The Value of God's Word - THE BIBLE WAY

The Value


God’s Word

In Psalm 119

Bob Harding

Table of Contents


1. The Perfect Law (1-8)………………………………………………….. 3

2. The Way Of Cleansing (9-16)………………………………………….. 8

3. The Fountain Of Joy (17-24)…………………………..……………… 13

4. The Strength Of Trial (25-32)………………………………………… 19

5. The Word: The Medium Of Guidance (33-40)…………….…………. 24

6. The Inspiration Of Testimony (41-48)……………………..…………. 28

7. The Comfort Of Sorrow (49-56)……………………………………… 32

8. The Medium Of Fellowship (57-64)…………………….……………. 38

9. The Key Of Affliction (65-72)………………………………………… 41

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (1)


A. Of all the O.T. books—Psalms may be that book opened and read more than others.

1. The book of Psalms contains such a wide variety of instruction and good reading.

1) It contains a mixture of praise, thanksgiving, lament, moral instruction, history and other rich treasures from God's grand storehouse.

B. One of the most skillfully conceived of all the Psalms is Psalms 119.

1. It is unique in many ways.

1) It is the longest Psalm. . . in fact, it is the longest chapter in the Bible.

2) It has a unique structure, containing 22 stanzas of 8 verses each, each one beginning with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

3) It has been called the "ABC's" of the VALUE, POWER and USES of God's word.

4) This Psalm covers the subject of the Word of God from A to Z, or in the Hebrew from Aleph to Tau.

2. Every verse of this Psalm, with the exception of two, contains either praise as to the excellence of God's word, or David's expressions of love for it, or the various uses we can make of it, or the beauty, strength, and happiness it can bring into our lives.

1) As we study these 176 verses—not only is there the underlying presence of divine inspir-ation---but you also get the impression, THE WRITER EXPERIENCED THE WORD OF GOD ON A PERSONAL LEVEL.

2) David was a STUDENT and MEDITATOR, who obviously spent a great deal of time thinking about God, and the Word of God.

3. Do you really love the Bible? Do you really let it guide your life? Do you really reverence and respect it?

1) Measure your attitude by David's as expressed in this Psalm.

2) If there is one thing I would like to accomplish in this study is to CONVINCE EVERY MEMBER of the church as to the necessity, value and joy of a consistent daily study of the Word of God.



C. There are about 9 terms used to describe this Divine message, each one possessing a little different meaning, yet all talking about the same revelation.

1. LAW (of the Lord), because these are the enactments of a King or Ruler.

2. TESTIMONY (ies), because they contain the witness God has borne.

3. PRECEPT, something placed in trust.

4. STATUTE, a definite prescribed, written law.

5. COMMANDMENTS, rules given with all the authority of heaven behind them.

6. WORD OR SAYINGS, containing the very voice of God, not a "dead letter.'

7. TRUTH, conformity to a perfect standard.

8. JUDGMENTS, judicial orders and sanctions in which we must be judged.

9. WAY (The ways of God), a plain rule of conduct, a course set before us.

1) These terms bring home a simple fact: That real reverence and respect for God is expressed in reverence and respect for His word.

2) There is no real WAY to love God without loving and obeying His plan for our lives as revealed in His word!

I. THE PERFECT LAW (119:1-8). God reveals His will to meet the needs of man.

• Human responsibility is emphasized by the words "walk", "observe", "seek", "keep", "give thanks" (respect), "learn".

• Such obedience to such a will must bring blessedness.

A. 1-2: “Blessed”: Beatitudes.

1. A beatitude is a STATEMENT OF BLESSING, that usually involves something we ought to do, or some quality we need to nurture-thus involving INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

2. 1: True blessedness, the secret of real happiness, that deep rooted sense of well being, that peace that passes all understanding is reserved for those who walk in the way of the Lord.

1) The greatest blessing is upon that person who actually obeys it and walks in it, making it the rule of his everyday conduct.

2) This means, I'm responsible to know His law, make a decision to walk in the way of the Lord and I must keep myself blameless (undefiled; perfect).

3) I become undefiled by relying on Christ and His saving power—the gospel message is—forgiveness is the only way a sinner can become blameless.

3. 2: His testimonies are not just cold laws, impersonal rules, the Bible contains the witness of God.

1) The Gospel is called the "witness that God bore concerning His Son" (John 5:37).

2) To keep that testimony means to treasure it up in your whole heart, and guard it faithfully.

B. 2: “Whole heart”: (10, 34, 69).

1. Ultimate victory over sin will not be reached, through some sort of half-hearted, lackadaisical approach.

1) And this applies in virtually every area of human endeavor—give you very best; devote your whole life to the task at hand.

2) Surely, in our seeking after God, and in our service to Him—there should be the involvement and participation of THE WHOLE HEART!

2. There is no place for the half-hearted approach which is characterized by. . .

1) Doing what's right as long as you feel like it.

2) Being fervent and active for a little while, then "going on a vacation" from the Lord's work.

3) Half-heartedness does not manifest perseverance—is hesitate to display moral courage—and may seek to justify the hands of the lazy.

4) There is far too much "Sunday go to meeting" religion in the denominational world. You could stamp HYPOCRISY over most of it (Matt 15:7-9).

3. True Christians are not to be like them by putting forth lukewarm, listless efforts which is WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE, UNBECOMING AND CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED.

1) There is no excuse, no circumstance to justify a half-hearted approach.

II. A LESSON IN HISTORY (2 Chron 15-16:10).


1. 15:1-2: Conditions in finding God and God forsaking you.

1) 15:3-6: Azariah reminded Asa and Judah of the apostasy in Israel.

2) For a long time Israel had been without the true God, a teaching priest and the Law.

3) However, when Israel was in trouble, she sought the Lord and found Him.

4) So long as Israel was in rebellion against the Lord, she had INTERNAL STRIFE.

5) 7: Consequently, Azariah exhorted them to be strong—will be rewarded.

2. 15:8-11: Asa listened to the prophet and instigated a second reformation in Judah.

1) He removed the abominable idolatries from Judah, Benjamin, and the cities he had taken from Ephraim. (1 Kings 15:12: Also removed the sodomites from the land.

2) He renewed the altar of burnt offering in the Temple.

3) He assembled the men of Judah, Benjamin, and those who had fled to Judah from the tribes of Israel—in Jerusalem in the third month, on the fifteenth day.

4) A great offering was made to the Lord.

3. 15:12-15: Under Asa—the people of Judah were admonished to enter into a covenant:

1) Put to death if not agree to it.

2) RESPONSE: "And all Judah rejoiced concerning the oath, for they had sworn with their whole heart and had sought Him earnestly, and He let them find Him. So the Lord gave them rest on every side."


1. Asa was generally a good King.

1) He had done much to return Judah to serving God.

2) Yet there stands on the record of his achievement one tremendous mistake.

2. 16:7-9: The prophet Hanani rebuked Asa.

1) 8: The prophet reminded Asa of a previous victory because they relied upon God (14:9-15). NOTE HOW QUICKLY ONE CAN FORGET.

2) Asa couldn't align himself with God one day and the King of Syria the next.

3. Asa's mistake is an often repeated one—he went to the wrong source for help.

1) He acted in a way which was not pleasing to God because his heart was not completely God's.

2) GOD KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON. Men can't hide their heart from God.


4. 16:10: Became angry when his heart did not completely belong to God.

1) 16:11-12: Still angry—still didn't trust in God.

2) A good burial does not guarantee one is right with God.

C. 119:3: “Do no unrighteousness (iniquity)”: ACTION! “Walk in His ways”

1. From the whole heart that is seeking God –there is an ACTIVE RESULT.

1) 1 Kings 14:8: After David's death, God evaluates his life.

