General Science and KS3 Information

General Science


Everyone should have a copy of their own timetable. On the Science time table Helen is TW, Lynn is HC and Greg is HA. Attached to this is a breakdown of classes and who they are being taught by. Can see who sharing classes with and who is on your rotations. One room amendment NH Thu 1 S11 can go to AL1.

Detention Rota

Copy of rota attached. This will be on a Thursday as in previous years. The lower school detention will be on a Monday. These detentions are to be used for serious or repeated incidents only please. In the first instance you should issue your own detention. Please remember to set work for each pupil. If you can’t do your Thursday please swap with someone else.

Rooms for Pupils to go to

A list of the rooms is in this pack. This facility is to be used if a pupil is causing serious disruption to your class and you have tried all other strategies. The pupils should be escorted to the room by a sensible pupil of a member of staff if they are free. .Work should also be sent to the room. If a pupil is removed from your lesson please write a report slip and place in formal Science detention. There are some times when there are no A level classes are on, if any one is free then and can volunteer to be on call please let me know.

Seating Plans

These are to be used by all teachers for all classes. Copies of your seating plans should be placed at Upper school in the file pockets on the front desk, at lower school in the order books. Please indicate on seating plans and G&T, SEN or RBA pupils.

General Housekeeping

Orders 24 hours in advance

Count equipment in and out

Check for graffiti in books and on desks

Clean boards end of lesson, pupils pick up litter

Tidy up display areas in labs before open evening

Photocopying upper through print room, lower via technicians

KS3 Science


Every one should have copy of rotations for Years 7, 8 and 9. Please make a note of these and the SC1 weeks. As in previous years Year 7 start with the Science Skills topic. Don’t do the test for this as time will be limited. There is no SC1 week in rotation 3 of Year 9 but there is an extra week in this rotation to allow people to catch up with lessons that may be missed over the Christmas period.

Room Rotations

Year 7 rotate from lab1 lab2 lab3

Year 8 see separate sheet, please check this carefully, room and topic are indicated on the sheet.

Year 9 see separate sheet. Again please check this very carefully as it does not follow the pattern of previous years. Set 4 stay in the same room all the time. Because we have so many classes on at once it is important people check rooms and topics very carefully especially during rotations 4 and 5.

Marking and KS3 Assessment

KS3 books should be marked at least every 2 weeks. Homework set at least once a week.

Every half term there is to be one quality marked piece of work, using the golden mark sheet. This should be levelled with clear targets on how to achieve the next level. Pupils are to then record this on the assessment sheet at the front of their book. This task can be a Badger levelled task or all the SC1 tasks now have level ladders to enable you to level the pupils SC1 work.

Also at the front of every pupil book will be a levelness guide on which pupils are to write their end of KS3 target and year target.

This termly levelled assessment will also be recorded on the KS3 database and goes part way to replacing the end of topic tests.

As discussed last year we are no longer having end of topic tests. Year 7 and 8 will do 2 tests per year. One week beginning 5th of February based on the first 3 modules of that year and one week beginning 18th June which will be a part of a past SAT paper. These marks will also be recorded at front of pupil books and on database

If you wish to do an end of topic assessment then you can use the GOAL package in ICT. This can be accessed from any computer with internet and only takes pupils 10 -15 min and both pupil and teacher get instant feedback on their progress. There is one test per QCA unit.

For year 9 they are also to do 2 summative assessments. The first will be a progress test to be done 12th– 19th October. This will be based on Year 7 and 8 work and include SC1 questions. The second is the mock which will be done in January. These marks will also be recorded at front of pupil books and on database

Year 7, 8 and 9 Intervention

Copies of the current year 8 and 9 intervention groups.

Please make a note of any of these pupils that are in your groups, so that they can be given extra support and help in class. These pupils are working at least half a level (in some cases a level and a half) below where they should be and will need extra attention.

This year want to run intervention classes in Years 7, 8 and 9. If any body would like to volunteer to run one at lunchtime can they let me know.

The main focus at Year 9 this year has to be improving our level 6 target. We still have too many pupils failing to progress by a level from KS2 – KS3. If you have a set 1 or set 2 in Year 8 or 9 please monitor pupil progress carefully and apply appropriate intervention strategies. If there are any problems pass names on to me.

Year 9 workbooks

Will buy a set for your class if you want them. Not buying for all Year 9 as many last year went unused. Asking pupils to provide a £1 to wards them again.


Copies of the projects available for giving to G&T pupils in your groups

SATs Analysis

Have put all data from papers of pupils that were predicted a level 6 or 5 but did not achieve it into PAT. When the national data is available I will analyse it against this. From initial analysis our pupils seem to struggle more with the Chemistry part of the curriculum than any of the other ATs. I will provide a full analysis when I have all available data.

A list of pupils that did not achieve target of 5 or 6 is in your pack. These pupils will need more help than others in achieving their end of KS4 target grade. Please make a note of any of these pupils that are in your Year 10 classes and provide intervention where appropriate. I will also be giving these pupils a questionnaire about Science as a subject, to find out what we can do to help these pupils achieve their potential.


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