Kuwait University

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|Computer Assisted Language Learning |

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|for |

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|Law and Social Sciences Students |

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|By |

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|Dot MacKenzie |

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|Summer 2008 |

Table of Contents

|Chapter |Topic |Page |Week |Aims and Objective |

| |Introduction |3 | | |

|1 |Some Links For Students |4 |1 |Expose students to useful KU links |

|2 |Grammar Links |5 |1 |Expose students to useful KU links |

|3 |Vocabulary and idioms |7 |2 |Master using online dictionary |

|4 |Presentations |9 | |Presentation skills |

|5 |Presentation marking scheme |12 | | |

|6 |Webquests |13 |3 |Intro to webquests/choose one to |

| | | | |research |

|7 |Simple past - Zed Al Rifai |17 |4 |Tenses |

|8 |Some links for logic and critical and |20 | |Developing critical thinking skills |

| |creative thinking | | | |

|9 |Mindmapping |21 | |Brainstorming |

|10 |Computer security |22 | |Security |

|11 |Website evaluation sheet |23 | |Development of critical thinking skills |

|12 |Weaving it Together 3:Topics for CALL |24 | |Developing research skills |

Introduction to 141/151 CALL

I Introduction

141 and 151 students will have one hour in the computer labs each week. This will reinforce the work they have been doing in class.

II Webquests

Each class should divide itself up into groups of 2 or 3 students. They will then choose one of the topics for webquests, and search for information about their topic on the Internet. They will write up their findings for the rest of the class, and present their information in a PowerPoint presentation at the end of the semester. This work can be done in class, or in their own time.

III Links and Kuniv Blackboard System

The students should be introduced to all the links in chapter 2 in their first computer class. It is important that they are all introduced to the Kuniv Blackboard system, as their teachers in the other departments may be using this system. The teacher can keep in touch with all of them by means of group emails. Up to date Eng 141 and Eng 151 information will also be found here. It is important that they all check their emails every day. Some chapters include links that might help the students in their studies, e.g. mindmapping, logic and creative and critical thinking.

IV Topics from ‘Weaving it Together: 3”

Some worksheets cover topics that are covered in the “Active Skills for Reading” textbook.

V Online Grammar

The students can also practice the grammar points they cover in class, using online resources.

VI Homework and Class Assignments

The students can also be encouraged to type their homework and class assignments, and then send them to their teacher as attachments.

Chapter 1 141/151 Some Links For Students


Please make sure that the students know about these websites. They are in the process of being updated.

This is the link for the Social Sciences’ website.

Portal for Language Centre and unit websites


Website for ELU science and 090 CALL project



Links for university work, including writing, toefl, reading, listening and grammar


Log in with your university id, password ‘test’.  You can then change your password.  The university has created email addresses for all of you.  Most of the handouts for 151and 141 are stored here. Some of your other teachers may use this system to send out and store information about your courses.

Information about what’s on in Kuwait and other Arabian countries


Links for kids

If you can use emails, you can make blogs to display your work, your photos, or anything else you want to share with the world.

Website with links, information and projects for Kuwait University students.

Chapter 2 141/151 Grammar Links

1 Introduction

There are many links on the web where you can find information about English grammar. If you click on the link, you will immediately access a site which has information about many grammatical points. These links also give you links to other useful sites. Click on the link, and you will find the grammatical point you are looking for in the index.

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2 Grammar Syllabus

|Date |Grammar Dimensions 3 |

|22-27 Sept |Unit 1 |

| |English verb system |

|29 Sept-7 Oct |Unit 2 |

| |English verb system |

|8-16 Oct |Unit 3 |

| |Adverbial phrases and clauses |

|17-31 Oct. |Unit 4 |

| |Passives |

|2-13 Nov. |Review |

|18-28 Nov. |Unit 5 |

| |One word and phrasal modals |

|1-9 Dec. |Unit 6 |

| |Infinitives |

|10-19 Dec. |Unit 7 |

| |Gerunds |

|26 Dec-5 Jan |Unit 10 |

| |Comparatives |

| | |

Chapter 3 Vocabulary and Idioms

1 Introduction

You can use an online dictionary to search for the meanings of words.

