Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR)Department of Instructional TechnologyITEC 7482 – Facilitating Online Learning – 3rd Semester1. The assessment, including the instructions to candidates about the assigned task.Title: Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR)Instructions to Candidate: Online Teaching Portfolio – Develop a portfolio of artifacts demonstrating mastery of course standards and reflecting on professional growth in facilitating online learning. Your portfolio will include projects you completed this semester. Your portfolio will include artifacts and reflections on the following:Why is the artifact important when teaching online?How does the artifact demonstrate mastery of the standards given?How does the artifact contribute to your understanding of online teaching and learning? Use the Word template that follows to compile the portfolio.Portfolio TemplateOnline Teaching PortfolioElizabeth FosterITEC 7482 – Facilitating Online LearningSpring 2018TABLE OF CONTENTSArtifactPage Artifact 1 – Course Schedule Artifact 2 – Online Course Prep Checklist Artifact 3 – Learning Styles Inventory Artifact 4 – Online Learning Resources Artifact 5 – Course Syllabus Artifact 6 – Orientation Artifact 7 – Student Engagement & Higher Order Thinking Artifact 8 – Differentiation Artifact 9 – Accommodations & Modifications Artifact 10 – Diversity Artifact 11 – Community Building Artifact 12 – Teacher-Student Communication Artifact 13 – Teacher-Parent Communication Artifact 14 – Student-Student CommunicationArtifact 15 – Synchronous Collaboration ToolsArtifact 16 – Asynchronous Collaboration ToolsArtifact 17 – Formative AssessmentArtifact 18 – Targeted FeedbackArtifact 19 – Quiz/TestArtifact 20 – GradebookArtifact 21 – Tracking ToolsArtifact 22 – Technical SupportArtifact 23 – Acceptable UseArtifact 24 – Course/Teacher Evaluation Artifact 1 – Course SchedulePSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will apply experiences as an online student to develop successful strategies for teaching online. (II.iv.I)-139704445000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.As an online student, I always appreciated a clear course schedule. It kept me organized and helped me meet my assignment deadlines. Being an online student myself has helped me realize strategies necessary for students to be successful online. Frustration due to a lack of clear guidelines will only disrupt the learning process. Although time consuming, teachers must take the necessary steps prior to the course, to create a structure that flows and matches accordingly. Before beginning a course, it is important to have all dates, assignments, and modules aligned to limit confusion. Artifact 2 – Online Course Prep ChecklistPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will demonstrate the ability to anticipate challenges and problems in the online classroom. (II.iv.II)Candidates will continually review all materials and Web resources for alignment with course objectives and standards and or appropriateness. (II.v.I)2413015367000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.Having a pre-course checklist will allow the teacher to prepare for the course and ensure that nothing will impede the flow of the course and the learning process. The checklist can include the following; links work properly, images show up, all playposits (flipped classroom) are assigned according to date, the orientation and introduction to the course is ready, gradebook is properly set up, and assignments, tests, quizzes, and discussion posts are assigned properly according to date. The checklist also allows teachers to reflect on their course design, which should include asynchronous sessions, as well as engaging and differentiated lessons. Artifact 3 – Online Learning ResourcesPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. (I.i.VII)Candidates will model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts. (I.i.VIII)-1397013462000Reflection: (100-125 words) - Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.In just the last few years, a variety of technology tools have emerged. For example, Office 365 was purchased by Cobb County Schools as a way for teachers, students, and parents to access learning. Furthermore, it’s an important “google-like” collaboration tool that allows teachers to share lessons and students to work together, delving deeper into the content. The flipped classroom has gained popularity recently for advantages such as differentiated learning and allowing more class time to pursue higher order thinking activities. Screencast-o-matic allows me to record video lectures, upload to teacher tube, and then use playposit to embed questions. These lessons allow me to collect valuable data to determine instruction. Flipgrid allows students to express their learning in a different way, by providing an easy way to record student performances. Kahoot! was used as a fun and interactive way to engage students in a formative assessment. Also, padlet was used as a fun electronic ticket out the door. Students crave technology, and usimg these latest Web 2.0 tools leads to active student engagement in class.Artifact 4 – Learning StylesPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will differentiate instruction of students’ learning styles and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information. (II.i.IX)1731001774600Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.At the beginning of the semester, I administered a learning styles survey to my students. Students answered a variety of questions to determine their learning style: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. An example of a question includes: If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when I: watch someone show me how, hear someone tell me how, or try to do it myself. Another example includes: When given written