2) It is true David committed grievous sins-scars his record to this day-but that was not David's pattern or rule of his life. It was the painful exception.

2. The best way in the world to keep from sin is to be fully occupied in doing good.

1) Knowledge is not always the problem—DELAY OF KNOWN DUTY IS.

2) Ps 119:60: "I hastened and did not delay to keep Thy commandments." (Wise approach)


1. God is constantly watching and wants to help us!

1. God strongly supports those who are completely His.

1) This is a message of strong comfort to those who are striving to be faithful.

2) God will align Himself with a church and with those individuals who are striving to do His will.

3) Eventually, the others will be defeated.

2. We have seen that the Lord requires complete devotion to Him.

1. While our performance may sometimes fail, our heart must belong completely to God.

1) He has given us His Divine revelation to constantly remind us of this fact.

3. Have you considered your need for Jesus Christ?

1. Unless you have been baptized into the way of the Lord (John 14:6), unless you are walking daily with Jesus, you cannot know the blessings under consideration here.

2. If you are convinced that Jesus is the Christ and are ready to commit your life to His service, we invite you to obey His gospel.

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (2)


A. We are blessed when we observe the perfect law from the whole heart.

1. From the WHOLE HEART that is seeking God—there is an active result.


A. 9: “How can a young man keep his way pure?” (11, 66)

1. The cry of the young man is heard and answered.

1) The deepest and highest aspiration of the soul of youth is that for purity.

2. The thought here is not that of cleansing from defilement.

1) But rather that of KEEPING CLEAN as in the presence of the possibility of defilement.

3. The answer is clear and concise.

1) The path of purity is that of CAUTION conditioned by the word of God.

2) This caution is further manifested in the DISTRUST OF SELF, and earnestly seeking to be kept in the way of God's “commandments.”

4. Matt 4:1-4: "It is written."

1) Jesus maintained purity by knowing God's word, and using God's word to resist sin.


A. In northern California along the Sacramento river, several joggers were attacked by cougars. Campgrounds closed in other areas as well.

1. There are certain things to do when you come in contact with a cougar.

1) Would that be good to know?

2) How many of us would know EXACTLY what to do if you came face to face with a cougar "crouched down" and is ready to pounce on you?

2. What would be the first thing that I should do?

1) If you have never thought about that before, you would probably do exactly the opposite of what you should do about 100% of the time.

2) If you didn't think you would ever be confronted by a cougar, you probably wouldn't care enough to hear and read about what you should do.

3) Or you may have the attitude that you will deal with it when it happens—Will do the wrong thing.

4) But if you thought you might come face to face with a cougar outside this building—you would be interested in learning all you can about how to avoid being attacked.

B. But our problem is not cougars, but is Satan and sin (1 Pet 5:8).

1. What do I need to know before I come face to face with the roaring lion, Satan?

1) What is the first thing that I should do?

2) If I don't know—I will probably do the wrong thing 100% of the time.

3) I want to know as much as possible to prepare me to resist his attack.

4) If I wait until I'm face to face with Satan, I'll probably give in—it’s too late.

C. Gen 4:6-7: God made this observation about Cain: "Why are you angry?"

1. When Cain's sacrifice was rejected, all of a sudden his life was turned upside down and inside out.

1) It affected him in such a way that he became a very angry individual.

2) God asked, Why the long face? Unhappy? No contentment? Rut?

3) "If you do well"—set your mind on the word of God—will have certain results.

4) If you do not do well—not base your life on the word of God—different results.

2. If you are not going to do what is right—"Sin is crouching at the door."

(Picture a BIG lion waiting to leap on you behind the door of sin.

1) This is the picture that God wants us to see about Satan and sin.

2) If you do not do what is right—NOT DO WELL—This is what is waiting for you.

3) Sin is like a big wild animal ready to gobble you up.

4) If you walk through that door of sin, there is not a chance of escaping—not conquer sin.

3. God wants us to see the power there is in sin (1 Cor 15:56).

1) "Its desire is to have you"—sin will do what it wants to do with you.

2 Just like a wild animal—eat you all at once, or a piece at a time, or leave you all mangled up.

4. "But you must master it (should rule over it)"

1) God has given us the instructions and power to conquer sin.

2) Satan doesn't have miraculous power over you.

3) If Satan can't control your life without your permission, then how does he go about getting us to sin?

4) He uses many devices—deceit, perverts the word, temptation, appears as an angel of light.

D. What does God tell us to do when we come in contact with sin in some way?

1. 1 Cor 10:12: Must have a certain kind of attitude.

1) Anytime we reach the point and think, "I won't fall"—RIGHT THEN I AM READY TO FALL!

2. 13: Paul tells us how to go through life without being scared to death.

1) We have a promise from God—"God is faithful."-Putting His stamp of approval on this.

2) Just as surely that there is a God in heaven, just as sure as Jesus is the Son of God, just as sure as baptism is for the remission of sins, just as sure as anything God has ever said—THIS IS TRUE!

3. There will never be a temptation in our life that we will not be able to overcome because God will always provide a WAY OF ESCAPE—GOD GUARANTEES IT!

1) Why is it that we falter so often?

2) ANS: We don't like the way of escape—or we don't know the way of escape.

3) We must be diligent in finding the door of escape and have the courage to open it.

4) When we sin—it's not God's fault.

E. It's like meeting up with a mountain lion just a few feet away "couched down."

1. Your mind freezes and the first thought is, "What do I do now?"

1) The next thought that runs through your mind is "RUN!"

2) That would be the worst thing in the world to do—get you before you can get 5 feet.

3) Don't take your eyes off the cougar, become a big target by spreading your coat or shirt, make lots of noise and move away slowly.

2. If you saw me do that, you would think I was a brave man.

1) No—I'm scared to death—I'm so scared that I read and followed the instructions of how to avoid being attacked.

F. What do we do when we come face to face with sin? Do we move away slowly?

1. No—We must do exactly the opposite—FLEE! RUN! (1 Cor 6:18; 10:14;

2 Tim 2:22).

1) Flee at the very moment you know something is wrong.

2) If you meditate on it and say, "Doesn't sound right to me, but it is so enjoyable, so tempting, I can't see the harm in it, I would give my right arm to do it."

3) The more you want to do it—the faster you need to run.

4) Isn't that what Joseph did when he fled from Potifer's wife? He knew what to do before it happened—didn't have to think about it.

2. You might be thinking tell me more. It can't be that easy.

1) I don't need to tell you more---that's it.

2) Don't put yourself into a situation where lions are roaming about.

3) Don't get close to sin, flirt with it—if do you will give in to the sin.

4) Learn and follow all the rules and principles to help you make WISE CHOICES.


A. Meditation is losing its place in our culture—AGE OF INSTANT INFORMATION.

It may even be despised—seems like doing nothing—offensive to our Western sense of energy and activity.

1. The best men and women in the Bible were people of meditation as well as action.

1) Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Hannah, Samuel, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, Ruth, Paul & John

2) They took time, they carved out of their busy schedule—periods of solitude to think about God and His Word.

3) To sit in a quiet, still place---and just think about God, and His ways—we need to see that as being NECESSARY!

4) And if we will develop habits of meditation, the benefits will be so obvious—in your mood, your attitude, your ability to handle stress, and your desire to praise and serve God.

5) It brings into your heart a sense of the reality and presence and goodness of God.


1. Matt 14:23: MOUNTAIN TIME.

1. Time to reflect upon your life, activities and goals-past, present, future = "look carefully" (Eph 5:15-16).

1) Reflection = "The action of turning back or fixing the thoughts on some subject; meditation; serious consideration. Reflection is an ascertainment of points of resemblance and points of difference." (OUTLINE OF THE LAWS OF THOUGHT, William Thomson)

2. When we reflect we compare things.

1) What we know with what we have just learned.

