KNOWING OUR NUMBERS - kvafsavadiblog

Kendriya Vidyalaya AFS, Avadi, Chennai - 55Holiday HomeworkSubject: Mathematics Standard: VI KNOWING OUR NUMBERSFill In the blanks1km = _________mm1 gram = _______milligramsThe roman numeral M stands for the number1453 when rounded off to the nearest hundreds, we get79 can be written in Roman numeral as Give a rough estimate ( by rounding off to nearest hundreds ) and also a closerestimate ( by rounding off to nearest tens ).a) 468 + 243 + 5416b) 9471 – 596III. Write the roman numeral fora) 95b) 49 c)57d) 35 e)16IV. Population of a city was 2,46,972 in the year 2010. In the year 2012, it was found to be increased by 25,650. What was the population of the city in 2012?V. To stitch a shirt 2m 25 cm cloth is needed. Out of 30m cloth, how many shirts can be stitched and how much cloth will remain?VI. Find the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be formed using the digits 9, 3, 1, 5, 6 each only once.WHOLE NUMBERSFill in the blanks(3 + 4) + 6= 3 + (4+6). This statement shows that addition of whole numbers is_____is the multiplicative identity for the whole numbers.425 x 36 = 36 x ___57 x 103 = (57 x __) + (57 x ___)The smallest whole number is _________Find the product by suitable rearrangement.a) 3 x 125 x 9 x 8 b) 2 x 3465 x 50 c) 4 x 272 x 25d)25 x 125 x 40 x 8Find the sum by suitable re-arrangementa) 425 + 1326 + 575 + 674b) 685 + 840 + 315Find the value using suitable property a) 348 x 75 + 348 x 25b) 63475 X 145 – 63475 X 45c) 327 x 108d) 159 x 1006Find using distributive propertya) 8425 x 37b) 348 x 125c) 742 x 102The school canteen charges Rs. 25 for lunch and Rs. 8 for tea each day. How much money do you spend in 6 days on these things?PLAYING WITH NUMBERSFill in the blanks_____is neither a prime nor a composite.A number for which sum of all its factors is equal to twice the number is called __________The greatest prime number between 10 and 15 is _____The smallest multiple of 123 is __________Two prime numbers, whose difference is 2 are called _________The smallest digit in the blank space of 421__4, so that the number so formed is divisible by 4.The greatest factor of 144 is _______The LCM of two prime numbers is __________The smallest 3 digit prime number is ___________ 180 = 2 x 2 x ___x 3 is the prime factorization180 11.The product of any two even numbers is ________The smallest odd prime number is ________The number of different factors in the factorization of 21 is __ The greatest two digit multiple of 9 is _____15. ________and_______ are the factors of every number. 16.HCF of any two consecutive numbers isDo the followingI am the smallest number having 3 different odd prime factors. Can you find me?Express the smallest 3 digit number in the form of prime factors.Write all prime numbers between 10 and 30.Usingdivisibilitytestcheckwhetherthefollowingaredivisibleby 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 and 11.a)1586b)990 c)275 d) 6686e) 639210Find the smallest number when divided by 24 and 81 leave a remainder 5 in each case.Find the greatest 3 digit number which is exactly divisible by 6,10,12 and 4.Two tankers contain 850 litres and 680 litres of petrol respectively. Find the maximum capacity of the container which can measure the petrol of either tanker in exact number of times.In a morning walk, three persons step off together. Their steps measure 80cm, 85cm, and 90cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should walk so that all can cover the distance in complete steps?I Fill in the blanksThe polygon with least number of sides is _______The distance around a circle is called ________A region in the interior of a circle enclosed by a chord and an arc is called ________________is the longest chord.The region in the interior of a circle enclosed by an arc and a pair of radii is called __________The line segment joining any two points on the circle is_____________________is the chord passing through the centre of the circle.The joint of any two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon is _________3736975-33464500Do as directed:Name the points which are28768811079500in the interior ofin the exterior ofon Draw a sketch of a quadrilateral ABCD and draw its diagonals .Name theverticesb)anglesc) diagonals d) adjacent sides e) adjacent anglesf) opposite sides g) opposite angles of the quadrilateral.411607063500Identify the triangles in the figure :a)Write the name of angles b)Write the name of line segments.Draw any circle and mark itsa) centre b) two radii c) a diameter d) a sector e) an arc f) a segmentg)two points in its interior h)a point in its exterior i)two points on the circleUnderstanding Elementary ShapesFill in the blanks :An angle whose measure is greater than that of a right angle is _________Three edges meet at a point called a __________________A__________ is larger than a straight angles.A Polygon with 5 sides is called a ____________A triangle having all three unequal sides is called a ____________ Write down the measure ofSome acute angles. b) Some obtuse angles.What is the measure of a straight angle?What shape isA brick b)A match box c)A sweet laddu d)A ball e)A die f)A road rollerLet be the perpendicular to the line segment . Let and intersect in the point A. What is the measure of 555625051689003524250389890013144504724400Find the angle measure between the hands of the clock in each figure:416941026196c)00c)Name each polygon4813300143510294797467945b)00b)15265403810a)00a) d)1. A cuboid has __________faces.Each face has __________edges.Each face has __________vertices.IntegersIFill in the blanks:1.-5 + (-11) = ________2.8 + (-6) = ________3.(-26) + (-37) = _______4. Write the greatest negative integer 5.Write all integers between - 30 and -206. Find the sum of - 45 and 307. Which is greater : -65 or -56 ?8. Which integer is neither positive nor negative ?Draw a number line and answer the following :Which number will we reach if we move 4 numbers to the right of -2 ?If we are at -6 on the number line, in which direction should we move to reach -1 ?Using the number line write the integer4 less than -12) 6 more than -6Use number line and add the following integers :a)(-1) + (-8)b)(-1) + (-2) + (-4)c) -8 - (-10)Fill in theblanks with (>, < or =) a)54 -(-11)______57 + (-4)b)(-35) - (-52) ______ (-52) - (-35)Find :i)60 - (-20) - (+10)ii)(-15) + 12 - 9 +1FractionsWhat fraction of an hour is 30 minutes ?Write the natural numbers from 5 to 15. What fraction of them are prime numbers?Express as mixed fractions. a) b) Express as improper fractions. a) 7 b) 11 882650586105 6. i)Simplifyii)iii)iv)v)vi) 7.Add a)andb) ,, andc) 2and 800 6. i)Simplifyii)iii)iv)v)vi) 7.Add a)andb) ,, andc) 2and 8573150910382252383789103822532854901028700413130910382254965065103822512236441798320180593918078452983864179832032981901807845387095917983204797425179832054470291807845Find as equivalent fraction of with denominator 18.8.The weight of two boxes together is kg. If one box weighs kg, Find the weight of the other. ................

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