Theme and governance

Colonial Trail District Spring CamporeeScout Olympics Leaders GuideDates: May 6-8, 2016Location: Mattanock Town (Formerly Lone Star Lodge)Fee: $11.00/participantTheme and governanceThe Camporee theme is "Scout Olympics" and is to commemorate the summer Olympics being held in Rio de Janeiro this year. Events are a mixture of Scout-skill tests, teamwork challenges and physical contests. Emphasis is on fun, teamwork and sportsmanship. As in the real Olympics, there will be awards.Camporees are a chance to join in one of the oldest traditions in Boy Scout history – Coming together as a District for Scouting competition. District gatherings provide an opportunity to match skills against others within our district. There will be fun, friendship, and fellowship. This guide is intended to help your unit prepare for the fun and excitement of this year’s Spring Camporee.The Scout oath and law will govern the behavior of all participants during this weekend. The principles of leave no trace should be practiced at all times. All events for will be based on basic Scouting skills and concepts as taught and used in the Scout to First Class rank advancement section of the handbook. They will also include fun type challenge events that will require effective communication, leadership, and teamwork to successfully complete. Passports will be given to each patrol listing the order of activities to visit. The score for each event will be recorded on the passport. Each patrol must turn in their passport to the Colonial Trail District representative at the “headquarters area” as they finish in order to be eligible for any awards.All participating units must sponsor one event or activity and provide the necessary adults and materials required to run the activity or event. Contact Drew Smith to sign up at andrew.f.smith3@ or 757-816-8020 to sign up. Please note each that each unit is expected to participate in the Olympic Village Hospitality event as well, more information on this event is contained within this guide.AcknowledgementWe would like to thank the Wood District of Tontogany, OH for developing the idea and guide for Scout Olympics Camporee that we utilized as the basis of this guide.Schedule and Patrol ItemsScheduleFriday: May 6, 20165:00 PM to 9:00 PM – Registration and Check-in.9:30 PM – Scoutmaster/SPL Meeting and Cracker-barrel11:00 PM – Taps/Lights OutSaturday: May 7, 20168:00 AM – Olympic Torch Relay8:10 AM – Flag Raising8:30 AM to 11:45 AM Sessions11:45 AM to 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Sessions4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Ultimate Tournaments Conclusion5:30 PM – Flag Lowering5:45 PM to 8:00 PM – Dinner/Clean-up and Prep for Olympic Village Visits8:00 PM to 10:15 PM – Olympic Village 11:00 PM – Taps/Lights OutSunday: May 8, 20168:30 AM Flag Ceremony and devotion9:00 AM to 10:30 AM – “Leave No Trace” Check-out.Essential Items for Each Patrol:? Passport**? Ziploc bag for storing Passport? Scout Book? Patrol first aid kit? Energy snacks for AM and PM? Water bottle for each patrol member? Standard compass for each patrol member? Pentathlon score sheet**** Items provided by the Camporee Staff prior to competitionEvents, Descriptions and RulesAll events are built around the 8 Scout patrol. In general, patrols with less than 8 scouts may need to have Scouts run an event twice to accomplish the cumulative time for the event. For example; a patrol with 5 Scouts are running in a relay, the relays are based on the total time of 8 Scouts, so 3 of the patrol members will need to run again.EventsThe following events will be part of the Scout Olympics:Torch relayPentathlon- Physical Fitness EventsSoftball/Football ThrowLeaky Can RaceChain gang knot relayFirst Aid for Athletic CompetitionsOrienteeringMad Cap RelayAlligator Pit CrossingEvent Descriptions and RulesOlympic Torch Relay (Opening Ceremony)Patrol must light their torch using an alternative fire starting method (i.e. no matches or lighters) in a designated area. Patrol members will be staged at eight different locations along the relay course. Patrols that have less than 8 members will need some members to be used again. The lit torch will be walked (no running) from one location to the next. The final location is the Olympic Fire Ring. This event will be scored by the overall fastest patrol time.With only a few "household items" each patrol will make torches prior to the camporee that are relatively safe and can last for up to an hour. For this project they will need a piece of 100% cotton cloth*, a sturdy stick or a scrap piece of wood a stapler a hammer. The camporee committee will provide tiki torch oil or kerosene at the event. Torches will be made using rags that are about twelve inches wide and roughly twenty four inches long, fold it width wise until it’s about six inches wide, and staple one end to the stick with a few staples. Wrap the rag tightly around the torch so when it burns the rag doesn't fall off. To keep the rag taught, put in staples every so often as you wrap. Also try to tuck in the "frills" so it will burn longer. The tighter the wick is wrapped, the better it will hold up during burn time. Soak in tiki torch oil or kerosene provided at the event.