.

• Death in the immediate family.

• Emergency medical or dental attention.

• Required court attendance.

• Approved educational trips (Please see page 10 “Educational Trips” for more details.)

• Absences approved in advance with building principal

• Authorized religious holidays.

The following are NOT excusable absences in accordance with state attendance laws:

• Truancy

• Missing the school bus

• Trips not approved in advance

• Shopping

• Hunting/fishing

• Attendance as a spectator at athletic events and interscholastic contests

• Birthday or other celebrations

All student absences require written documentation explaining the reason for the absence. (E-mails cannot be accepted.) Excuse notes signed by a parent/guardian or qualified medical professional MUST be submitted to the Middle School Office within three (3) days of the student’s return to school in order for the absence to be considered excused. A handwritten, parent signed note that is scanned or faxed (FAX number: 717-866-5837) to the Attendance Secretary is acceptable.

In order to support students’ attendance and enforce state laws and District policies, the following regulations and procedures will be in effect for the High School:

• Prior to the start of the school year, letters will be mailed to the parents of students who had twenty or more days of absence during the previous school year.

• Students who accumulate three (3) unexcused absences are considered truant and will be notified in writing of this and the potential consequences if the student becomes habitually truant.

• A School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) will be developed for any student who accumulates at least one (1) unexcused absence following the initial notification of truancy.

• A School Attendance Improvement Conference will be held to develop the School Attendance Improvement Plan. Parent/Guardian presence at this meeting will be requested.

• Students who accumulate six (6) unexcused absences are considered habitually truant and will face the necessary consequences per Act 138 of 2016.

o Students under fifteen (15) years of age will be referred to Children and Youth and parents/guardians may be prosecuted by the District Magistrate for truancy

• All grades from work missed during an unexcused absence may be entered as a zero “0”.

• After accumulating in excess of ten (10) absences in a school year, parents will be notified that the student shall be required to present a valid professional's verification (doctor’s note) attesting to the reason for his/her absence. Absences not verified as previously stated will be considered unexcused. It is strongly recommended that whenever a student is absent from school and sees a medical professional that he/she obtains an excuse from that medical professional for the absence. The days that are excused by a medical professional will not be counted against the ten (10) parent excused absences allowed by School Code.

The Principal/Assistant Principal may exercise prudent judgment in giving extensions or exceptions to the above, when in his/her opinion extenuating circumstances warrant special consideration.

Absence Verifications

A student who has been absent is required to submit, within three (3) days of the student’s return to classes, written documentation (excuse card, excuse note), signed by the parent/guardian, stating the reason for the student’s absence. This excuse must be for one of the permissible reasons for absence or lateness as outlined in the attendance guidelines above in order for the absence to be excused. FAILURE TO RETURN A WRITTEN EXCUSE WITHIN THREE (3) SCHOOL DAYS after the student returns to school will result in the absence being CODED AS UNEXCUSED.

Educational trips must be pre-approved TWO WEEKS in advance using the Educational Trip Form. This form may be accessed through the District website or may be obtained in the High School Office.

An excuse from a licensed medical, legal, or counseling authority may be required for any absence due to illness or injury that is: (1) three or more consecutive school days in duration; (2) for a student who is consistently absent from school.

Daily Attendance

Students are required to be in their homeroom class by 7:35 a.m. Any student arriving to his/her homeroom period class after the first period bell has rung MUST report to the Middle School Office to sign in to school and to receive a late pass. A student is tardy to school if he/she arrives to homeroom after 7:35 a.m. but before 9:00 a.m. (inclusive). If a student arrives to school between 9:01 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., the student will be considered absent ½-day from school. Any student arriving after 1:00 p.m. will be considered absent for the full day. If a student is at school on time, but needs to leave prior to 1:00pm, he/she will also be considered absent for ½ day from school.

Morning Arrival Procedure

Students will enter through the front doors. All 7th and 8th grade students arriving prior to 7:30 will REPORT directly to the cafeteria. All 6th grade students arriving prior to 7:30 will REPORT directly to the Forum (except for those student purchasing breakfast). You may not wait outside or sit in the office. Students will be seated in the order they arrive. Those students choosing to eat breakfast should find a seat at a breakfast table and go through the line following the same cafeteria procedures listed under “Lunch Procedures”.

Monitors will dismiss students at 7:30. At this time, students should go to their locker and move to their homeroom. Food and drinks are NOT permitted outside of the cafeteria. Any student who does not arrive to homeroom by 7:35 will be considered tardy and must sign in at the main office.

Dismissal Procedure

Students are dismissed at 2:30 p.m. Students should go to their lockers, if necessary, and report to their buses. Proper behavior will be expected. Students remaining in the building after 2:30 p.m. must have faculty supervision. Students waiting for after school activities are to be seated in a designated area in the cafeteria and are not permitted anywhere else in the building without prior approval from a staff member.

Educational Trips

Students may be excused for a maximum of six (6) school days per year in order to participate in an educational trip. Vacations disrupt the educational process and should be planned with consideration of academic requirements and state-mandated testing. An “Educational Trip Form” must be completed and submitted to the Middle School office two weeks in advance of the scheduled trip in order to request that the days be excused. If the trip form is not approved because the student has exceeded the ten (10) days of parental verified absences or the student has exceeded the six (6) day educational trip limit, the days will be coded as unexcused, with the applicable penalties. Students who have pre-planned absences should obtain their assignments prior to their planned absence.

Early Dismissals

During the time that school is in session, students will not be permitted to leave the building, except when they have presented, to the office, a valid excuse for leaving, signed by a parent or guardian, or after the parent or the school has contacted guardian. Under no circumstances will students be released to anyone other than parents or guardians unless written permission is granted.


Students are urged to be prompt, not only each morning, but also for every class. With only three (3) minutes between classes, we recommend that students report directly to their next class. If, in the opinion of your teacher, you are considered tardy, you will be asked to fill out a late slip by the teacher. The third tardy to class will result in after school detention. This process will start over at the beginning of the new semester.

After a student’s third tardy in a semester, the student will be warned, and the following disciplinary action will be issued:

• Tardies 4 and 5 – After-School Detention

• Tardies 6 and 7 – Saturday Detention

• 8 or More Tardies- In-School Suspension and Parent Conference

Medical-Dental-Miscellaneous Appointments

It is the parents’ right to have their child excused for IMPORTANT appointments. Please use good judgment in scheduling any kind of appointment on school time. Students need to be in school to receive the best education possible. Please be aware of your child’s schedule, testing dates, and other important scheduling dates that may impact his or her schooling.

