Attachment A – Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities ...

Attachment A – Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Leading to Certification

|Knowledge, Skill, Ability |One should be able to: |Potential Sources of Training |Document Training Received |

| | | |(by who, date) |

|Resource Inventories and Assessments | | | |

|Ability to use the soil |a. Determine the location of a farm or other land |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|survey and to understand |unit on a soil survey map. |Modules 1-9 | |

|basic soils information. |b. Explain the general concepts of soil series and | | |

| |mapping units. |Section II – FOTG | |

| |c. Use the published soil survey, web soil survey, | | |

| |soil data mart and Section II of the FOTG to |OJT with NRCS Soil Scientists | |

| |determine the important properties of soils | | |

| |found on a land unit (e.g., surface texture, slope, |Web Soil Survey | |

| |permeability, pH, depth to groundwater, frequency of | | |

| |flooding, etc.). | | |

| |d. Explain how soil properties may affect crop | | |

| |production, land use decisions and alternative | | |

| |treatments | | |

|Ability to develop and |a. Explain the difference between USLE and RUSLE2, |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|document soil loss |and when |Modules 1-9 | |

|predictions. |one should be used versus the other. | | |

| |b. Identify the factors used in RUSLE2. |In-state RUSLE2 workshops | |

| |c. Explain how these factors are derived or where | | |

| |they can be found. |Section I – FOTG | |

| |d. Define "T.“ | | |

| |e. Define and explain the difference between sheet |NRCS RUSLE2 website and tutorial | |

| |and rill, |wcc.nrcs.water/quality/wst.html | |

| |ephemeral, gully and geologic erosion. | | |

|Ability to identify plants |Identify common row crops, such as corn, soybeans, |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|common to the work area |small grains |Modules 1-9 | |

| |(wheat, oats, barley, rye), fruit and vegetable | | |

| |crops. |Rutgers Continuing Education plant ID classes | |

| |b. Identify commonly-used forage and conservation | | |

| |cover plantings, |NRCS in-state plant id workshops | |

| |including grasses, legumes, trees, and shrubs. | | |

| |c. Identify naturally-occurring plants, including |Scheduled pasture walks and demonstrations | |

| |common trees, | | |

| |shrubs, and herbaceous species. |Purdue Forage Plant ID | |

| |d. Identify noxious weeds: multiflora rose, |( | |

| |johnsongrass, shattercane, and various thistles. | | |

| |e. Use published field guides, plant keys, and other |Plants Database () | |

| |references to | | |

| |identify unknown plant species. | | |

|Ability to measure and estimate crop residue |a. Identify and explain the common method for |University of Nebraska publication - Estimating | |

|and ground cover |estimating |Percent Residue Cover | |

| |ground cover. |() | |

| |b. Compare the effects of various tillage operations | | |

| |on ground cover |OJT | |

| |and utilize this information in developing soil loss | | |

| |calculations. | | |

| Ability to identify and |a. Explain the factors that are used to define HEL |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|document the presence of Highly Erodible Land |land. |Modules 1-9 | |

|(HEL) |b. Demonstrate the correct procedure for determining | | |

| |whether or not a field is highly erodible. |NRCS Food Security Act Manual, Part 511 | |

| |c. Document the HEL determination in the conservation| | |

| |plan folder |OJT | |

| |using an approved soil loss worksheet. | | |

| |d. Mark the location of HEL fields on the | | |

| |conservation plan map. | | |

|Ability to recognize, |a. Identify existing and potential sources of |NEDC Introduction to Water Quality Training | |

|document, and discuss |sediment, other | | |

|sources of agricultural |particulates, and nutrients that may be delivered to |NEDC Nutrient Management course | |

|pollution |surface waters. | | |

| |b. Identify existing and potential sources of |NEDC Pest Management Course | |

| |groundwater | | |

| |contamination, including improper storage or disposal| | |

| |of animal | | |

| |wastes, pesticide handling facilities, and pesticide | | |

| |and nutrient | | |

| |application methods. | | |

|Ability to interpret soil |a. Explain who is required to have a nutrient |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|test results and nutrient |management plan. |Modules 1-9 | |

|management |b. Explain the required components of a nutrient | | |

|recommendations |management plan. |NEDC NRCS Nutrient Management Course | |

|including the development |c. Distinguish between the requirements of a nitrogen| | |

|of a Phosphorus Site Index Rating for a field |vs. |In-state NRCS training workshops | |

| |phosphorus based nutrient management plan. | | |

| |d. Explain the individual elements used in |PA NRCS training workshops | |

| |calculating the | | |

| |Phosphorus Index and how these affect nutrient use. |MD Nutrient Management Certification Training | |