*Must be 100% cotton; materials such as cotton blend/polyester/rayon etc. will melt when burned and cause huge problems.Scout Olympic PentathlonThis is partially based on the Presidential Physical Fitness Test Standards which include sit ups, shuttle run, 300 meter run, pull ups, and pushups. Scouts can earn blue, red, or white beads to be placed on a leather lace they can wear during the day to signify how well they have done in the Pentathlon. First, second, and third place awards, based on age, will be given for overall pentathlon winners. Event score sheets will be given to patrols to fill out prior to competition.Sit-ups Testing? Have the Scout lie on a flat, clean surface with knees flexed and feet about 12 inches from buttocks. A partner holds the feet.? Make sure the arms are crossed with hands placed on opposite shoulders and elbows held close to chest.? Keeping this arm position, student raises the trunk, curling up to touch elbows to thighs, and then lowers the back to the floor so that the scapulas (shoulder blades) touch the floor, for one sit-up.? To start, a timer calls out the signal “Ready? Go!” and begins timing Scout for one minute. The Scout stops on the word “Stop.”Sit-ups TipInstruct helpers to count aloud the number of repetitions.Sit-ups Scoring“Bouncing” off the floor is not permitted. The sit-up should be counted only if performed correctly.SIT-UPSAGEAWARD≤11121314151617Blue Bead40444649504848Red Bead37404245454545White Bead<37<40<42<45<45<45<45Based on age/test scores in number of sit-ups in 60 secondsShuttle RunThis activity measures speed and agility.Testing? Mark two parallel lines 30 feet apart and place two blocks of wood or similar objects behind one of the lines.? Scouts start behind opposite line. On the signal “Ready? Go!” the Scout runs to the blocks, picks one up, runs back to the starting line, places the block behind the line, runs back and picks up the second block, and runs back across starting line.TipsBe sure the participants understand the importance of running through the finish line. Participants should perform this activity on a gym floor or other favorable surface.ScoringBlocks should not be thrown across the lines. Scores are recorded to the nearest tenth of a second.SHUTTLE RUNAGEAWARD≤11121314151617Blue Bead10.610.310. Bead11.110.610. Bead>11.1>10.6>10.2>9.9>9.7.>9.4>9.4Based on age/test scores in seconds and tenths400 Meter RunThis activity measures heart/lung endurance.Testing? On a safe, 400 meter course, Scouts begin running on the count “Ready? Go!”? Walking may be interspersed with running. However, the Scouts should be encouraged to cover the distance in as short a time as possible.TipsUse a large enough running area so that no more than two laps are necessary to complete the 400 meters. Help participants learn proper pacing for the 400 meters by having them run at the 400 meter pace for short distances during warm-up time.ScoringAlways review Scouts’ health status before administering this test. Give Scouts ample instruction on how to pace themselves. Allow them to practice running this distance against time, as well as sufficient time for warming up and cooling down before and after the test. Times are recorded in minutes and seconds.400 METER RUNAGEAWARD≤11121314151617Blue Bead1:311:271:221:191:121:111:10Red Bead1:571:541:511:421:311:301:29White Bead>1:57>1:54>1:51>1:42>1:31>1:30>1:29400 METER RUNAGEAWARD≤11121314151617Blue Bead1:311:271:221:191:121:111:10Red Bead1:571:541:511:421:311:301:29White Bead>1:57>1:54>1:51>1:42>1:31>1:30>1:29Based on age/test scores in minutes and secondsPull-upsThis activity measures upper body strength and endurance.Pull-ups Testing? The Scout hangs from a horizontal bar at a height the Scout can hang from with arms fully extended and feet free from floor, using either an overhand grasp (palms facing away from body) or underhand grip (palms facing toward body). Small Scouts may be lifted to starting position.? The Scout raises body until chin clears the bar and then lowers body to full-hang starting position. Scout performs as many correct pull-ups as possible.Pull-ups TipsSpend as little time hanging from the bar beforehand as possible because the extra time on the bar may reduce the number of pull-ups performed. Discourage any leg kicking or body swinging as this may also decrease the number of repetitions.Pull-ups ScoringPull-ups should be done in a smooth rather than jerky motion. Kicking or bending the legs is not permitted and the body must not swing during the movement.PULL-UPSAGEAWARD ≤11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Blue Bead 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 Red Bead 2 2 3 5 6 7 8 White Bead <2 <2 <3 <5 <6 <7 <8 Based on age/test scores in number of pull-upsPush-ups Testing? The Scout starts in push-up position with hands under shoulders, arms straight, fingers pointed forward, and legs straight, parallel, and slightly apart (approximately 2-4 inches) with the toes supporting the feet.? Keeping the back and knees straight, the Scout then lowers the body until there is a 90-degree angle formed at the elbows