E-Purchasing for Government to Publish Bids Online


Request for Proposal


Consulting Services for

Kronos Software Upgrade

Event #404

January 24, 2014

1.0 General Invitation

1.1 Purpose of the Request for Proposal

Guilford County is soliciting the submission of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the upgrade Kronos products to the latest recommended version.

The RFP is requesting a prime proposal from a qualified Supplier that is capable of delivering and implementing a complete solution and meeting the unique needs of Guilford County. Supplier(s) are permitted to collaborate with additional parties to address all mandatory requirements; however, one Supplier must be the prime point Supplier and Guilford County will only enter into one contract agreement with that Supplier. The award and payment may go to only one source of supply. All proposals must be submitted in hard copy with one original and seven copies by the event close date and time listed in this RFP; and, other communications must be submitted electronically through the Q/A Feature Tab under Strategic Sourcing Event # 404.

A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Tele-Conference will be held at 10 A.M., EDT, on February 4th 2014. The conference Call Number is (336) 641-4201. Suppliers who do not participate in the Non-Mandatory Tele conference will be eligible to submit a RFP Proposal. Although the Tele-Conference is Non-Mandatory it is highly recommended for information purposes.

All Proposals must be submitted to Terri Hall, Buyer at Guilford County Purchasing Department, 301 West Market Street, Old Courthouse, B-32, Greensboro, NC 27401, in hard copy form with one original and seven copies on or before the close date and time of 10:00 A.M., EDT, on February 18, 2014. Proposals submitted must be binding for not less than one hundred eighty (180) days after the Notification of Award.

1.2 Contractual Requirements

The County expects the selected Supplier(s) to comply with the contractual requirements listed below as to licensing, maintenance, payments, and performance. The contract will require the following properties:

1. The RFP, Supplier’s response, clarifications, and all addendum(s) will be part of the final contract and Proposal;

2. Prices must be held firm for 180 days from date of Notification of Award.

3. Payment is dependent on application performance testing and acceptance


Payment terms will be as follows:

1. Consulting and Implementation Services:

a. Fixed Priced proposal concurrent with application milestone/acceptance by module

b. Note: Proposal pricing based on Time & Materials estimates will not be considered

2. Training/Out-of-Pocket Expenses:

a. Upon completion of accepted service 100%

b. All payments are to be net 30 days

0. Project Background

1. Project Summary

• Kronos is a time and attendance system used by all Guilford County employees and supervisors to report and approve hours worked. The Kronos system is also used to track FMLA and accrue sick, vacation and other employee leave time. Employee work hours recorded in Kronos are imported into the Lawson payroll system for calculation of biweekly employee pay. Prior to the implementation of Kronos, all employee work hours and leave time were manually tracked on paper timesheets.

• The 6.1 version of Kronos was implemented on February 14, 2010. We are currently on version 6.1.22.

• Guilford County employees use several options for reporting time, including time clocks (4500), computers and telephone (via Teletime) to report time. There are currently 22 time clocks in use.

• Guilford County has 35 active pay rules currently configured.

• 2,506 employee licenses are active as of 1-24-14.

• 426 manager licenses are active as of 1-24-14.

• Hardware and operating systems for Kronos were purchased and implemented in 2009 and need to be upgraded. Time-record data has not been archived since going live with the system.

2. Project Objectives

The objectives for the awarded Supplier (s) identified for the contract award:

• Upgrade Kronos modules from 6.1. to the latest recommended version.

• Upgrade toTeletime IP

• Provide end-user training on new functionality available in the new version

• Develop and implement a data archiving process

• Project Management

• Replacement of Kronos Servers with new and/or virtual servers

• Configure software for use of Kronos Mobile office

• Ensure that all peripheral hardware, i.e., clocks and phones, are configured properly with the upgraded version of the software.

• Ensure that all Hyperfinds, Alerts and Queries are working correctly after the upgrade.

3.0 Current State

3.1 Current Kronos Environment (as of January 24, 2014):

|Current Release |Target Upgrade Release |

|6.1.22 |7.0.x or latest version |

| |

|Workforce Employee v6 |

|Workforce Manager v6 |

|Workforce Teletime v6 |

|Workforce Timekeeper v6 |

|Workforce Scheduler v6 (not in use) |

|Workforce Leave v6 |

|Workforce Record Manager v6 |

|Workforce Integration v6 |

3.2 Hardware Environment

Guilford County will provide necessary server infrastructure for this project. Server Hardware will be procured by Guilford County and is not part of this RFP.