Withdrawal from School

State law requires attendance in school until the student becomes 17 years of age. Parents of students who intend to transfer to another school district or other school entity should consult with the Counseling Office as soon as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements to have their records transferred. Students are responsible for fulfilling all obligations to the school district and for returning all textbooks and school materials. Students must also clear their cafeteria account prior to transferring schools. A student withdrawal form will need to be signed by a parent/guardian and a withdrawal clearance sheet completed by the student verifying that all obligations have been cleared.

Any student withdrawing from ELCO Middle School should contact the middle school. Records will be mailed to the other school upon enrollment there. Please be sure to return all books, iPADS and chargers.


Student Discipline


Teachers are charged with the control of their classrooms. They are responsible to conduct learning experiences that are morally sound and non-disruptive. Whenever a pupil or pupils become unruly or out of order, the teacher has the responsibility to correct them. If he or she is unable to control students, it is imperative that the administration be contacted so measures can be taken to remedy the situation. The district will not tolerate continued undisciplined behavior on the part of any individual or group of students. Every teacher is expected to assist in all school discipline in the classroom corridors, outside on school property and during lunch hours.

When a student or students disobey, external authority must be involved. Correction should be sought through improvement of causal factors before punishment is involved. Study of individual differences, conferences with pupils and parent(s), and assistance from the administration and specialists within the school should be the teacher’s first thought in attempting to help a pupil correct behavior patterns that are retarding his/her own development and interfering with the rights of others.

Punishment so conceived is developmental discipline rather than punitive. Based upon faith in the worth and dignity of each individual, discipline becomes a guiding rather than punishing device. Any form of punishment that impairs a student’s self-respect should be avoided.

The board discourages permanent expulsion. Rather, expulsions shall be reviewed at the conclusion of the designated expulsion time. Such review shall include, with duly acquired consent of the parent(s), the judgment of other agencies and professionals who have provided service to the expelled student. The purpose of such a review is to provide information for the board to decide, by majority vote of the full board, whether the expulsion is to be continued, or whether the student is to be readmitted to school.

Dress Code

We take pride in the appearance of our school. Your dress reflects the quality of the school, of your conduct, and of your schoolwork.

All students are requested to dress and groom themselves neatly in clothes that are suitable for school activities. Dress should not present a hazard to the health and safety of anyone in school. Items that interfere with school work, create disorder, disrupt learning, cause excessive wear or damage to school property, block vision, or restrict movement are prohibited.

The administration reserves the right to remove a student from school in the following circumstances:

1. The attire is a safety hazard to him/herself and others, including chains, spike jewelry, long cords, etc.

2. The attire does not conform to standards of good health practices.

3. The attire is disruptive to the normal functions of the school.

Judgment of these circumstances shall be at the discretion of the administration. Violation of the dress code will result in the student being required to change the attire or spend the remainder of the day in in-school suspension. Repeat offenders shall be subject to disciplinary action. Examples of inappropriate attire include but are not limited to:

1. Cut-off shirts or other shirts, which allow bare midriff.

2. T-shirts, which refer to drugs, alcohol, violence, or sexual innuendo.

3. Hats, hoods, bandannas, visors, or other head coverings.

4. Halter-tops, tube tops, tank top shirts, or other tops with narrow shoulder straps (i.e. “spaghetti straps”).

5. Skirts, dresses, or shorts must be fingertip length when your arms are at your sides.

6. Low-cut shirts or blouses and see through clothing

7. Sunglasses.

8. Pants and shorts should be worn at waist level. No undergarments should be visible.

9. Attire with excessive holes or tears is not permitted.

10. When leggings are worn, they may not be see-thru and must be covered with a shirt or skirt that covers past mid-thigh.

11. Coats shall be kept in the locker and not be worn in the hallways or classrooms.

12. Any other items the administration feels necessary to ban.

13. Jewelry of any kind may not be worn during physical education class. If you plan on getting piercings, please plan it during the semester you do not have physical education. Taping over the earring is not allowed.

Student Responsibilities

(Reprinted from Chapter 12, Section 12.2 of the PA School Code)

(a) Student responsibilities include regular school attendance, conscientious effort in classroom work, and conformance to school rules and regulations. Most of all, students share with the administration and faculty a responsibility to develop a climate within the school that is conducive to wholesome learning and living.

(b) No student has the right to interfere with the education of his fellow students. It is the responsibility of each student to respect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and all others who are involved in the educational process.

(c) Students should express their ideas and opinions in a respectful manner.

(d) It is the responsibility of the students to conform to the following:

(1) Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct themselves in accordance with them. Students should assume that, until a rule is waived, altered or repealed in writing, it is in effect.

(2) Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety and welfare of the school community and the protection of school property.

(3) Dress and groom to meet fair standards of safety and health, and not to cause disruption to the educational processes.

(4) Assist the school staff in operating a safe school for all students enrolled therein.

(5) Comply with Commonwealth and local laws.

(6) Exercise proper care when using public facilities and equipment.

(7) Attend school daily and be on time at all classes and other school functions.

(8) Make up work when absent from school.

(9) Pursue and attempt to complete satisfactorily the courses of study prescribed by local school authorities.

(10) Report accurately in student media obscene language in student media on school premises.

ELCO Middle School

Discipline Procedures

The following offenses are classified into four levels according to their impact on the educational process and environment of our school. These classifications were developed so students, teachers, and parents can clearly understand the discipline code. Each case is reviewed on an individual basis. These levels do not prescribe the actions taken by the staff concerning each matter. Consequences will be determined on an individual basis based on the circumstances of the misbehavior. These levels were developed only to serve as a tool by which to assess misbehaviors and to determine their possible consequences. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive, as it would be impossible to illustrate all possible misconducts; instead, it should be viewed as a listing of examples of misconduct and possible subsequent disciplinary consequences, at the discretion of the administration.

LEVEL I - Misbehaviors on the part of the student which impede the educational process and/or orderly classroom procedures or interfere with the orderly operations of the school.

Examples include but are not limited to:

Minor classroom disturbances, failure to complete assignments, unprepared for class, gum, food or drinks in unauthorized areas, failure to meet deadlines, hallway and pass offenses, student dress, minor cafeteria violations, public display of affection, possession of electronic devices during school hours

Possible disciplinary options: Verbal warning, parental contact, loss of privilege, school service, restitution, letter(s) of apology, lunch detention(s), after school detention(s)

LEVEL II - Misbehavior whose frequency and seriousness tends to disrupt the educational climate of the school or which adversely impacts school operation or public image; also any recurring Level One misbehaviors.

