The Salt Ritual - Pinch Like The Pros

You've seen the TV cooking shows where the chef reaches into a ramekin on the counter and tosses a pinch of salt onto a dish of food.

We call this "The Salt Ritual".

You use your fingers and thumb to pinch a bit of salt from the ramekin. With the salt between your fingers and thumb, pinch and crush it over the palm of your other hand. You will no@ce that our salt crystals are soA enough to finger grind. They are a liBle moist, but s@ll crunchy (not like the hard liBle rocks you get with other salts).

Now, give it a taste! No@ce it's not too strong. It tastes salty but doesn't burn like acid. Natural minerals add to the flavor experience.

Now enhance the flavor of your food

For your first taste with food, I suggest pinching a bit onto fresh, whole foods, like a hard boiled egg, a cucumber, or a perfectly ripe tomato. Try finger grinding your salt from just an inch above your food up to 12 inches. No@ce how you can evenly cover a whole plate when you hold your hand higher? You can see exactly how much salt is on your food.

I like to leave the crystals a bit bigger if I'm ea@ng something like steak or salmon where I'd like to add a sa@sfying salty crunch, but I really grind it up into a fine powder if I'm ea@ng something more delicate like salad greens. That's just a maBer of taste, though, and experimen@ng a liBle bit to find out which texture you prefer most with different kinds of food is also part of "The Salt Ritual".

Once you have mastered it, you'll never go back to a salt shaker.

Tips and Tricks

Serve your salt fresh. The best sea salts are 9-14% moisture. When they dry up, they become rock like and briBle and will absorb moisture from your food.

Moist salt is good salt.

Moist salts will not dehydrate your food because they are already moist and will absorb less liquid.

Also, moist salts, when used as a finishing salt, will retain their crunch. The won't dissolve like a finely ground dry salt.

Although salt is nonperishable, you should store it like it is perishable. An air@ght container like the bag it came in or a sealed glass container. You may fill a ramekin or salt pig for use in the kitchen or on the table but keep your reserves sealed up.

Salt Secrets

Salad There's nothing that can bring a salad to life like a liBle bit of salt. When you order a salad at a great restaurant, they know that the secret to a great tas@ng meal is balance, so they make sure to salt their salads to balance out the acidity and biBerness of the vinegar and let the flavors of the ingredients really shine.

Fruit The fruit in the tropics is legendary for its richness and its variety, but I'd never really considered sal@ng it before. In fact, if you grew up in North America, there's a good chance that you've never heard of sal@ng fruit.

On the right foods, a bit of salt can reveal a flavor you've never experienced before, par@cularly when something is too sweet or too sour. A bit of salt can take the edge off and reveal flavors you might have never no@ced before. Here are some of my favorites:

Pineapple -Salt neutralizes some of those acidic flavors and helps the pineapple's other flavors shine.

Watermelon -There are very few things that your body craves more than sugar and salt, and when you add a liBle bit of salt to watermelon, you can turn it from a tasty fruit into something your friends and family will go nuts over. Grapefruit - It has a unique flavor unlike any of other citrus, and with a liBle bit of salt, you can really minimize that sour flavor.

Just Pennies A Pinch! At about 10? a serving, Colima Sea SaltTM is without a doubt the most economical gourmet upgrade you can

make in your kitchen. If you have any quesUons, please take a look at our FAQ page located here.

Salt Secrets. But wait, there's more...

Here are three foods you might be shocked you can make even more delicious with salt. Coffee Salt can reduce biBerness in foods, without actually making them taste salty. One of the most common complaints about coffee is biBerness and acidity. Next @me you're making a pot, try adding just a pinch or two of salt to the grounds BEFORE you brew the coffee. When you find the right amount, it'll remove all those sharp flavors, without even a hint of salt.

Ice Cream There's a reason lots of the most popular ice cream flavors have salty ingredients, like chocolate chip cookie dough or peanut buBer, added to them already. Salt won't technically make your ice cream sweeter, but as one food scien@st put it, it will make it "ice creamier." Chocolate Whether you love the biBerness of dark chocolate, or the creamy sweetness of milk chocolate, there are few things that salt can make more addic@vely delicious than a liBle bite of chocolate. There's no fancy science here - it just tastes amazing, and I strongly suspect this is why those liBle chocolate covered pretzels seem to evaporate into thin air.

6 Things You Must Know About Table, Kosher and Commercial Sea Salt

1.Refined table salt is a manmade chemical of 99.7% Sodium Chloride sold by chemical companies to chemical companies.

2.Hand-harvested, unrefined sea salt has not been stripped of the trace minerals that make each sea salt unique in both flavor and health proper@es.

3.The FDA allows manufacturers to add up to 2% of government approved "safe" an@-caking and free-flowing agents.

4.Recent studies indicate that 90% of the salt in the world is contaminated with Microplas@cs. Ours is cer@fied Microplas@cs free.

mercial sea salts, Kosher salts and table salts are iden@cal except for crystal shape and size.

6.Natural, hand-harvested, solar evaporated sea salt has a low environmental impact and oAen helps to protect the surrounding ecosystem.


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