Hello! - Nadine Avola

Physical Reactions to TensionHEAD + FACECheeks blushHead rushesHead spinsHead turns awayHeadacheScalp tinglesTouching faceEYESDownward gazeEyes burnEyes twitchEyes squeeze shutMOUTHCovering mouthGrind teethJaw tightensMouth goes drySweat on upper lipTight smileNECKHairs stand on back of neckLump in throatSwallowingThroat burnsThroat goes dryARMS + HANDSFingers dig into palmsFists shakePalms sweatShoulders stiffenShoulders straightenBACKBack stiffensElectricity up spineSpine tinglesSweatingHEART + CHESTChest burnsChest tightensDifficulty breathingHeart crushesHeartbeats increaseInsides meltShallow breathingSTOMACHButterfliesStomach knotsStomachacheLEGS + FEETKnees shakeLegs trembleToes curlSKINSkin blotchesGoosebumpsHivesSweatingOTHER DON’T FORGET! IF YOUR REACTIONS ARE FEELING REPETITIVE, TURN THEM INTO METAPHORS. (EX: “MY HEART BEAT LIKE…”) ................

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