I.1 The Inside Coordinator

I.2 South Carolina State Contacts


II.1 Kitchen Chef

II.2 Agape Head

II.3 Head Servant

II.4 Resident Leader

II.5 Weekend Leader


III.1 The Warden

III.2 The Chaplain

III.3 The Institution’s Head of Security


IV.1 Inventory

IV.2 Buying


V.1 Wednesday

V.2 Thursday

V.3 Friday

V.4 Saturday

V.5 Sunday

V.6 Kairos Inventory Worksheet


Congratulations! You have accepted the responsibility for being Inside Coordinator for an upcoming Kairos Weekend in South Carolina. If you’ve had previous experience in doing this job, thanks again for being willing to undertake the major responsibilities that come with the position. If you are new to this position, you’ll learn a lot of what you need to know by serving as Observing Inside Coordinator on a weekend prior to the weekend for which you are assigned. We hope this manual will help to answer your questions, alleviate your anxieties, and will be a learning resource for you and those who will follow you in this position.

The Observing Inside Coordinator’s position is one of those unique positions on a Kairos team. Normally, in the team formation process, persons volunteer to serve and are given their specific assignments only during team formation. The Observing Inside Coordinator, like the Observing Kitchen Chef, is a position for which the Observing Weekend Leader selects the volunteer who will be asked to serve in this role, obtains the volunteer’s consent, and notifies the Weekend Leader of the upcoming Kairos weekend as to the name of the person who will be filling the position. One of the unwritten rules of Kairos is that the future Inside Coordinator needs to be named in a timely manner, so that he or she can observe and assist in the performance of the Coordinator’s duties prior to assuming full responsibility for doing those duties.

The Observing Inside Coordinator, like the Observing Weekend Leader, is not normally expected to perform other duties when he or she is observing. Most volunteers will try to do this anyway, in a spirit of servanthood, but sufficient time must be reserved to allow for adequate on-the-job training.

It’s been said that, in Kairos, “The Lord is in charge of the Weekend, the Weekend Leader is in charge of the team, and the Coordinator is in charge of everything else.” That’s a stretch, but it comes close to the truth.

Once you’ve actually done the job, the South Carolina State Chapter Training Committee would like to get your feedback – what worked well, what didn’t, what lessons were learned, what future Coordinators should know. Please refer to section I.2 for information on how to send this information to the Committee.



The job of the Coordinator is two-fold. First, the coordinator is the liaison person between the team on the one hand and the Chaplain and the security forces on the other. Secondly, it is the Coordinator’s responsibility to assure that all furniture and supplies needed for the smooth operation of the Weekend are in the institution at the time needed.

Before a person undertakes the position of Inside Coordinator, they should either have previously served as Coordinator on another Weekend or should have served as Observing Coordinator on the Weekend immediately previous to the one for which he or she is responsible. If the person is to be the Coordinator for the first weekend at an institution, it is doubly important that he or she already have experience in the position.

Because of the special problems associated with a first Kairos Weekend, the Advisory Council responsible for the Weekend should ensure that the Coordinator is involved in discussions with the institution leading to signing of an Institutional Memorandum of Understanding (Institutional Agreement) with the institution.

The Coordinator’s first responsibility is to the security of the institution. This comes before any other consideration concerning the work of Kairos. If good security precautions are not uppermost in the Coordinator’s decisions, Kairos cannot survive effectively in the Institution.

Working through the Advisory Council, the Coordinator for the upcoming Weekend may need to meet with the Chaplain to discuss any special conditions applicable to the institution. The Chaplain and the Coordinator agree upon the way in which communications between the Coordinator and the Institution’s Head of Security will be handled (i.e., direct communication or go through the Chaplain).

Selection of an appropriate group of Resident Servants is the responsibility of the Chaplain and the institution’s Resident Leader of the Kairos Community. In general, the Coordinator will work most closely with the Resident Leader during the Weekend.

The Coordinator needs to keep in mind, when requesting use of space, facilities, or personnel, that Kairos is representing Christ to the entire population of the institution. Taking space which the general population normally uses on weekends should be minimized, as should making excessive demands for ice, chairs, tables, or recreational equipment.

During team formation, the Coordinator or another experienced volunteer may be asked by the Leader to talk to the team about the importance of security procedures and go over the institution’s contraband list, dress code for volunteers, and other rules of importance.