Current Production Environment:

2 web\app servers

 - 32 bit Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2

2 SQL servers

- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 ENT SP2

- Sql 2005

Current Test Environment:

1 web\app server

 - 32 bit Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2

1 SQL server

- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 ENT SP2

- Sql 2005


- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 ENT SP2

- Sql 2005

3.3 Custom Reports



3.4 Interfaces

• Employee Import from Lawson To Kronos - Daily

• Payroll export from Kronos to Lawson – Bi-weekly

• Kronos interface to Teletime - Daily

4.0 Scope of Services

The County wishes to procure professional Consulting Services to ensure that the Kronos upgrade is deployed in the most logical, timely and cost-effective manner. The following services are sought:

4.1 Project Planning and Management

The selected Supplier(s) will provide Consulting Services for the overall project management of the implementation, and work with Guilford County’s Project Manager(s) to:

• Establish a project charter that includes scope, project resources, roles, responsibilities, key deliverables and success criteria.

• Create and maintain a work plan identifying tasks to ensure successful project implementation and monitor progress against the plan.

• Determine and manage risks which may jeopardize project success.

• Supervise deliverables, create and ensure quality.

• Incorporate a communication plan to ensure communication between the awarded Supplier(s), County resources and 3rd party resources as required.

• Create weekly project status reports including prior week accomplishments and planned

future activities.

• Provide a risk management plan, identify risks and develop risk mitigation strategies

• Identify, resolve and/or escalate cross-project issues in a timely manner.

• Actively participate in steering committee meetings

• Ensure on-time completion of project and success criteria

The Supplier’s Project Manager will be responsible for managing the Supplier’s resources, budgets and schedules.

4.2 System Preparation

The awarded Supplier shall install all new environment and applications products, including the upgraded software and any additional required software (for both the production environment and any test systems). In support of this phase, the proposer shall upgrade the following products:

|Workforce Timekeeper |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Manager WTK |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Employee WTK |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Absence Manager – Leave |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Record Manager |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Scheduler |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Integration Manager |Upgrade v7.x |

|Workforce Teletime |Upgrade to IP |

Optional (Please list pricing for these items separately)

1. Supply configuration, documentation and end-user training for implementation of Kronos Mobile Office.

2. Develop training materials and conduct training for Managers/Supervisors on new Kronos functionality for timecard review and approval.

3. High level assessment of the current business processes. Identify recommendations for efficiencies that could be gained, if any.

4.3 Data Conversion and Interfaces

The awarded Supplier will migrate data from the current platform to the new platform and ensure that data is converted successfully, in accordance with Kronos requirements. The awarded Supplier will also provide support to the County to ensure custom reports are modified appropriately. In support of this phase, the proposer shall:

• Transform application data from version 6.1x to version 7.0x or latest recommended version using the upgrade programs.

• Work with the County to identify where differences in the upgraded software can eliminate manual business processes, custom reports and add efficiencies.

• Develop and implement a data archiving process, including procedures for archiving data and provide training on the data archival process.

4.4 Testing

The awarded Supplier will work with the County to develop the overall testing requirements to ensure all components of the upgrade and related system changes are prepared and tested to the County’s satisfaction to deploy into production. In support of this phase, the awarded Supplier shall:

• Work with County personnel to identify where test scripts may need to be added or modified

• Provide guidance to the County to ensure data is validated

• Work with end users in the the utilization of new features

• Resolve any issues from the upgrade and related system changes

4.5 Final Preparation, Go Live and Post Go Live Support

The awarded Supplier will provide services to prepare for production deployment, execute the upgrades, and provide post-go live support. In support of this phase, the Supplier shall:

• Work with the County to develop and document a detailed cut-over plan, perform risk assessment, and develop contingency plan.

• Provide customizable templates for end-user training material/manuals and review with identified County trainers.

• Participate in the readiness assessment to determine if all tasks are complete and issues resolved and to obtain go-live authorization.

• Execute the production upgrades as noted in section 4.2.

• Provide post go-live support for four weeks immediately after the deployment into the production environment.

The County reserves the right to modify, and/or remove principal services at negotiated costs through an agreed upon change order process.

4.6 Resources to be Provided by Guilford County

In support of this project, Guilford County will provide the following:

1. An internal Project Manager

2. Business users and technical support staff to participate in knowledge transfer, data validation, testing and training.