instructions on how to build something, I: read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together, read them out loud and talk to myself as I put the part together, or try to put the parts together first and read later. The survey resulted in the majority of students being visual learners, with many students expressing kinesthetic learning as well. I only had one person who was predominantly auditory. My LMS catered to these learners in a variety of ways. For example, I used matching pictures to practice vocabulary, screencast-o-matic to visually capture the content, video clips, hands-on simulations, and visual assignments like the illustrated timeline.Artifact 5 – Course SyllabusPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will provide an effective online syllabus that lays out the terms of the class interaction for both teacher and students, defines clear expectations for both teacher and students, details the grading criteria and appropriate and inappropriate behavior for students, and explains the course organization to students. (II.ii.III)Candidates will provide an online syllabus with objectives, concepts, and ideas, and learning outcomes in a clearly written, concise format. (II.ii.IV)Candidates will provide clearly defined statements informing students what to expect in terms of your response time. (II.ii.VII)3342769154136960709011Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.No one likes to go into a class blind, so the syllabus provides students with a structure and expectations. Students are given expectations, including participation, acceptable use, discussions, academic honesty, as well as objectives, and an outline of the course. The syllabus acts as a contract between the students, parents, and the teacher. The syllabus can protect the teacher if a problem arises in the future, such as a student or parent who is unhappy with a grade. The guidelines are clear and reinforced throughout the semester, such as late work. Students know how and when to contact the teacher if they need help. The syllabus is important because it supports students in their learning process.Artifact 6 – OrientationPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will explain the course organization to students. (II.ii.III)439849182600Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.Located in the welcome folder is an introductory video to schoology. The video was uploaded to teacher tube, because YouTube would be blocked for students. To limit confusion, students are introduced to how the LMS schoology works and the organization of the course. I created a screencasted video of how to log in to schoology, and how students can use the various features. I explained that each folder is set up to represent a topic, such as “The Great Depression.” Within that folder, students will find two folders, work to be completed at home, and work to be completed at school, which follows the flipped classroom model. Following the video, I allow students time to log in to schoology, and make themselves familiar with the course. Taking time to help students become oriented to the LMS and the course will prevent wasted time later. Artifact 7 – Student Engagement & Higher Order ThinkingPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will demonstrate effective strategies and techniques that actively engage students in the learning process, in designing, and assessing online learners and instruction. (II.i.I)Candidates will apply technology to engage students’ higher order thinking skills and creativity. (II.i.XI)Candidates will promote collaborative learning through reflection and social negotiation. (II.i.V) Candidates will lead online instruction groups that are meaningful, project-based, inquiry-oriented. (II.i.VII)2786381889000324091152650Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.Using the flipped classroom model has given me more time in class for engaging students in higher-order thinking. For example, shown above is a synectics assignment for the New Deal. Students had to compare the New Deal to things like, shoelaces, radio, doorway, and a candle. Students came up with ideas like, “the New Deal is like a radio because a radio has many stations, just like the New Deal had many programs for helping America get out of the Great Depression.” “The New Deal is like a doorway, because it opened up hope and opportunities for Americans during the worst economic crisis in history.” Also, students had to collaborate through Office 365 to create a diary entry from an American living during the Great Depression. Students had to take important vocabulary and weave it into a diary entry. Students did an amazing job because it really gave a clear picture of what life was like for an American during this time. Students did not simply recall or remember facts. Students had to apply their learning and create original pieces through higher-order thinking.Artifact 8 – DifferentiationPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will differentiate instruction of students’ learning styles and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information. (II.i.IX)Use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their own time and task management, monitor learner progress with available tools, and develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. (II.ii.V)3327782244369-2373821214800Differentiation (presentation of information)Differentiation (expression of learning)Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.Using the flipped classroom model has allowed me to use data to inform instruction, group students, and implement important interventions. The artifact above on the left represents playposit, my video lectures with embedded questions, given to students the night before a lesson. The course differentiated the presentation of information by using the flipped classroom video