Examples include but are not limited to:

Bus misbehavior, class cutting, class disruption, lewd or rude behavior, inappropriate language, undirected profanity, lack of cooperation, forgery, throwing food, cheating, school tardiness, class tardiness, cutting detention

Disciplinary options:

Level I disciplinary options, behavioral contract, Saturday morning detention, In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension

LEVEL III - Offenses warranting immediate suspension. Depending on the incident, a citation may also be involved.

Acts directed against persons and/or their property, including that of the faculty and/or school. This also includes any recurring Level Two misbehaviors.

Examples include but are not limited to:

Insubordination, defiance/disrespect, lying to a staff member, fighting, bullying, threats, harassment, vandalism, theft or possession of stolen property, leaving school grounds, being in unauthorized area, computer misconduct, inappropriate use of district technology, directed profanity, *disorderly conduct, possession/use of tobacco/e-cigarette, and vape pens.

• DISORDERLY CONDUCT - Charges may result against students who are engaged in disorderly conduct by refusing to follow the reasonable direction of a staff member, fighting or threatening others, who engage in violent or tumultuous behavior, make unreasonable noise, use obscene language or obscene gestures, or who create a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose. Students who are cited for disorderly conduct will be fined at the district justice level.

LEVEL IV - Offenses warranting school board hearing recommending expulsion or suspension for 10 days minimum, and police involvement.

These are actions which are violent or harmful toward another person or property, or which pose a direct threat to the health, welfare, safety, and security of the ELCO School District community.

Examples include but are not limited to:

Possessing or using explosives, creating life-threatening situations, reporting by telephone, in writing or in person, a threat known to be false, activating a false alarm, assault, arson, possession of weapons - Weapons Policy, drug and alcohol related offenses, may include offenses listed in Section III, depending upon the nature of the infraction.


After School Detention

After school detention will take place on a selected day each week from 2:30 p.m. until 4 p.m., in a designated area in the middle school or high school. Detentions will take precedence over extra-curricular, athletic and work activities. Students will not be excused from detention nor allowed to reschedule unless a parent notification has been made to a school administrator and approved.

Students assigned detention are required to bring an adequate amount of homework or suitable reading material with them. Parents are responsible for transportation. An activity bus is available and arrives at the Middle School at 4:15 unless the student is serving a bus suspension.

When a detention is assigned the student will bring home a detention notification to be signed by the parent/guardian. The detention notification must be signed and returned to the office prior to serving the detention. The student will not be permitted to serve the detention without a returned form, and will be considered as cutting detention.

Students who cut detention will be subject to an additional detention or Saturday detention for the first offense and in-school suspension for subsequent offenses within a marking period. A school administrator will notify parents when this situation arises. Excessive detentions may lead to a parent conference or additional disciplinary action in an attempt to change inappropriate behavior.

Saturday Detention

The administration has the option of assigning Saturday detention, which will be held at ELCO High School from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Students assigned Saturday detention are required to bring an adequate amount of homework or suitable reading material with them. Parents are responsible for transportation.

Students are to enter the high school through the front lobby doors, they will be unlocked at 8:25 a.m. and locked at 8:30 a.m., late students will not be admitted.

Failure to satisfactorily complete the program will result in two (2) Saturday detentions assigned the following two weeks, or an in-school suspension, unless the student presents a valid excuse (signed doctor's note or family emergency) to the assistant principal, in which case the Saturday detention will be rescheduled.

In-School Suspension (ISS)

Students will report to the main office at 7:30 a.m. for a restrictive time out learning program in the main office area. Students serving ISS will be responsible for collecting work from all subject areas in advance of the suspension. All textbooks and assignments for the entire day must be in the student’s possession when they enter the ISS room.

Failure to adequately prepare for ISS will result in an additional suspension.

Student must be working at all times. If the student fails to bring enough work for the entire day more will be assigned. No talking or sleeping is permitted. No electronic devices, including cell phones, are permitted.

Students who are placed on in-school suspension will lose all privileges given to other students. These include, but are not limited to, the privileges to attend class, eat in the cafeteria, use their locker, and the privilege to participate in extra-curricular activities (i.e., sports, including practice and games, plays, activity days, dances, etc.). Students who behave inappropriately while in in- school suspension will face additional disciplinary action.

Out-of-School Suspension (Board Policy 223)

1. Temporary - exclusion for up to three (3) days without a hearing.

2. Full - exclusion for up to ten (10) school days following an informal hearing held before the principal and/or assistant principal with the student and the student's parent/guardian.

Students must be informed of the reasons for temporary suspension while full suspension and expulsion requires a prior informal hearing.

Students will be given an appropriate amount of time to make up work and exams resulting from temporary or full suspension.

During the time of suspension, students are not to enter or trespass on any ELCO School District property. Failure to obey these regulations may result in a trespassing charge filed with the District Magistrate's Office.

Expulsion (Board Policy 233)

1. Students are entitled to a formal hearing.

2. The School Board, Committee of the Board, or Hearing Officer of the Board hold formal hearings. A majority vote of the School Board is required for expulsion.

3. Students have the right to be represented by counsel.

4. The hearing shall be held in private if requested by parents in writing.



ELCO High School is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for District students. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning, and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, the Board prohibits bullying by District students. Please see School Board Policy 249 for more information on this policy.


Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational goals of the district and are prohibited at all times. Hazing is defined as any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a person or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition of continued membership in, any organization. Please refer to School Board Policy 247 for additional information on hazing.

Internet Safety

Recognizing that commercial and inappropriate sites exist, the ELCO High School will make every reasonable attempt to restrict Internet use to sites of educational value. The district complies with the Children Internet Protection Act of 2000 by maintaining a district-wide filter in an attempt to protect students from inappropriate or offensive materials. However, no system of safeguards can guarantee that only acceptable sites will be accessible. The final responsibility for acceptable use lies with the individual using the service. Please refer to School Board Policy 816 for additional information.

Possession or Use of Tobacco Products

ELCO High School recognizes that tobacco presents a health and safety hazard that can have serious consequences for both users and nonusers and the safety and environment of the schools.

