What is an opioid overdose?

What is an opioid overdose?Opioids can cause bad reactions that make your breathing slow, or come to a complete stop. This can happen if your body can’t handle the amount of opioids that you take in a day.To Avoid an accidental overdose:Do not mix your opioids with alcohol, benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium), or any other medicaiton that may make you sleepy. Be careful if you miss or change a dose, aren’t feeling well, or start any new medicationsOpioid Safety and How to Use NaloxoneA guide for Patients and CaregiversCommon Opioids IncludeGeneric:Brand Name:HydrocodoneVicodin, Lorcet, Lortab, Norco, ZohydroOxycodonePercocet, OxyContin, Roxicodone, PercodanMorphineMSContin, Kadian, Embeda, AvinzaCodeineTylenol with Codeine, TyCo, Tylenol #3FentanylDuragesic, ActiqHydromorphoneDilaudidOxymorphoneOpanaMeperidineDemerolMethadoneDolophine, MethadoseBuprenorphine Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, Bunavail, Butrans***Heroin is also an opioidAnother TitleCheck Responsiveness by looking for the following:No response, even if you shake them or say their nameBreathing is slow or stopsLips and fingernails turn blue or graySkin Gets Pale or ClammyCALL 911 AND GIVE NALOXONEIf no reaction in 3 minutes, give a second Naloxone doseDo rescue breathing/and or chest compressionsFollow 911 instructions STAY WITH THE PERSON UNTIL HELP ARRIVESHow to give naloxone:There are 2 commonly available Naloxone products in Utah. NASAL SPRAY: This nasal spray needs no assembly and can be sprayed up one (cleared from any debri) nostril by pushing the plunger. Injectable NaloxoneThe most commonly available product, offered through most local pharmacies across the valley.To use this product:Remove cap from the naloxone vial and uncover the needleInsert the needle through the rubber plug with the vial upside down. Pull back on the plunger and draw up the 1mL dose. Inject the 1mL dose into an upper arm or a thigh muscle. (it can be injected through clothing)If no reaction in 3 minutes, give a second dose.Remember:Naloxone is legal to carry and administer as long as you’ve been trained to use it. Anyone is good enough to save someone’s life. ................

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