|# |URL |Evaluation (easy/ |

| | |difficult) |

|1 | | |

| |Easy to use | |

|2 |m- | |

| |You can download the m-w toolbar into your computer | |

|3 | | |

| |Glossaries for your majors | |

|4 | | |

| |Have fun learning vocabulary | |

|5 | | |

| |The magic of words | |

2 What do these words mean? You may add to the list.

|# |Word |Meaning |

|1 |Psychology | |

|2 |Sociology | |

|3 |Law | |

|4 |Foreign affairs | |

|5 |Geography | |

|6 |Statistics | |

|7 |Social sciences | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

3 Idioms

What do these idioms mean? Choose five and then discuss your answers with the other students. and .

|# |Idiom |Meaning |

|1 |Big time | |

|2 |I have no time for her | |

|3 |There will be tears before bedtime | |

|4 |To the end of time | |

|5 |I completed my work ahead of time | |

|6 |The sands of time are running out | |

|7 |I am having the time of my life | |

|8 |Time and tide wait for no man | |

|9 |Time flies when you are having fun | |

|10 |He is a legend in his own lunchtime | |

Chapter 4 141/151 Presentations 

|1 Introduction |

|Most people get nervous before they give a presentation, but if you follow these simple steps, the process of organizing |

|your thoughts may be easier. You must prepare a 5 minute speech about a topic of your choice to present to the other |

|students in your class, or you can choose one of the webquests in chapter 6 and present your findings.  |

|2 Steps |

|1 Plan your presentation by choosing a topic that you know a lot about. |

|2 Prepare the presentation long before you are supposed to present it. |

|3 Outline your ideas following the rules you studied. |

|4 Include all the important points and sub-points. |

|5 Include examples. |

|6 Practice giving the presentation in front of your family & friends. |

|7 Be able to answer questions when your lecture is finished. |

|8 Be sure that your presentation lasts for 5 minutes. |

3 Oral Presentation Checklist

Make sure you include all these points when you are preparing your presentation.

|1  Include relevant, interesting information |

|2  Make sure your presentation lasts for 10 minutes |

|3 Give a copy of presentation to your teacher before the date of the presentation |

|4  Be well-organized |

|5 Summarize the main points of the presentation in the conclusion |

|6 Be prepared to answer questions |

|7 Have a good introduction |

|8 Know enough about your topic to be able to answer questions |

4 Speaking Checklist

When you are giving your presentation, make sure you follow the following guidelines:

|1  Speak loudly enough so everyone can hear. |

|2  Speak, don't read. |

|3  Use your outline to remember your points. |

|4  Look at your audience, not your feet. |

|5  Don't hold your outline in front of your face. |

|6  Don't talk too quickly. |

|7  Don't repeat the same words. Rephrase points. |

|8  Vary the loudness, tone and speed of your voice. Don't speak in a monotone. |

|9  Don't use Arabic words or phrases.   |

|10 If you forget something, say 'um' or 'er', not 'shismu' or 'yanni'. |

|11 Stay calm and relaxed. Everyone gets nervous. |

|12 Take deep breaths if you feel nervous. |

|13 Smile and add jokes. |

|14 Remember, giving the presentation lasts for 10 minutes, not your whole life! |

|4 Visual Aids Checklist |

|1  Use visual aids to make your information easier to understand |

|2  Point to visual aids to clarify points |

|3  Look at the audience, not the visual aids |

|4  Don't stand with your back to the audience |

|5  Make sure your writing is clear if you use blackboards or whiteboards |

|6  If you need to use your laptop, arrange this with your teacher before your presentation. You must also|

|make sure that all the equipment works before you give your talk. |

|5 Internet Activities |

|A) Go to and click on the buttons on the left side of the screen. You |

|will find a lot of information about giving an excellent presentation. In particular, you should read the |

|information about a Ten Minute Presentation, which is what you have to present in class. |

|B) For more information, go to . |

|C) If you go to ,  you will find stages to |

|help you turn your ideas into a good presentation. |

|D) Now choose the topic that your presentation is going to be about. Type the topic in a search box, and |

|search through the websites to find 3 sites that have information about your topic. Then print them out. |

|You will have to give copies to your teacher. |

|E)  We may also publish an e-zine (an online magazine) showing work done by 141 students. All 141 |

|students will be able to contribute articles. .  You can send your article to |

|elusci@kumail.kuniv.edu.kw. |

|F)  You can find out about blogs in https:.  |

|G) You can store documents and collaborate online with . |

6. Slide Checklist

|Slide |Topic |

|1 |Name of presentation |

| |Name of Student(s) |

| |Name of Teacher |

| |Section |

|Second last |Sources |

| | |

|Last |Thank you for listening |


Chapter 5 141/151 Presentation Marking Scheme

Student Name ___________________________________

Student Number ___________________________________

Section ___________________________________

Title ___________________________________

Time started ____________________________________

Time finished ____________________________________

| |Grade |Possible grade |

|1 Delivery | |3 |

|2 Content | |3 |

|3 Grammar | |2 |

|4 Spelling | |2 |

|Total Points | |10 |

Chapter 6 141/151 Webquests for Students in the Faculties of Social Sciences and Law

