KPS Office Update 20th December 2019

[Pages:4]KPS Office Update ? 20th December 2019

Dear parents and carers,

Thank you to all those parents and carers who have expressed their appreciation and gratitude for the teaching and learning at Kensington Primary. The staff at KPS give their all and as the Principal at KPS I am grateful for the energy and determination of all our staff, to have all our students at the centre of what we do.

Some fabulous news to end the term, through the support of Rakkhi and Rachel Samarasekera who sent in an application for a grant under the Local Schools Community Fund (the Fund) we have an extra $20,000.00 to use towards our Back Park Playground. THANK YOU!

Over the holidays there will be some improvements undertaken;

Air conditioning will be installed in our current year 4 and 5/6 classrooms Painting and carpeting will take place in the current year 1 and 2 classrooms The music room and hall foyer will also be carpeted New furniture for the library will assist to store our literature and provide an engaging and welcoming

space Plumbing will be undertaken with the replacement of damaged gutters and box gutters Water damaged walls will be repaired

The safe and orderly environment at Kensington Primary is a priority for our students and our staff.

Farewells and thank you

I would like to thank the following teachers for their time and dedication to the students they have taught in 2019.

Jade will be travelling in 2020 with the intention of teaching in Greece. We thank Jade for ensuring our youngest students have experienced a fabulous start to their education at Kensington Primary.

Joe has taught in our year 3 area. We thank Joe for his commitment and support of the students in his care. Joe will also be travelling in 2020 with the intention of teaching in the UK.

Arthur has taught in our year 4 area, taking on board the challenge of stepping into a classroom mid-year. Arthur was also a teacher graduate at Kensington. Arthur will be travelling to Spain.

Galia has worked in our year 4 area, supporting the students in her care. Galia has made the decision to return to her home city of South Australia.

Claire Matthews has supported our year 4 students and will return in a part time capacity in 2020 for term 1.

Melinda will be moving to another school in 2020. Melinda has worked in the 5/6 team in 2019, we thank Melinda for her support of our learners at the top end of the school.

Lucy has worked in the Art room in 2019, for 2020 Lucy will be travelling interstate.

Stacey has worked in the role of music specialist for 2 years at Kensington primary. We wish Stacey all the very best for her future endeavours.

We thank all the teachers leaving KPS for 2020 and wish them all very best for their new adventures!

A huge welcome to the following

We warmly welcome the following teachers to Kensington Primary;

Ebony Barber Kate Lawrie Adam Cameron Rhyl Davies (returning to KPS) Sophia Dimitriou Sarah Heaton-Harris Ryan McCann Hang Tran Chris Kloester

We are currently recruiting for another teacher. The process involves advertising for a teacher on recruitment on line for 14 days, a merit based process of interviewing must take place. We will inform the community once we have a successful candidate.

Could I ask that families using the school grounds over the holidays report inappropriate behaviours to the local police. We have experienced some deliberate damage and vandalism over school breaks.

I hope that everyone has some valued time with friends and family over the holiday break and that everyone stays safe and healthy.

I look forward to welcoming our community to an exciting 2020.

Staffing for 2020

Foundation Teachers Foundation Teachers Foundation Teachers Foundation Teachers Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2

Year 2

Year 3

Year 3

Year 3

Fleur Harvey Jake Bovill Elizabeth Howes Ebony Barbar Rachel Gurr/ Georgia Ford Jessica Filipis Matilda Brown Kate Lawrie Madeleine Griffin Scott Hoatson Adam Cameron

Rhyl Davies

Amanda May /Claire Matthews (Term 1) Louise Donn (Term 2 ? 4) Jennifer Walker


Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 5 Year 5 Year 5 Year 6 Year 6 Art Music PE

Intervention/ Cultural Studies STEM

Hayley Merat/ Rachel Ryan Sophia Dimitriou Fiona McIntosh Claire McKeown Sarah Heaton-Harris Ryan McCann Grace Smith-Davies Hang Tran Elise Andrew Andrew Warmington Nuccia Presutti .8 Louise Donn .1 Kim Rothman

Chris Kloester

Assistant Principal / Well Julie Stephens



Bridget McLaughlin

Congratulations to all our graduating year 6 students and to any families leaving KPS

The most successful learners are clear about who they are and what they believe in: they are not afraid to show it and are confident they will make a difference in this world. This is called purpose.

Our goal in education is to ensure all students reach their full academic potential, we want our students to be bright and have the social skills and personal skills to take their place in this world. We want our students to be full of curiosity and creativity, who are filled with the spirit of adventure. We want our students to be bright young people who have the confidence to take action, who are responsible leaders and genuine heroes to those whose lives they touch.

I would like to acknowledge the dedication of all the teaching staff who have supported our year 6 students for 2019 and in particular those teachers who have supported our students in their final year at KPS.

I wish each and every one of you a very bright future, in which you are kind, caring and make a difference for us all and our world.


Information regarding the charges and book packs are attached. SCHOOL FEES ARE DUE BY 28TH JANUARY 2020

Families who do not wish to pay school fees via the QKR! app, are able to pay the fees at the school office on the following days.

Thursday 22nd January OR Tuesday 28th January

9:30AM ? 12:30PM 1:30PM ? 5:30PM

On receipt of payment, your child's book pack will be distributed by the classroom teacher on the first day of school. This applies to all year levels.

Please note: Parents may choose to provide or purchase some items themselves. If you choose to do this you must consult with the school so that your child has the right items. There may be some items or services you cannot purchase yourself.


Well, the last three weeks of our grade 6 bake off certainly have been exciting. Our annual bake off, which runs at the end of term 4, gave our grade 6 students a chance to showcase their cooking skills. We've had some marvellous creation whipped up. Our senior students are then given a chance to choose their favourite creations. Of course it's not all about winning, but for those who are interested, the winning creations were:

Week 1: Melbourne City Skyline Chocolate Cake (Matthais, Blue, Abdirahman)

Week 2: Raspberry and red velvet layer cake (Ethan, Harper, Rafferty, Hussein)

Week 3: Soft centered choc cakes with rum balls (Rowan, Hamish, Minh, Aakif, Dylan, Lawson, Sharmake)

A big thank you to all who participated, you really did a fabulous job.

And that marks the end of our program for the year. Thanks to all of our amazing KPS families for your contributions. As well as funding the ingredients used in our cooking program and the resources used in the garden this year we were able to replace our two old ovens, buy a new stand mixer and replace a couple of our hand mixers which had reached the end of their days We look forward to putting these to good use next year.


Cooking and Gardening Teacher

CALENDAR OF EVENTS January 2020 Wed 22nd

Tue 28th

February March April June July


Wed 29th Thu 30th Fri 31st Sat 29th Fri 27th Tue 14th Thu 30th Fri 26th Mon 13th Wed 29th Thu 30th Fri 31st Mon 14th Tue 15th Fri 18th

9:30am ? 12:30pm 9:30am ? 12:30pm 1:30pm ? 5:30pm

Payment of School Fees at the office DCS School Uniform Shop at the school Payment of School Fees at the office Curriculum Day ? no students to attend school Curriculum Day ? no students to attend school Year 1-6 Students return to school Foundation students start school KPS Family Lawn Bowls afternoon End of Term 1 Start of Term 2 School Photos (pls note no extra makeup day) End of Term 2 Start of Term 3 Year 5/6 Camp Year 5/6 Camp Year 5/6 Camp Year 3/4 Camp ? Lady Northcote Recreation Camp YMCA Year 3/4 Camp ? Lady Northcote Recreation Camp YMCA End of Term 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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