with upper arms parallel to the floor. A partner holds her/his hands at the point of the 90-degree angle so that the Scout being tested goes down only until her/his shoulders touch the partner’s hand, then back up.? The push-ups are done to a metronome (or audio tape, clapping, drums) with one complete push-up every three seconds, and are continued until the Scout can do no more at the required pace. The Scout should remain in motion during the entire three second interval.Push-ups TipAs with the pull-up, spend as little time in the starting position beforehand in order to increase the number of repetitions. Any extra movement may also decrease the number of repetitions.Push-ups ScoringRecord only those push-ups done with proper form and in rhythm.PUSH-UPSAGEAWARD ≤11121314151617Blue Bead 20243028343443Red Bead 15182424303037White Bead <15<18<24<24<30<30<37Based on age/test scores in number of push-ups every 3 secondsSoftball or Football Throw– Scored on distance and accuracy.Rules: Football/Softball Accuracy ThrowEquipment: Football (Junior-size Football) or Softball1. Places are awarded based on the highest points earned.2. One practice throw will be allowed at each distance.3. The participant must announce beforehand if he/she is taking a practice throw or throwing for a score.4. Each participant will attempt six (6) throws from each of the following:a. Football Distances: 10 and 12 yardsb. Softball Distances: 12 and 15 yards5. The target will be the opening in a 25 inch ring, the center of which will be 5 feet off the ground.6. Five (5) points will be awarded for each throw that goes through the target from the shortest lines.7. Ten (10) points will be awarded for each throw goes through the target from the farthest lines.8. Final score will be determined by the total score of the patrol divided by the number of patrol members.Rules: Football/Softball Distance Throw Equipment: Football (Junior-size) or Softball1. Each competitor’s longest single throw is used to determine the order of finish.2. Participants will be allowed one (1) warm-up throw and three (3) official throwing attempts.3. A foot fault (going past the foul line during the throw) counts as one of the four throwing attempts but has no distance recorded.4. If a ball lands outside the foul lines, it will be charged as a throw, but will not count for distance.5. Final score will be determined by the total score of the patrol divided by the number of patrol members.Leaky Can RaceThis is a timed event. Place a bucket 10 meters away from a tub of water and give each team a small can with holes drilled in the side near the bottom. Team members take turns to fill the can with water, race to the bucket to empty it, and return to give the can to the next Scout. A patrol is judged on the amount of water in the bucket after three minutes as measured by a ruler to the lesser millimeter. The score is equivalent to the measured amount.The Chain Gang Knot RaceThe patrol lines up side by side. On go, they tie their legs together with short pieces of rope using a square knot. They must then race to the knot line (15 yards), tie all seven knots listed on the knot line, and then race back. The seven knots to be tied are: square knot, clove hitch, sheet bend, bowline, timber hitch, taut-line hitch, and two half hitches. Each member of the patrol must tie a knot. If there are fewer than seven member in the patrol, some members will have to tie a second knot. The winner will be determined by the patrol that ties all seven knots correctly and most quickly returns to the start line.First Aid for Athletic CompetitionsWelcome to the first aid event! Your entire patrol will need to participate here while we test your Tenderfoot to First Class skills. Featured will be injuries common at athletic events. You will enter an area where you will encounter various injuries and you will be scored on how accurately and proficiently you treat these injuries.OrienteeringBe ready to have your skills with a compass tested. The event will be set on a Line Course. No electronics (GPS, Phones, Calculators, Electronic Compass, etc.) allowed on the field. Each patrol member must have their own standard compass. Scouts may only use their standard compass and materials given to them by the staff. No pacing work will be allowed on the line the day of competition. Ideally, patrol members should know their pacing prior to the Camporee. (Note: there will be some compasses available should a Scout not be able to equip himself with a compass)Madcap Relay RaceFor each patrol, you will need a paper bag containing 8 cards with one Madcap task on each card. Draw start line and put a cone out about 40 feet. Place the paper bag with cards at cone. Patrols line up single file and on 'Go' signal, the first patrol member races to the cone and picks a card randomly from the bag, reads it, performs the task with supplies at the cone, and races back to tag the next Scout. Eight patrol members must complete a task. Patrols that have fewer than eight members will need some members to go twice until at least 8 tasks have been completed. This event will be scored by average patrol time. Example Tasks: Rubber band gun target shooting, gunny sack race, crab walk, and so on.2762250000Alligator Pit CrossingMaterials for each patrol:? 