By Pastor Terrence Elliott

e-mail: brotlelliott@

Rev. 13

Mark (charagma): a scratch or etching

Revelation 13:8 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count (KJV) (compute in Greek and Calculate in the Roman Catholic Bible) the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred Three score (60) and six."

Mark is translated from the Greek word "charagma" which means to scratch or etch into something physically. Charagma in turn is derived from the root word "charax" which means to sharpen into a point.

1. The UPC/Bar-code. A point that is interesting about "charax" is that it can be an example of a needle, which will make the injection of the Mark or bio-chip that will be placed upon mankind in the last days as just one aspect of the mark of the beast. Currently (May 95), There is a new UPC (Universal Product Code), which is injected into the skin by a hypodermic needle. The process is called "Temperature Exchange." The reason for this is because the body has to be at a certain temperature to receive the chip. What is interesting is the fact that the only locations of the body that can receive these chips at the right temperature is the hand and forehead. The chip is made of lithium. If the chip breaks in the body it will cause a sore to appear on the skin. Another interesting point is the fact that Revelation 16:2 says that sores broke out on the people that had the mark as one of God's bowl judgments. Here in KJV the word "sores" is plural but the original Greek is singular meaning possibly one sore per body with the "Mark." This is what is called by today's form of terminology as The "Skincode mark of the Beast."

The bar-code is comprised of 3 bars that control the group of numbers in between them. These numbers are symbolized by lines weather they be fat or skinny. The first 2 lines, middle 2 line and last 2 lines are exactly identical in which they symbolize the number 6 when scanned under a digital scanner. The 1st and 2nd bar control the numbers for the manufacturer code. The 2nd and 3rd bar control the numbers for the actual product code. What is interesting is the fact that almost everything that you buy has a bar-code on it. Scripture says that you will not be able to buy or sell without the mark. Is this not fulfillment of prophecy?

2. The Bio-chip. The bio-chip believe it or not was originally created for pets as an experiment in order to track their locations for the owner. It is possible that this will be used as the sales pitch for parents in order to freely have their children marked by the chip. If you know that your child can be tracked instantaneously if they were kidnapped, you might bite off on this with no problem. Think about it for a moment. Believe it or not, this may happen against your will. There is a bill in Congress called "Emigration Control Act of 1986", section 100 which lets whatever method of marking be authorized in the country weather it be by tattooing or injection of a chip.

3. New World Order (Novus Order Seclorum)

a. American currency. Our currency has more involved than we currently realize with all the symbolization on the bills. Here is a break-down of their meaning:

1. There are 11 "ones" on the dollar bill that represent the 11 tribes of the house of Canaan.

2. The Latin term "Annuit Coeptis" means He god has favored our undertaking. In the Latin, the word "God is not found so, this refers to anyone in which here we are referring to Nimrod/Satan

3. The eye is the eye of Nimrod. The eye was closed until 1966 in which it was opened due to the sons of Satan

4. Pyramid ahs 13 rows that are symbolic of 13 countries:

England, Greece, France, Poland, Germany, Palestine, Turkey, Ireland, USA, Sweden

Russia, Spain and Italy (all part of the Sacred Council)

5. 13 stars that represent the 13 nations under the laws of Nimrod, which were the code of Hammurabi. He was the first in Egyptian history to succeed in bringing order from chaos. He was also the first to echo his code from the laws of Moses

6. The term, "Epluribus Unum", which has 13 letters meaning "Out of many comes One."

7. The wreath represents the wreath of Caesar. The wreath has 13 berries.

8. The 13 arrows represent the Indians from whom the land was stolen.

9. The banner over the Phoenix (used in sun god worship) has 13 stripes.

10. Roman numerals at the bottom of the pyramid equate to 1 may 1776, which is the date the Illuminati was founded.

4. Tri-Lateral Commission

1. Created in 1973 by David Rockefeller

2. Divided the world into 10 regions:


3. Reforming into the European Commission Union (ECU).

3. Money Crash of the Stock market

1. Financial Calamity set by the New International Economic Order.

2. Deut. 8:18 in which God gives us wealth and not the world.

4. Cashless Society

1. A World Central Bank

a. B.E.A.S.T. (18 digit number in 3 groups of 6: 110 for us code, 3 digit area code, SSN)

Brussels Electronic Automated Surveillance Terminal. This computer system is located in Brussels Belgium. This computer system has the ability to number every man and woman in the world with the number system stated above. Every time you debit, use a credit card, bank card, or any other financial card for a transaction it is recorded by this computer. This means that the Beast can black-mail you in the future because he will know everything you want and need and how often you need to purchase it.