Therefore, students found to be in possession of tobacco products will be subject to the following consequences:

• 1st Offense: 2 Saturday Detentions + a citation issued

• 2nd Offense: 1 day OSS + a citation issued + parent conference

• 3rd Offense: 3 days OSS + a citation issued + parent conference

In addition, students with two (2) or more offenses may be required to participate in a tobacco cessation program at his/her own expense.

For additional information on the possession or use of tobacco products, please refer to School Board Policy 222.

Responsible Use of Internet

School Board Policy 815 outlines the expectations for acceptable and responsible use of district technology resources by students, staff and the community. Access to district technology and network resources is a privilege, not a right. Staff and students will be held accountable for noncompliance with this policy.

Search and Seizure

ELCO School District acknowledges the need to respect the rights of students to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Under certain circumstances, school officials do have the authority to lawfully conduct searches without a warrant. School Board Policy 226 provides further information on the regulations pertaining to search and seizure.

Terroristic Threats

ELCO High School understands the danger that terroristic threats by students present to the safety and welfare of District students, staff and community. The District acknowledges the need for an immediate and effective response to a situation involving a threat. Please refer to School Board Policy 218.2 for additional information.

Unlawful Harassment

It is the policy of the ELCO High School to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the district to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated. The Board prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students by all district students and staff members, contracted individuals, vendors, volunteers, and third parties in schools. School Board Policy 248 contains additional information on harassment.

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission’s website is phrc.state.pa.us.


ELCO High School recognizes the importance of a safe school environment relative to the educational process. Possession of weapons in the school setting is a threat to the safety of students and staff and is prohibited by law. Please refer to School Board Policy 218.1 for additional information.




The District sets forth rules, procedures, and administrative guidelines designed to respond to controlled substance use, sales, distribution or possession by any member of the student population within the scope of the total school program.

Controlled substance possession, use, sales, or distribution has a detrimental effect on the lives of the students in our charge physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Further, it is recognized that it is the Eastern Lebanon County School District’s responsibility to provide a safe and wholesome environment in which the whole student body can grow and learn. To that end, a system-wide effort has been designed to include all school personnel, professional and nonprofessional, in the maintenance of a safe, wholesome school environment regarding possession, use, sales, or distribution of controlled substances. The guidelines are designed to take a constructive approach to any infractions of policy with full recognition of individual rights to due process and probable need for rehabilitative treatment.

Therefore, the possession, use, sale, or distribution of any controlled substance within the scope of the total school program is prohibited. The following rules, procedures, and administrative guidelines are established in support of School Board Policy 227 (Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia). Violators of this policy shall be subjected to discipline pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct and School Board Policy.


School Guidelines

As a vital part of the Eastern Lebanon County School District’s Controlled Substances Prevention Program, the guidelines represent one component in a district-wide effort to respond effectively and expeditiously to controlled substance related situations that may occur at school or at school- sponsored activities. These guidelines are intended to provide logical consequences to respond to controlled substance related incidents.

The Eastern Lebanon County School District intends to provide a safe and healthy environment for students with due consideration for their legal rights and responsibilities. The Board reserves the right to use any extraordinary measures deemed necessary to control substance abuse even if the same is not provided for specifically in any rule or regulation enumerated herein.

In the event a student is found to be in possession of or using drug paraphernalia; in possession of, under the influence of or using any controlled substance during the school day, when on school grounds, transportation or attending a school-sponsored activity; or distributing or attempting to distribute or sell the same shall receive the following consequences:

• Immediate Action:  Principal or designee is summoned. Paraphernalia or substance is confiscated. A staff member writes an anecdotal report, if involved.

• Investigation:  The student, his/her locker, vehicle and other possessions will be searched.

• Notification of Parents: Yes.

• Notification of Police: Yes.

• Disposition of Substance:  Turned over to Police for additional analysis if necessary.

• Consequences:  Any violation will result in an immediate minimum 5 day OSS, with possible extension to a 10 day OSS pending the completion of the investigation; use will result in an immediate 10 day OSS; a possible recommendation to the School Board for expulsion.

• Referral to the Student Assistance Team:  The student will be referred to the SAP team and will be required to cooperate as part of the consequences for the above actions.


Any student who voluntarily comes to a school counselor or administrator to seek help for a problem with a controlled substance shall be subject to the following:

• Immediate Action:  Principal/counselor or designee is summoned. Paraphernalia or substance, if on the person at that time, is confiscated. A staff member writes an anecdotal report, if involved.

• Investigation:  The student, his/her locker, vehicle and other possessions will be searched.  If nothing else is found no additional consequences will be administered.  Should other contraband be found disciplinary consequences may be administered.

• Notification of Parents: Guidelines for required notification will be followed.

• Notification of Police: Guidelines for required notification will be followed.

• Disposition of Substance:  Turned over to Police for additional analysis if necessary.

• Consequences:  Consequences may be administered if necessary as indicated above pending the outcome of the investigation.

• Referral to the Student Assistance Team:  The student will be referred to the SAP team and will be required to cooperate as part of the consequences for the above actions.


Extracurricular Activities Drug and Alcohol Regulations


The ELCO School District has established rules to discourage substance use among adolescents. Any student who violates the rules and regulations regarding controlled substance use is subject to discipline. In addition, any student who is representing ELCO as a part of an extracurricular team and/or activity or who possesses a parking permit for the High School lot must agree to the following regulations.


A student possessing a parking permit or participating in an extracurricular activity who comes in contact with controlled substance use should leave that location IMMEDIATELY to avoid temptation and eliminate suspicion. Any student who possesses, uses or distributes any controlled substance will be suspended from all extracurricular activities, lose his/her parking permit, and will be referred immediately to the Student Assistance Program for review. These regulations are in effect twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week while the student is participating in the activity and/or possesses a parking permit.


The suspension from participation in extracurricular activities and loss of parking permit shall be for a period of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the infraction or upon the completion of an investigation by school personnel. When the student is participating in activities during the summer months, under the supervision of district personnel, any infraction will also result in a thirty (30) day suspension from extracurricular activities beginning from the date of the infraction or upon the completion of an investigation by school personnel.  A suspension can be reduced to seven (7) calendar days if the student agrees to complete an underage drinking and substance abuse program approved by the school district. If the student begins, but does not complete the program, he/she is subject to a resumption of the total suspension.


A second, and each subsequent offense, will result in a suspension from participation in all extracurricular activities and loss of parking permit for 365 days from date of the infraction. A student wishing to participate in extracurricular activities at the conclusion of the suspension must undergo assessment to determine if follow-up treatment is required.


Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism

Academic fraud involves one or more of the following actions:

1. To use the work of another person as your own.

2. To copy information from another student’s test, examination, theme, book report or term paper.

3. To plagiarize – Plagiarism is using another person’s words, ideas, pictures, music or digital files (computer and/or internet) without giving credit to the author/creator. You must properly paraphrase and cite all of the sources that you use. Because plagiarism is a form of theft that means it is dishonest and unfair. It is also illegal under the Copyright Act 1968.

4. To prepare for cheating in advance. Such action involves (but not limited to):

a. Having in your possession a copy of a test to be given or having been given by a teacher,

b. Using the test or notes during a test or examination

c. Talking while taking quizzes, tests or examinations.

5. To fail to follow test procedures or instructions announced by a teacher (such as no talking, no turning around in seat, raise hand to ask questions, etc.)

6. To acquire and use a teacher text or answer key so answers are known and available for your use.

7. Providing academic assistance to a fellow student that improperly provides academic advantage to the student.

8. Unauthorized use of electronic devices to obtain answers for any assigned materials provided by a school official.

Violators of academic fraud are subject to the following penalties:

o First Offense – Zero on assignment with a contact to the Parent/Guardian by teacher

o Second Offense – Failure in that class for the quarter with a contact to the Parent/Guardian by teacher and administration

o Third Offense – Failure in that class for the year with a contact to the Parent/Guardian by teacher and administration

ELCO Middle School Grading System

1. All teachers shall maintain an up-to-date grade book, which includes subject and class codes, as well as student names, ID numbers, sections and advisors.

2. All marking period and final grades will be determined using Powerschool and the following value system:

o A+ = 98% to 100% (4.0)

o A = 93% to 97% (4.0)

o A- = 90% to 92% (3.75)

o B+ = 87% to 89% (3.25)

o B = 83% to 86% (3.0)

o B- = 80% to 82% (2.75)

o C+ = 77% to 79% (2.25)

o C = 73% to 76% (2.0)

o C- = 70% to 72% (1.75)

o D+ = 67% to 69% (1.25)

o D = 63% to 66% (1.0)

o D- = 60% to 62% (.75)

o F = 0% to 59% (0)

This system has been set as the default value in the electronic grade book. Grades may be represented as letters, points, or percentages.

3. All extra credit, penalties, and special circumstances will be noted in the electronic grade book and appear on printouts.

4. Printouts will be presented to parents at conference time. Additional printouts may be made for difficulty notices, missing homework, absences or as report card additions.

5. Quarterly grades will be entered into the report card by electronic grade entry. This is separate from the electronic grade book.

Academic Honor Roll

Two honor rolls are maintained for the recognition of academic excellence. The “Superior Honor Roll” is achieved by earning a grade point average (GPA) of 3.75. The “Distinguished Honor Roll” indicates that a student earned a GPA of 3.2. Honor rolls will be calculated each grading period.

Enrichment Period

Supervised enrichment occurs during the last period every day for those students not involved in band and/or chorus. Students will be expected to work on assignments, study, read or receive extra instruction. This period is a time to work on assignments and regular class rules will be enforced. Students must have a pass from their teacher prior to enrichment in order to have permission to sign out. Students in violation of hall pass and sign out procedures may lose sign out privileges and/or be subject to disciplinary action.


The educational process is continuous and is not confined to the classroom, but can be most successful when the school takes the lead in giving directions and purpose to outside study. Individual study habits are successfully developed through a carefully arranged home study plan based upon a close and understanding relationship among parent, teacher, and child.

The type and nature of homework is very important. It should be purposeful and should lead children to creative use of the things they know. Work of this type will be geared to the needs of children but will not be confined to subjects “in which a child is behind”. (There is considerable feeling that children should get help at school in the areas in which they show the least progress.) This is not to say that homework should never be “drill” or “practice”, but it is to say that home study must involve a greater use of the child’s abilities if it is to serve its fullest purpose.

At ELCO Middle School, academics come before all extracurricular activities. Those students who are planning to be part of these activities must also accept the responsibility to make time to complete their studies. Consequences will result with failure to complete assignments.

Make-Up Work

The office will collect assignments for absent students only after a student is absent for three (3) continuous days, and only upon parent or student request. If it is known that the student will be absent for a period of three (3) or more consecutive days, an assignment request may be made immediately. Homework assignments can be viewed on the ELCO website, , by using the Middle School page to access the Schoology Portal. Students who are absent for three (3) or more consecutive days will have one (1) day for each absentee day, to complete missed assignments and to take missed tests. It is the responsibility of the student to see that this is done. Work not completed may be graded as a zero. It is highly recommended that students who are absent for longer than a week keep current with their assignments, and submit them as they are completed, rather than waiting to do everything when they return to school. If a student is going on a trip, the student is responsible for contacting their teachers for assignments before the trip.

National Junior Honors Society

ELMS Chapter

The purpose of the NJHS, which was chartered in 1929, is to “create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship”.

The ELMS Chapter of the NJHS was formed in 1994.

Students are eligible for membership in the ELMS Chapter of NJHS after completing the second quarter of their seventh grade year. Eligibility for membership is based on the following criteria:

1. Be on the Honor Roll (Distinguished or Superior) for the 4th quarter of 6th grade and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter of 7th grade.

2. At the conclusion of the 3rd quarter of 7th grade, the student will need to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 (average of the four quarters listed above).

3. Consistent school attendance.

4. No suspensions (including both In-school and/or Out of School suspensions).

5. One (1) elective or extracurricular activity (either school or community based).

In addition to the criteria listed above, the following responsibilities have been established for NJHS members. Failure to abide by the following expectations may result in removal from NJHS at the discretion of the administration.


1. Maintain academic criteria listed above.

2. School and/or community service such as peer tutoring.

3. Maintain the highest behavioral expectations, in accordance with the school’s code of conduct.

4. Individual service projects.


1. Membership card that would entitle the student access to the library or computer lab during supervised enrichment or lunch period.

2. Free admission to school dances.

Parent Conferences

Parents may make appointments throughout the school year for conferences with teachers, counselors, or principals by telephoning the school office at 866-6591. Additionally, school-wide conferences will be held on designated school district conference dates as indicated on the district calendar.

