The development of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund



The development of the

Industrial Strategy

Challenge Fund

Ruth McKernan (Innovate UK)

Philip Nelson (Research Councils UK)

[Mike Biddle opening presentaBon to London Workshop]

[18/01/17 C v3a]

To start C some words of thanks

? Thank you for aQending at such short noBce!

? Thank you to your colleagues and partners for their interest even

if they couldnt all be here today C we were 3x over-subscribed!

? Thank you for agreeing to help develop the best current thinking

for the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund!

When a mee=ng, or

part thereof, is held

under the

Chatham House Rule,

par=cipants are free to

use the informa=on

received, but neither

the iden=ty nor the

a?lia=on of the

speaker(s), nor that of

any other par=cipant,

may be revealed.











What it is

Story so far

Best current thinking

ExpectaBons for today

One part of the Industrial Strategy

Industrial Strategy

[Government will be publishing the Industrial Strategy Green Paper consultaBon soon]


Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund

Programmes delivered by the fund will be industry-led and powered by

mulB-disciplinary research and business academic collaboraBon.

It will help idenBfy and develop UK industries that are ?t for the future,

driving progress in technologies where the UK can become a worldleader in research and commercialisaBon.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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