Overview of Web publishing at KSU… transition, summer ‘03

Overview of Web publishing at KSU… transition, summer ‘03

(from the user’s perspective)

|Students |Students |Students & Faculty |Faculty |

|students.kennesaw.edu |Thru WebCT |atlas.kennesaw.edu |ksuweb.kennesaw.edu |

|(new) | |(formerly pigseye) |(formerly ksumail) |

|Easy to get NetID. Has e-mail and web| |In transition on how to sign up. |Same name acquisition process. |

|space. NEW. Will be supported by IT.| |Right now the old Pigseye account. |Not too user friendly, but only do|

|Directions are available for | |Documentation is not updated. |it once. |

|publishing from Netscape (IT | | | |

|maintains), also FTP instructions. | |Parallel paths for naming | |

|Uses “students.kennesaw.edu” | |conventions do exist. | |

| | | |Parallel paths for naming |

|Links to students’ homepages from main| |Links to students’ homepages from |conventions do exist. |

|student list of KSU maintained sites. | |main student list of KSU maintained| |

| | |sites. |Links to faculties’ homepages from|

| | | |main faculty list of KSU |

| | | |maintained sites. |

|Faculty cannot get this account. Can | |Faculty can have and account and |Can be maintained without student |

|tell, but not test or show. | |put training materials, web pages, |access. More professional place |

| | |etc. |for outside of KSU people to see. |

Other options outside of KSU IT exist. Leigh is willing to create and maintain student/faculty accounts on her EdTech server. Outside free or personal sites for students, such as .

A goal and movement toward one unique name and password to access all KSU accounts. For students, WebCT name = NetID and probably to be also atlas name.

For faculty, KSU IT has a similar goal. Not too far along on this yet, but making progress.

Task to do:

Make some decisions on standardizing teaching of web. Use Netscape? Where to publish, etc. Need decision for EDUC 2201, graduate students, others…


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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