Retention Procedure

If a student fails the equivalent of two classes, that student would be required to make up one of those classes through an approved summer school program or repeat the grade. If a student fails the equivalent of three classes, that student would be required to make up two of those classes through an approved summer school program or repeat the grade. If a student fails the equivalent of

four or more classes, that student would be automatically retained and must repeat the grade. Math, science, social studies, and language arts all count as one class. All elective classes count as a one-half class. Failing grades will be based on the final grade given for each course.

Midway Marking Period Reports

Both Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Reports may be issued midway between the nine-week marking periods. These notices would be used to inform you and your parents of the current progress in the course for the marking period.


The school has a health suite staffed full-time by a professional nurse. Knowledgeable in many of the health concerns of children and youth, the nurse is available to students for health education and counseling. The nurse serves as a health resource person by working directly with classroom teachers.

Administration of Medications to Students (Board Policy 210)

When it is absolutely necessary for students to be given medication at school, it shall be done only with the following:

1. By law, a written order from a physician that includes student's name, medication's name, dosage, and time of administration is required for any medication (over-the- counter included). All medication must be in a container officially labeled by a physician or pharmacist (over-the counter included). The label must include student's name, physician's name, date of original prescription, medication's name, dosage, and time of administration.

2. Medication must be brought to the office or nurse at the beginning of the school day.

3. Administration of medication shall be done by the school nurse. In her absence, a designee will assist the student in administering medication.

Immunization Requirements

The PA Department of Health has implemented changes to the school immunization regulations for the 2017-2018 school year. On the first day of school all 12th students, unless a student has a medical or religious/philosophical exemption, must have had at least one dose of the required vaccinations or risk exclusion from school. The required vaccination for 12th grade students is listed below:

• 1 dose of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (if one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that will count as the 12th grade dose)

Food Allergy Management (Board Policy 209.1)

ELCO is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students with severe life-threatening food allergies. The School Board has adopted a policy in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, and the guidelines established jointly by the PA Department of Education and PA Department of Health on managing severe or life-threatening food allergies in schools. Prior to enrollment or immediately after diagnosis of a food allergy, appropriate medical plans of care shall be developed for each student identified with a food allergy. The school nurse, in collaboration with the student’s healthcare provider, the parents/guardians, District nutrition staff, the student, and any other appropriate individuals, will develop the plan. Medical plans of care will include both preventative measures and emergency measures in case of exposure.

School Counseling Department

The mission of Eastern Lebanon County School District School Counseling Department is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. School counselors assist all students in acquiring the skills needed to meet the challenges and responsibilities of the future. The middle school counseling department is here to help each of you make the most of your abilities and opportunities so that your years in the middle school will be rewarding ones. You are encouraged to contact the counselor whenever a problem arises and you feel you need to discuss the problem with someone. These problems may be personal, educational, or career related. Any personal problems discussed in the counselor’s office will be kept confidential.


The library is the place to go to do research, extra studying, or in some cases, class. It is not a place to go to socialize with friends or just get out of class. We want our students to use our library, but use it responsibly.

• Library Fines: Students will be charged 10¢ per school day for all overdue library materials. Students are responsible to check the date due slips placed in the back pocket and return their materials by that date. Overdue notices are sent out weekly only as a courtesy reminder once they have an overdue or fine.

Student Records (Notification of Rights/Eligible Students)

The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within thirty (30) days of the district’s receipt of a request for access.

The right to request amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violates the privacy rights of the student.

The right to consent to disclosure of personally indentifiable information contained in the students education records, except to the extent that FERPA and State law authorize disclosure without consent.

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605.

The right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the categories of directory information.

The right to request that information not be provided to military recruiting officers.

Student Assistance Program (S.A.P.)

The Student Assistance Program is designed to help students who are experiencing academic difficulty due to substance abuse or mental health issues. The team is made up of teachers, counselor, administrators, school nurse, and liaisons from outside agencies. Team members have special training in areas such as drug and alcohol issues, depression, family problems and suicide. SAP accepts referrals from staff, students, and parents who may be concerned about a student. ALL information remains confidential. For help or information contact the school counselor or assistant principal.


Audio/Video on Buses (Board Policy 810.2)

Audio/Video cameras will be installed on all buses transporting students. The audio/video cameras are intended to discourage acts of misbehavior and will be used to identify the cause of inappropriate bus conduct. Audio/Video tapes identifying inappropriate bus behavior may be used at conferences with parents and as evidence for disciplinary action.

Athletic Activities (Board Policy 123)

The Middle School recognizes the value of athletics as an integral part of the total school experience for students and as a way to involve the community. Eligibility to participate shall be determined regularly and in compliance with necessary academic and behavioral requirements as outlined within Board Policy.

Band Instruments

We strongly advise parents to make sure that their student’s band instruments are insured either on their homeowner’s policy or a separate policy. Lost instruments should be reported immediately to the instructor.

Bicycles / Skateboards / Scooters (Board Policy 223)

Riding bicycles, skateboards, and/or scooters to school is not allowed. If they are found on school grounds, they will be confiscated.

Bus Rules

Students should arrive at their assigned school bus stop approximately 10 minutes early and should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter. Students must scan their ID badges as they board and depart the bus for transportation to and from school. While on the bus, students should keep hands and heads inside the bus at all times.

Remember, that loud talking and laughing divert the driver’s attention and make safe driving difficult. Horseplay is not permitted around or on the school bus.

• Students need a signed note from a parent/guardian in order to ride a different bus and it needs to be turned into the office prior to riding the bus. The student needs the “purple pass” issued from the office.

• Do not throw anything out of the window.

• Bus riders are not permitted to leave their seats while the bus is in motion.

• Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.

Reminder – It is a privilege to be provided with transportation to and from school. Students who abuse this privilege may be suspended from school transportation and the parents will be required to provide alternate transportation.

Student ID Badges

Students will be issued an ID badge, which includes their picture, from Lifetouch. These badges will be scanned to board their bus to and from school, field trips, to use as their library card, and to use for their cafeteria purchases.

Students are responsible for the badge and there will be a charge if a replacement card is issued. A replacement badge will cost $3.00.


Calculators are an important part of both mathematics and science classes. Although many classrooms have calculators for student use, we feel that it is important that students have their own calculator for their use. We recommend a scientific calculator of any brand. Names should be engraved on the calculators.

Camera Surveillance Policy

Audio and/or video recording devices have been installed and are operational. Persons who remain on School District property shall not have an expectation of privacy while remaining on school property. The recordings created shall be the property of the School District, and may be used by the School District, as it deems appropriate. This notice is posted pursuant to district policy as adopted by the Board of School Directors of Eastern Lebanon County School District.