| | |Manual and Workshops | |

| | | | |

| | |Rutgers Cooperative Extension workshops | |

| | | | |

|Ability to identify healthy or degraded soil |a.Explain the important features and benefits of |NRCS NEDC Soil Quality Assessment Course | |

|quality and develop recommendations to improve|healthy soil. | | |

|soil health |b.Identify soils that are “good” quality and “poor” |Rodale Institute field days | |

| |quality | | |

| |c.Identify methods to improve soil quality |In-state NRCS training | |

| | | | |

| | |NRCS Soil Quality web site | |

| | | | |

|Ability to recognize and |a. Describe what “cultural resources“ are and how |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|document cultural |Federal and State |Modules 1-9 | |

|resources |Laws protect them. | | |

| |b. Describe sources of information about cultural |NEDC Cultural Resources Training Series, | |

| |resources that are available within and outside of |Modules 1-6 | |

| |the field office. | | |

| |c. Recognize cultural resources in the field when | | |

| |conducting a field | | |

| |inventory. | | |

| |d. Document the presence or absence of cultural | | |

| |resources | | |

| |according to accepted procedures. | | |

| |e. Describe the steps to be taken when a | | |

| |conservation practice or | | |

| |activity may adversely affect cultural resources. | | |

| |f. Describe the steps to be taken when cultural | | |

| |resources are | | |

| |discovered during construction. | | |

|Ability to conduct and |a. Describe what a "jurisdictional wetland“ is and |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|document a basic wetland |how Federal and |Modules 1-9 | |

|delineation |State Laws protect jurisdictional wetlands. | | |

| |b. Describe NJ Freshwater Wetlands Act regulations |1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation | |

| |pertaining to farmland issues in NJ. |Manual | |

| |b. Describe sources of information about wetlands | | |

| |and wetland |NRCS Food Security Act Manual, Part | |

| |regulations that are available within and outside of|514 | |

| |the field office. | | |

| |c. Recognize wetlands in the field when conducting a|NRCS General Manual 190 Part 410 | |

| |field inventory. |Compliance with NEPA | |

| |d. Document the presence or absence of wetlands |( | |

| |according to |t41 0/index.htm) | |

| |accepted procedures. | | |

| |e. Delineate the extent of wetlands in the field and|In-state NRCS wetland delineation training and workshops | |

| |on an aerial | | |

| |photo. |Rutgers Continuing Education wetland courses | |

| |f. Describe the steps to be taken when a proposed | | |

| |conservation | | |

| |practice or activity may adversely affect wetlands. | | |

|Ability to conduct and |a. Determine the pasture and forage species |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|document a basic pasture |currently used by the |Modules 1-9 | |

|and forage inventory |producer. | | |

| |b. Document the condition of the stand: percent |NEDC Pastureland Ecology Course | |

| |ground cover, | | |

| |grazing/cutting height, stocking rate. |In-state scheduled pasture walks, demonstrations, and workshops | |

| |c. Determine the relative forage quality and | | |

| |composition of each |National Range and Pasture Handbook | |

| |field. |() | |

| | | | |

| | |Purdue Forage Plant ID | |

| | |( | |

| | | | |

| | |Plants Database () | |

|Formulate and Evaluate Alternatives | | | |

|Knowledge of |a. List the conservation practices commonly used in |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|conservation practices and |the geographic |Modules 1-9 | |

|systems common to the |region, describe their purpose(s), and where and how| | |

|work area and knowledge and |they are |NEDC Intro to NRCS Field Office Tech Guide course | |

|understanding of the Field |applied. | | |

|Office Technical Guide |b. Describe how practices function in a conservation|NRCS National Planning Procedures | |

|(FOTG) and related |system to |Handbook | |

|Handbooks |address soil erosion, water quality, and other |( | |

| |resource concerns. |80_ 600.pdf) | |

| |c. Develop appropriate conservation system | | |

| |alternatives for each |NRCS Field Office Technical Guide | |

| |land use (e.g., cropland, pasture, hayland, etc.), | | |

| |taking into |NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field | |

| |consideration the client's objectives, identified |Handbook | |

| |resource concerns, |() | |

| |and constraints such as cost, availability of | | |

| |equipment, access, | | |

| |and regulatory or cost-share requirements. | | |

| |d. Describe, in general, the contents of each major | | |

| |section (Sections | | |

| |I -V) of the FOTG. | | |

|Knowledge and |a. Identify the federal, state, and local agencies |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|understanding of federal, |that have regulatory |Modules 6-9 | |

|state, and local regulations |or resource responsibilities for environmental | | |

|and Programs that affect |concerns, such as |In-state NRCS training workshops | |