2 8′ spars to serve as A-frame shear legs? 1 6′ spar to serve as a ledger at the base (crossbar)? 3 15′ x 1/4″ lashing ropes? 6 20′ x 1/4″ lashing ropes (for guy lines)The “Alligator Pits” are marked on the ground, one for each patrol, 15′ x 15′ square. Patrols line up on one side of their pits. On signal the patrols lash together an A-Frame “walker” using either three Square Lashings or two Square Lashings with a Two-Spar Shear Lashing at the top. At the top they attach two 20-foot lashing ropes, and attach two more ropes at each corner of the crossbar, using Two Half Hitches. These are the guy lines. The patrol then stands the “walker” upright, and one member climbs on the crossbar. One Scout mans each guy line to help steady and to help propel the Scout on the crossbar as he tries to “walk” the A-Frame across the alligator pit. Only the A-frame “walker” is allowed inside the pit. Maximum time allowed is 10 minutes.Ultimate Frisbee TournamentJoin us for an Ultimate Tournament! SPL’s must sign patrols up at the Friday evening SPL Meeting. Smaller patrols may combine to make a full team.The FieldThe field is a rectangular shape with end zones at each end. A regulation field is 70 yards by 40 yards, with end zones 25 yards deep. Field sizes can be modified to meet the size of a local playing field.TeamsA patrol must have at least six players to compete. There will be a maximum of 7 players from each patrol on the field at a time. If patrols are of unequal size, the number of players on the court from each patrol will equal the smaller patrol’s number of players. Patrols may be asked to combine to meet minimum team numbers.Initiate PlayTo begin play the ultimate players from each team line up on their end zones and the defense team pulls (throws) the disc to the other team as a "kick-off". Pulls are long throws, and they are thrown in efforts of giving the offensive team poor field position and a chance for the defense to get down the field soon enough to stop advances. The pull is often started by a member of the defending team raising one arm with the disc to show that they are ready to pull the disc and begin play. The team that pulls to start the game is usually decided in a manner similar to a coin toss. Instead of using a coin often an ultimate Frisbee disc is used.ScoringEach time the offense completes a pass in the defense's end zone, the offense scores a point. After a point is scored, the teams exchange ends. The team who just scored remains in that end zone, and the opposing team takes the opposite end zone. Play is re-initiated with a pull by the scoring team.Movement of the DiscThe disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. The disc may be moved in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. After catching a pass, a player is required to come to a stop as quickly as possible, and then can only move their non-pivot foot. Players may not run with the disc. Upon receiving the disc, a player has ten seconds to pass it. This period is known as the "stall", and each second is counted out (a stall count) by a defender (the marker), who must be standing within 10 feet of the thrower. A player may keep the disc for longer than ten seconds if no marker is within 10 feet, or if the marker is not counting the stallReasons for Change in possession:? Throw-away — the thrower misses his target and the disc falls to the ground.? Drop — the receiver is not able to catch the disc.? Block — a defender deflects the disc in mid flight, causing it to hit the ground.? Interception — a defender catches a disc thrown by the offense.? Out of bounds — the disc lands out of bounds, hits an object out of bounds or is caught by a player who lands out of bounds or leaps from outside the playing field.? Stall — a player on offense does not release the disc before the defender has counted out ten seconds.When one of the above reasons for change in possession occurs, the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.SubstitutionsEvery three minutes, players not in the game must replace players in the game. Time will be called by the referee to enforce this.Non-contactNo physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession was retained.WinningMatches will last for 12 minutes with the patrol scoring the most points being declared the winner. If there is a tie after regulation play, there will be a sudden death overtime with the first patrol scoring being declared the winner.The Olympic Village Hospitality EventCamporees are one of the few times that Troops have a chance to get together, presenting a great opportunity to visit with one another. Instead of a campfire, we propose an Olympic Village where athletes (Scouts) have the opportunity to sample culinary delights from other countries (Troops). Each Troop will prepare their special treat, anything you would like to prepare to share, from chili to popcorn. All Athletes (Scouts) will then have the chance to walk through the Village, to sample each country’s specialty, and visit with one another. This Event is NOT a substitute for