Know Your WHY Worksheet

[Pages:3]KNOW YOUR WHY Worksheet

Why do you want to be free of clutter?

This is a great place to start. What is your motivation? Your `why' is what will keep you going when you feel like giving up. Here's some examples of a `why' : to have more space; to be able to have people over; because you're tired of not being able to find anything; to be free to enjoy your home and family; to have peace again. Write your reasons in the space below :

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Evaluate where you're at now The next thing is to evaluate what is working for you, and what is not working.

What is working? Even though you may be in a state of disarray and it looks like there is no order to anything, there will be. Maybe you have a place for your car keys so you always know where they are. Maybe you always put your bills that need paying in the same place. Maybe you always put your tshirts in the same drawer in your dresser. There will be a lot working, so try to identify those things, and celebrate them.

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What is not working? List everything that is frustrating you. Your list could include:

I can't find anything! I have no place to put this There is no room in this house for this I am so tired of (fill in the blank) I can't (fill in the black) because of the clutter The disorganisation makes me feel ... When people visit, I...

These are the reasons you are wanting to get free of clutter! This is the target or goal you are establishing. This is telling you what you really want. And it comes down to feeling in control, having a tidy home, having room for what you own, knowing where things are, feeling good about yourself, and good about your home.

Write your list of what is not working :

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Reflect on what you wrote above, and write out as much as you can of what you have discovered is YOUR WHY - your "why" is your reason for wanting to get clutter free, and those reasons are the things that are not working! Write down: what you want your life to look like, and what will keep you motivated on the journey to a clutter free and organized life. Then condense it down to ONE SENTENCE. This will become your VISION STATEMENT. For example: "I have discovered my WHY is to have an organized, peaceful, home where everything has a place of its own, and I can find things easily." Keep it positive. Don't write, I don't have to keep looking for things I can never find".












And then write your VISION STATEMENT out and put it on your bathroom mirror and your fridge and anywhere else you will see it to remind you to stay focussed.



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