Kohlberg Practice: Diagnose it

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development: Diagnosis Practice Name: ____________________

English 3: Ms. Megan Date: _____________ Pd: _____

DIRECTIONS: Diagnose the individuals featured in the following case studies as at one of the following Kohlberg Stages:

Case Study 1: Lauryn was walking down Spruce Street on the Penn campus Tuesday night around 7pm. She saw a man smash through a car window and steal someone’s purse. She got a good look at the man’s face and thins she could definitely identify him if she saw him again. She decides to walk to the campus police station and report the robbery, because if that had happened to her, she’d want any witnesses to come forward. She also reports her desire to make her school community a safer place, and reasons that her reporting the crime will help make this possible.

What stage of Kohlberg’s scale does Lauryn rate at? ____________________________________________________________________

Case Study 2: Kelvin describes himself as a shy, intelligent young man who doesn’t always feel like he fits in. On Thursday morning, he was walking to school and saw a group of older classmates walking about a half block ahead of him. When they passed by the Salvation Army collection bucket, each boy tossed in some change. Even though Kelvin needed the change he had in his pocket to buy his morning donut and juice, he decided to follow the boys’ example and donate as well. He felt especially good when Jared, the school’s star basketball player, saw him toss in the quarters and gave him a ‘thumbs up’.

What stage of Kohlberg’s scale does Kelvin rate at? ____________________________________________________________________

Case Study 3: Jazmin was running late to work on Saturday morning and waiting on line for the trolley at 40th Street, she realized she was out of tokens. She noticed that the purse of the woman in front of her was gaping open, and there were dollar bills stuffed inside, loose. Since the woman was distracted by her small infant, who was crying, and would definitely not notice Jazmin reaching into her bag, Jazmin decided to take two dollar bills. If no one saw her take the money, she felt that it was ok to take it.

What stage of Kohlberg’s scale does Jazmin rate at? ____________________________________________________________________

Case Study 4: It was Friday morning, and William was up the whole night before studying for his chemistry exam that afternoon. Walking to his first period class, he notices a leftover copy of the test in the trash can in the teacher’s office. The temptation to take the test is strong, because William is failing the class and he really needs to pass, otherwise he won’t be eligible to play baseball. However, William doesn’t think it would be fair for him to take the test, because that would be cheating, and he has no respect for cheaters. He is quoted as saying, “Even though it’s tough, I respect the rules enough to play by them.”

What stage of Kohlberg’s scale does William rate at? ___________________________________________________________________


A. Pre-Conventional Stage 1 (Punishment & Avoidance)

B. Pre-Conventional Stage 2 (Personal Usefulness)

C. Conventional Stage 3 (Conforming to the Group)

D. Conventional Stage 4 (Law & Order)

E. Post-Conventional Stage 5 (Social Contract)

F. Post-Conventional Stage 6 (Personal Conscience)


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