a meal and is only intended to provide a sample portion of the prepared food. We are using 200 participants as an estimate for attendance. The amount prepared and sample size are at the discretion of the sponsoring Troop.The Olympic Village Party will be set up in the field around the lodge. Each troop will need to bring a table to host their preparation. If you do not have a table and would like to make arrangements to borrow one please contact Drew Smith at andrew.f.smith3@ or 757-816-8020.GuidanceExpectationsEach participating Troop will sponsor one station.Each Troop will participate in the Olympic Village Hospitality Event.Each patrol will manufacture a torch in compliance with directions provided and have it with them. Each patrol will have the Items identified in paragraph 2.2 with them during the events.Good sportsmanship and behavior exemplifying the Scout Oath and Law will be expected of all participants and all BSA policies will be followed.The property of the Nansemond Tribe will be respected, do not allow scouts to play on or around equipment, tribal displays, long houses, etc. We are their guest and thankful for them opening the Mattanock Town to us for putting on our event.Costs, and Liability WaiverTo offset the cost of operations, site preparation, awards, and the additional liability insurance required for activities at Mattanock Town the fee per person is $11.00. Each Troop/Patrol is responsible for their own food. This must be submitted with your unit registration sheet by May 4, 2016 roundtable.Mattanock Town requires a liability waiver provided with this Leader’s Guide for each participant. Please distribute these to your participants and have them signed and submitted with your unit registration. These are mandatory and no Scout or Scout Leader can participate without submission of this waiver. Colonial Trail District Scout Olympics Camporee Registration Form 942975133350Troop Number: Scoutmaster: Senior Patrol Leader: Patrol RostersPatrol Name Patrol Name Patrol Name Patrol Leader Patrol Leader Patrol Leader 1 1 1 Patrol Members Patrol Members Patrol Members 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 Duplicate as necessaryCost is $ 11.00 per participant.Project Code=445Nansemond Indian tribal AssociationMattanock Town Visit RegistrationRelease and Waiver of LiabilityRELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AND PARENTAL CONSENT AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT").In consideration of participating in an event at Mattanock Town property own by the Nansemond Indian Tribal Association, I represent that I understand the nature of this event and that I and/or my minor child am qualified, in good health, and proper physical condition to participate in such an activity. I acknowledge that if I and/or my minor child believe event conditions are unsafe I and/or my minor child will immediately discontinue participation in the Activity. I fully accept and assume all risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I and/or my minor child incur as a result of my and/or my minor child's participation in the Activity. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Mattanock Town, own by the Nansemond Indian Tribal Association, event sponsor sites, event sponsors, respective administrations, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, employees, other participants, any advisors and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place (each considered one of the "releases" herein), from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on my account and/or that of my minor child caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the "releases" or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite the release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk, I, or anyone on my/and or my minor child's behalf makes a claim against any of the "Releases", I will indemnify, save and hold harmless each of the releases from any loss, liability, damage or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND PARENTAL CONSENT AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature, and intend it be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree that any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. Further, by signing this waiver, I am acknowledging that the Mattanock Town and the Nansemond Indian Tribal Association DOES NOT provide any medical coverage or payments for myself or my minor child in the event of injury or death. I give permission to authorized personnel to carry out such emergency diagnostic and therapeutic procedures as may be necessary for me / my child, and also permit such treatment procedures to be carried out at and by local hospital(s) for me / my child in the event of an emergency. I understand that any medical expenses will be billed directly to me or my insurance company. ______________________________________ ________________________________ Name of Participant Participant or Parent Signature /Date______________________________________ ________________________________Additional Participant Additional Participant ................

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