Institutional staff should always be treated with respect. Correctional Officers in prisons face daily threats to their lives and well-being. Their work occurs in a place the average citizen never sees. They suffer rejection from the residents with whom they work. Listen to their concerns. It is a good practice to greet individually every staff member with whom anyone on the team comes into contact during the Weekend. Some staff members, particularly the newer ones, may not understand what Kairos is, and may be legalistic or hard-nosed in their dealings with Kairos volunteers. Over time, this may change; but always treat the staff with charity.

The Coordinator and the Weekend Leader develop internal security procedures and other aids to safe and easy entrance and departure from the institution. Among these are:

1. Either the Leader or the Coordinator should identify every volunteer coming into or leaving the institution during the Weekend.

2. The Leader and the Coordinator are jointly responsible for supplying the representatives of the institution an alphabetized list of all volunteers who will be entering or leaving the institution during the weekend. It’s especially important that the Correctional Officers at the entry port know who the Kairos volunteers are. In the event of a problem, the Inside Coordinator may be called upon to vouch for a volunteer entering or leaving the institution.

3. The Coordinator, or a member of the support group, needs to be present anytime supplies, food, or other materials are brought into the prison. Depending on the institution’s procedures, meals may either be brought in through the entry port or may be delivered by vehicle to the building where the Weekend is being held.

4. The Inside Coordinator is responsible for delivering medications needed by team members to the Central Alarm Station (CAS) or control room. In South Carolina, the Inside Coordinator delivers a one-day supply of each medication for each volunteer, in an original, labeled container, to CAS upon entering the institution, and picks up the containers upon leaving the institution in the evening.

5. The Coordinator must be familiar with the list of things which are considered contraband in the institution, and daily see that the team is reminded to “sanitize” their briefcases, pockets, etc., prior to entering the institution.


|1. Be the liaison between the Leader’s table and everyone outside the community room. |

|2. Cooperate with the Observing Weekend Leader on team wake-up time. |

|3. With Head Servant and Assistant/Observing Coordinator, enter the institution early and set up the community room and chapel. |

|4. Coordinate the team’s entrance and exit from the institution, using extreme care for good security practices. |

|5. Help check morning roll of participating residents and report to the Chaplain, as needed. |

|6. Supervise the picture-taking. |

|7. Provide the Chaplain’s office with a draft roster of team members and assignments. |

|8. Get meals in on time, with attention to proper security. |

|9. Arrange to deliver meals and cookies to staff as needed. Cookies should be provided to each security shift each day. |

|10. Supervise the move to the appropriate location for closing. |

|11. Assist anywhere as needed. |


There are three contacts at the state level that are of importance to the Inside

Coordinator. They are the Trailer Coordinator, the Training Coordinator and the Supply Coordinator. Names and contact information for these and other Coordinators may be found on the South Carolina web page, , under the tabs “State Committee” / “Coordinators”.

Kairos of South Carolina operates a number of trailers that each service multiple institutions. Information about these trailers may be obtained from the Advisory Council Chair at your institution or from the State Trailer Coordinator found on the SC web page.



Because the Kitchen Chef is the other team member who has significant responsibility for purchasing and inventory control, establishing a close working relationship with this person is one of the essentials for a sound weekend.

At most institutions, the same types of plates, bowls, and eating utensils are both for meals on the inside, and for team meals and refreshments at the team base. It may be a good idea for the Inside Coordinator and the Kitchen Chef either to make a single buying trip for these items, or for one of the two to do all the buying, using a single list.

The Coordinator should confer with the Kitchen Chef before the short course to determine what supplies will be needed for serving meals. Purchasing an adequate supply of these items will prevent frantic trips to the store during the day or at night.

Get a copy of the menus for the weekend from the Kitchen Chef. Have team members check with their candidates (during Thursday night introductions) as to the need for alternative meals (e.g., diabetic, Muslim, etc.) during the Weekend.

If your institution serves lunch to the Resident Setup Team you will need to carry enough lunches for them when you go into the institution on Thursday.


