2 Thessalonians - Louisiana Precept

2 Thessalonians

Kay Arthur

Video 0

How Can I Live

The Day America Told the Truth- few moral absolutes, no moral consensus; no real heroes

What are we doing to the heart of God?

America had as its primer was the New England primer introduced in 1600’s with the catechism, Bible questions… until the 19th century

God, what does the way I live do to Your heart?

Genesis 6:1-7- what was it like on the earth in the days of Noah- God grieved to His heart- pierced to the heart, KJV- God repented He had made man; man evil, distorted from that which God created us to be

Matt 24:37-39- JC coming will be in a time like days of Noah (in 120 years not one single person repented)

Luke 17:28-30- same as in the days of Lot

( it’s the character of those days but also the fact that they were going on with life as usual and did not recognize the signs of the times, because their iniquity was so great; hardened their hearts

Genesis 6:7-8- God made man, He would extinguish him; except Noah- individuals make the difference- Would God be sorry He created me? Determine NO- that I will be the apple of His eye, a sweet fragrance, be a living epistle, take delight in Him so He will delight in me, well done my good and faithful servant

v.9- righteous, blameless- he walked with God

2 Peter 2:4-9- judgment that is not idle; Noah preached and lived righteously

1. Genesis 1:26-31- God’s creation of man was in His image, without sin until listening to the serpent; even so God sought them out and promised a redeemer ( days of Noah

2. Psalm 139:13-18- Man was created, made by God; God planned the sperm and egg for me

Knowing God’s grief should make us determined to be holy and obedient to Him- this is a salve to God’s heart

3. Rev 4:8-11- we were created FOR God; worthy at Thou- we exist because it is God’s will; for the pleasure of God; whose pleasure do I live for?

Col 1: 16- by Him all things were created by & FOR Him

Romans 1:18-32- men turned away from the knowledge of God = a matter of faith- not embracing what God says

From the authority of God = a matter of love – “if you love me you will keep my commandments

Gods’ wrath- suppressing the Truth and righteousness- we were made for God and righteousness, by unrighteousness and ungodliness we suppress God and don’t reflect Him; we are without excuse- all the evidence is clear

An idol is anything put in the place of God.

Jude 14-21- Enoch- walked with God after he had Methuselah – hears about the coming judgment of God; some break god’s heart, some don’t

God knew the intent of man’s heart was evil so He chose a people to be His channel- but they broke His heart too

Ez 6:9- God hurt by their adulterous heart

Is 1:2-6,11-14 sons revolted –Israel doesn’t understand; God doesn’t endure iniquity

Have I warn out God by my adulterous heart? To obey is better than sacrifice

James 4:4-5- the church- the same adulterous ways; God wants us for Himself; the church has ceased to be salt, has become friends with the world

2 Cor 11:2-3- - simple and pure devotion to God

Ro 12:1-2- present bodies as a living sacrifice….

The will of God- Love the Lord with all heart, soul, mind and strength

To know Him and therefore to worship Him for who He is

To live as a living sacrifice

2 Thes is designed to help you know God and to fear Him, to live for Him and to know there isn’t much time; the next time He comes it is for judgment.


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