
BIO, F2, T1REFERENCES: KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 1, KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 1, Oxford Biology Book Form 1. Oxford BK 1, Oxford Biology Book Form 2. Oxford BK 2 WKLSNTOPIC/S-TOPICOBJECTIVESL/ACTIVITIESL/T AIDSREFERENCEREMARKSSCHOOL OPENING11Nutrition in AnimalsIntroductionHeterotropismBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Distinguish symbiosis and parasitismClass discussionChartsTextbooksKLB BK 1 Pg 72Oxford BK 1 Pg 732,3&4Herbivorous animalsDentitionBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Construct dental formular in herbivores Drawing Class discussionPresentationPictures of herbivoreSkull, teeth. Real skulland jawsKLB BK 1 Pg 74Oxford BK 1 Pg 745Omnivorous animalsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe modification of four types ofteeth in human.DrawingLabelingDescribing modification of teethDiagrams of humanskull. Diagram of teeth in Upper and lower jawKLB BK 1 Pg 74-76Oxford BK 1 Pg 7521&2CarnivoresStructure of teethBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Construct dental formular in carnivoresDrawing, LabelingDescribe mode of feedingin herbivoresDiagrams of carnivoreskull. KLB BK 1 Pg 74-75Oxford BK 1 Pg 773,4&5Dental diseases.Digestion in the mouthOutline digestivefunctions of teeth, saliva, tongueBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline the digestive functions ofsaliva, teeth and the tongueDrawing LabelingClass discussionPresentationChart on digestive system TextbooksKLB BK 1 Pg 77-80Oxford BK 1 Pg 7831,2,34&5Digestion in the Stomach, Duodenum and IleumBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe digestion in the stomach andDuodenumTaking notesAnswering questionsClass discussionChartsText booksKLB BK 1 Pg 80-83Oxford BK 1 Pg 7941Absorption of digestedFood.EgestionBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-State how ileum is adapted to absorption functionNote takingDrawing and labelingText bookKLB BK 1 Pg 83Oxford BK 1 Pg 832&3Assimilation of absorbed foodBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline nutritional role of water, vitamins and roughage in humansDescribe role of vitamins and water in class discussionText bookKLB BK 1 Pg 84Oxford BK 1 Pg 844&5Factors that determineenergy requirementsin humansBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Explain each of the factors determining energy requirements in humansCompare surface area to volume ratio of adultwith infantsPictures of people doing different activities,adult, offspringKLB BK 1 Pg 88-89Oxford BK 1 Pg 8751,2&3Transport in plantsIntroductionInternal structure ofthe rootBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Relate the structure of the root to itsFunctionSectioning, observation,Mounting magnificationDrawing and labeling Uprooted dicot, Monocot plants, scapel,Water, slide and MicroscopeKLB BK 2 Pg 1-4Oxford BK 2 Pg 1-461Structure of stemBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-State difference between dicot and Monocot? Education Plus AgenciesStaining, sectioning,Observation, drawing and labeling Scapel, grass stem,hand lens, white tileand methyleneKLB BK 2 Pg 5Oxford BK 2 Pg 6-72&3Absorption of waterand mineral saltsfunctions of xylemBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe physiological processes involved in absorption of water and mineral saltsExperimental designobservationWater in a beakerEosin dyeUproot herbKLB BK 2 Pg 7Oxford BK 2 Pg 4-64&5Forces for water Movement alongxylem By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline factors for movement of wateralong xylemDemonstration ofCapillarityObservationCapillary tubesBeaker of waterKLB BK 2 Pg 11-12Oxford BK 2 Pg 11-1271-5TranspirationFactorsSignificanceBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Demonstrate a simple experiment intranspirationExperimental design toshow transpirationPolythene paperPotted plantThread KLB BK 2 Pg 9-10Oxford BK 2 Pg 9-1181&2Food transport in PhloemBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe structure of phloemTaking notesText bookKLB BK 2 Pg 17-18Oxford BK 2 Pg 12-133Open and closedCirculatory system inInsectsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Distinguish between open and closedCirculatory system ObservationDiagram of body ofInsectsKLB BK 2 Pg 18-19Oxford BK 2 Pg 224&5Mammalian circulationStructure of the Mammalian heartBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe structure and function of theheartDrawingLabelingGoat heartChartKLB BK 2 Pg 19-22Oxford BK 2 Pg 24-2691&2Heart beatBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Relate the structure of the heart to its functionDrawingLabelingDiagramsKLB BK 2 Pg 23Oxford BK 2 Pg 27-283,4&5Structure and functionof arteries, veins andcapillaries By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Distinguish between artery and veinsDiscussionDiagramsChartsKLB BK 2 Pg 25-30Oxford BK 2 Pg 29-32101Diseases of the Circulatory systemBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-List and describe diseases of the circulatory systemDiscussion on the Circulatory systemText booksKLB BK 2 Pg 31-32Oxford BK 2 Pg 32-332-5Structure and composition of bloodBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe modification of red bloodcells, WBC & Platelets to their functionsNotes takingClass discussionText booksKLB BK 2 Pg 32-36Oxford BK 2 Pg 33-37111&2Blood groups andBlood transfusionBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Name blood groups in humans, howEach is suited to its functionDiscussion on bloodgroups Q/A methodSyringeKLB BK 2 Pg 37-38Oxford BK 2 Pg 37-383&4ImmunityBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Distinguish between natural and Artificial immunity/acquiredDiscussionQ/A methodText booksKLB BK 2 Pg 40-43Oxford BK 2 Pg 39-41121Allergic reactionsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Lists factors that lead to allergic Reactions in humansNote takingDiscussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 43Oxford BK 2 Pg 413,4&5Gaseous ExchangeGaseous exchange inPlants stomataBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe how gaseous exchange occur in plantsDemonstrate that gaseous exchange occurin leavesLeaves of Lantanacamata, warm water ina beaker, source offlameKLB BK 2 Pg 48-52Oxford BK 2 Pg 48-54131-3Sites of gaseous exchange in microbesBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe features of sites of gaseousexchangeNote takingDiagrams of amoeba,EpidermisKLB BK 2 Pg 53Oxford BK 2 Pg 574&5Gaseous exchange in InsectsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline features of tracheal system inInsectsClass discussionDiagrams if insectsKLB BK 2 Pg 54-55Oxford BK 2 Pg 58-59141-5END TERM EXAMS151-5REVISION OF END TERM EXAMINATIONSBIO, F2, T2REFERENCES: KLB Secondary Biology Form 1 Students Book KLB BK 1, KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 2, Oxford Biology Book Form 1. Oxford BK 1, Oxford Biology Book Form 2. Oxford BK 2 WKLSNTOPIC/S-TOPICOBJECTIVESL/ACTIVITIESL/T AIDSREFERENCEREMARKSSCHOOL OPENING11-5Gaseous exchange inFishBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe structure and adaptations ofgills to their functionsDrawing & LabelingDissectingDiscussion & PresentationFish sample,Hand lens,Scapel, chart,textbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 56-58Oxford BK 2 Pg 5721&2Gaseous exchange inAmphibians.MouthLungsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe how gaseous exchange occurthrough skin and lungsClass discussionText booksKLB BK 2 Pg 58Oxford BK 2 Pg 593SkinBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline significance of moisture in skinGaseous exchangeClass discussionViewing audio visualDiagram in text book,Audio visual aidKLB BK 2 Pg 59Oxford BK 2 Pg 594&5Gaseous exchange inMammals, the air passage, nosal lining, larynx, trachea, lungsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Explain significance of moisture and Hairs along air passageClass discussionChartTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 50-61Oxford BK 2 Pg 6331-5The breathing processBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline role of intercostals muscles,diaphragm, ribcage in the breathingprocessDemonstrating breathingusing modelBreathing modelChartTextbooksDiagram of ribcageKLB BK 2 Pg 61-63Oxford BK 2 Pg 64-6541,2&3Gaseous exchange in the alveolusBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline role of moisture in the alveolusClass discussionDiagramTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 64Oxford BK 2 Pg 664&5Factors affecting rateof breathingBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe factors affecting rate ofBreathing in humans Class discussionPresentationNotes takingTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 65Oxford BK 2 Pg 6651,2&3Diseases of the Respiratory systemBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe causes, symptoms and Prevention of diseases of the breathingsystemClass discussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 67-70Oxford BK 2 Pg 74-754&5RespirationIntroductionTypes of respirationBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Define respiration, name and describeAerobic and anaerobic respirationClass discussionChartTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 68Oxford BK 2 Pg 7661&2Respiration significanceExplain significance of respiration andOutline further types of respirationDemonstrate combustionof food yieldcarbon (IV) oxideFood sample, boilingtube, capillary tube,lime waterKLB BK 2 Pg 73Oxford BK 2 Pg 763,4&5Application of Anaerobic respirationBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Explain economic importance ofanaerobic respirationDemonstrate fermentationYeast oil, glucose, Test tube, capillary tube, lime waterKLB BK 2 Pg 78Oxford BK 2 Pg 7771,23&4Respiratory substratesRespiratory quotientBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-- List the metabolic substrates- Define respiratory quotient and calculate RQClass discussionGlucoseKLB BK 2 Pg 79-80Oxford BK 2 Pg 775Factors affectingRespirationBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline factors affecting respirationClass discussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 80-81Oxford BK 2 Pg 7881&2Factors affectingrespiratory substrateBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline factors affecting respirationClass discussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 81Oxford BK 2 Pg 793,4&5Excretion and HomeostasisIntroductionExcretion in plantsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Explain difference between egestion and excretionDemonstrate transpirationfrom potted plantPotted plantPolythene paperThreadKLB BK 2 Pg 83Oxford BK 2 Pg 8691Revision Respiration in plantsand animalsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Make corrections on areas/questionsnot well doneClass discussionQuestion papersPast question papers101-5By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline physiological processes forelimination of wastes in amoebaNotes takingTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 84-85Oxford BK 2 Pg 88111&2Mammalian skinIntroductionBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-- State parts of the body covered by the skinNote takingObservation of specimenPreserved specimen i.e.Snake, rats.KLB BK 2 Pg 84Oxford BK 2 Pg 883-5Structure of mammalianskinBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-- Describe structure and function of skinDrawing and labelingChartsMicro-viewerMicrofilmKLB BK 2 Pg 85-86Oxford BK 2 Pg 89121-5Functions of parts of the mammalian skinBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline adaptations of the skin to itsfunctionsObserving charts of theskin structureClass discussionChartsKLB BK 2 Pg 86-87Oxford BK 2 Pg 90131-5Excretion process bythe skinBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-List excretory parts of the skinClass discussionChartsTextbooks141-5END OF TERM EXAMINATIONS BIO, F2, T3REFERENCES: KLB Secondary Biology Form 1 Students Book KLB BK 1, KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 2, Oxford Biology Book Form 1. Oxford BK 1, Oxford Biology Book Form 2. Oxford BK 2 WKLSNTOPIC/S-TOPICOBJECTIVESL/ACTIVITIESL/T AIDSREFERENCEREMARKSSCHOOL OPENING11&2Revision of end of Term II examsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Make corrections on questions not wellansweredAnswering questionsQuestion papers3,4&5Excretion and Homeostasis.Structure and role oflungs in excretionBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline structure of lungs and relate itto excretionClass discussionNote takingChart ModelKLB BK 2 Pg 87-88Oxford BK 2 Pg 8821,2&3Structure and function of mammalian kidneyBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe two regions of the kidneyDrawing and labelingNotes takingClass discussionTextbooksChartsKLB BK 2 Pg 88-89Oxford BK 2 Pg 904&5Structure of nephronBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Draw, label and state functions of theNephronDrawingLabelingTextbooksChartsKLB BK 2 Pg 90-91Oxford BK 2 Pg 9231&2CAT I3,4&5Ultra filtration inNephron By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline ultra filtrationNotes takingTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 92Oxford BK 2 Pg 9341,2&3Re-absorption andUrine FormationBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-State physiological processes involved in re-absorptionClass discussionNotes takingTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 92Oxford BK 2 Pg 934&5RevisionMethods of excretionin plantsBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline methods of excretion in plantsClass discussionQuestion papersPast examinations51,2&3Kidney DiseasesBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Describe disorders of the kidneyTaking notesTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 93Oxford BK 2 Pg 944&5The liverBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Outline homeostatic functions of theKidneyNotes takingTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 93-94Oxford BK 2 Pg 9761&2CAT II3,4&5Functions of the LiverBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-Explain meaning of deamination andThermoregulation Class discussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 95-96Oxford BK 2 Pg 9871,2&3Liver diseasesBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-List liver diseasesTaking notesTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 96-97Oxford BK 2 Pg 1034&5Negative and PositiveFeedbackBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-State what negative and positive feedback isTaking notesTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 98Oxford BK 2 Pg 9981&2Role of Hypothalamusin thermoregulationBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-- State what thermoregulation is- State the role of hypothalamus in thermoregulationClass discussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 1003-5Skin and Thermoregulation and Behavioralactivities that keeptemperature constantBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-- Distinguish between ectotherm and Endotherms- State the role of sweat glands and blood vessels in thermoregulation- Outline behavioral activities that Maintain body temperature Class discussionKLB BK 2 Pg 100-101Oxford BK 2 Pg 9791,2&3OsmoregulationBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-State organs that eliminate excess waterand mineral salts from the blood streamClass discussionTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 100-101Oxford BK 2 Pg 974&5Regulation of bloodSugarBy the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-List symptoms of diabetes mellitusNotes takingTextbooksKLB BK 2 Pg 100-103 ................

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