1 Introduction

Webquests are a great way to focus your Internet searches. They focus on a topic, and then provide you with tasks and links that help you to complete them. If you type “interior design webquest” in the Google search box, you will find at least 19,000 links to them. The ones in this file are just a sample of some of them. If you like them, complete the tasks and show your teacher a copy of your work.

2 Note about Links

The Internet is a wonderful aid for research and many people spend a lot of time developing worksheets for students. Often they provide links that worked the day they completed them, but websites change and sometimes links do not work at a later date. If the link you want does not work, try typing a key word in a search box, and you will find other links that are just as useful. You can access some of the urls by clicking on the links embedded in the webquest pages.

3 A Very Brief Summary of Skills Covered

|Reading |Writing |Speaking |Listening |

|Skimming |Note taking |Presenting |Presentations |

|Scanning |Reports |Discussing | |

|Fact/fiction |Questionnaires | | |

|Drawing conclusions |Organising information | | |

|Evaluating sources |Vocabulary development | | |

|True/false |Brainstorming | | |

4 Making your Own Webquests

If these webquests are not suitable for your studies, you can make up your own ones, following the format of the ones in this file.

5. Using with Students

The webquest can be introduced in class, and the students can find answers in their own time. This file works best if it is accessed by the students from computers, rather than reading paper copies, as the links are embedded in the file. The file can be sent as an attachment to the students in each teacher’s section. The students can work on the topics in small groups, and then present their findings at the end of semester with group presentations, using PowerPoint. The file will also be stored in the 141 and 151 sections of Kuwait University’s Blackboard system. The students can click on the links in the online files. .


|# |Title |Topic/Major |URL | |

|1 |SEARCH SMART(S)! |Intermediate Searching |yorkville.k12.il.us/webquests/webqdowdell/webqldowdell.html | |

|2 |SoloQuest |Library Skills | | |

|3 |Chocolate |Multidisciplinary | | |

|4 |Chemistry |Chemistry/ | | |

| |Behind Cooking |Cooking | | |

|5 |Endangered |Zoology/ | | |

| |Species |Environment | | |

|6 |Get Rich Fast |Business | | |

| | | | | |

|7 |Extreme Sports |Business/ | | |

| | |Sport | | |

|8 |Wedding |Business | | |

| | | | | |

|9 |Why Did The Earth |Geology/ | | |

| |Move? |Geography | | |

|10 |Today in Space |Astronomy |(2)/introduction.htm | |

|11 |Solve it with Logic |Logic | | |

|12 |Fashion Quest |Fashion/ | | |

| | |History | | |

|13 |Planetary Travel |Multidisciplinary | | |

| |Guide Web Quest | | | |

|14 |Journey to Japan |Geography/ | | |

| | |Sociology | | |

|15 |So Many Books, So |Literature | | |

| |Little Time | | | |

|16 |Titanic |Math/ | | |

| | |Statistics/ | | |

| | |History | | |

|17 |Third World/ |Geography/ | | |

| |Developing Nations |Polical Science | | |

|# |Title |Topic/Major |URL |

|18 |Portals |All | |

| | | | |

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| | | |Webquests for career-tech skills |

| | | | |

| | | |Business webquests |

| | | |Teachers/webquest.html |

| | | | |

Chapter 7 141/151 Simple Past - Zed Al Rifai

1 Instructions

Search the Internet to find information about Zed Al Rifai, a famous Kuwaiti mountaineer who has climbed some of the highest mountains on earth. Then write a paragraph describing his life. Type his name in a search box and then check to see if you can find his website. You will also find out information about climbing in some of the highest mountains on earth.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |How high is Mount Everest? | |

