Kent State University



MIS 44445—SPRING 2016

Instructor: Deborah Knapp, PhD

Office: College of Business Administration

Department of Management & Information Systems

BSA A424

Telephone: 330.283.6081 (MOBILE—please use this number to contact me)

330.672.1147 (OFFICE)

E-mail: —the best way to get a quick response!

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:45p-4:15p or by appointment


Required Text: Tarique, Briscoe, & Schuler. 2015. International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises (5th Edition). New York: Routledge.

Course Materials Available on Blackboard: course syllabus, course notes, course lectures, PowerPoint slides for book chapters, access to McGraw-Hill Connect, examples of internet assignments, the e-mail addresses of all classmates and your professor, and various utilities (i.e., discussion boards, journals, etc.). You can access Blackboard from your FlashLine account: once you log in, the link is in the upper right hand corner. You can also go directly to Blackboard and log in (with your KSU FlashLine ID and password) at


Organizations are aggressively internationalizing their operations and this trend has significant consequences for human resource management. HR professionals are expected to plan and manage culturally diverse workforces in various locations across the globe. We will examine these challenges in terms of the influence of cross-cultural issues on organizations, the factors involved in selecting and managing an international workforce, the evaluation of employee relations and employment law, and address issues such as employee training and development, expatriation /repatriation, performance management, and compensation issues, all from the perspective of managing an international organization.

Through lecture, readings, and experiential exercises, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to assess various international human resource management initiatives and formulate solutions to human-resource-related problems in a global context. Upon completion of the course, you will understand how the proper management of human resources in a multinational enterprise supports strategic business objectives while adding real value to the organization.


1. The fundamental purpose of this course is to provide students with an increased global human resource management and how its proper use will move an organization toward its strategic business objectives. This course will also:

a. Imbue students with a detailed understanding of how to plan and apply an effective HRM strategy for an international organization.

b. Provide students the opportunity to critically analyze emerging issues in managing a global work force.

c. Develop an in-depth understanding of the changing HR environment in the multinational enterprise (MNE), and the implications for managing people and their work.

d. Develop an appreciation of the issues involved in staffing, performance management, compensation, training and development, and various methods for coordinating an international workforce.

e. Create a strong awareness of the importance of sensitivity in addressing issues within a culturally diverse, international workforce.


The mission of this course is to assist you in the process of learning about global human resource management. Part of that learning process is required course work: e.g., reading assigned material, completing assignments, and reflecting on your work and reporting those reflections to me via examinations, quizzes, and various assignments.



Two exams are scheduled for the semester. Exams will cover any readings, handouts, audio/visual media, on-line class interactions, exercises and lecture material. The format of the exams will be: (a) 50% essays questions and (b) 50% may include multiple-choice, matching, and/or short-answer type questions. Each exam accounts for 25% of your final grade for a total of 50%.


Pre-assigned groups of four to five students will be assigned a case that addresses an issue in international HR. Each group will present a power point (or alternative) presentation that explains the research, analysis, and conclusions reached in the case (a paper based on the presentation must also be turned in). Presentations should be 20-30 minutes in length and will be graded on content and presentation. The group presentation will account for 30% (15% for the paper and 15% for the presentation) of your final grade.


Five experiential exercises and cases provide an opportunity for students to apply many of the concepts covered in this course. Your case/exercise grade depends on the quality and quantity (including the quality and quantity of the writing) of the five cases/exercises you complete during the semester. Cases and experiential exercises account for 15% of your final grade (each exercise/case is worth 3%; e.g., if you complete only three, you will receive only 9%).

INTERNET ASSIGNMENT (examples of a past internet assignment are available on Blackboard)

Students will be expected to find one website that relates to the course (any website that addresses HR analytics or ERP systems concerns and issues are acceptable) and summarize the information they find at the site. You may use simple internet searches to find a website or select a website of which you are already aware. Students are to prepare a one-to-two paragraph summary about the website and complete the assignment as indicated on the BLACKBOARD. The content of your assignment should describe the website and may include any or all of the following: a) what information can be found on the website, b) who might find the website useful and/or c) how the information on the website might be used.

