{ Ps 72 : 19 } Whole Earth will be filled with the Glory of God.

{ 2 Cor 33 : 17 – 18 } Transformed from Glory to Glory

Restoration to the church of the Prophets & Apostles. Foundational to the Church { Eph 2: 20 }

{ Isaiah 60: 1 – 5 } Arise Shine for your light has come the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

{ Psalm 104 : 2 } Cloak of Light

{ Hab 2: 14 } Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

{ Hab 3 : 3 - 4 } Rays of Light flashing from His hands here is the hiding of His Power.

Old Testament :

Cloud of Glory by day, Fire by night, Tent of Meeting – cloud of God’s Presence.

Mountain of the Lord – ten commandments.

Holy of Holy – Presence of God. Arc of the Covernant, Mercy Seat { Ex 25 : 22 – 22 } God would speak to High Priest

Golden Altar – Pure Gold { glory }

New Testament :

Jesus birth { Luke 2 : 9 }

Baptism { Luke 3 : 21 – 22 } dove of God , open heaven.

Wilderness { Luke 5 : 16 } prayer

Jesus transformation { Luke 9 : 28 – 32 } face shines , garments white.

Day of Pentecost : Tongues of Fire { Act 2 : 3 }

Throne of Grace { Heb 4 : 16 } approach God and find help in our time of need.

Holy of Holies { Heb 10 : 19 – 22 } Enter the Holy Place through the blood of Jesus.

Examples: O.T.

Jacob { Gen 28 : 12 } Ladder into Heaven, Angels ascending & descending.

Moses { Ex 34 : 33 – 35 } Face shone with the glory of God.

Isaiah { Isaiah 6 : 1 – 8 } Holiness of God, Throne Room, is commissioning.

Ezekiel { Ezek 1 : 1 } Open Heaven { Ezek 1 : 22 – 28 } fire, radiance, rainbow, glory , Jesus. { Ezek 8 : 1 – 3 }Caught up between heaven & earth., { Ezek 11: 1 & 24 } Spirit lifted him up. { Ezek 43 : 1 – 5 } Earth shone with the Glory and lifted him up into the inner court of God.

Daniel { Dan 7 : 1 -2 } Visions of God on his bed and wrote down the dream. { 9 – 14 } God father, Jesus, glory clouds , throne on fire.

Zachariah { Zach 2 : 4 – 5 } Fire of God, Glory , multitude of people, church without walls.

Examples : N. T.

Nathaniel { John 1 : 47 – 51 } Heavens open .. can have a bronze heaven { Deut 28 : 23 }

Stephen { Acts 6 : 15 } face like and angel, { Acts 7 : 55 – 60 } Open Haven , stoned to death.

Paul : { Acts 9 : 3 } Light from Heaven blinded him, { 2 Cor 12 : 1 – 4 } Caught up into heaven , { Gal 1 : 11 – 12 } Salvation through a revelation of God not taught by man.

Timothy { 1 Tim 6 : 15 – 16 } Unapproachable light .. God dwells in this light.

John : { Rev 1 : 10, 13 – 18 } Jesus glorified.

{ Rev 4 : 1 – 4 } Door open into Heaven.

{ Rev 21 : 1 – 4 } New heaven & new Earth.

{ Rev 21 : 9 – 11 } Bride of Christ.

{ Rev 21 : 22 – 24 } Light of Jesus stronger than the Sun.

{ Rev 22 : 1 – 5 } River of God, face to face.

{ Rev 22 : 17 } Drink freely from the River of Life without cost.

Key Thoughts:

a. Caught up { 1 Thess 9 : 17 } caught up = rapture = { 2 Cor 12 : 2 – 4 } same Greek word.

b. Door Open into Heaven { Rev 4 : 1 – 2 }

- Jesus is the door - { John 10 : 7 & 9 }.

- Knock and the door shall be opened. { Matt 7 : 7 }

- Open & Shut a door { Rev 3 : 7 – 8 }

- Jesus stands at the door and knocks { Rev 3 : 20 }

- Wait in the gates { Prov 8 : 34 }

- Opens the doors of Heaven { Psalm 78 : 23 – 24 }

- Lift up thee Gates/doors that the King of Glory {Ps 24: 7}

c. Keys – to open doors { Isaiah 22 : 22 – 24 }

- Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven { Matt 16 : 19 }

- Jesus holds the keys of Death & Hades { Rev 1 : 18 }

d. Priests of the Lord - come into the Holy of Holies {1 Peter 2 : 9}

- Holy of Holies is not on earth but in Heaven.

e. Citizens of Heaven { Phil 3 : 20 21 } Seek first the Kingdom.

- { Matt 6 : 33 }, Mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven made know to Jesus followers { Matt 13 : 11 }

f. Seated in heavenly places { Eph 2 : 6 }

g. Set mind on things of heaven { Col 3 : 1 – 2 }

h. Eternal things not temporal things { 2 Cor 4 : 16 – 18 }

i. Son’s of God {Romans 8 : 18 – 19} Sons of Light {John 12 : 36}

j. Transformed by the face of Jesus { 2 Cor 4 : 6 } { Heb 12: 2 }

Esther { Esther 4 : 14 – 16 } fast & pray

{ Esther 5 : 1 – 3 } half the Kingdom { Luke 12 : 32 }

Authority = Sceptre

All authority to go and make disciples { Matt 28 : 18 – 20}

Full Armour of Light { Romans 13 : 12 & 14 }

Glory in the word of God { acts 13 : 48 }

Glorify God in our bodies { 1 Cor 6 : 20 }

Glorify God in our obedience, liberality, contribution to the poor.

Bride of Christ { Eph 5 : 27 }

Looking for a Heavenly Home { Heb 11 : 13 – 16 }


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