|2 |Where exactly is it located? | |

|3 |Which mountain range is it situated in? | |

|4 |What is K2? | |

|5 |Who was Mallory? | |

|6 |Who is Sir Edmund Hillary? | |

|7 |When did Zed climb Mount Everest? | |

|8 |What does Zed use his blog for? | |

|9 |Why does he have the message "Back 2 Everest" in his | |

| |website? | |

|10 |Do you think he should be honored by the State of | |

| |Kuwait? Why or why not? | |

2 Answer the following questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

| | | |

|1 |Do you think he is the greatest Kuwaiti? Why or why | |

| |not? | |

| | | |

|2 |Why is it so dangerous to climb Mount Everest? | |

| | | |

|3 |What do you know about extreme sports? Where do you | |

| |have to go to practice them? | |

3 Some URLs

Write down the addresses of any other URLs where you found information about Everest, Hillary or Zed. If you are doing this at home, you can save the sites as favorites so you can access them again. Can you find the/a website for extreme sports? In order to focus your research, evaluate the websites by deciding if they are easy enough for you to understand. Then make up a timeline about one of the topics that interests you. Write notes, not sentences. If these topics do not interest you, make up a timeline for a topic connected to your major, e.g. the development of psychology, the history of OPEC, or the history of Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. You may also add other columns to your timeline, e.g. who, where, why, and/or how.

|# |URL |Note |

|1 | |Zed Al Refai |

| | |Kuwaiti Mountaineer |

|2 |SoHo/Village/3656/ |Sami Mohamed |

| | |Artist |

|3 | |Information about extreme sports |

|4 | |Help build a website about famous Arabs |

|5 | |Information about first Saudi astronaut |

Name ___________________________ Student Number _______________

Choose a topic from your major and then make up a timeline showing important dates and what happened then. You can add notes about any other interesting information you find. Do not write long sentences, only notes.

Major ___________________________

Topic ___________________________

Timeline ___________________________

|Date |What happened |Who |Where |Notes |

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Chapter 8 Some Links for Logic and Critical and Creative Thinking

|# |Title |URL |

|1 |Templates and links | |

|2 |Kick start your creativity | |

|3 |Exercise | |

|4 |Islands of brilliance | |

|5 |Mind maps | |

|6 |Cartooning | |

|7 |20 characteristics of a | |

| |genius | |

|8 |Pest control | |

|9 |Lateral thinking puzzles | |

|10 |Lateral thinking puzzles | |

|11 |Links to puzzles | |

|12 |Puzzles | |

Chapter 9 Mindmapping

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 |Links to puzzles | |

|2 |Links | |

|3 |Links to puzzles | |

|4 |Links for maths logic | |

|5 |Logic mazes | |

|6 |Information about creative | |

| |thinking | |

|7 |Creativity/ | |

| |Problem Solving/Critical | |

| |Thinking Lesson Plans and | |

| |Resources | |

|8 |Creative thinking | |

|9 |Critical thinking | |

|10 |Mindmapping | |

| | | |

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Chapter 10 Computer Security

|URL |Description |

| |Kuwait University’s security site |

| |Windows 2000 and XP downloads |

| |Information about protecting computers from hackers|

| |Information about stopping hacking. |

| | |

| |Online video tutorials |

| |Information about protecting your privacy and |

| |stopping hackers. |

| | |

| |Download security operations guide. |

| |Download integrated software programs to protect |

| |computer from hackers, viruses and network |

| |intrusion |

| |Free firewalls |

| |Scan computer to check security levels |

| | |

| |Update windows operating system to stop hacking |

| |Free anti virus scanner |

| |Clean registry |

| |Clean registry |

| |Download software |

Chapter 11 - Website Evaluation Sheet

| |

|When you are surfing the web, you will find many interesting sites, and ones that are not so interesting, inaccurate, or useless for|

|other reasons. Complete the following table to evaluate 2 websites that you have visited. You can save them as favorites in your |

|home computer. If you go to the back of this book, you will find space to write down the urls of sites that you find interesting |

|and/or useful. Write a brief note beside them to remind yourself of their contents. You can also save them as favorites in your |

