English-South Korea Contributes to Mine Action in Afghanistan

PRESS RELEASE Republic of Korea Contributes $2 Million

to Mine Action in Afghanistan

(August 21, 2016) ? Kabul, Afghanistan. In July, the Republic of Korea contributed $2 million to the United Nations Mine Action Services (UNMAS) Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action to fund the clearance of landmine and explosive remnant of war (ERW) contamination and provide risk education in Afghanistan.

The clearance operations under this contribution will benefit an estimated 70,000 people living in proximity of contaminated areas. This includes people living less than 500 metres from the contaminated areas and the broader population of neighbouring villages and towns that will be able to use previously inaccessible land.

The contribution of the Republic of Korea will fund the clearance of contaminated areas prioritized in line with Afghanistan's obligations under the Ottawa Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty. The two clearance projects will take place in Paktiya and Khost provinces, and release an estimated total area of 1.41 million square meters of land. Approximately 200,000 people will receive risk education, including 50,000 internally displaced persons, who are particularly at risk as they move through unfamiliar areas.

Myoung-jin Liu, First Secretary of the Korean Embassy in Kabul, noted, "It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Government of Korea, as one of the major supporters of humanitarian assistance in mine action, will contribute $2 million to the activities of UNMAS in Afghanistan. The clearance of landmines and risk education efforts provided under this contribution will help this post-conflict nation to consolidate peace and rehabilitation. The Republic of Korea will stay committed to supporting humanitarian endeavour to eliminate the negative impact of landmines and ERW in Afghanistan."

Jeffrey McMurdo, the Programme Manager of the UNMAS Afghanistan, said, "As the Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan continues to work towards the deadline of a mine-free Afghanistan in 2023, South Korea's generous contribution is a clear demonstration of support for this goal. It is also a signal that peace and security in Afghanistan cannot be fully achieved until all remnants of war are removed. Afghanistan once was mine-free. It will be again."

Mohammad Shafiq Yosufi, Director of the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority's Directorate of Mine Action Coordination (DMAC), the government's sectoral administration for mine action, welcomed the contribution. "The Government and people of Afghanistan are grateful to the Government and People of South Korea for the increased financial assistance they have provided for the Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan. As a result of South Korea's contribution, communities will be safer. The funds will also have a positive impact in the implementation of socio-economic activities and will help the Government of Afghanistan to fulfill its obligations towards the mine action related international conventions".

In addition to funding grants to UNMAS implementing partners, the contribution from the Republic of Korea will enable effective coordination and quality management of the mine action activities. It will also enable the continuation of ongoing efforts to transfer responsibility for these functions from the United Nations to the Government of Afghanistan, which aims to ensure the programme's sustainability.

***THE END***

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