20143 High School Boys League Operating Procedure

1.0 Player Eligibility

1. A player is eligible to play if:

1. Player is enrolled in a high school in the state of Kentucky and will be a member of the team of the school he attends.

2. Player is home-schooled and plays for their “reside” school. Should their reside school not have a team, they should contact the KLA League Administrator to have them assigned to a team.

3. Player is enrolled in a high school that does not currently have a team and is a member of a regionally designated team. .

4. Player has not graduated from high school before the start of the lacrosse season’s first game. (This rules out the possibility for post-graduate players, unless player’s school has held graduation before state tournament).

5. Middle school players may not play up on high school Varsity or JV teams, regardless if the middle school player is a part of the same school.

1.2 No senior may play on a JV team.

1.3 Any player that turns 19 prior to August 1 is not eligible to play.

1.4 Players that are cut or released are allowed to play only for a regional club team (see 1.1.2) on a space available basis with pre-approval of the KLA Board, provided they are not cut or released for academic or disciplinary issues.

1.5 Students will have four consecutive years or eight semesters of eligibility from their initial promotion from the 8th grade regardless if that student does not play lacrosse during any of those years.

1.6 All Players must be members of U.S. Lacrosse through May 31 of the current year and their US Lacrosse membership number must be provided to their team coach as well as posted on their team’s roster on the KLA website.

1.7 All players must have a KHSAA physical and sign the KLA waiver form.

1.8 KLA follows US Lacrosse guidelines to determine requirements on player participation by gender.

2.0 Team Conduct

2.1 Ejections

2.1.1 Any player or team personnel ejected from a contest will be suspended for the next KLA league game that is played immediately following the occurrence. All ejections carry over to include seasonal playoff games. If the ejection occurs during the last game of the season, the suspension is carried over to the first game of the next year.

2.1.2 All incidents of ejection must be reported by the head game official to the Assignor and KLA League Commissioner within 24 hours of incident.

2.2 Any player engaged in post-game retaliation towards another player, team or official will be suspended for the next game.

2.3 Any player caught playing during the suspension period will result in the additional suspension of 2 games for both the player and the head coach.

2.4 Any player or coach receiving two such penalties will be suspended for the remainder of the season.

2.5 Unsportsmanlike conduct by anyone connected with a program is the responsibility of the head coach and extends to assistants, fans and other team personnel. The KLA Executive Committee may penalize such conduct by players, coaches or team personnel by imposing sanctions that include, but are not limited to, forfeiture or suspensions.

3.0 Coach Conduct/Responsibilities

3.1 Each team must have an adult over the age of 21 and a member of U.S. Lacrosse, as the non- playing, non-roster coach or an adult, non-playing, non-roster designated replacement (member of U.S. Lacrosse) on the sideline for each game.

3.2 If the coach is ejected or must leave the contest for any reason, he/she must appoint another qualified person (member of US Lacrosse) to assume the role of coach. In the absence of this condition, the team shall forfeit the contest.

3.3 Coaches ejected from a game are subjected to the penalties specified in rule 2.

3.4 Coaches must enter the complete team roster on the KLA website () before the first league game. As necessary, rosters may be updated during the season.

3.5 A copy of the KLA Coaching Responsibility Form must be signed by all team coaches (including assistant coaches) and submitted to KLA League Commissioner before the first league game.

3.6 Every coaching staff must have at least one CPR certified coach or trainer on the premises during all games and practices. All head coaches must be CPR certified and provide a copy of said certification to the KLA League Commissioner.

3.7 The home coach must post game scores to the KLA website () within 24 hours.

3.8 All coaches are responsible for having properly completed KLA documents for each player and must have KLA documents for all players at every game. All documentation should be turned into the KLA League Commissioner by March 1st or before the first game to be refereed by BLOA officials, whichever comes first.

3.9 Coaches will agree to follow the Code of Ethics as written in the US Lacrosse Official Rules guide.

3.10 All coaches and any team personnel working in a coaching capacity with the team must be a member of U.S. Lacrosse.

3.11 Failure to submit the Coaching Responsibility Form to the KLA League Commissioner within the specified deadlines could result in disciplinary action up to and including forfeiture of games and/or disqualifying the team for post-season play.