The Agape Head also needs a close working relationship with the Coordinator. Check with the Agape Head each evening during the Weekend to ensure that the items for the Coordinator to take inside the next day will be ready and in a designated location.


|1. Gather, sort and supervise distribution of written expressions of agape. |

|2. Arrange to have any needed supplies for the inside team to the Coordinator prior to the team departure each morning. |

|3. Arrange to have any additional supplies delivered by the Kitchen Runner with meals. |

|4. Provide flipcharts and visual aids as needed for talks. |

|5. Make sure crosses and lanyards are ready to go into the institution no later than Sunday lunch. |

|6. Prepare name tags, tent cards, and other table supplies. |

|7. Maintain control of agape supplies inventory. |


The Head Servant is the Coordinator’s “eyes and ears” inside the community room. During meal service, it’s particularly important to work closely with this person, so that the Family Servants can be ready to support getting meals and snacks onto the tables quickly.


|1. Generally in charge of support inside the community room. |

|2. Set up and maintain (rearranging as required) the community room and chapel on schedule. |

|3. Coordinate serving of meals. |

|4. Provide drinks, cookies and snacks at appropriate times. Always check with the Leader as to what he or she think are |

|appropriate times. |

|5. Supervise Family Servants. |

|6. Work with Observing Weekend Leader in scheduling and notifying those team members (volunteer and resident) who will be praying |

|in the chapel during talks. |

|7. Assist as needed in recruiting volunteers for each night’s cookie run. |


The Resident Leader is the Coordinator’s contact for managing resident servants. Because this person is always going to be someone who has the Chaplain’s trust, let him or her know if you are having problems.


The chain of command for the team inside the institution is Weekend Leader-Observing Weekend Leader-Inside Coordinator.

The Weekend Leader’s job is going to be on the candidates and the team members. The Observing Weekend Leader’s job is going to be on the schedule. The Coordinator’s job is to keep things which don’t require a decision by the Leader from becoming a burden to that person.

The Coordinator has the greatest responsibility for ensuring that the Weekend goes smoothly. This is particularly beneficial when things seem to be running behind schedule, or if a crisis arises.



Kairos serves inside the institution, but it is the Warden’s house. Kairos volunteers are grateful to be guests in the institution and show this gratitude by respecting the house rules.

The Warden has the legal responsibility to maintain safety and security inside the institution. The Institutional Representative and the Advisory Council have the primary responsibility for seeing that Kairos obeys the institution’s rules. Vigilance during the Weekend will do a lot to prevent crises that could require the Warden’s intervention.

Kairos volunteers are expected to follow the rules of the Institution, designed to achieve the top priority goal of the Warden and staff in providing security to the residents, officials, and visitors. Even when the rules are in conflict with the desires of a Kairos team member, serving in obedience and not rebellion is expected.


The Chaplain is not only the spiritual leader of the institution, but also serves as the connecting link between Kairos and the institution. When an institution has a Chaplain, all communication and requests go through the Chaplain’s office rather than directly to the Warden or his staff.

Kairos is a servant organization to the Chaplain. The Chaplain has a far better knowledge of the inmate population than we do. Faithful servanthood and always maintaining a posture of Christian goodwill will pay dividends on any weekend.


The Institution’s Head of Security is an essential contact. Because a Kairos weekend involves many activities which are out of the ordinary for the institution, maintaining contact with this person throughout the Weekend is essential.

Make sure you have a good understanding of the institution’s standing security policies and procedures before the Weekend begins.



The Inside Coordinator’s responsibilities actually begin with taking a good inventory of the items on the trailer which your institution uses. If at all possible, arrange to attend the closing of the Weekend which immediately precedes the Weekend for which you are responsible and work with the Coordinator for that Weekend. This is a good time to make note of the permanent Kairos property stored on the trailer. If you’re around when the trailer is being loaded, you have a better assurance that permanent items needed for the Weekend are in the proper place.


|1. An adequate supply of chairs (if not supplied by the institution). For a Weekend with 42 candidates, between 190 and 200 |

|chairs will usually be needed. |

|2. At least seven (7) 60” or 72” round tables, at which the table families sit. Each must have the capacity to seat 9 or 10 |

|persons. |

|3. Tables (if not supplied by the institution) for the Weekend Leader group (3 persons), the musicians (2-5 persons), and the |

|resident servants (for meal and refreshment service). |

|4. Two (2) lecterns, one for the community room, one for the chapel. |

|5. Two (2) sound systems (if not supplied by the Music Team), one for the community, one for the chapel. |

|6. Two (2) easels or flipchart stands for the community room. |

|7. Three (3) large electric coffee urns. |

|8. Three (3) large thermal coolers for dispensing cold beverages. |

|9. Two (2) large ice chests. |

|10. Floor lamps for the chapel. |

|11. One (1) crucifix for the chapel. |

|12. One (1) cross to hang in the community room. |

|13. Name plates for table families. MEN (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James) WOMEN (Mary, Anna, Martha, Rebecca, |

|Elizabeth, Lydia, Ruth) |

|14. Enough extension cords for the lighting in the chapel and the coffee pots, plus any other powered equipment. |