2) Actions with priorities or responsibilities.

3) Where we are morally, socially, spiritually, financially, etc., with where we want to be or should be.

4) It is a process of observation, reasoning, and forming a conclusion.

5) A person who does not reflect is one who is satisfied and is no longer striving to improve.


1. Jas 1:22-25

1) Mark 16:16 – Acts 22:16

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (3)


A. REVIEW: The entire Psalm is given setting forth the beauty, value, and scope of God's word, the strength, comfort, and direction it gives our lives and the uses we can make of it.

1. The first 16 verses are of special value to young people.

1) 9: "How can a young man keep his way pure?"

2) Answer: "By keeping it according to Thy word?" "With all my heart" (10). "Meditate (15).

B. The theme of the next two stanzas (16 verses—17-32) seems to be "The soul's longing for God's word."

I. THE FOUNTAIN OF JOY (119:17-24).

A. This title may not be manifest at first glance.

1. There seems to be a tone of sorrow and of strong desire running through all the song.

1) Yet a careful examination will show that all this is in the doing of the will of God.

2. The opening verse reveals his conception of the delight there is in the doing of the will of God.

1) David desires and asks for life, but not in order that he may please himself, but in order that he may keep God's word.

2) The earth is meaningless until one discovers the law of God.

3) That is the secret key to all of earth's treasures (Rom 1:20-21).

3. The singer is in circumstances of suffering, for the proud and the princes are against him.

1) He rises superior to these sorrowful circumstances by keeping the testimonies, meditating on the statutes, and so finding delight therein.

4. This section reminds us that lasting peace and joy are never created by prosperous circumstances, neither can they be destroyed by circumstances of difficulty.

1) The soul desiring, discovering, doing the will of God, is the soul finding true joy in life.

B. 17: No one knew better than David that if God dealt with us strictly from the standpoint of justice, we would all be eternally lost.

1. His plea was, as ours should be, not for justice, but for mercy.

1) He is saying in effect “let my wages be according to your goodness and love, not according to my merit.”

2. There is not enough righteousness in all of us combined to merit the death of Jesus on the cross—all of our righteousness is as "FILTHY RAGS" (Isa 64:6).

1) Tit 3:5: "He saved us, not on the basis of works which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy…"

3. This is what Christianity is all about.

1) The N.T. teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23).

2) Sin is so bad that one sin made the human race a dying race (Rom 5:12; 6:23).

3) To think that the good can somehow outweigh the bad is not to understand the nature of sin and just how bad it is in the sight of a perfect, all-holy God.

4) All of our righteousness on one side and just even one sin on the other could not tip the scales in our favor.

5) It is like a balloon being punctured by just one hole. That is all it takes to destroy the balloon.

6) Christianity teaches that the grace factor must enter the picture to accomplish salvation. Grace is what makes the difference. This is what makes Christianity different.

4. To think that we can be good enough to be saved by ourselves is to negate the whole N.T. system.

1) It is the same as saying that God made a mistake, that the death of Christ was unnecessary.

2) To break one law is to be guilty of all (Jas 2:10; Gal 3:10, 22).

5. Some might think that since we can't be good enough to be saved that we can be saved without being good. But this is not true and it would equally nullify God's grace.

1) Matt 1:21: "And she shall bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from (not in) their sins."

2) Rom 6:1-2: Don't ever think for one moment that God's grace automatically takes care of all our sins and rejections of His will.

6. Tit 2:11-15: Deals with the problem of sin for all men (not get rich).

1) The grace that saves also instructs—teaches us how to avoid sin. Interested? Urgency!

2) Heb 10:26: Talking to Christians--don't willfully sin.

7. Heb 12:15, 29: Grace is offered to the world but must always abide by its conditions.

1) The writer warns Christians of their conduct.

2) Root of bitterness: Small, local, earthly, invisible—working slowly and very near believers. One root can product a tree—many defiled.

3) If a congregation is fortunate, wisdom prevails, people repent, and not many become defiled.

8. "Nip it in the root" not "nip it in the bud."

1) Once a root of bitterness has been planted and cultivated, it cannot be killed just by nipping the ends of the vines and branches, or by attempting to cover up the root.

2) The root of bitterness produces only bitter fruit (Heb 12:14).

3) If the root is not stamped out a "split" evolves, another congregation is formed, and the effectiveness of both is compromised if not completely neutralized.

4) Before you plant or cultivate a root of bitterness, consider how many may be defiled by your careless actions. Once the root begins to grow and others water it, there is no pain-less or harmless way to reverse the damage done.

9. Notice that David does not make a plea to live in order to get rich, or live for self and sin, or to eat, drink, and be merry, but to "keep Thy word"—to glorify God.

1) That ought to be the rule, object, and joy of all our lives.

2) In fact, it is the "whole duty,"—the very purpose for which we are designed, and the only avenue of TRUE HAPPINESS (Eccl.12:13-14).

C. 18: There are not only interesting, surprising, unexpected things in the word of God but excellent, marvelous, and wonderful things.

1. David had already expressed wonder at the amazing CREATION of God expressed in the world about him (Ps 19)—and at the amazing mechanism that is called MAN (Ps 8; 139).

1) But the greatest of all wonders was found in GOD'S WORD!

2. But remember that David had only the O.T.

1) What would he have said if he had had the Gospel of Christ. . . things Peter said "angels long to look into" and the O.T. prophets "made careful search and inquiry" (1 Pet 1:10, 12).

2) David did not have half the Bible and yet he prized it more than many today that have the whole.

3) Like an astronaut starting out into the universe, or a marine biologist searching the wonders of the sea,--the true Bible student realizes that he has just scratched the surface, that there are vast treasures never tapped yet awaiting him.


3. But note David's plea is "open my eyes, that I may behold (see)."

1) He was not spiritually blind or he would not have known that there were wondrous things in the law and would not be praying for clearer and wider sight.

2) The true child of God does not complain about God's word being obscure but his own blindness. He doesn't blame God's revelation but himself (Eph 4:18).

3) He doesn't ask God to send a new revelation, or a bolt of the Holy Spirit to give him special inspiration, but asks for eyes free from prejudice, sinful selfishness, and the traditions of men.

4. It is perfectly legitimate for Christians to pray this prayer or to sing "Open my eyes, that I might see." (Eph 1:17-18; Phil 1:9-11; Col 1:9-11)

1) In all of this we are not praying for some new supernatural force which enables us to understand the Bible, but to USE WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN US. . .TO STUDY, MEDITATE, GROW, AND LET THE LIGHT OF GOD'S WORD DO THE ENLIGHTENING!

D. 19: David is asking God to be kind to him as a stranger in the world.

1. Even though he was a king, surrounded by luxury, so famous that thousands sang his praises, yet he still recognized that he was "a stranger in the earth."

1) Heb 11:13: Like many of the faithful of the O.T. period, he made this confession.

2) Heb 6:19-20: Like a ship in a strange harbor throwing out anchors, each one of which secures it a little tighter to the shore, we get involved in financial interests, in fun and pleasure, in educational pursuits, and if we are not careful when the call comes to sail away to our rightful home, we won't be able to move, we will be settled in with too many anchors out.

2. David knew that as a stranger in this world he needed direction and a guide: "Do not hide Thy commandments from me."

1) You wouldn't think of traveling in a strange land without consulting a map daily and asking questions for clarification or when in doubt.

2) As we head for the promise land we do not have a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night but we have a map, a guide book.

E. 20: Christianity is basically a religion of desire.

1. David's is stressing the urgent desire of the child of God for the word of God.

1) This desire is expressed in Matt 5:6; 1 Pet 2:2.