|home computer. |

|URL | | |

|Date visited | | |

|Brief summary of site’s contents | | |

|Is the site correct, reliable and | | |

|accurate? | | |

|Is the site up to date? | | |

|Is the content interesting, funny, | | |

|relevant, useful or entertaining? | | |

|Is it easy to find your way around it? | | |

|Does it use a lot of graphics, sound or | | |

|multimedia files? | | |

|Do all the links work? | | |

|Is it fast or slow? | | |

|Notes | | |

| | | |

|Grade out of 10 | | |

Based on CUP worksheet 2000

Chapter 12 Weaving it Together – 3

|Unit |Topic |Rhetorical Functions |Chapter |Topics for CALL |

|1 |Symbols |Essay |1 Color Me Pink |Colorgenics |

| | |Topic | |Colors |

| | |Supporting details | |Interior Design |

| | |Concluding sentences | |Islamic Art |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Parts of Essay |2 And the Lucky Number is |Numerology |

| | |Introduction/Body | |Superstitions |

| | |Conclusion/Thesis | |Symbols e.g. wedding rings |

| | |statement | | |

|2 |Customs |Sequence |3 An American Holiday, |Hawaii |

| | |Chronological order |Hawaiian Style |Holidays |

| | |Time order words | |Symbols |

| | | | |Traditions |

| | |Conclusions |4 Hop to It! |Strange festivals, e.g. Ayers Rock |

| | | | |Calaveras Frog Jumping Contest |

| | | | |Fasching |

| | | | |Mardi Gras |

| | | | |Obon |

| | | | |Inti Raymi |

| | | | |Songkran |

| | | | |Birthday celebrations |

| | | | |Halloween |

|Unit |Topic |Rhetorical function |Chapter |Topics for CALL |

|3 |Mind and Body |Exemplification |5 Bumps and Personalities |Physiognomists |

| | |e.g. | |Phrenology |

| | |for example | |Psychologists |

| | |for instance | |Horoscopes |

| | |Exemplification |6 The Many Faces of Medicine|Chinese |

| | |Such as | |Alternative |

| | | | |Acupuncture |

| | | | |Western scientific medicine |

| | | | |Traditional, herbal medicine |

| | | | |African herbalists |

| | | | |Homeopathy |

| | | | |Biofeedback |

| | | | |Massage |

| | | | |Chiropractor |

|4 |People |Descriptive essay |7 The Shakers |Amish |

| | |Dominant impressions | |Shakers |

| | | | |Jehovah’s Witnesses |

| | | | |Whirling Dervish |

| | | | |Commune |

| | | | |Nonreligious communities |

| | |Narrative essay |8 George Washington Carver |Famous person |

| | |Description with narrative | |Slavery |

|Unit |Topic |Rhetorical function |Chapter |Topics for CALL |

|5 |Food |Comparison essay |9 Variety of American Foods |Food and country |

| | |Words for comparing and | |Food trail |

| | |contrasting: while/whereas/ | | |

| | |Although, even though, though |10 Tea, Anyone? |Tea |

| | | | |Boston tea party |

| | | | |Chinese, Japanese and Korean tea |

| | | | |ceremonies |

|6 |Language |Cause/Effect |11 Our Changing Language |Changes in English |

| | |Because/as | |Changes in Arabic |

| | | | |Malaysian English |

| | | | |Global language |

| | | | |Dying languages |

| | | | |Gender and language |

| | |Therefore/consequently |12 English around the World | |

|7 |Environment |Argumentative essay |13 Zoos |Zoos |

| | |Fact/opinion | |Endangered species |

| | |Relevant and irrelevant | |International species database |

| | |information | |Pollution |

| | |Using examples to support |14 GM Food |GM food |

| | |opinions | |Tiki |

| | | | |Risks of GM food |

|8 |Readings from |Recognizing style |15 Poem: “Languages” by Carl|First poems |

| |Literature |Similes and metaphors |Sandburg |Sumerian script |

| | | | |Hieroglyphics |

| | |Tone and author’s voice | |Sandburg |

|Unit |Topic |Rhetorical function |Chapter |Topic for CALL |

| | | |16 A Fable: “Untouchable” by|Untouchables |

| | | |William March |Arabian Nights |

| | | | |Aesop’s Tales |

| | | | |Kuwaiti folk tales |

| | | | |Aladdin |

| | | | |Hans Anderson |

| | | | |Walt Disney |

| | | | |JK Rowling |

| | | | |Shakespeare |

| | | | |Romeo and Juliet |

| | | | |Macbeth |

| | | | |Hamlet |

| | | | |Mark Twain |

| | | | |Scott Fitzgerald |

| | | | |Hemingway |

| | | | |Dickens |

| | | | |Emily Dickinson |

| | | | |Agatha Christie |

| | | | |Edith Wharton |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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