|15. Plastic bowls and/or baskets and trays for serving cookies and beverages. |

|16. Plastic pitchers for serving beverages at mealtimes. |

|17. Candle stands or candle holders for the community room and chapel. |

|18. Lighters or matches for candles. |

|19. Hooks or other mounting utensils for the prayer wheels. |

|20. Can opener. |

|21. Metal serving trays for meal service. |

|22. A bucket or pot for burning or drowning forgiveness lists. |

|23. |

|24. |


Prior to the Weekend, the State Treasurer will send you an advance for buying supplies for the Weekend. You should make arrangements for paying the photographer in advance by requesting that the photographer issue an invoice to Kairos of SC or by requesting additional funds from the State Financial Secretary.

The State Chapter Supply Coordinator will supply Freedom Guides, Grouping Cards, Crosses, Name Badge Holders, General Agape and the Agape Letter bags. These will normally be given to someone from the Advisory Council at the State Committee Meeting or will be mailed to the Leader. The quantity is based on the number of tables your Kairos weekends have hosted in the recent past. If more are needed you or your Advisory Council may request additional supplies from the Supply Coordinator.

NOTE: These Freedom Guides are for the candidates. Team member Freedom Guides are normally packed on the trailer and stay there between Weekends. The Lanyards for the crosses are made or purchased by the Agape Head.

Check with the Chaplain to determine the number of cookie bags that will be required each night. Scriptures needed for the cookie bags are: Romans 10:11; Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 43:1. There is often some left over from previous Weekends on the trailer. You will need to copy and cut the rest. Your church may be willing to donate the use of its copier and paper cutter, and may assist with the labor to cut the pages.

The Coordinator’s job includes arranging for a photographer for the Friday morning picture. Check with your Advisory Council Chairman to see whom your institution uses to take the photographs.

Work with the Agape Coordinator to determine how many photos are needed before Friday. If the photographer supplies an electronic copy of the photo, have the noon meal runners on Friday deliver this to the Agape Coordinator. If the photographer supplies the finished photos arrange to have the photos ready for pickup by Saturday noon and for one of the runners to pick them up.

See the Kairos Inventory Worksheet at the end of this Manual for guidance on supplies to be purchased. On this Worksheet, certain blocks are shaded. These are to permit purchasing to meet the needs of your particular Weekend (i.e., don’t buy for 7 tables if you only have 5 tables). An electronic copy of this may be obtained from the State Inside Coordinator Trainer if you did not receive one with the Coordinator Manual. To use the electronic version, simply enter the number of candidate tables planned for the Weekend in the block next to “No. Tables.” The spreadsheet will automatically compute the projected need for these items.



The trailer for your institution should be at the team base no later than 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday. One way to do this is to pick up the trailer at the closing of the Weekend which immediately precedes the Weekend for which you are responsible and deliver it to the team base. If this is not possible ask your Advisory Council to assist you in finding someone to pick the trailer up.

The lock combination for all trailers used by Kairos of South Carolina is “9713”. Please keep this information confidential.

|Time |Wednesday Coordinator Activities |

|3:30 p.m. |Position trailer at team base. Assist in unloading kitchen items. |

|4:00 p.m. |As required, set up team sleeping space. |

|5:00 p.m. |Rearrange trailer for move to institution on Thursday. |

| | |



The community room should be set up with a chair for each Team Member and each Participant arranged in curved rows. The pulpit should be at the front of the room. The easels or flip chart holders with the team/resident introduction questions and the Weekend Leader’s flip charts should be at the front of the room.

The chapel should be set up with approximately the same number of chairs set up on both sides with the aisle in the middle. Set up the crucifix and floor lamps. If there are windows in the chapel, cover them with blue sheets. Anything that would distract from attention to the lectern and crucifix should be covered or removed.