d. Iris Scanner. In California and some of the other major airports in the United States, have moved to having an Iris scanner for all passengers that board each airplane in order to track their true identity since they have been registered with the airport's systems. The registration will contain their financial status, medical status, retina prints and any other valuable information in order to verify their true identity and save time when a person has to catch a flight real quick.

e. Global Marking System: On-line electronic transfer system

1. Teller Machines (ATM). Tellers are utilized to access your bank account via satellite.

2. On-Star Systems. The ability to find your location or get to another location by via satellite while in your car. This means that someone can track your location the same way, like the Beast.

3. SMART CARD. The Smart card is a card that contains all of your personal information like medical records, access to your bank account, home information, etc. The Smart card was created by a company called Mondex. Mondex is a British company created in 1995. Mondex is an abbreviation for Monetary & Dexter. Monetary in the Webster dictionary pertains to money. Dexter means belonging to or located on the right hand. They have created the Smart Card for economic and identification purposes. They also created many of our ATM's. Low and behold Motorola makes all the microchips for Mondex. Motorola has also developed several human implantable bio-chips. Monex's emblem is 3 interlocking rings which are symbolic of the Egyptian Pagan trinity= Isis, Osiris and Horus/the Bible's Ashtoreth, Nimrod and Tammuz. The pagan trinity is 3 gods manifested in 1 way where as the Christian trinity is one god manifested in 3 ways. l

4. Credit cards. Even though currency flows through the credit card, they are watched and recorded by the BEAST of Belgium.

5. Debit Machines. As you debit your bank account to pay for groceries and anything else, your purchase is deducted from your bank account and recorded by the BEAST in Belgium.

6. LUCENT. LUCENT is an abbreviation for Lucifer Enterprises Technologies. They are the makers of cell phones, fax machines, pagers and forms of telecommunication. Their headquarters is located at both 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and in Rome by Vatican City. Satan's name is manifested in a lot of things that we utilize it today's lifetime. Look at the company Janus that many people invest in. Did you know that Janus means 2 faced god.

7. WWW. (WORLD-WIDE WEB) = 666. Were you aware that the internet web address is a personification of the number of the Beast? "W" represents the sound of "Vav" in Hebrew and is also symbolic of the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This means that in Hebrew, you are dialing "666.' Your web address. Is this coincidental?

8. Greek term: Chi Xi Stigma= 666. This is a term that Rome places on everything as a seal for their control. It adds up to the number of the Beast.

9. The MARC= Multi-Technology Automatic Reader Card. This card is an experiment for some of the military branches. This will contain the military record and other vital information in regards to the soldier.

10. LUCID. LUC-ID stands for Lucifer's Identification in which this project was designed to monitor every man, woman and child that has been issued a Universal Biometric card.

5. Change Agents (teachers) and Master Learning. Change Agents and Master learning has made a major impact on our schools in the last days since our children spend more time at school than they do at home. Master Learning is to guide children from the belief in one Supreme God. This is the belief in many gods as mythology is taught and portrayed and also the belief that they are a god. The Change Agents or teachers are the prime operatives to make this happen especially while your child is still young and you do not have a major impact on their lives.

6. Television symbols (ABC, CBS, NBC). Our 3 major television channels personify the image of the Beast through using symbols used in Sun-god worship.

7. Children Games (Pokemon). Japanese games have portrayed the fact that multi-spirits are good for the souls of our children and have marked them with the satanic spirit of physical warfare and lust for the other sex.

8. 3 symbolic Representations of the number of the Beast through man's imperfection. Keep in mind that man was created on the 6th day, which falls short of 7. We all know that 7 symbolizes the number of perfection so, if you are less than 7 you are imperfect because you did not reach the point of perfection:

a. Government System

b. Economic System

c. Religious system

9. TIN (taxpayer identification number). This card exists for those religiously opposed to the SSN. The difference is that with the TIN you pay taxes but you are not required to participate in the social security retirement benefits program.

10. Other symbolization of the number of the Beast. Did you know Goliath was a personification of the number of the Beast? In 1 Samuel 17:4-7, he was 6 cubits in height, had 6 pieces of armor and his spearhead weighed 600 shekels. In Daniel 3:1-7, Nebuchadnezzar's image was 60 cubits in height, 6 cubits wide and 6 instruments summoned the worshippers.

Once you have received the "Mark", there is no turning back.



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