2) Like David we are to yearn and long for God's word, have a pressing desire to know and do it "at all times."

2. Some, in times of adversity or trial, turn in desperation to God's word.

1) But David's desire was a CONSISTENT one—by day (97), by night (148), when falsely accused (23), when mistreated or misused by the world (78).

2) This ought to be the attitude of every child of God.

F. 21: Note the connection between pride and the rejection of God's law.

1. The majority of men exalt their own wisdom above God's, they base their life style upon what they think or feel instead of what God says.

1) Like Pharaoh this person says "who is the Lord that I should serve Him?"

2) No one is going to tell them how to live!

3) You find God's rebuke of such an attitude in passages like Prov 14:12.

Prov 16:5: "the proud man is an abomination to the Lord."

Ps 101:5: "No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure."

4) You could make a long list of characters like Cain, Korah, Pharaoh, Nadab and Abihu, Sennecharib, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, etc. who found out the hard way that God means what He says.

G. 22-23: David could bear the barbs of slander and reproach for righteousness sake, just like Jesus did, but it was still a painful thing to him.

1. The old cliche "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" is not true.

1) Do you think that it did not hurt the tender spirit of Jesus to be called a "blasphemer," "winebibber," "a demon," etc.?

2) Certainly it did and Jesus cushioned His disciples against that same hurt by pronouncing a blessing upon those who are so treated (Matt 5:11-12).

H. 24: When the princes of the earth (men like Saul, Abner, Absalom, and others) took counsel against David to do him harm, he sought counsel from God and His word.

1. Furthermore, he took delight in so doing.

1) At least 7 times in the chapter he mentions that God's word is his "delight" (a source of great pleasure).


1. Do you really feel that way about the Bible?

1. Is the study of it a real delight or is it thought of as a big chore, a necessary duty, or even a boring


1) Search your heart my brethren and friends, if the regular and consistent study of God's word is not a pleasure, a joy, something you look forward to, if you cannot get enthused and excited about it,----YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY SICK.

2. May God help us all to truly "hunger and thirst" after the righteousness contained in God's word and develop a real zest and joy in partaking of it.

1. David's example is encouraging us to have the same attitude he had.

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (4)


A. 25-32: In this section we have a new revelation of the perfection of the Divine will.

1. Two sentences are bursting with pain.

1) 25: "My soul cleaves to the dust."

2) 28: "My soul weeps (melts) because of grief (pain)."

2. The singer is bowed down, overwhelmed.

1) He sorely needs comfort and strength.

2) How does he seek it?

3) Not by asking for pity, but by a determined application to the law of his God.

3. We are not usually accustomed to turn to law for comfort, and therein lies our mistake.

1) The truest comforters are the statutes, the precepts, the testimonies, the commandments, the judgments of God.

2) To find these and to obey is to pursue a pathway which leads ever toward light and liberty.

3) There can be no circumstances of trial out of which the will of God has made no way of deliverance.

4) To find that way is the highest wisdom.

5) God's sternest requirements are His most tender methods.

6) In the dark days let us "understand" and ("choose") and "cleave" to the word and will of God.


A. 25: It is amazing that at one moment in this great Psalm you find David high on the mountain, near to God, communing with God, delighting in His word.

1. But now we find him in the dark valley of despair saying that his soul cleaves (glued to, fastened to) to the dust—the world, the things of the world, the sins of the world.

1) With David's concept of God and God's word you would think that his soul would always be soaring high on its way to heaven.

2) But instead he is painfully conscious of the fact that his soul was not only rolling in the dirt but clinging to it.

2. Most of us, if not all of us have seen on TV birds that have been caught in one of those great oil slicks.

1) Birds were born to fly, they want to fly, but they are glued to that sludge.

3. Likewise, the true child of God realizes that he is the glory and image of God (1 Cor 11:7).

1) And that God is the Father of his spirit (Heb 12:9).

2) He knows that this world is not his home, and his citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20).

4. Therefore, it becomes a source of grief and concern when the things of this world begin to tie us down.

1) Do you ever get that feeling? That the world is getting the best of you?

2) That temptations are getting greater than you can bear?

3) That worldly problems, worldly gain, worldly ambitions are becoming so consuming that you are losing your grip on God and spiritual things?

4) Do you ever feel like the people in Haggai's day that you are earning wages to put in a bag with holes in it?

5) Do family problems burden you down? There is nothing that can render us so miserable, sap our energies and resources so much, as problems within a family, loss of confidence in loved ones.

6) Do church problems wear on you, frustrate and discourage you?

7) When (not if) tears flow, when sleep fails, when the world seems to engulf and tie you down, what can you do?

5. Do like David did—turn to God and His word for NEW LIFE!

1) David was a child of God, he had spiritual life, yet 7 times in this chapter he pleads for reviving (quickening) to new life.

2) He wanted more strength, stronger faith, greater zeal.

6. But the instrument through which all of this would come was the word.

1) 50: "That Thy word has revived me (preserved me alive)."

2) 93: "I will never forget Thy precepts, for by them Thou hast revived me (kept me alive)."

3) John 6:63: Jesus said, "The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life."

7. When a person is depressed in spirit, weak, bent toward the ground, they need new strength.

1) Heb 12:10-13: "Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet…" (v.12; 2:1; 5:12; 10:23-25).

2) What do you do when you are physically cold? You get closer to the fire.

3) What do you do when your car battery is weak? Get it charged.

4) What do you do when you are spiritually weak and losing ground? Get back to God and His word.

B. 26: There is nothing that brings more ease to the soul than an honest and forth-right statement of confessing sin.

1. Like the Prodigal son, "I have sinned," or the Publican "be thou merciful to me a sinner," we need to declare our ways (1 John 1:9).

1) But in 1 John 1:6-7 the principle is taught that the surest way of keeping up our fellow-ship with God and the brethren is by WALKING IN THE LIGHT OF HIS WORD.

C. 27: Notice that back in v 19 he had asked God not to hide His word from him, but here he is promising God that he will not hide God's word from others.

(KJV: ". . . so shall I talk of Thy wondrous works."). Also see v 46.

1. Notice also that one should understand God's word before they talk about it.

1) Too many in the religious world talk about what they do not understand.

2) They have opinions, ideas, personal judgments but they do not understand the truth.

2. Of course that is bad but David is showing us something worse—that is to UNDERSTAND God's word, to know the truth, AND NOT TALK ABOUT IT!

1) Matt 12:34: "…For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."

35: "The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good…"

2) Fill your heart with the word of God, study regularly, meditate upon it, and you cannot help but talk about it.

3) Ps 66:16: "Come and hear, all who fear (revere) God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul."

3. Do you find it hard to bring up the subject of religion to your neighbor or fellow workers or to invite others to services, or to explain your convictions and moral standards to others?

1) Then quit neglecting God's word!

2) Quit procrastinating on the daily Bible study that you know would strengthen your conviction and deepen your understanding and make it easier to talk to others about it.

D. 28: Most of us appreciate David's courage in fighting Goliath, his tender friendship for Jonathon, his see-saw battles with Saul but we learn more about David in the Psalms.

1. In the Psalms he very often bares his soul, his cares, his conflicts and "hang-ups."

1) Some people do not even know that they have a soul, but David was all soul—all he talked about.

2. The term "weeps (melts)" here and elsewhere in the Bible depicts deep anguish, severe trouble, deep sorrow or fear.

1) Josh 7:5: "The heart of the people melted and became as water."

2) Ps 107:26: "Their soul melted because of trouble."

3) Jesus described his condition on the cross "I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint, my heart is like wax" (Ps 22:14).