|conservation planning and |nutrient management, HEL, tidal and non-tidal | | |

|land use decisions |wetlands, waters |Rutgers Continuing Education courses | |

| |of the State and United States, 100-year | | |

| |floodplains, riparian |NRCS Field Office Technical Guide | |

| |areas, scenic and wild rivers, prime farmland, | | |

| |threatened and |NRCS Food Security Act Manual, Parts 510- | |

| |endangered species, cultural resources, and other |514 | |

| |significant | | |

| |concerns in the work area. |USDA-NRCS Conservation Programs Manual | |

| |b. Provide a general explanation of the pertinent | | |

| |federal, state, and | | |

| |local regulations that affect the above-listed | | |

| |environmental | | |

| |concerns. | | |

| |c. Provide a general explanation of the purpose of | | |

| |various USDA and state programs (e.g., EQIP, WHIP, | | |

| |CRP/CREP, WRP, state c/s), and the types of | | |

| |conservation practices and assistance included in | | |

| |those | | |

| |programs. | | |

| |d. Identify the potential for using federal and/or | | |

| |state programs to | | |

| |achieve the client’s objectives and address resource| | |

| |concerns. | | |

|Ability to conduct and |a. Describe the positive and negative effects of |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|document an |conservation |Modules 1-9 | |

|Environmental Evaluation |practices and systems common to the work area, | | |

| |including |NRCS Field Office Technical Guide | |

| |consideration of the social, economic, and | | |

| |ecological factors that |NRCS National Planning Procedures | |

| |influence planning. |Handbook | |

| |b. Use the environmental evaluation process to | | |

| |determine and |NEDC Environmental Compliance for Conservation Assistance Course | |

| |document the effects of alternative practices or | | |

| |systems on | | |

| |environmentally sensitive resources. | | |

|Ability to evaluate and |a. Identify and evaluate the habitat needs of |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|discuss fish and wildlife |individual fish and |Modules 1-9 | |

|habitat alternatives |wildlife species or groups of species common to the | | |

| |work area. |NEDC Introduction to Ecological Principles: A | |

| |b. Select conservation practices and practice |Basic Biology Course | |

| |components that will | | |

| |meet the seasonal habitat requirements of the | | |

| |desired species. | | |

| |c. Evaluate and describe the effects of conservation| | |

| |practices and | | |

| |systems on fish and wildlife habitat. | | |

|Ability to evaluate and |a. Identify and evaluate the food, forage, and water|NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|discuss prescribed grazing |requirements of |Modules 1-9 | |

|alternatives |livestock common to the work area and be able to | | |

| |develop a food |NEDC Pastureland Ecology Course | |

| |and forage balance incorporating grazing system | | |

| |principles. |Scheduled pasture walks, demonstrations, and | |

| |b. Select conservation practices and practice |Workshops | |

| |components that will | | |

| |meet the seasonal food, forage, and water needs of |National Range and Pasture Handbook | |

| |the desired |() | |

| |livestock and be able to integrate these practices | | |

| |and components |Purdue Forage Plant ID | |

| |into an overall system that is feasible to |( | |

| |implement. | | |

| |c. Evaluate and describe the effects of conservation|Plants Database () | |

| |practices and | | |

| |systems on the following: health and vigor of the | | |

| |pasture plant | | |

| |community, livestock health and productivity, soil | | |

| |erosion and | | |

| |water quality, and sustainability of the grazing | | |

| |system. | | |

|Ability to evaluate and |a. Identify and evaluate the different types of |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|discuss alternatives for a |storage facilities and |Modules 1-5 | |

|Comprehensive Nutrient |waste management methods for livestock operations | | |

|Management Plan (CNMP) |common to |National Planning Procedures Handbook | |

| |the work area. | | |

| |b. Select conservation practices and practice |NRCS NJ CNMP Template | |

| |components that will | | |

| |meet the needs of the producer’s operation and |NRCS NJ Nutrient management Spreadsheets | |

| |provide the | | |

| |required level of protection for water quality. | | |

| |c. Evaluate and describe the effects of conservation| | |

| |practices and | | |

| |systems on the following: ground water quality, | | |

| |surface water | | |

| |quality, odor control, and vector control. | | |

| |d. Develop a nutrient management plan for land | | |

| |application of | | |

| |manure following NRCS standards and guidance. | | |

| |e. Identify the necessary records to be kept by the | | |

| |animal feeding | | |

| |operation which support actions and management | | |

| |decisions. | | |

| |f. Address alternative uses of manure when land | | |

| |application | | |

| |opportunities are limited and/or livestock producers| | |

| |desire | | |

| |alternative value-added approaches to manure and | | |

| |wastewater | | |

| |use. | | |

|Ability to present basic air quality |a. Identify and evaluate agricultural issues. |NEDC Air Quality Course (planned for 2009) | |