3.12 Failure to post game scores or team rosters on the KLA website within the specified deadlines could result in disciplinary action.

4.0 Decisions by Officials

4.1 The application and interpretation of the game rules shall be the sole responsibility of the officials.

4.2 Game ejections are not subject to appeal during the game. All such violations are to be reported by head game official to the Assignor and KLA League Commissioner within 24 hours. These violations will be reported by the League Commissioner to the school's athletic director or team’s representative.

3. All league games must be officiated by one official with no less than one year’s experience except as set out in A ten minute delay should occur before starting a game to allow for game additional game officials to arrive.

4. All games will be officiated following the National Federation of High Schools 2014 Rule Book (available November 2013).

5.0 Team responsibilities

5.1 Team must be in good standing with the Kentucky Lacrosse Association with respect to any KLA dues, assignor & officials' fees and paper work. Failure to meet these requirements will result in suspension of game schedule until such compliance is met.

5.2 Team must attend all scheduled games and playoff games.

5.3. Team must have a representativemember of the coaching staff for the fall scheduling meeting and Mandatory Rules Interpretation meetings presented by BLOA. BLOA strongly recommends that the Head Coach attend.

5.4 Rescheduled Games:

5.4.1 Must notify opponent, Assignor of Officials and the KLA League Commissioner 48 hours in advance of a possible cancellation or change in start times.

5.4.2 All KLA league games must be rescheduled and played before May 9.

5.4.3 Rescheduled games must be set by the home team within 7 days from the originally scheduled date. If not, they shall be deemed forfeited by the home team.

5.5 Must have equipment that meets US Lacrosse requirements. Exceptions, see 4.4.

5.6 Both teams must submit a complete team roster to the official scorer before start of each KLA game.

5.7 The roster must be approved/signed by the coach to ensure that all players are eligible.

5.8 The home team is responsible for:

5.8.1 Providing a playing field of regulation specifications and obtaining duly qualified official(s). This must take place through the head official assignor. Exceptions are: In the absence of these conditions the visiting team can cancel the game and request it be rescheduled at a mutually acceptable date. If no agreement can be reached the home team shall forfeit the game. If unforeseen circumstances cause there to be no officials for the game both coaches may agree to appoint another U.S. Lacrosse certified official to officiate the game. If the coaches can not agree, defer to rule It must be recognized that the Association games may require considerable travel time to reach the game site. Reasonable consideration shall be given to a visiting team who is late because of travel complications.

5.8.2 A scorer's table, chairs, official scorebook, 2 timing devices, workable horn, extra balls, medical kit, an official timekeeper & scorekeeper and appropriate personnel at each home game.

5.8.3 Security at the games, as necessary.

5.8.4 Providing the visiting team with a copy of the official score card following the game.

5.8.5 Pay travel fees for officials as follows: $60 travel of 100 miles or more each way, $30 travel of 50-99 miles each way.

6.0 Scheduling

6.1 KLA schedules must be completed and submitted to the Referee Assignor no later than February 1st of each season.

6.2 An official schedule will include:

6.2.1 Date and Time

6.2.2 Designation of home team

6.2.3 Opponent

6.2.4 Location (can change)

6.3 Home team coaches are to confirm game date, time and location with the visiting coaches and officials at least 48 hours in advance of the game.

6.4 The BLOA Referee Assigning policy should be followed.

7.0 Game suspensions

7.1 Up until the officials have assumed control of the game (when they arrive on the field), the home team administrator/coach shall determine if a game should be suspended.

7.2 If a game is canceled within an hour of the scheduled game time, each official is to receive $25.

7.32 Once the officials have assumed control of the game by arriving on the field, the following will apply if in their opinion there are dangerous weather or field conditions:

7.2.1 A 30-minute suspension of play. Flash or Bang rule

7.2.2 Two suspensions are to occur before a game is to be canceled or postponed.

7.2.3 Consideration for a third suspension is given if the visiting team has had extensive travel (60+ miles).

7.43 In the event a game is suspended for weather or darkness prior to the completion of the 3rd quarter, it resumes at the exact point in the game unless both head coaches agree that the game is over.  Suspended games begin at the exact point in the game (needs to be noted in home team scorebook) as to time, possession, score, etc. If 3rd quarter is completed, then the game is official.  NOTE - officials are paid a full game fee regardless of the amount of game that is completed.  New game fees would be applicable for a postponed game.