Care of School Property

Destruction and/or defacing of school property will be considered just cause for immediate suspension. The incident may be reported to the prosecuting attorney for prosecution.

Change of Address

If a student moves to another address in this school area, you should notify the main office at once, giving the new address and telephone number. It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to keep such information up-to-date. A proof of residency must be provided when changing an address.

Interscholastic Athletics

Interscholastic athletics, as described in School Board Policy 123, play an integral part of the total school experience. Students are afforded the opportunity to participate in a variety of interscholastic athletics throughout the school year. Students participating in interscholastic athletics must adhere to the rules outlined in the Athletic Department Handbook.

Additionally, ELCO School District recognizes the importance of ensuring the safety of students participating in the District’s athletic programs. School Board Policy 123.1 was developed to provide guidance for prevention, detentions and treatment of concussions sustained by students while participating in an athletic activity. Finally, School Board Policy 123.2 was developed to provide guidance for prevention and recognition of sudden cardiac arrest in student-athletes.

Field Trips

The following guidelines and criteria for participation in grade level field trips have been adopted. A student will be ineligible for participation if one of the following has occurred:

1. The student received one or more days of out-of-school suspension.

2. The student received two or more days of in-school suspension.

All rules and expectations that are enforced during the school day will be enforced on field trips.

A Faculty Appeals Board, consisting of a chaperone, the school counselor, the assistant principal, and the principal, will meet prior to the trip to discuss any students who have not met eligibility requirements and have requested an exemption. This Board will make the final decision on participation, individually, for each student in question.

Food and Beverages

Food, drinks, and candy are only allowed in the cafeteria. Use of these items anywhere or anytime else must be for a special reason and with special pre-approval of both the supervising teacher and staff member AND the principal. School-sponsored sales may be done during lunch only. Please note that energy drinks that are highly caffeinated (Monster, Red Bull, etc.) are banned from school property due to health and safety concerns.


Careless disposal of gum in drinking fountains, on furniture, and on the floor presents sanitation (health) and cleaning problems, as well as costly repair. For these reasons, the chewing of gum will not be allowed. Violators are subject to disciplinary action that will include after school detention.

Hallway Courtesy and Pass

Keep corridors open to traffic by walking on the right side. Please do not block traffic by standing in groups. Do not walk up and down halls – go directly to where you are supposed to be. Pass through the corridor quietly. Do not run. Be considerate of others in the halls and classrooms. Keep the school clean by discarding trash in containers provided. Loud talking and horseplay will not be tolerated.

Students are not permitted in the halls during class periods unless they have permission from their teacher and have a hall pass. The pass needs to be signed by the teacher and it must include the time, date, and destination. Violators will be issued a disciplinary consequence.


Lockers are provided for students. Use only the locker assigned to you. Checks will be made periodically to make sure lockers are kept neat and clean. Students are expected to keep lockers in good condition. Students may go to their locker before homeroom, before lunch, before the last period of the day, and/or when they have a locker pass. Each locker has a built-in combination lock. To open your lock you will use the three digit number turning Right to the first number, Left past the second number, going all the way around to it again and stopping, then Right to the last number. After closing the locker you should spin the lock. Never set your lock for easy opening. The school cannot accept responsibility for missing or stolen articles. Students, who are found tampering with a locker, other than the one assigned to them, may be suspended. All outer garments are to be kept in lockers and are not to be worn or carried to class.

Lost and Found

You are responsible for your own property and possessions and should keep them locked in your locker. However, if you should lose something, check in the office to see if it has been turned in. Lost and found will be cleaned out periodically during the year.

Lunch Procedures

Students are expected to maintain the cleanliness of the cafeteria and lunchroom and show respect for the cafeteria staff, custodial personnel, and teachers and staff on duty. You will be expected to exhibit proper behavior during lunch.

Students, upon entering the cafeteria, should find a seat in the row determined by their social studies teacher. This will be your seat for the entire lunch period. Students will cease talking when the cafeteria is darkened or someone asks for their attention. Students will then follow the directions of the people on duty to go through the lunch line. Students should eat their meals in a socially acceptable manner. Students, when dismissed by the teachers, should take their trays to the window to the right of the lunch lines. Paper trash and food not eaten should be dumped in the cans provided. The tray should be placed on the area provided in the window. Students will ask permission to go to the lavatory or to go anywhere else (library, office, nurse, another table). Students will help check the area around their tables and will follow the directions of the staff on duty for dismissal. Paper menus will not be used. All menus will be on the Middle School web site. If you do not have internet access, call the school and a paper copy can be sent home.


Student - $1.85


Student - $2.70

Adult - $3.50

Milk - $.50


All students must take care of any obligations to the middle school before they withdraw or by the end of the year. This includes paying for lost books, fines and other school debts. Action may be brought against those with outstanding obligations by the school.

Open Containers

Due to the increase in problems with bottles, soda cans, plastic bottles or containers with beverage or drink, thermos bottles or containers will not be allowed in the middle school or on any trips. Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action. Water bottles can be carried with medical permission

Other Disruptions

Items brought from home to school such as laser pointers, toys, and food items that may cause a disruption to the learning environment are not permitted. Violators may have the item sent to the office. The office may keep the item until the parents report to the office.

Parent Volunteers/Chaperones (Board Policy 916)

Parents/guardians wishing to volunteer in the school or chaperone a field trip must apply for clearances (PA Criminal and PA Child Abuse) in order to participate in school activities. Copies of the clearances will be filed in the district office.

Personal Electronic Devices (Board Policy 237)

Electronic games/toys, cameras/equipment, CDs, tapes, radios, portable electronic music devices (MP3 players, iPods, etc.) may be brought to school; however, they must be kept in your locker or backpack. Electronic devices may be used in the classroom for instructional purposes with the teacher permission and supervision.

Students are allowed to have cell phones at school.  Cell phones/pagers must be turned off while on campus during the school day and secured in a book bag, purse or locker. This applies to instructional and non-instructional times, such as lunch, class changes, or restroom breaks.  Electronic devices may be used in the classroom for instructional purposes with the teacher’s permission and supervision.

Should your child bring one of these items to school, please be aware that there is some risk that it may be lost or misplaced. The school is not responsible for replacing a lost or stolen item. (Please note that simply turning a phone or pager to silent does not comply with this guideline. The use of incoming or outgoing text messaging or photo imaging will not be allowed; there is great potential for distraction from the learning environment.)