Submission/formatting internet assignment: Please include at the top of each paper (must be in WORD or equivalent word processing file): 1) your first and last name; 2) “Internet Assignment;” and 3) the URL of the website (the web address; this is so I may visit the site you chose)

The internet assignment will account for 5% of your final grade (the internet assignment is pass/fail; if you complete it on time, you will receive the full 5%, if you do not, 5 percentage points will be deducted from your grade).


Grades will be calculated according to your performance on two exams (25% each for a total of 50%), group presentation (30%), cases/exercises (15%), and the internet assignment (5%). Final grades will be assigned as follows:

|A |A- |

|Week 1 |Course Introduction |

| |Class orientation |

| |Group assignments |

| |Read chapter 1 |

|Week 2 |Chapter 1.The internationalization of human resource management |

| |Drivers of the internationalization of business |

| |Growth of internationalization |

| |The development of international human resource management |

| |Exercise 1 due next class period |

| |Read chapter 2 |

|Week 3 |Turn in Exercise 1 |

| |Chapter 2. Strategic international human resource management |

| |Evolution of the multinational enterprise |

| |MNE strategy |

| |IHRM strategy |

| |Read chapter 3 |

|Week 4 |Chapter 3. Design and structure of the multinational enterprise |

| |MNE Structural choices |

| |IHRM organizational structure |

| |Using HR Analytics to Determine the Cost of Absence Control Policy Initiatives |

| |Exercise 2 due next class period |

| |Read chapter 4 |

|Week 5 |Turn in Exercise 2 |

| |Chapter 4. International mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and alliances |

| |IHRM and international mergers and acquisitions |

| |IHRM and joint ventures |

| |IHRM and alliances |

| |Read chapter 5 |

|Week 6 |Chapter 5. IHRM and culture |

| |Country culture vs MNE culture |

| |Cultural convergence/divergence |

| |Impact of culture on IHRM |

| |Read chapter 6 |

|Week 7 |Chapter 6. International employment law, labor standards and ethics |

| |The global legal and regulatory constructs of MNEs |

| |Comparative law |

| |The international framework of ethics and labor standards |

|Week 8 |EXAM ONE |

| |covers all chapters (1-6), lectures, and accompanying notes covered up to this point |

| |Read chapter 8 |

|Week 9 |Chapter 8. International workforce planning and staffing |

| |International workforce planning |

| |International workforce staffing |

| |Implications for MNEs |

| |Exercise 3 due next class period |

| |Read chapter 9 |

|Week 10 |Turn in Exercise 3 |

| |Chapter 9. International recruitment, selection, and repatriation |

| |The international recruitment function |

| |The international selection function |

| |Successful expatriation: Best practices |

| |Repatriation |

| |Read chapter 10 |

|Week 11 |Chapter 10. International training and development |

| |Virtual and global teams |

| |Global leadership development |

| |Cross-cultural preparation |

| |Internet Assignment due next class period |

| |Read chapter 11 |

|Week 12 |Turn in Internet Assignment |

| |Chapter 11. International compensation and benefits |

| |Remuneration and the MNE |

| |Determinants of an IA compensation approach |

| |International compensation and benefits management |

| |Exercise 4 due next class period |

| |Read chapter 12 |

|Week 13 |Turn in Exercise 4 |

| |Chapter 12. International employee performance management |

| |Performance management and the MNE |

| |Performance management and the international assignee |

| |Exercise 5 due week 16 |

|Week 14 |SPRING BREAK! |

|Week 15 |GROUP PRESENTATIONS (must turn in paper with presentation) |

|Week 16 |Turn in Exercise 4 |

| |GROUP PRESENTATIONS (must turn in paper with presentation) |

|Finals Week |EXAM TWO |

| |covers all chapters (8-12), lectures, and accompanying notes for everything covered since EXAM ONE |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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