3. When trouble, sorrow, grief, and the burdens of life make you feel like your heart is melting like wax within you, do as David did—ask God for strength.

1) David knew that this strength is found in God's word (Rom 1:16).

E. 29-32: Even though David was a man "after God's own heart," sincere, religious, he was also a weak human being.

1. When he sinned with Bathsheba, he tried to cover that sin with falsehood and deceit.

1) Here he pleads with God to "remove the false way from me."

2. "I have chosen the faithful way." Here is the key to the godly life.

1) More than just being born into a "Christian" family, more than just coming to hear God's word, more than just not disagreeing with it, there is a CHOICE TO BE MADE!

3. "I will run in the way of Thy commandments."

1) David not only chose the truth, he STUCK TO IT!

2) A person may walk out of routine or habit but running involves determination and effort.


1. Josh 24:14-15: "Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…"

1. One of the greatest dangers to your faith and mine is that attitude of DRIFTING, being at ease, going through the motions.

1) In every congregation there are some who are drifting backwards, losing ground.

2) There are others who are dragging their feet, barely moving, so listless they have to be coaxed and prodded to do anything.

3) But if you could just get even 50% running, anxious, eager, cheerful, and zealous to do God's will, what a tremendous work we could do!

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (5)


A. One of the main prayers found interwoven throughout the Psalm is a prayer for spiritual enlightenment.

1. At least 8-10 times David uses almost the same expression.

2. In the next few verses he prays for instruction, understanding, ability to do God's will, freedom from covetousness and vanity.

B. Even though he was a powerful and wealthy king, surrounded by friends and advisors, David never lost sight of his need for God's instruction.

1. If you wonder why God said before and after David's death that he was "a man after God's own heart", perhaps this is one of the keys.

C. Two traits run throughout this Psalm.

1. David's love for God's word.

2. David's constant attitude of prayer (every verse in this section is a prayer).

D. Realizing his own and others weaknesses, knowing that "the way of man is not in himself" and that God's ways are higher than our ways, he prays that God will teach him, guide and govern his life, and strengthen him by the word of God.


A. 33: Throughout the Bible, God stresses that there are basically 2 WAYS of life.

1. W.E. Vine says that a "way" is a course of conduct, a way of thinking, a pattern of life. One of these ways is called:

1) "The good way" (Jer 6:16).

2) "The way of life" (Jer 21:8).

3) "A highway of holiness" (Isa 35:8).

4) "The narrow gate…the way is narrow") (Matt 7:13-14).

2. The good way has always been the way provided for in God's law and prescribed by His wisdom. This is why it is called the "good way", divine wisdom has laid it out, the mind of God has set its course.

1) Deut 8:6: "Therefore you shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him."

2) Job 23:11-12: "My foot has held fast to His path; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food."

3) Ps 119:30: "I have chosen the faithful way (way of faithfulness); I have placed Thy ordinances before me."

4) Ps 119:32: "I shall run the way of Thy commandments."

5) 2 Sam 22:31: "As for God, His way is blameless (perfect); the word of the LORD is tested; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him."

3. Not only was this true of the O.T. period but prophecy pointed forward to a similar situation in the N.T. dispensation.

1) Jer 32:38-40: "And they shall be My people, and I will be their God: and I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me always, for their OWN GOOD, and for the good of their children after them. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; and I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me."

2) NOTE: Ps 89:3-4, 29, 36-37; Matt 16:18; Eph 3:21; Matt 7:13-14; John 14:6.

B. 34: Not only does David recognize the need for learning and comprehending God's word, but for the wisdom to properly use that revelation.

1. This is something we can pray for today: Jas 1:5—not praying for a new revelation, but to use the truth in a most productive way.

2. David completes the verse by saying that he will observe God's laws with all my heart.

1) You cannot miss in reading this Psalm the repetitive emphasis on whole heartedness, consecration, full handed commitment.

2) Mt.22:37-38; Ac.8:37: We are to avoid a half-hearted, hypocritical religion.

3) Unless we really mean it, unless we are willing to put our whole heart into it, our religion is a farce.

C. 35: Having prayed to know God's will--now he prays to "make me walk (go)".

1. He is not asking God to contradict the principle of free will and choice.

1) God will not force anyone to go in His paths.

2) But David is praying for strength to walk in God's ways.

2. The way God causes us to walk in His way is by a loving appeal.

1) He reveals to us the right way and gives us adequate incentives to walk in it.

D. 36: We have already seen one detour on this way (half-heartedness, lukewarmness). Here he warns us of another…dishonest gain (covetousness).

1. Definition: The abnormal desire for riches, the excessive love of things, the putting of anything or anybody between us and our service to God—gives us only 2 choices.

1) We must choose one or the other—can't choose both at the same time.

2. If we are inclined, or bent toward one we will de-emphasize the other (Matt 6:24).

1) This abnormal appetite for the THINGS of this world is idolatry (Eph 5:5).

2) We have heard people confess all kinds of sins—but how many times have you heard anyone confess the sin of covetousness? Difficult to detect in our own lives.

3) Guilty of this sin when pursue education or job and neglect spiritual values.

4) Instill in our children what David prayed for in this Psalm—and whatever else they may accomplish in life, we can be assured of their happiness and success.

E. 37: Still another detour that David recognizes that can turn us away from the right way is "vanity".

1. We need to keep our eyes on the right things.

1) If we are afraid of being burned, we don't play with fire.

2) If we are afraid getting bit by a rattle snake we don't play with snakes, don't go where they are, if must go—on the lookout for them.

3) If we are afraid of drowning, we stay out of deep water.

4) If we are afraid of getting side-tracked and miss the way to heaven, we need to put a watch on our eyes or as Job put it "make a covenant with our eyes" (Job 31:1).

2. Vanity means those things that are empty, worthless, having no permanent or lasting value.

1) Movies and books that are filled with the vain, empty, suggestive, smut of this world—things that are shameful to even mention—therefore shameful to be seen.

2) All the rationalization in the world will not make blaspheming God's name and Christ's name over and over again in the same movie, or glamorizing sin (drunk, stealing, lying), or ridiculing true religion right.

F. 38: Another detour we need to guard against is SKEPTICISM.

1. Nothing can get us off the narrow way quicker than DOUBTS about God's word.

1) Bear in mind that we have a clear advantage over David—complete revelation.

2) John 16:12-13; 20:30-31

3) The Holy Spirit confirmed that truth: Heb 2:2-3.

2. When God keeps a promise in regard to something one time, that should give us every confidence of that same action in the future.

1) Matt 16:9: Jesus was exasperated with His disciples for not remembering a prior occasion.

2) If God had fed the multitudes with a few loaves and fishes, he could again.

3. May we all by the consistent application of God's truth to our lives, come to have that same

confidence and faith that God will always keep His promises.

G. 39: Men reproached David for terrible things he had done, even though he repented.

1. His enemies conducted a continual slander campaign.

1) Paul had the same attitude: 1 Cor. :3-4—"small thing".

2) Ps 32:7-12: This same attitude kept David going.

H. 40: Another repetitive phrase found at least 8 times in this Psalm is "revive me."

1. Here is a spiritually minded man—one given to prayer and the word of God.

1) And yet he continually asks God to revive (quicken) him—give more life to him.

2) Do we need more life? We all need that!


1. In walking this way, there is the constant danger of drifting so that we become listless and lazy and drag our feet.

1. David needed to be renewed daily in the inward man—Needed new life!

1) We express that same desire as David when we sing, "Revive us again."

2) We need some heart to heart resuscitation; we need some marrow in these "dry bones".

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (6)


A. 41-48: In this section David prays for that salvation made possible only through the mercy and grace of God as revealed only in the word of God.