Violation of this rule will result in the phone being sent to the office and a warning given. The second offense and subsequent offenses will be to call the parents to come in to pick up the cell phone. The third and subsequent offenses will also result in increasingly progressive disciplinary consequences, up to and including suspension. To make a call during school hours, you must use the phone provided in the office.

Musical devices (including keyboards and guitars) needed for a class or intramural should be left in the music room, office, or locker. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with our cell phone policy.

Physical Education Uniform

All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students will be required to purchase and wear the official ELCO Middle School physical education uniform. This uniform will be worn in all physical education classes during the school year.

Safety Drills

Fire and safety drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution. It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone obeys orders promptly and clears the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. The teacher in each classroom will give the students instructions.

All students should proceed quickly, quietly, and orderly during evacuation of the building. Fire exits are indicated in each room and there is an assigned route for leaving the building. When the fire alarm rings, students should follow the assigned route to take them far enough from the building so as not to interfere with firemen. Class groups shall stay together in these assembly areas to enable teachers to check class rosters. A signal will indicate when students are to return to classes.

School Dances

1. All dances are open only to students who attend ELCO Middle School.

2. Students who have been suspended, given after-school detention, are absent from school on the day of the dance, or are on probation for any reason, will not be allowed to attend the dance. The list of ineligible students changes each nine (9) weeks.

3. Those students who are ineligible to attend the dance, and come to the dance, will be suspended or given an after-school detention.

4. Students must come and leave with parents, guardians, or their representative.

5. All rules that apply during the day are enforced at night.

6. Students must be picked up promptly at the end of the dance.

7. Once the student leaves the building, unless permission has been granted by a teacher or the principal, he/she may not return and must leave school property immediately.

School Insurance

School insurance, provided through Zinn Insurance Company, will be available at the beginning of school. Students are urged to purchase this policy as soon as possible. It is recommended that all students have insurance either through the school or with a family policy.

All injuries must be reported immediately to the teacher in charge.

School-Issued iPads

• Students are reminded that the iPad is owned by the ELCO School District and students must use the District-provided case.

• A school-issued iPad is not a personal electronic device and as such there is no reasonable expectation to privacy regarding the contents stored on the device and/or the use of the device.

• Students will be expected to use the school-issued iPad for classroom use.

• Students will be expected to be prepared for class with a charged iPad. Students will be allowed to use a loaner iPad a maximum of 3 times each semester.

• Students shall be responsible for the care of the school-issued iPad just as they would be when issued a textbook or any other educational materials.

• Students will be responsible for the replacement costs for the iPad or accessories that are lost.

• Students will be solely responsible for any intentional damage to the iPad.

• iPads or accessories that are stolen will require a police incident report.

• Social media apps that are not used for educational projects, violent games such as but not limited to first person shooter apps, or apps that can be used to bypass the District’s network will be prohibited and the student will be required to delete such apps from the iPad.

For more specific information and guidelines please refer to the iPad Handbook, which may be found on the district website.

Selling of Items

Students are not permitted to sell anything on school property that has not been approved by the administration.

Student Council

The student council is an organization through which the students may express their opinions, assist in the administration of the school, and participate in the management of school enterprise. The council tries to promote leadership, initiative, and self-control among its members. Students must apply and meet academic and citizenship requirements to be part of the student council. Officers are elected by student council members.

Suicide Awareness, Prevention, and Response (Board Policy 819)

ELCO Middle School is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its students and the school community. The Middle School takes a proactive approach to suicide awareness and prevention by incorporating age-appropriate suicide awareness and prevention education to students. For additional information on suicide awareness, prevention, and response, please refer to School Board Policy 819.


You are responsible for all books issued to you. Students, who lose or damage a book, while it is checked out to them, will be expected to PAY for the book. Your teacher will keep a record of the number of the book that has been issued to you.

Use of School Office Phone

Students may use only the phone in the main office with the permission from a school official.


An employee may make or authorize the making of a photo and/or videotape/audio recording of a student if the photo and/or videotape/audio recording is to be used only for:

1. A purpose related to an extra-curricular activity;

2. A purpose related to regular classroom instruction; or

3. Media coverage of the school, student names will not be released.

Visitors (Board Policy 907)

All visitors must report to the office immediately upon entering the building. Parents are welcome to visit the building and observe classes but must notify the office 24 hours before the visit. The visiting of students by anyone else is not permitted without prior approval from the administration at least 24 hours in advance.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Under FERPA, the following rights are afforded to parents and eligible students:

1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within thirty (30) days of the district’s receipt of a request for access.

2. The right to request amendments of the student’s educational records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violate the privacy rights of the students.

3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA and State law authorize disclosure without consent.

4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

600 Independence Avenue SW

Washington, DC 20202-4605

5. The right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the categories of directory information.

6. The right to request that information not be provided to military recruiting officers.

Photos – Media Release

It is understood that if a parent does not desire to have their child’s picture taken or video recorded and/or published for any reason through the school district they will inform the High School Principal at the beginning of the school year, unless previously noted on the Media Release Form that should have been completed when the student entered the High School.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

We are a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) School. PBIS is a proactive approach to school-wide discipline. It focuses on creating and sustaining an environment for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviors through a collaborative team approach. The PBIS team analyzes discipline-related behavioral patterns and responds to them by teaching the positive behaviors expected of our students.  The students will have the opportunity to follow the new school program and expectations. The key word at the middle school will be PRIDE and we have developed a short motto to apply other words to its meaning. The word will be located with the ideas behind it throughout the building.

P ositive Relationships

R espect

I “It starts with me”

D emonstrate Ownership

E ngaged in Learning

This word embodies all of these concepts by having the students, teachers, and parents reflect on the importance of the word PRIDE. Each letter represents a specific character trait that we want students to maintain. In order to be consistent, we have created behavioral expectations for specific areas in the building. These reminders will be reinforced in a positive manner for all students to follow in the building. Ultimately, every student is responsible for his/her choices, and it is up to every student to make a difference.

Weather/Delay Information

Information on ELCO delays, closings, and early dismissals will be available on local radio (WLBR and WDAC), television stations (WGAL/Fox43/WHTM27/WHP21), and posted on the District Website. Also, ELCO uses an automatic program, which generates a phone call to the designated number(s) when school is delayed, closed or if there is an early dismissal. If you wish to change/add your contact number(s), please notify the main office.


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