3. Kronos System and SQL Database Administrators to facilitate technical components of the upgrade.

4. A testing or upgrade environment will be established to perform the upgrade. Note: new hardware will be purchased and installed for the production and test environments as part of this project through a separate procurement process.

5. On-site work space for the proposer’s team (if required) which will include work stations connected to the network and access to networked printers.

6. Remote access available for the proposer to the County network via Citrix.

5.0 General Information and Guidelines

5.1 General Information

Electronic copies of this Request for Proposal are available at Guilford website address ().

All official County responses to prospective Bidder’s questions and official addenda regarding RFP revisions or additional information will be communicated by the County through the Strategic Sourcing Q/A function tab within this event.

All questions and/all clarifications are to be submitted through the Event #404, Q/A Feature Tab.

All RFP Bid Submissions shall be submitted by hard copy which shall consist of one original and seven copies of the RFP proposals and must be received by the Guilford County Purchasing Department, 301 West market Street, Old Courthouse, Greensboro, NC 27401, by the close date and time of 10:00 A.M. EDT, February 18, 2014.

RFP Event OPENS: January 27, 2014, Time: 10:00 AM, EDT

A Non-Mandatory RFP Information Tele Conference will be held at 10:00 A.M., EDT, February 4, 2014. The Conference Call Number is (336) 641-4201.

Deadline for all Bidder’s questions regarding the RFP is 10 A.M. EDT, February 7, 2014.

5.2 Procurement Timetable

The timetable for the RFP solicitation process is summarized below. Note that these are target dates and are subject to change by the County.

|Activity |Target Date |

|County issue of RFP |January 27, 2014 @ 10:00 AM EDT |

|Q&A Opens |January 27, 2014 @ 11:00 AM EDT |

|Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Tele Conference |February 4, 2014 @ 10:00 A.M. EDT |

|Post-Conference Questions Due |February 7, 2014 @ 10:00 AM EDT |

|Addendum to Answer Questions Available |February 13, 2014 @ 3:00 PM EDT |

|RFP Proposals Due-Close Date/Time |February 18, 2014 @ 10:00 AM, EDT |

The following are ESTIMATED Dates

The County will attempt to meet the milestone dates estimated below. Only Supplier(s) identified on the short-list will be notified and consulted about subsequent dates after the determination of the short-list. All dates are subject to change.

|Activity |Target Date |

|Evaluation of Proposals |March 13, 2014 |

|Establish Short-List on or before |March 17, 2014 |

|Contract Negotiations Begin |March 21, 2014 |

5.3 Confidentiality

All proposals submitted shall be regarded as public record. Unless there is proprietary information and then each page must be marked CONFIDENTIAL.

6.0 Preparing Proposals: Required Information

6.1 Response

For ease of handling and reference, potential Bidders must submit their detailed Proposal for Event #404. in hard copy form, with one (1) original and seven (7) copies by the event close date and time. All proposals must be received by Terri Hall, Buyer @ Guilford County Purchasing Department, 301 W. Market Street, Suite B-32, Old Courthouse, Greensboro, NC 27401 and must include:

1. Cover Letter

Include a brief history of your firm and a brief description of the services your firm proposes to provide Guilford County. Include the mailing address, phone and fax numbers and email address of the individual signing the cover letter as well as contact information for your firm’s primary contact for this RFP, if different.

2. Qualifications and Experience of Firm

• List the number of years the Bidder’s firm has been in operation and number of years the firm has been providing consultation and project work involving Kronos Software.

• State whether or not the firm is a Kronos Partner or Kronos Certified.

• Describe and list similar projects performed in the past five (5) years that best characterize the firm’s capabilities.

• List similar services the firm has provided to other public sector agencies in the past five (5) years.

3. Price Proposal – Provide an estimate of total hours, rates, total dollar amount and estimated travel expenses as follows:

• Total Project Pricing to perform tasks identified in the scope of work. Note: All proposals must be submitted based on Fixed Price estimates. Proposals based on Time and Materials estimates will not be considered.

• Summarize, by line item the total project labor and related materials costs, by each section described in the scope of work (Project Planning and Management, System Preparation, Data Conversion, Testing, Final Preparation, Go Live and Post Go Live Support). Within these line item breakdowns, provide the classification of employee, associated hourly labor rate, hours estimated for the task and total cost. Subtotal each phase of work by line item. See example below:

|Project Planning and Management |

|Position Title |Hourly Rate |Estimated Hours |Total Cost |

| | | |$ |

| | | |$ |

| | | |$ |

| | | |$ |

|Total Personnel Hours and Expenses | |$ |

• Itemize a list of any other indirect costs, by scope section to include ‘other direct costs’, ‘travel expenses’, etc. to accomplish this project. Airfare should be calculated at the most cost-efficient round-trip coach rate. Hotels, meals and incidental expenses must be calculated using the IRS Publication 1542.