|Time |Thursday Coordinator Activities |

|7:00 a.m. |Normal wake-up time for team. |

|9:30 a.m. |Load Cookies, leave for institution, accompanied by Observing/Assistant Coordinator, Head Servant, any |

| |others as directed by Weekend Leader. Carry lunches for set-up team. The following items also normally go |

| |into the institution with the trailer: 1) Flipchart with team/resident questions for opening; 2) Weekend |

| |Leader’s’s flip chart; 3) Resident name tags. |

|10:00 a.m. |Upon arrival at institution, sign in. Vehicles proceed through shakedown, all personnel except drivers |

| |proceed on foot to building where Weekend will be held. |

|10:30 a.m. |Meet with Resident Leader and/or Chaplain. Unload cookies and deliver to cookie room. |

|11:00 a.m. |Unload trailer. In conjunction with Resident Leader, set up the community room, chapel and cookie room for |

| |Weekend’s activities. Secure all contraband items. |

|12:00 noon |Lunch |

|12:30 p.m. |Move trailer to institution parking lot. Pick it up after departure this evening and return it to the team |

| |base. |

|1:00 p.m. |Make coffee and beverages for Thursday afternoon & evening |

|1:30 p.m. |Make sure community room is set up in amphitheater configuration (chairs in rows facing lectern), chapel is |

| |set up with crucifix, lectern, lamps, in correct location, chairs facing crucifix. |

|3:30 p.m. |When team arrives, ensure medications are delivered to Central Alarm Station/control room. |

|4:00 p.m. |Assist with verifying arrival of candidates, line-up for introductions. |

|7:30 p.m. |After candidates are dismissed for the night, work with Resident Leader and resident servants to set-up |

| |community with the proper number of tables, name plates, steno pads, pens, and Magic Markers. |

|8:00 p.m. |Upon departure from the institution, ensure all team members are accounted for, all medications picked up |

| |from CAS. |


Notify institution security that the photographer will be at the entry port Friday morning at a set time. Pick up the KAIROS poster from the Agape Head and take it to use in the photo on Friday. Arrange with a member of the support team at the team base to pick up the photos and deliver them to the Agape Head no later than Saturday evening.

|Time |Friday Coordinator Activities |

|5:00 a.m. |Wake-up team members. |

|5:30 a.m. |Secure items to go into the institution this morning: 1) Agape cookie bags; 2) Speaker flip charts; 3) |

| |General agape; 4) Thursday & Friday prayer wheels; 5) individual name cards for each table family; 6) |

| |corrected name tags; 7) KAIROS poster for photo. |

|8:00 a.m. |Ensure photographer is met at the entry port and escorted to the proper location for the photo. Remain with|

| |the photographer until after the photo is made and ensure payment arrangements are taken care of. |

|9:00 a.m. |Have posterboard ready for all tables after each talk on Friday and Saturday. Have general agape ready for |

| |“You Are Not Alone” talk. Hang Thursday & Friday prayer wheels after this talk. |

|Throughout day |Assist Family Servants as needed. The Kitchen team will have the appropriate utensils and serving |

| |instructions for all meals. Ensure that all utensils and serving dishes are accounted for and removed by |

| |the Kitchen Runner after each meal. |

|As needed |Ensure cookie bags and meals are prepared for staff. |

|8:00 p.m. |Upon departure from the institution, ensure all team members are accounted for, all medications picked up |

| |from CAS. Secure all contraband before departure. |



If possible, begin taking inventory on Saturday afternoon. By this time, you should have a good idea of what will actually be used for the balance of the Weekend and what will be left over.

|Time |Saturday Coordinator Activities |

|5:00 a.m. |Wake-up team members. |

|5:30 a.m. |Secure items to go into the institution this morning: 1) Saturday flip charts; 2) Saturday prayer wheel; 3)|

| |More general agape. |

|Throughout day |Assist Family Servants as needed. |

|12:00 noon |Ensure that personal agape bags are readied for distribution by Resident Servants. |

|As needed |Ensure cookie bags and meals are prepared for staff. |

|Afternoon |Remind Security about the forgiveness list ceremony. |

|Afternoon |Remind cookie room servants to set aside banana boxes or produce boxes for surplus cookies. |

|7:00 p.m. |Ensure “forgiveness” bags of cookies are ready near the community room. |

|8:00 p.m. |Upon departure from the institution, ensure all team members are accounted for, all medications picked up |

| |from CAS. Secure all contraband before departure. Ensure ashes of burned forgiveness lists are removed |

| |from institution (if burning is used). |



|Time |Sunday Coordinator Activities |

|5:00 a.m. |Wake-up team members. |

|5:30 a.m. |Secure items to go into the institution this morning: 1) Sunday flip charts; 2) Sunday prayer wheel. |

|6:00 a.m. |Begin breaking down the team sleeping areas, enlisting every team member staying at the team base. The |

| |Support team can complete the break-down, but give them as much help as possible. |

|9:00 a.m. |If not already started, begin inventory of permanent property and packing. |

|As needed |Set up areas for family prayer circles. After these are concluded, inventory and pack the permanent items. |

