Knowledge: The True Power of Life

The True Power of Life


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Mrs. Penland

Language Arts

Period 2


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Student Name

Mrs. Penland

Language Arts 8

February 27, 2016

The True Power of Life

“All men by nature desire to know knowledge” (parenthetical doc). Knowledge is a key component in a life, helping the brain make choices for good and for bad. Knowledge is a tool that is used to excel in life, giving smart people a leg up on people who are not as smart as they. Without knowledge the world would be filled with lackadaisical people, making industry fall and economy fail. Knowledge gives the power to make scientific and mathematical advances. Knowledge is the key to our past, present, and future.

Knowledge is a complex word. Because it’s able to be defined in many different ways, it makes it hard to know exactly what the word means. The dictionary defines knowledge as “the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact of truth and certain mental apprehension” (parenthetical doc). Knowledge, as the dictionary says, is the fact or state of knowing. But knowledge could also be the wanting to know, the yearning to learn. It just depends on how the word is looked at, and what perspective it is being viewed as. Knowledge, being an abstract word has no set definition. The word could mean something different to every person.

In a high school students’ life knowledge is very important. Imogene Interviewee, a high school student, finds this to be very true. She defines knowledge as “being able to know facts or information.” She also says it could be having the desire to learn. She, being a student, uses knowledge every day in her life. But she says knowledge is just not used in school, but in every

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minute of the day. She used the example of driving. Having knowledge helps her make smart decisions on the road. She also said knowledge gives her the power to make smart decisions in her life. The example she gave of a person she said that described knowledge was Einstein. She said that Einstein, accomplishing all he had, used his knowledge to the best of his ability (parenthetical doc).

Knowledge goes back many years, farther than Einstein’s age and the Wright brothers. It has played a key role in many big events in history including the Holocaust. Knowledge, or moreover the lack of knowledge, played a big role in the Holocaust. From the lack of knowledge by other people Hitler got away with the killing of 12 million people (parenthetical doc). The only reason people in Germany did not stop him was because they knew what Hitler could do (parenthetical doc). Although the Holocaust was a terrible event, it keeps from happening again because of the knowledge that is known of it.

Knowledge is the key to living a successful life. Without knowledge terrible history would repeat itself and the technology and advances would not be on this earth. Knowledge is a key component to life, helping choices be made and goals get accomplished. Without knowledge the world would be boring. Knowledge makes life worth living!

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Works Cited

Brandy, Chloe. Glasses of Truth. 22 May 2006 .

"How to Make Vegetarian Chili." . 10 May 2006 .

"Ideology." The American Heritage Dictionary. 3rd ed. 1997.

Purdue, Pete. Personal Interview. 1 Dec. 2000.

Stolley, Karl. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The OWL at Purdue. 10 May 2006. Purdue University Writing Lab. 12 May 2006 .


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