|information on ozone, particulate matter, |b. Present air quality conservation practice | | |

|odors, greenhouse gases, etc. from |alternatives and other on-farm activities to improve| | |

|agricultural operations |air quality. | | |

|Ability to present basic on-farm energy |a. Identify and evaluate on-farm energy systems. |NEDC Energy Conservation Course (planned for 2009) | |

|conservation information and alternative |b. Present alternative energy ideas for energy | | |

|measures to reduce energy usage |conservation such as solar, wind, hydro power and | | |

| |provide alternative fuels information. | | |

|Ability to develop and |a. Identify and describe the basic positive and |NEDC Economics of Conservation Planning Course | |

|present a basic economic |negative economic | | |

|analysis of alternatives |effects of installing various conservation practices|NRCS National Planning Procedures | |

| |to landowners. |Handbook | |

| |b. Utilize basic analytical and economic principles | | |

| |such as: with and |Section I - Field Office Technical Guide | |

| |without analysis; partial budgeting; time value of | | |

| |money; and cost effectiveness. | | |

|Plan Development and Documentation | | | |

|Ability to formulate and |a. Explain and give examples of how individual |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|encourage adoption of |conservation |Modules 1-9 | |

|Conservation Systems |practices can be more effective when planned and | | |

| |implemented |NRCS National Planning Procedures | |

| |as part of a more comprehensive Conservation System.|Handbook | |

| |b. Understand and explain the concept of Quality | | |

| |Criteria in |Section III -FOTG | |

| |developing a Conservation System. | | |

| |c. Define the minimum level of planning and | | |

| |treatment that is a goal | | |

| |of all Conservation Planning. | | |

|Ability to capture and |a. Record discussions and field visits with clients,|NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|record customer decisions |including dates, |Modules 1-9 | |

|from identified alternatives |persons involved, alternatives discussed, decisions | | |

| |reached, and |NRCS National Planning Procedures | |

| |by whom. |Handbook | |

| |b. Retain copies of correspondence (for example, | | |

| |letters, memos, |Customer Service Toolkit Training and Support | |

| |plans) provided directly to clients and related to |() | |

| |clients‘ projects. | | |

| |c. Explain the various documents, spreadsheets and | | |

| |automated | | |

| |systems that the conservation partnership uses | | |

| |within the field office to document customer | | |

| |services and to provide internal accountability. | | |

|Ability to develop and |a. Transfer farm, tract, and field boundaries from |Customer Service Toolkit Training | |

|revise a Conservation Plan |existing hard-copy | | |

|map. |maps to digital format using approved software. |NRCS National Planning Procedures Handbook | |

| |b. Identify and interpret NRCS approved map symbols.| | |

| |c. Using approved software, assign physical |National Map Symbol Handbook - Title 170 | |

| |attributes (line, point, |Customer Service/ArcView Users Guides | |

| |and polygon) to a Conservation Plan map. |() | |

|Ability to maintain and |a. Create or edit Customer Information File in |Customer Service Toolkit Training | |

|revise Conservation Plan |Customer Service | | |

|information using |Toolkit. |Customer Service/ArcView Users Guides | |

|approved computer |b. Maintain a record of customer assistance. |() | |

|software |c. Use the Plan Wizard, Practice Schedule Tool and | | |

| |Contract Wizard | | |

| |in Customer Service Toolkit to produce a Conservation| | |

| |Plan | | |

| |report. | | |

|Knowledge and |a. Explain, in general, the purpose of the federal |NEDC Conservation Planning Course, | |

|understanding of privacy |Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy |Modules 1-9 | |

|responsibilities |Act. | | |

| |b. Describe the procedure for responding to a request|General Manual -Part 408 - | |

| |for information from conservation plans and case |Subpart C - Records - Freedom of Information | |

| |files. |and Privacy Act | |

| |c. Explain the components of the conservation plan |( | |

| |and case file that |M_ 120_408_c.htm) | |

| |are unavailable to the public based on federal and | | |

| |state privacy | | |

| |laws. | | |

| |d. Describe the types of information that are | | |

| |available for public | | |

| |review in field offices (for example, aerial photos, | | |

| |HEL and wetland determinations, published maps and | | |

| |soil surveys). | | |

|Ability to track and |a. Identify key conservation treatments required to |Performance Results System (PRS) website | |

|accurately report progress |be tracked per | | |

|in planning and application |national and state instructions. | | |

| |b. Input progress data to PRMS and review available | | |

| |reports. | | |


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