4. Project Plan

For each section described in Scope of Work of this RFP, include the following:

• Describe your 1) proposed work tasks and activities; 2) approach and methods that will be used to accomplish these tasks and activities; and 3) specific personnel assigned to project tasks and activities.

• Describe the proposed work product or deliverable that will result from each task or activity.

• Identify the time frame estimated to complete each task.

• Describe how quality control and risk mitigation will be addressed in your work and that of subcontractors ( if applicable).

• List any additional resources (staff, materials, access, etc.) anticipated to be provided by Guilford County to complete this project beyond those listed in this RFP.

• Furnish a time line and work breakdown structure of personnel to support scope of work activities.

• Provide an organizational chart for the team that would be assigned to this account and a paragraph about each, discussing his/her qualifications and experience as related to the requirements of this proposal. Also provide the minimum percentage of time the team member would devote to this account. Guilford County will approve all the Supplier’s personnel initially assigned to perform services through an awarded contract, as well as all replacement personnel. Supplier will also provide adequate time for Guilford County to review and assess any change in supplier’s staff assignments to the project. Guilford County reserves the right to reject staff assignment after review.

5. Value Added Propositions – Please propose items in this category separately from the key components of this RFP:

• Discuss and list any prompt payment discounts available.

• Discuss and list any special services or products your firm is willing to provide with this proposal.

6.2 Evaluation Method

All Proposals that meet the specifications and scope of this RFP will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria listed below:

1. Awarding Authority/Evaluation Committee

This RFP is issued by Guilford County Purchasing Department.

An evaluation committee comprised of staff from various County departments will have responsibility for reviewing and evaluating all Proposals submitted in hard copy form in response to this RFP. The County reserves the right to include outside consultants to assist in the evaluation process. County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, whichever is in the best interest of Guilford County.

2. Selection of Qualified Proposals

The Director of Information Services and the evaluation committee will review the

Proposals submitted by all Bidders to determine whether the minimum qualifications set forth herein are met. On the basis of the evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP, the Director of Information Services and the evaluation committee will recommend award of the contract to the Guilford County Purchasing Department of which is the most qualified Supplier(s) and which best meets the needs and requirements of the County, and provides the most cost-effective solution. The Director of Information Services may at any time investigate a Bidder’s ability to perform the work.

All Bidders must list their references as indicated for at least (5) sites that have recently upgraded to the Kronos 7.0.x or latest version, and to include the total population served by the government/entity. If the Bidder has more than 5 sites, please provide a list of all remaining reference sites (i.e. a client listing).

Guilford County may, in addition to references supplied, request the additional information about a company, and its experience with previous contracts. Bidders may choose not to submit information in reply to Guilford County Purchasing Department requests; provided however, that if failure to submit such information results in the inability of the County to obtain needed facts regarding the Bidder’s qualifications or ability to perform, the Information Services Director may at his discretion discontinue further consideration of a particular Proposal.

The County may use sources of information not supplied by the Bidder concerning the ability of the Bidder to perform the work. Such sources may include current or past customers of the organization; current or past suppliers; articles from data processing, communications and related publications; articles from other published sources made available to the County. However, Guilford County is under no obligation to obtain any additional information other than that supplied by the Bidder in response to this RFP.

6.3 Selection Criteria

The Bidder’s written response and the Bidder’s supplied documentation will constitute the primary basis for assessing the merits of a Bidder’s offer. The basis for the evaluation of proposals received is included, but not limited to, the following considerations:

• The Bidder’s performance record in meeting the requirements of their existing customers. Particular emphasis will be placed in the areas of Kronos 7.0.x functional and technical expertise and the project plan.

• Amount and cost of the Bidder’s support that will be available for software installation, configuration, data conversion, and implementation.

• Adherence to the requested RFP proposal format. This includes the thoroughness of the proposal, the project plan as well as the format of the presentation.

• The number, type, experience and availability of Bidder’s staff.

• The Bidder’s ability to support the total system solution, including, configuration, data conversion, training, and support.

• Responsiveness to requirements outlined in this RFP.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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