7.54 If the game cannot be rescheduled for any reason and the game has gone beyond the half, the team in the lead shall be declared the winner. If the game is tied, the game will be considered a tie. If a regulation game ends in a tie, coaches should make every effort to continue until tie is broken.

7.65 If the game cannot be rescheduled for any reason and the game has NOT gone beyond half, the game will be listed as a Did Not Finish (DNF).

7.76 Any team personnel that did not participate due to ejection or unsportsmanlike rule (Rule 2), are not to participate in the rescheduled game or the completion of the DNF game.

7.87 Any Playoff Game suspended for any reason will be a DNF game and will be restarted at point of suspension when rescheduled.

8.0 Forfeiture

8.1 In the case of a team failing to appear for an officially scheduled game or failing to make contact within 15 minutes of scheduled face off, the team failing to appear or make contact shall forfeit the contest.

8.2 Each team must have at least 10 able, properly equipped, roster players to playbegin a game but can continue with fewer than 10. Failing to have this number will result in a forfeit, unless otherwise agreed to by both coaches.

8.3 Any game that is played with ineligible players will be forfeited, even if the violation is discovered after the fact.

8.4 Games that cannot be played due to lack of officials will not be forfeited, but will be rescheduled. In the event that the game can not be rescheduled, the game will be listed as Did Not Finish (DNF).

8.5 Should a team cancel its season, all of the games, whether played or not, shall be classified as nonconference.

9.0 Appeals/ Grievances

9.1 All teams have a right to appeal any suspension within twenty-four hours of the incident to a member of the KLA Executive Committee. Contact info is available at

9.2 Appeals or grievances regarding the League Operating Procedure or other administrative type issues should be taken to a member of the KLA Executive Committee or the KLA League Commissioner. Contact info is available at

9.3 Appeals or grievances regarding the rules, officials, or the like should be taken up with the BLOA grievance contacts (Wayne Coffey at wcoffey@ for the Louisville area and Steve Ranft at hranft@ for the Lexington area).

10.0 League play and Playoffs

1. All KLA league teams must play the mandated schedule games from the KLA. All KLA teams may play each other as many times as they wish during the regular season; however, the games played & assigned by the KLA will be the official league game and used to seed the KLA State Playoffs. Qualifying games must be completed on or before Monday, May 57, 2014.

10.2 Should a team cease operation, then that team’s games will be considered as non-conference games by their opponents.

10.3 For KLA State Playoffs seeding purposes, the top 2 teams in each district will gain an automatic bid into the state playoffs with an additional 4 teams from the remaining teams with the highest Laxpower rankings. The first ranked team from each district will be guaranteed a home game and will be rank 1 through 6 (highest to lowest Laxpower rankings of those 6 teams), then the remaining 10 teams will be ranked 7 through 16 (highest to lowest Laxpower rankings of those 6 teams). Tied records for district rankings will be broken as follows:

• Head to head record.

• Goals against average in the KLA league games.

• Goals for average in the KLA league games.

10.4 The KLA Board is responsible for the date (5/17/2014), time and location of the State Tournament for each division.

10.5 Other than the State Championship games, all playoff games will be played at the highest seed, with the hosting team responsible for any fees, but may collect a gate to offset. In the event of inclement weather, the quarterfinals and semifinals may be played a day later.

Division I

Teams: Trinity, St. X, Collegiate, CAL, KCD, Ballard, Dunbar, Lexington Catholic

Playoffs: The teams are seeded according to their divisional records. For the quarterfinals, the higher seeded team will host the lower seeded team (1vs 8, 2 vs 7, etc.) on Monday May 14. For the semifinals, the higher seeded team will host the lower seeded team on Wednesday, May 16. The Championship game will be played on May 18.