1. The psalmist recognizes his responsibility as a witness.

2. He desires to have an answer to the man who reproaches him.

3. He also desires to be able to speak of the testimonies of Jehovah before kings without being ashamed.

4. Therefore, David sets forth 5 things that salvation does for us.


A. 41, 46: Salvation enables us to answer our enemies, to be bold and courageous (1 Pet 3:15).

1. David recognized the weakness of God's people and that often under pressure we are either afraid or ashamed to speak out about salvation.

1) What better example of this than Peter.

2) Even though he was a close personal friend of Jesus, even though he affirmed confidently in Matt 26:35: "even if I must die with You, I will not deny You." All the disciples said the same thing too.

3 Yet, surrounded by worldly influence and pressure, he cursed and denied that he ever knew Jesus.

2. 1 Cor 15:33: Teen age and adult Christians alike need to be continually warned that the surest way to compromise your faith and morals is to be found with the wrong crowd.

1) So David prays in v 43: "And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth."

2) Note that God wants us to have His word not only in our heart but also in our mouth.

3) Oh, we can rationalize and say "I'm too bashful". . ."I don't want to appear fanatical". . .

"I don't want to turn people off by being too pushy". . ."I don't know what to say". . . "They won't listen to me". . .

4) But if there is one thing we need to do more of as Christians is talking about Jesus to others!

3. 1 John 4:1: Let's test ourselves as we would test others—eye glass on ourselves for a while.

1) 2-3: When we are caught in an uncomfortable situation—instinct reaction:

2) Confess: Matt 10:32-33—How do we act all the time (casual conversation) not just when we are under pressure?

3) Not Ashamed (Rom 1:14-16).

4) 4: EX: getting down off roof—Dad is 3 inches away and says "Trust me, jump, I'll catch you."

God is closer than 3 inches away—"Trust me—just words, why choke up?

5) EX: Zoo—wild animals in a cage—bars between them and you—can't hurt you

6) Why stand so far away? Same with sharing the gospel.

4. 5: The world speaks boldly

1) Prov 28:1: We should be out-talking the world.

2) Every time we speak, we are correcting misinformation.

5. 6: EX: A good lawyer will concentrate on convincing the jury.

1) Other lawyers may snicker.

2) But focus is on the ones that care about and decide the case.

3) Don't let it phase you—mockers are on a very wide road.

4) It is a privilege and blessing to share the gospel:

B. 45: David states a fundamental truth—that liberty and freedom are WITHIN THE LAW.

1. Our national freedom (which matches that of any nation in history) is based upon the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

1) If those documents were destroyed and abolished, we would not be a free nation.

2. Many within our society want to be free from any laws or restrictions, free to "do their own thing."

1) They often wind up breaking the law and having their freedom taken away.

2) To our young people there is no more precious goal than freedom and liberty.

3) They long for the day when they will be free from the rules of home and school. . .and some want to be free from even God.

4) Some will find out the hard way that the "freedom" that says "I'm going to do as I please and not submit to anybody's authority" is not freedom at all, but SLAVERY.

5) Thousands end up as slaves to drugs or alcohol, get sexual diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and even have to go to prison.

6) But they all learn the truth of Jesus' statement found in John 8:34: "Truly, truly, I say to you, every one who commits sin is the slave of sin."

3. Rom 6:16: There is no absolute freedom—either a servant of God or a servant of sin.

1) 1 Pet 2:16: (John 8:32,36; Gal 5:1) Freedom involves restraint (right and wrong uses).

2) Freedom without responsibility (free to serve) causes one to lose freedom.

3) Knowledge provides the ability to be free from the law and sin—Ignorance enslaves.

4) Rom 13:10: We are free to love and when we do, we LIMIT OURSELVES VOLUNTARILY, from doing any harm to our neighbor.

5) God's word teaches us how to love our neighbor and that knowledge controls and restrains the Christian—who is indeed free in Christ!

4. 1 Cor 8:1, 7-13: Knowledge + Love = Edifies (both are needed).

1) Love=voluntarily gives up liberty in order to edify brother (1 Cor 13:5: not seek its own)

2) 1 Cor 10:31-33: Question is not just do I have liberty? Does my liberty show to others that I have the proper respect toward God.

3) How can God be glorified if my liberty causes others to stumble (sin and fall)?

4) All our actions are to draw people to Christ (impossible to please all men—persecution).

C. 47: This salvation causes us to be cheerful and pleasant in our duty.

1. Gal 5:14: "love is the fulfilling of the law."

1) When we really love God with all our heart and soul and mind,

2) When doing His will is not an odious burden or something you just have to do to keep your "fire insurance" paid up,

3) When obeying His word is your delight and pleasure,

4) You are following in the footsteps of Jesus who said "My meat is to do the will of Him who sent Me" (John 4:34).

2. Ps 37:4: David said "Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart."

1) The key to this promise is based upon desiring the right things.

D. 48: This salvation causes us to be diligent in our duty.

1. Ps 24:4—1 Tim 2:8

1) This kind of terminology is also connected with enthusiasm.

2) As opposed to hands that "hang down" (Heb 12:12-13).

2. Ezra 7:23: "Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be done diligently for the house of the God of heaven."

1) We need to generate the same kind of enthusiasm and diligence for the work of God that we do toward our hobbies and business ventures and we will do great things for the Lord.

E. This salvation causes us to be thoughtful and considerate of God's law: "I will meditate".

1. We need more than reading, studying, and preaching. . .after all of that we need to meditate, ponder, mull over in our mind, weigh the value of, these things.

1) We may have an early morning Bible reading but those precious truths ought to remain in our minds throughout the day, reviewing and considering, sharing them with others through our conversations, finding ways to make practical application of them to our lives.

2. The Scriptures encourage us to reflect.

1) Prov 6:6: "Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise."

2) Isa 41:1-4,8-10: Consider God; Compare God vs. idols.

3) Deut 4:3-39: "Take (consider) it in your heart."

(Deliverance by God so they will never lose their appreciation).

4) Matt 6:28: "Consider the lilies of the field how they grow."

5) Eccl 7:2: Think about death.

6) Eccl 7:13-14: "Consider the work of God."


1. Phil 4:8: "Think on these things." (heaven, hope, blessings).

1. Do you become sad and depressed by thinking happy thoughts?

Do you become happy by thinking sad thoughts (failures,etc.)?


The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (7)


A. In a previous section (25-32) the revealed will of God gave David strength during trials.

1. In that section he prayed, "Revive me according to Thy word."

2. 49-56: David sings of the COMFORT which fills his soul because he has been revived (made alive) by that word.

3. The experience of this comfort is described.


• 49-50: Comfort in the MIDST of affliction.

• David does not sing the song of deliverance here.

• He has a threefold consciousness:

A. 51-52: Loyalty to God and His law in the presence of reproach.

• Paul made up his mind BEFORE afflictions came to let nothing move him from finishing his course.

1. PHYSICAL AFFLICATIONS (2 Cor 11:23-28).

1) Faithful service is more important than physical life.

2) Faithful even in the face of persecutions (Heb 10:25).

3) The Lord said—more important to assemble—encourage one another.

4) Would you risk your life to assemble? Compare all the excuses given today.

5) EX: A Christian in Arizona died in an accident on the way to services.

What if you died on the way to _______ instead of assembling? Sleeping?

2. MISTREATMENT OF BRETHREN (2 Cor 10:10; 11:7; 12:11-13).

1) Paul was severely criticized (if its true—admit it; if false—doesn't make it true). Why get upset?

2) You will be criticized whether doing right or wrong.

3) Make sure you are right—then go ahead and do it.

4) Weak character—"I quit, not going to listen to this kind of criticism."

3. LETDOWN OF BRETHREN (2 Tim 4:16-17).

1) When he needed them the most they deserted him.