lectures, video clips, guided readings, simulations, and practice exercises. Students expressed their learning in a variety of ways as well. The artifact above on the right shows an assignment where students had to express their knowledge of the Great Depression by writing a diary entry, rather than taking a multiple choice test. After students collaboratively wrote their diary entry, they were required to read their diary entry in flipgrid. However, some students struggle with speaking the English language, so I allowed them to create a Voki that read their diary entry for them. Some students were relieved that they had this option. The variety of tools used to differentiate gave all students a chance to feel successful with the content. Artifact 9 – Accommodations & ModificationsPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will respect diverse talents and use strategies designed to include all students. ( will provide activities, modified as necessary, that are relevant to special education modifications, student age, cultural background and experiences. ( student was given a paper copy of the questions seen in playposit.00The student was given a paper copy of the questions seen in playposit.28082887302Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.I have used the flipped classroom since the beginning of the semester. I noticed that one student, who always does very well in class, was struggling with the playposits. I gave her a paper copy of the embedded questions ahead of time. It allowed her to read the questions and know what she was looking for, which drastically improved her scores. I felt that it gave me a better understanding of her knowledge of the content. Also, some students struggle with large amounts of text and little white space. For some students, I “chunked” the guided reading to include less text before asking a question. Students felt that they could handle less text at a time. For tier A readers, I turned the guided reading into a template with a word bank. I modified the tests for some to only include three answer choices instead of four, added visuals, and bolded important words. Artifact 10 – DiversityPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will respect diverse talents and use strategies designed to include all students. ( (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.The assignments created in my LMS respect a diversity of talents. For example, students had to read their Great Depression diary entry in flipgrid. However, students who have low speaking scores for the ACCESS test feel uncomfortable speaking. To respect their ability, I allowed students to create a Voki to do the reading for them! This way, students can still express their learning and feel a sense of success, without worrying about their accent. Artifact 11 – Community BuildingPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidate will create and maintain a community by creating value, effective facilitation, and an environment of trust. (II.i.III)4132580171450005588113970000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.The asynchronous sessions used discussion posts that encouraged students to interact online by commenting on each other’s posts. Students felt comfortable expressing their thoughts without judgement or worry that what they were saying was wrong. Students posted their thoughts and other students simply added to their peers’ comments. When it came to the flipgrid assignment where students had to read their diary entries, I promised students that only I would see their work. They did not have to worry about me broadcasting their work to other students and feeling embarrassed. Students valued their work, because I praised them repeatedly and celebrated their successes. Students who did want to share their work in class had that option as well. Students appreciated having the project-based learning as a way to express their learning. The project grades carried the same weight as tests. Because we used an LMS, students controlled the pace of their learning. When students finished one assignment, they could move on as needed and did not need to wait for direction from me.Artifact 12 – Teacher-Student CommunicationPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will consistently model effective communication skills and maintain records of applicable communications with students. (II.ii.I)Candidates will facilitate regular and frequent teacher-student interaction in a variety of ways. (II.ii.II)81280762000left675404431294107840Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.For my class I use Remind. As an online student myself, I appreciate the repeated reminders of upcoming assignment due dates or quizzes. When I first began using the flipped classroom, most students would forget to complete their playposit assignments. However, when I began using Remind, the percentage of students completing the playposits increased greatly. Within my LMS is a place for upcoming due dates. This is visible to students as soon as they log into their account. Also, schoology provides a way to send out notifications to students. Because I used the blended classroom model, my role changed. My role as the teacher was to activate learning for the day, and walk the room to assist students as needed. Artifact 13 – Teacher-Parent CommunicationCandidates will utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools effectively (i.e., discussion boards, chat tools, electronic whiteboards, etc.). (I.i.IV)Candidate will facilitate regular and frequent teacher-parent interaction in a variety of ways. (II.ii.II)348859276100Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.The artifact above gives the directions for parents who want to have access to their child’s learning. Unfortunately, most of my students’ parents do not read or speak English. I encouraged students to log in to their