Division II

West Region Teams: Male, South Oldham, Eastern, Manual, North Oldham, Oldham Co., Glasgow, Greenwood

East Region Teams: Sayre, Henry Clay, Covington Catholic, Tates Creek, Lafayette, Dixie Heights, Scott County

Playoffs: Seeding for the first round will be as follows as long as Teams ranked 1-12 will not play another team from their district; however in the first round a team ranked 13-16 can play a team from their district.

The top sixFor the first round, seed 13 will host seed 166and; seed 24 will host seed 15; seed 3 will host seed 14; seed 4 will host seed 13; seed 5 will host seed 12; seed 6 will host seed 11; seed 7 will host seed 10 and seed 8 will host seed 95 on Thursday, May 810 at the higher seeds field. For the quarterfinals, seed 1 will the 1-8 and 4-5 winners will play, and the 2-7 and 3-6 winners will play with the higher seed hosting host the winner of 3-6 and seed 2 will host the winner of 4-5 in each region on Saturday, May 102. For the semifinals, the higher seeded team in each region will host the lower seeded team in that region on Tuesday, May 135. The Championship game will be played on Friday Saturday, May 17.

Division III

Teams: Woodford County, Lexington Christian, Bryan Station, Anderson Co., Northern KY

Playoffs: Teams will be seeded according to their divisional records. The seed 5 will play at seed 4 on May 15 to advance. Seed 1 will host the seed 4/5 winner and seed 2 will host seed 3 on May 17. The Final will be played on Saturday May 19.

11.0 Kentucky All-State Lacrosse

11.1 Each Division will have their own rules and guidelines for selecting players to be recognized.

11.1.1 The Division I All-State team will consist of 3 attack, 3 midfielders, 3 defenseman, 1 long-stick midfielder, 1 goalie, and 1 faceoff specialist.

11.1.2 The Division II All-state team will consist of two all-regional teams: East and Westa First and Second Team All-State. Each regional team will consist of 4 attack, 5 midfielders, 4 defensemen, 1 long-stick midfielder, 1 goalie, and 1 faceoff specialist. Only cCoaches from their respective region may may vote for each regional teamany nominated player in the state. These regional teams will meet in an all-star game at a site to be determined on 6/4. The head coach of each regional playoff winner will coach the respective teams. If a player is unable to play in the all-star game, the head coach may choose a replacement from that region.

11.1.3 The Division III All-Division team will consist of 3 attack, 3 midfielders, 3 defenseman, 1 long-stick midfielder, 1 goalie, and 1 faceoff specialist.

11.2 All coaches must submit divisional/regional game stats to the KLA League Commissioner for players to be considered for recognition. Only divisional/regionalAll game stats will be used for evaluation purposes.

11.3 All nominations for recognition must be received by the KLA League Commissioner by the specified date. Each coach will be allowed to nominate an entire teamup to 3 Attack, 3 Midfield, 3 defensemen, 1 long-stick midfielder, 1 goalie, and 1 faceoff specialist. Coaches do not have to nominate all the positions and are encouraged to just nominate players deserving for the All State Award. At this time, all nominations will be compiled and a ballot will be distributed within twenty-four hours.

11.4 Each coach will vote for a respective roster4 attack, 5 midfielders, 4 defensemen, 1 long-stick midfielder, 1 goalie, and 1 faceoff specialist.. Coaches are not allowed to vote for their own player. The voting period will end promptly on May 134th. In case of a tie vote, the players that have tied will be sent to the coaches commissioner to break the tie on the basis of comparable stats. If there is still a tie, both players will be honored..

11.5 Coaches should be notified by Thursday, May 1657th of the results. Players will be recognized at the end of each respective division’s the championship game.

12.0 Association Awards

12.1 Most Valuable Player. At the conclusion of each the Sstate Cchampionship game, the head coach of the winning team will select the Most Valuable Player of the Game.

13.0 All-Americans and Academic All-Americans

1. All-Americans and Academic All-Americans will be selected in accordance with the applicable US Lacrosse procedures.

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