4. FAILURES OF BRETHREN (Gal 2:11-13).

1) Paul saw Peter and Barnabas fail at Antioch.

2) We all have fallen short at times in our service to God.

3) Like Paul, we must not allow the failures of others to move us from the Lord and His work, plan and purpose.

4) EX: A man visiting an insane asylum asked a guard why he didn't carry a gun or club for protection and security. Aren't you afraid the patients will get together and escape? ANSWER: That's why they are here—they can't work together.

5. LOST WORK (Gal 4:10-11)

1) Paul didn't lose his zeal for spreading the gospel.

B. 53: Hot indignation (born a sense of anger within him) in seeing others forsake the law of God (103-104, 126-128; Rom 12:9).

1. Like it or not, we are all emotional creatures.

1) The Bible shows that God is an emotional God—we are created in His image.

2) This being the case, we ought not to despise our emotional nature.

3) Our emotions are not evil in and of themselves.

4) However, just like every other good gift which comes from God, they can be well-used or misused.

2. Emotions are difficult to describe with words—easier felt than told.

1) Emotions are inward feelings which can be stirred up by various circumstances and which can MOTIVATE us into all kinds of behavior—both good and bad.

2) Emotions are associated with the mind, the rational (thinking) part of man.

3) It is with our minds that we evaluate things as being true or false, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly.

4) It is in this process that our emotions manifest themselves.

5) For not only can we know what is true, we can love what is true, and hate what if false.

3. The Scriptures commend this function of our emotions.

1) They encourage us to develop feelings of love toward what is good, and disgust toward what is evil.

4. God had such feelings.

1) Prov 15:9: "The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but he loves him who pursues righteousness." (See also 3:32; 6:16-19; 11:1, 20; 12:22; 15:26; 16:5).

5. God expects us to have the same feelings.

1) The godly person not only recognizes what is right and true, he also loves what is right and true and hates every false way.

6. These emotions are important because they motivate us.

1) Though the lusts of the flesh may strongly move us to do evil, God has given us emotions that can strongly move us to do right.

2) It is the painful emotion of shame, the "godly sorrow," that move us to repentance (2Cor.7:8-11).

3) The emotion of terror is generated by a knowledge of the judgment to come

(2 Cor 5:10-11).

4) It was the zeal for what is right that MOVED our Lord to cast out of the temple the money-changers in Jerusalem (John 2:13-17).

5) Acts 17:16: It was when Paul's "spirit was being provoked within him (stirred in him)" that he was MOVED to do the work given for him to do at Athens.

• It is this MOVING POWER which makes our emotions so valuable a gift.

7. This gift is well-used when we love what is good, and hate what is evil, but it is misused and despised when our emotions become perverted and misdirected.

1) One of the most deadliest "heart diseases" is the calloused heart, the heart that no longer hates the evil and loves the good.

2) Such a person will be ruled entirely by his own lust and pride (Eph 4:17-19).

3) Jer 6:10, 15: Jeremiah lamented over Judah. Describes our world in which we live.

4) Our world has forgotten how to blush at filthy talk, extramarital sex, adultery, etc.

5) Whether we see sin in others or see it in ourselves, when we become so desensitized towards sin that our heart in not stirred, we are in great danger.

8. Another way that emotions are commonly misused is to allow the emotions to rule the reason, instead of reason ruling emotions.

1) How many times have you heard someone say, "I feel this is true?"

2) Our feelings are not given to supplant or undermine reason.

3) Our feelings are designed to cooperate with what the mind already understands to be right.

4) To let your feelings guide you to what is right is to ask emotions to do something which is simply not within them to do.

5) The Scriptures do not say, "What you love is right."

They say "Love what is right."

9. Some people act as if their emotions and vague impressions are a direct telephone wire from God Himself.

1) It is common to hear religious people insist that their feelings and impressions are God's way of communicating to them personally through the Holy Spirit.

2) A strong feeling pressing them in one direction amounts to a command of God as far as they are concerned.

3) As Debbie Boone expressed it, "It can't be wrong when it feels so right."

4) But where is the Scripture? Where does the Bible show us that God ever manifested His will through our feelings?

5) "I know in my heart" is often elevated above God's standard of Scripture

(Rom 10:17; John 16:13; 20:30-31).

10. But the extreme abuse of emotions shouldn't cause another extreme, equally as harmful, that Christianity is a stoic faith of cold, emotionless facts, sterile rituals or mere academic exercises.

1) "Emotion" is defined as a psychological response (feelings) produced by a psychological stimulus.

2) When God's powerful, life-changing truth is planted in our hearts, it touches our feelings and directs and MOTIVATES our emotional energy to obey.

C. Some applications (Rom 12:9-11).

If you really changed—this is the kind of person you'll be.

1. "Let love be without hypocrisy (pretense)":

1) Love is not to be just acted out—act like we love but not real character.

2. "Abhor what is evil": Intense dislike; hate.

1) That doesn't mean to just ignore or get close to evil.

3. "Cling to what is good": Like glue or cement.

1) One will not be glued to good unless he hates evil.

2) To stand for something is to stand against something (Jude 3).

3) You can tell how much you love something by how you protect what you love.

4. "Be kindly affectionate (tenderly affectionate; devoted) to one another in brotherly love":

1) Etemology—kin folks; relations.

2) Enjoy being around brethren as you would your own family.

3) You have heard that "Blood is thicker than water" but the "spirit is thicker than blood"

4) This true emotion kills strife when one seeks the good of others

(Rom 13:10).

5. "Give preference to (outdo) one another in (showing) honor":

1) When we desire to be with the brethren more than anything or anyone else.

2) We are honoring one another when we want to spend part of our life, or take time out of our busy schedule, or making sacrifices due to health.

3) Would that make it easier to overlook one another's faults?

6. "Not lagging behind in diligence": Exert the maximum energy to serve the Lord (9-10).

1) Negative command—slothful—slow and pokey.

2) Slug—Takes all day to cross a porch—doing what God created it to do.

3) If we do that—not doing what God created us to do—we would not glorify God.

4) What would happen in the business world if drag feet?

5) Our business— "serving the Lord."

7. "fervent in spirit": Positive—opposite of slothful.

1) The Greek word zeontes literally is "boiling."

2) What do you have to do before you can be "on fire" and enthusiastic?

3) Have a deep interest which gives birth to a deep commitment.

4) If you are not enthusiastic—may not have enough interest—not committed.

5) Intellectually knowing God's will should then prompt strong feelings of zeal, affection, righteous anger, trust, joy, hope, contentment, reverence, adoration, etc.

6) Emotional energy ignites action—"On fire" for the Lord. Are you?

7) If you are enthusiastic it is because you diligently study the word of God.

8) Every book in the Bible is designed to do something to you—change you.

9) EX: Vitamins—Book of Romans—Fervent in attitude—best way to serve the Lord.

D. 54: The statutes are the songs.

1. He has heard the music of divine love, grace, mercy, peace.



1. 56: His final affirmation that his COMFORT (52) in the midst of trials and afflictions has been the outcome of the fact of his abiding in the WILL OF GOD.

1. David recognizes that the keeping of the precepts of God are as a rare possession.

1) There is no comfort equal to that of the certainty of the soul being obedient to the revealed will of God.

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (8)


A. The first words tell the whole burden of this section, "The LORD is my portion."

1. 56: David made the claim that he has kept the precepts of God.

1) He immediately declares that the outcome of that is that Jehovah Himself is his possession.

B. Therefore, loyalty to the will of God is not only comfort in sorrow, it is the medium (basis) of fellowship.

1. Then David explains the whole process in his own experience.

"I entreated Thy favor…I considered my ways and turned my feet…I hastened…I have not forgotten…I shall rise to give thanks."