accounts at home and share what they’ve learned. Students can translate the content into Spanish, Haitain creole, etc., depending on the language spoken at home. Unfortunately, most of my communication with parents is done through a third party. In order to communicate with a parent in Spanish, I must fill out a translation request form. From there, our parent facilitator calls home and reports back to me regarding her conversation with the parent. Artifact 14 – Student-Student CommunicationPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools effectively (i.e., discussion boards, chat tools, electronic whiteboards, etc.). (I.i.IV)Candidates will facilitate and monitor appropriate interaction among learners. (II.i.IV)Candidates will encourage collaboration and interaction among all students. ( will model and demonstrate effective moderator techniques to facilitate active student participation. (II.i.VIII)Candidates will facilitate regular and frequent student-student interaction in a variety of ways. (II.ii.II)32067371130174255167750543841712139300Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.Students interacted weekly by participating in asynchronous sessions, such as discussion posts. The artifact (top left) provides an example of a discussion post where students had to post what they learned about the Great Depression. Students were encouraged to comment on their peers’ posts. Students collaborated in Office 365 by completing such projects as the Great Depression diary entry, Civil Rights Movement timeline, and the Cold War political cartoon analysis book. These projects allowed students to collaborate and delve deeper into the content. Many days I would use Padlet as a ticket out the door. Students would reflect on their own learning, and read posts from their peers. I also used Padlet to jigsaw important events of World War II. Each student was assigned a concept from World War II. Students had to read their peers’ comments, and determine where the concept fell on the timeline; including origins, major events, impact, and post-WWII events. It helped students learn together and organize the concepts within the major topic of World War II.Artifact 15 – Synchronous Collaboration ToolPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will utilize synchronous tools effectively (i.e., chat tools, web conferencing, virtual electronic whiteboards, etc.). (I.i.IV)4210870554620left1480590052247181380270Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.In ITEC 7482, we had the opportunity to collaborate with other candidates to create a presentation and lead a synchronous session. It was definitely a learning experience. As a group, we wanted to present our assigned content. However, we focused mainly on making the synchronous session engaging and interactive for our classmates. The artifact (above left) shows our screen while we were presenting. Our presentation included polling features, a white board, and video clips. Although our group practiced for two hours, we had trouble loading the video clips. Leading a synchronous session takes a lot of practice, including troubleshooting techniques, quickly navigating discussion rooms, and learning how to quickly and efficiently present content. I am looking forward to trying Schoology’s Backchannel Chat in the future for study sessions or EOC review.Artifact 16 – Asynchronous Collaboration ToolPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will utilize asynchronous tools effectively (i.e., discussion boards, email, announcements/news, etc.). (I.i.IV)32385969163043686533000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.I utilized the asynchronous tool for discussion boards in class. The artifact above shows a discussion post analyzing the Civil Rights Movement through a current event, Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest. Students were required to answer questions about the current event, including background information and whether they agree or disagree with his protest. Students who did not know who Colin Kaepernick was, could watch a video of him explaining his cause. Students really got into this discussion post, and it led to discussion of more civil rights current events. Students commented on their peers’ posts, acknowledging their comments, but also adding to the post.Artifact 17 – Formative AssessmentPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their own time and task management, monitor learner progress with available tools, and develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. (II.ii.V)3279108173600909154090Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.As part of the flipped classroom, students watched video lectures and answered questions in playposit the night before a lesson. This gave me valuable data to see what students knew, and what they were struggling with in terms of content. Within Schoology, students participated in formative assessments, like quizzes and matching vocabulary/pictures. The artifact above shows the formative assessments as puzzle pieces. The artifact to the right shows the questions for the Great Depression quiz. Students participate in a variety of activities related to the content. However, we must keep the end in mind, and that is the End of Course Test. In order to the prepare students for the EOC, the quizzes consisted of EOC-style multiple choice questions. The matching vocabulary/pictures was a way to formatively assess key vocabulary from the standards. Also, students would post 1 thing they learned in padlet and add a picture daily. Students would read their peers’ posts and engage in a class discussion about the day’s lesson. Artifact 18 – Targeted FeedbackPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will provide timely, constructive feedback to student assignments. (II.ii.VI)9398011176000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.The