|Throughout day |Assist Family Servants as needed. |

|12:00 |Ensure envelopes with rosters and photos, crosses and lanyards, arrive with lunch. |

|1:30 p.m. |After last talk, remove all general agape from walls, secure it and load it on the trailer for removal from |

| |the institution. There are no exceptions to this rule. Pick up Freedom Guides from team members. |

|Afternoon |Circulate KAIROS poster and posters prepared by resident artists in the community room in order to get as |

| |many signatures and messages as possible on each. |

|2:00 p.m. |Complete packing permanent inventory. Do final inventory on supplies. |

|3:30 p.m. |Load trailer. Include completed inventory sheet in the trailer or hand to the person picking up the |

| |trailer. Move the trailer outside to the institution parking lot. |

|4:00 p.m. |Move crosses and lanyards to the chapel for the commissioning service. Secure these (good idea is to cover |

| |them with a cloth). |

|5:00 p.m. |Do final clean-up of storage room/working space. |

|5:30 p.m. |Do final clean-up of community room. |

|6:00 p.m. |Ensure break-down crew restores community room and chapel to their pre-Weekend configuration. |

|8:00 p.m. |Ensure that all team members pick up their medications at CAS before leaving the institution. Do a final |

| |check for anything that needs to be removed from the institution. |

Disposal of leftover food items such as packets of condiments is at the Weekend Leader’s discretion. Likewise, any leftover cookies are boxed and placed back on the trailer in preparation for the next Weekend. However, if the next Weekend isn’t for several months, it’s a good idea to hold some cookies back for the Instructional Reunion. Likewise, any perishable food items should be delivered to some other institution such as a halfway house, orphanage, Salvation Army shelter, etc.

The last task of the Inside Coordinator is to provide a financial report to the South Carolina Financial Secretary within two weeks after the Weekend. Use the “Expense Reimbursement” form found on the Kairos of SC web page, , under the tabs “Resources” / “Financial Documents” to make this report. Be sure to include original receipts for all purchases. Send a copy of this report to your institutions Advisory Council Donor Coordinator. The Financial Secretary’s contact information may be found on the Kairos of South Carolina web page, , under the tabs “State Committee” / “Officers”. Place your cursor over the name and the phone number and email address will appear.

Note that the Financial Secretary can not send any cash advances for the next weekend until all financial reports have been filed.


|(Weekend Number) | | | |

|(Dates) | | | |

|Item |Needed |On Hand |Purchase |

|Fruit punch/Kool-Aid/iced tea, 32 quart cans |4 | | |

|Lemonade, 32 quart cans |5 | | |

|Easel pads |3 | | |

|22 x 28 Posterboard sheets |63 | | |

|Food server gloves |500 | | |

|Hand soap, bottles |7 | | |

|8 oz Styrofoam coffee cups |700 | | |

|12 oz Plastic cold drink cups |350 | | |

|Coffee, 1 lb bags |30 | | |

|Sugar, 5 lb bags (or 500-count box Sweet 'N Low) |30 | | |

|Powdered creamer, large containers |7 | | |

|Napkins |875 | | |

|Paper towels, rolls |12 | | |

|Garbage bags, 13 gallon, boxes |2 | | |

|Garbage bags, 33 gallon, boxes |1 | | |

|Toilet paper, 48-count box |1 | | |

|Plastic spoons & forks |1,260 | | |

|Salt and pepper shaker sets |10 | | |

|Desert plates plates |630 | | |

|Dinner plates (three-section) |630 | | |

|Placemats (if used) |1,260 | | |

|Plastic sheeting for serving tables, rolls |2 | | |

|Fold-over dinner plates (for staff), bags |1 | | |

|6 ounce styrofoam bowls |400 | | |

|#6 Plain cookie bags (brown) |4,200 | | |

|#6 Agape cookie bags (white) |42 | | |

|Steno pads |80 | | |

|Pens |80 | | |

|Magic Markers, boxes |7 | | |

|Kleenex, boxes |7 | | |

|Duct Tape, 2" |4 | | |

|Masking Tape, 2" |2 | | |

|Tent name cards (for Agape Coordinator) |98 | | |

|Envelopes, 9" x 12" (for Agape Coordinator) |98 | | |

|Index cards (for Agape Coordinator) |42 | | |

|Brown grocery bags (for Agape Coordinator) |42 | | |

|Wet-erase pens (for Agape Coordinator) |2 | | |

|Copy paper (if copying done on-site) |350 | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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