1) There is first of all the desire for the favor of God.

C. 63: "I am a companion of all those who fear Thee, and of those who keep Thy precepts."

1. This fellowship with God includes fellowship with all those who are in fellowship with God.

1) Define fellowship = 2 or more working toward a common goal.

2) The loyal soul is brought into the richest of companionships.


A. Fellowship with God is possible only through Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

1. John 14:15, 21, 23-24: It is based upon keeping God's word.

1) Eph 1:3: Every spiritual blessing is in Christ.

2) How do I get into a relationship (fellowship) with God and Christ?

3) We are baptized into Christ: Rom 6:3-6; Gal 3:26-27; 1 Cor 12:13.

4) Eph 1:22-23: In Christ = body = church—4:4: one body = one church.

5) Acts 2:47: Added by God to the church.

6) The universal church emphasizes relation to Christ.

B. God wants us to be in fellowship with His people (Heb 10:25).

1. Acts 9:26: We must be joined to a local church of God's people.

1) A local church emphasizes relationship to other Christians.

2) Paul's example (Phil 4:9; 2 Thes 3:9).

3) A local church forms when individual Christians agree with one another to work and worship together according to the Lord's will.

4) Acts 11:21-26: "Believed…turned…remain true (cleave)…brought (added)…met (gathered together)…church…disciples…Christians."

2. Eph 4:11-16: God wants us to associate with, work and assemble with other Christians, so the church will grow.

1) It is important to work and worship with other Christians.

2) 1 Pet 2:5,9: It is a public declaration of our faith—1 Cor 11:26: L.S—“proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

3) 1 Tim 3:15: This is accomplished as each Christian fulfills His personal commitment to the Lord.

4) Fellowship in the local church is to be governed by our commitment to Christ.

5) Only as the individual Christian is totally devoted to Christ that his fellowship with other Christians in the local church be what it ought to be.

C. God does not want us in fellowship with error.

1. 2 Cor 6:14-18: What fellowship with God is and what it is not.

1) Matt 7:21-23: Some fellowships deceive!

2) 2 John 9: Warning!!!

3) Eph 5:6-11: Warning!!!

4) 1 John 1:1-10: The Bible is the standard of fellowship among God's people.

5) 1 John 4:1,6: Two tests of fellowship.

1) Have they obeyed the gospel?

2) Are they continuing in the apostles teaching (Acts 2:42)?

D. 64: David sees God's mercy in others.

1. "Teach me Thy statutes": Teach me to stay in fellowship with You and Your people.


1. There are three things necessary for obedience.

1. Know WHAT God commands.

2. Know WHY commands it.

1) Lord's Supper (Possible to do what and not understand why).

2) Baptism (What is not enough; nullifies obedience).

3. Must know HOW to obey (sprinkling? Burial? (Col 2:12; Rom 6:3-4)

2. "I hastened and did not delay to keep Thy commandments."

1. Time waits for no one. "I intend to obey, but I'm not ready yet."

1) Like a small child telling his father "………."

2. Will you not consider, turn, and obey while there is time and opportunity?

The Value of God's Word

Psalms 119 (9)


A. The soul who has entered fellowship with God and His people by keeping God's commands is now able to make the affirmation, "Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant, O LORD, according to Thy word."

1. The rest of this section refers to the very affliction (69-70) which the singer has experienced.

1) David uses this occasion as an opportunity for declaring his whole-hearted obedience.

2) God's ways opens doors, while man's ways builds walls.

3) Every time God opens a door, Satan is there trying to shut it.

B. Having confirmed his conviction that God has dealt well with him, he now explains it.

1. 67: Before he was afflicted he went astray.

1) 68, 71: Therefore, it is indeed good to have been afflicted.

2) Affliction to the trusting and obedient soul is always beneficial.

3) The rebellious are broken and embittered by it.

4) The obedient are healed and ennobled.

2. 1 Pet 2:11-12, 18-24: "Keep your behavior excellent"

1) Christians lived among unbelievers. Why were Christians slandered?

2) Because they couldn't disprove what Christians were saying. Truth is victorious.

3) Christianity opposed the vanities of paganism and their worldly life.

4) Heb 11:7: Like Noah of old, the very purity of their behavior "condemned the world"

5) This was reason enough for the world's hatred. (Worldliness in the church)

6) Therefore a demonstration of good behavior was and is necessary because of the malicious slanders the world cast upon Christians.

C. 72: The decision at which he arrives after the process is that the law of the mouth of Jehovah is better than all material wealth.

1. We are truly blessed to have a standard that tells us what is right and what is wrong.

1) Certainly it ought to have a great value in our hearts and lives.

2) How valuable is the word of God to you? Can you say that?

2. One talent of silver=$2050 but was worth much more in buying power.

1) One talent of gold=$30,750.

2) David is talking about 1000's of pounds of gold and silver.

3. Ps 119:111-112: David regarded the word as the best inheritance (1 Pet 1:23-25)

1) The word is the best inheritance parents can give to their children (Acts 3:6).

2) Children, will you inherit the word of God? The choice is up to you.

4) Spiritual vitamins: Taking the prescription (WORD) is necessary for spiritual growth.

5) Vitamin deficiency—lack of faith, hope, love, patience, courage.

4. Ps 119:127-128: David was a rich man—treasury of billions of dollars.

1) Yet, the word of God was more valuable than all of it!!

2) Is the word of God that valuable to you?

3) It is if you have devoted yourself like David in studying, meditating, understanding, applying it to your life and delighting in obedience every day.

4) These are the reasons that would cause us to value God's word like David.

5) The word of God is a gift of God, our guide, daily companion, counselor.

6) It tells us how much God loves us and in it contains guaranteed promises.

7) When all the gold and silver melts in that last great bonfire, the word will still be there.

5. Ps 119:162: David looked upon the word as a great find and treasure.

1) If you had the last copy of the N.T. in the world, how would you value it?

2) Would you give it up? Prov 23:23.

3) Would you trade your knowledge of the word of God for gold? Phil 3:7-8.

4) If you found a gold nugget in your backyard, would you stop digging?

5) Wouldn't your mind start thinking—maybe there is more? Maybe a whole vein.

6) You would dig up the whole backyard without hesitation—work and sacrifice.

7) When you find a nugget of truth—DIG DEEPER—there is a lot more!

8) It doesn't matter how many times you have studied a certain book or subject.

6. Acts 20:32: The word is the DEED to our inheritance (Ps 119:152).

1) People turn up their nose and say the Bible is just paper and print.

2) Why all the fuss? It's not very valuable or useful.

3) ANSWER: Marriage license is just paper and print but it means something to you—LOVE AND COMMITMENT FOR LIFE.

4) Or a deed to some property (car title) Proof of ownership—Means a lot—It is yours.

5) It expresses years and years of work and sacrifice to pay it off.

7. Hos 4:6: Apostasy through the years is the result of minimizing the importance of the word of God.

1) Amos 8:11: It caused a famine of hearing the word.

2) Are you willing to let God judge you on how you value the word of God?

3) The value of the word is seen by the priority we give it in our lives.


1. Every day God knocks on your door and in effect says, "I want to talk to you."

1. And every day people leave the Bible on a shelf, not understanding it, and shut it in God's face and in effect say, "I'm too busy."

1) God asks, "Too busy doing what?" Work, school, chores, watching TV, family, recreation.

2. None of that is as important as sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to Him speak and teach us every day (Luke 10:38-42).

1. Ps 19:10; Matt 5:6: “Hunger and thirst after righteousness.”

2. Matt 6:33: “Seek first.”

3. Matt 11:28-30: “Come unto Me.”


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