artifact above shows my feedback given to a student who submitted her Great Depression diary entry. My constructive feedback includes both affirmation of work done correctly, but also suggestions for how it could be improved. Due to the nature of our blended learning environment, I regularly provided immediate feedback in the face-to-face setting. Students were placed in groups and I was able to walk around the room and frequently help students. Many students were able to correct any necessary work following my constructive feedback, before submitting it to schoology. Artifact 19 – Quiz/TestPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will provide continuous evaluation of students, to include pre- and post- testing as well as student input throughout the course. (II.v.IV)Candidates will review student responses to test items in online testing software to identify issues in testing or pedagogical strategies. (III.iii.II)3121645743940-2854353252003665752134293Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.At the beginning of the semester, students took a U.S. History pre-test, which included several of the standards in my online modules. The Cobb Teaching and Learning System, known as CTLS, is online testing software, which uses the iRespond Web App to administer the test through iPads and laptops. The artifact (top left) displays the student scores. The artifact (top right) displays various features that allow teachers to break down the data. For example, I can break down the data according to standard. This would allow me to provide targeted help to students regarding specific standards. At the end of each unit, a CTLS summative assessment is administered. Within my online course, students took two CTLS summative assessments; National Crisis: Great Depression, New Deal, World War II and Cold War/Civil Rights Movement. Both CTLS assessments provided ongoing data for targeted help.Artifact 20 – Gradebook PSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidate will apply technology to increase productivity. (II.i.X)508015367000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.Schoology uses an online gradebook that is easy for teachers to input grades. The artifact above shows my class gradebook. Students can access their grades from their account at any time. When students submit work, I can move from assignment to assignment, and enter grades from there. Due to the nature of our blended classroom, I had to transfer all schoology grades to Cobb County’s electronic gradebook, Synergy. Synergy allows students and parents to access their grades from anywhere. The electronic gradebook is productive, because it allows students to be in control of their progress. There are no surprises with a paper gradebook at the end of the semester. Students could access their gradebook and determine what assignments they were missing. Artifact 21 – Tracking ToolsPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will demonstrate awareness of observational data (i.e., tracking data in electronic courses, web logs, email, etc.) and its uses in monitoring course progress and effectiveness. (III.iii.III)293665011306600-19768019235000Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.The Analytics tool within Schoology allows me track student data. The artifact (top left) shows the observational data broken down by student, including last log in, last course access, total time in course, and number of posts. The “Links analytics” allowed me to see how many times students clicked on links in the course. The “Assignment analytics” allowed me to click on each individual assignment to view which students submitted their work. This was a productive way to quickly see who needed to do make up work! The artifact (above right) represents the “User Analytics” page. This could serve as a progress report for students. As we neared the end of the online course, I allowed students to make up any missing work. The “User Analytics” page helped me organize my conferences with students and allowed quick access to what still needed submission. Artifact 22 – Technical SupportPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidate will troubleshoot typical software and hardware problems. (I.i.V)3683014605000321818016510Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.From the beginning of the course, students become familiar with the organization of the course. The artifact (top left) shows the purple folder labeled “technical support.” The artifact (top right) shows frequently asked questions and how students can get technical support within the course. Due to the nature of our blended learning environment, I provided a lot of technical support myself in class. For example, I was there to assist students with submitting assignments. One problem we ran into early in the course was that students could not submit work to schoology from Office 365. I had to call in our county technology specialist for this incident. We realized that the laptops were not synced to Office 365. Therefore, when students searched for files to upload to schoology, the computer did not give access to the file. After much troubleshooting and research, we decided to have students copy their Office 365 work to the desktop, and then upload it to schoology. We are currently working on having Office 365 synced to student computers. Artifact 23 – Acceptable UsePSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will use appropriate strategies and resources for dealing with student issues arising from inappropriate use of electronically-accessed data or information. (II.iii.VI)321384219992500-21547244520Reflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.The Cobb County School District uses the District Administrative Rule IFBG-R Technology Acceptable Use form to outline what is appropriate in the classroom for teachers, parents, and students. Part J outlines prohibited use of technology in the classroom. I asked students to read this form and we discussed it in class. Although students use technology all day in several classrooms, they had never been shown this form. It was a little eye opening for students. The list allowed for important discussion about a few points in particular. For example, students many times copy work from the Internet. We discussed copyright laws, penalties, and strategies for avoiding copyright violations. Overall, it was a very beneficial discussion. Artifact 24 – Course/Teacher EvaluationPSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards:Candidates will provide opportunities for evaluating teaching effectiveness within the online environment (i.e., classroom assessment techniques, teacher evaluations, teacher peer reviews). (III.iii.IV)269880115006600130026122801002741086510800Survey of MaterialsTeacher EvaluationReflection: (100-125 words) Reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to your understanding of online teaching and learning.At the end of the course, students completed two surveys; survey of materials and teacher evaluation. I assured students that it was anonymous and that I truly value their opinions for improving the course in the future. The positive feedback showed that students really liked the course. For example, most students agreed that schoology was easy to navigate and the instructions were clear and easy to understand (artifact-above top left). I left an open-ended question at the end of the materials survey, to which students replied very positively (artifact top right). I have to admit, their comments made me feel really good! I was nervous about the teacher evaluation, but it had a lot of positive feedback as well. The data showed that students truly enjoyed the course and appreciated the multiple avenues for learning. One day, a student said to me, “I really learn a lot in this class.” This is the ultimate compliment for me. Seeing students successful is the ultimate goal and the LMS/technology gave students that opportunity. I will continue to implement technology in the classroom and try new things! 2. How the assessment is used in the programThe Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR) is completed by the professor in ITEC 7482, Facilitating K-12 Online Learning, during the 3rd semester of the Online Teaching Endorsement program. The professor must review the contents of the entire portfolio, ensuring the quality of all artifacts and reflections. The professor must rate the candidate on each artifact and reflection included in the portfolio. The PAR assesses the following 31 PSC Online Teaching Endorsement standards: (I.i.IV), (I.i.V), (I.i.VII), (I.i.VIII), (II.i.I), (II.i.III), (II.i.IV), (II.i.V), (II.i.VII), (II.i.VIII), (II.i.IX), (II.i.X), (II.i.XI), (II.ii.I), (II.ii.II), (II.ii.III), (II.ii.IV), (II.ii.V), (II.ii.VI), (II.ii.VII), (II.iii.VI), (II.iv.I), (II.iv.II), (II.v.I), (II.v.IV), (, (, (, (III.iii.II), (III.iii.III), (III.iii.IV)Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR)Department of Instructional TechnologyITEC 7482 – Facilitating Online Learning – 3rd SemesterKSU Candidate: Date: Professor Completing Assessment: Rating DescriptionL1No Evidence The candidate’s performance offers no evidence of achieving this performance standard.Artifact does not demonstrate an understanding of the standard.Artifact does not demonstrate competency in online teaching.Reflection does not adequately detail the significance of the artifact (why it is important).Reflection does not describe how the artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard(s).Reflection does not describe how the artifact contributed to the candidate’s understanding of online teaching and learning.L2Limited Evidence The candidate’s performance offers limited evidence of achieving this performance standard.Artifact does not sufficiently demonstrate an understanding of the standard.Artifact does not sufficiently demonstrate competency in online teaching.Reflection is very shallow and incomplete.Reflection does not sufficiently describe the significance of the artifact (why it is important).Reflection does not sufficiently describe how the artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard(s).Reflection does not sufficiently describe how the artifact contributed to the candidate’s understanding of online teaching and learning.L3Clear Evidence,MEETS The candidate’s performance offers clear evidence of MEETING this performance standard.Artifact demonstrates a clear understanding of the standard.Artifact demonstrates a competency in online teaching.Reflection is thoughtful and meaningful.Reflection clearly describes the significance of the artifact (why it is important).Reflection clearly describes how the artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard(s).Reflection clearly describes how the artifact contributed to the candidate’s understanding of online teaching and learning.L4Clear, Consistent, and Convincing Evidence,EXCEEDS The candidate’s performance offers clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of EXCEEDING this performance standard.Artifact clearly demonstrates expertise in implementation of the standard. Artifact clearly demonstrates an expertise in online teaching.Reflection is rich in description, analysis, and reflection.Reflection details the importance of the artifact and explains insights gained.Reflection details how the artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard(s).Reflection details how the artifact contributed to the candidate’s understanding of online teaching and learning.ARTIFACTS L1L2L3L4Artifact 1 – Course Schedule Given a template, candidates will develop a course schedule for an online course. Candidate will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.iv.I)Artifact 2 – Online Course Prep Checklist Candidates will develop a list of items that an online teacher should review inside a course BEFORE the course is open to students (ex: broken links, missing images, gradebook setup, etc.). Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.iv.II), (II.v.I)Artifact 3 – Online Learning ResourcesCandidates will explore the iNACOL and SREB websites and find two (2) resources that address questions or concerns they have about facilitating K-12 online learning. Candidates will summarize their findings and reflect on any lingering questions or concerns they have about teaching online. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (I.i.VII), (I.i.VIII)Artifact 4 – Learning StylesCandidates will complete a learning styles inventory, describe their personal learning style, and describe what strategies they will use to accommodate different learning styles in an online classroom. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.i.IX)Artifact 5 – Course Syllabus Given a template, candidates will choose a subject and a course and develop a syllabus for the subject/course. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.ii.III), (II.ii.IV), (II.ii.VII)Artifact 6 – Orientation Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating how they effectively oriented students to the course. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.ii.III)Artifact 7 – Student Engagement & Higher Order Thinking Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating student engagement and the use of higher order thinking skills. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.i.I), (II.i.XI), (II.i.V), (II.i.VII)Artifact 8 – Differentiation Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to differentiate instruction. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.i.IX), (II.ii.V)Artifact 9 – Accommodations & Modifications Candidates will research accommodations and modifications in an online learning environment and identify at least 3-5 strategies they will use when teaching an online class. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (, ( 10 – Diversity Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to support diverse student needs. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. ( 11 – Community Building Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to create and maintain a community by creating value, effective facilitation, and an environment of trust. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.i.III)Artifact 12 – Teacher-Student Communication Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to facilitate regular and frequent teacher-student interactions. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.ii.I), (II.ii.II)Artifact 13 – Teacher-Parent Communication Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to facilitate regular and frequent teacher-parent interactions. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (I.i.IV), (II.ii.II)Artifact 14 – Student-Student Communication Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to facilitate regular and frequent student-student interactions. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (I.i.IV), (II.i.IV), (, (II.i.VIII), (II.ii.II)Artifact 15 – Synchronous Collaboration Tools Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to utilize synchronous tools effectively (i.e. chat tools, web conferencing, virtual electronic whiteboards, etc.). Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (I.i.IV)Artifact 16 – Asynchronous Collaboration Tools Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to utilize asynchronous tools effectively (i.e. discussion boards, email, announcements/news, etc.). Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (I.i.IV)Artifact 17 – Formative Assessment Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their own time and task management, monitor learner progress with available tools, or develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.ii.V)Artifact 18 – Targeted Feedback Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to provide timely, constructive feedback on student assignments. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.ii.VI)Artifact 19 – Quiz/Test Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to provide continuous evaluation of students or to review student responses to test items in online testing software to identify issues in testing or pedagogical strategies. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.v.IV), (III.iii.II) Artifact 20 – Gradebook Candidates will include an artifact from their gradebook demonstrating their ability to apply technology to increase productivity. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.i.X)Artifact 21 – Tracking Tools Candidates include an artifact demonstrating their ability to use tracking data in a learning management system to monitor course progress and effectiveness. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (III.iii.III)Artifact 22 – Technical Support Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to troubleshoot typical software and hardware problems. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (I.i.V) Artifact 23 – Acceptable Use Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to use appropriate strategies and resources for dealing with student issues arising from inappropriate use of electronically-accessed data or information. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (II.iii.VI)Artifact 24 – Course/Teacher Evaluation Candidates will include an artifact demonstrating their ability to evaluate teaching effectiveness within an online environment. Candidates will reflect on why the artifact is important to online teaching, how it demonstrates mastery of the standards given, and how it contributes to their understanding of online teaching and learning. (III.iii.IV) ................

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