Parent Volunteer Interest Sheet

Middle School


Parent Packet

Dear Parents,

We very excited to be working with you at CSCA this year. We are anticipating a great year with you and your student. The following pages include information that will help make this year successful for everyone. Please keep with other school information so that you can refer to it throughout the year.

The best way to communicate with us is through email. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please email us. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of working with you to provide a great education for your student.


Your Middle School Staff

Jeff Bloodworth

Laura Flax

Maggie Gaddis

Regan Kashner

Kyle Wilson

2014-2015 CSCA STAFF

Middle School Classroom Teachers/Aides

7th Grade Homeroom & Science: Maggie Gaddis mgaddis@

7th Grade Homeroom & Language Arts: Jeff Bloodworth jbloodworth@

8th Grade Homeroom & Literature: Kyle Wilson kwilson@

8th Grade Homeroom & Math: Laura Flax lflax@

Social Studies: Regan Kashner rkashner@

Specials Teachers

Music: Scott Olson solson@

Spanish: Zuleika Sweetman zsweetman@

P.E.: Beth Marion bmarion@

Art: Jan Songer jsonger@


Head of School: Jacob Murphy jmurphy@

Academic Dean: Debbie Dorsch ddorsch@

Executive Administrative Assistant: Channa Dillie cdillie@

Office Assistant: Kristen Lange klange@

Data Accountability Coordinator: Jan Wydra jwydra@

Director of Operations: Nicole Paxton npaxton@

Middle School Classroom Procedures

Classroom Discipline

We follow the school wide discipline program of “Love & Logic” as outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook.

Student Planners

We cannot stress enough the importance of your student’s planner! Any assignment listed in the planner has NOT yet been turned in, and you should ask to see the assignment to check that it was completed. It is the student’s responsibility to complete their homework, which should amount to 70 minutes for 7th grade and 80 minutes for 8th grade each evening. The planner helps to keep the student accountable and allows on-going communication between parent and teacher. Therefore, please do not remove any previously used pages from the planner.

Late Assignments

Assignments are due when the teacher asks for the assignment on the due date. Credit will only be given to those assignments that are turned in on time. Any work turned in after it was due will be given a zero, but the work is still expected to be completed. *This is a different policy for the middle school students than for the elementary students. An exception is made for projects; we will accept projects late with a 10% penalty each day, up to 3 days late.

If a student is absent the day the assignment is due, it will become due on the day that the student returns to school. If a student is absent the day the assignment is given, one day for each day that the student has been absent will be allowed for make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed (as stated in the Parent/Student Handbook) and complete in the allotted time.


Students are expected to be on time to each class per day. If the student is tardy to any 3 class periods, it will result in an unexcused absence and a visit with Mr. Murphy.


CSCA has a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Regardless of the weight of the assignment, the resulting grade will be a zero. Individual consequences will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Water Bottles

Water bottles with lids are allowed and preferred for the classroom. Only water is allowed. The students can refill their water bottles during the passing periods between each hour long class.

Restroom Breaks

Restrooms should be utilized during the student’s passing period between each hour long class. Passes during class time will only be given for an emergency situation.


The following are various ways you can find out important information this school year and make sure both you and your child are informed.

o Planners

o PowerSchool-Access information provided by 1st progress report ((=received, M=missing, E=excused)

o Head of School Newsletter- First Friday of the month starting in September

o Monthly Newsletter -First Friday of the month starting in September

o Conferences-At the end of first quarter, in February, or more informal conferences as needed

Academic Awards (7th-8th Grade)

Colorado Springs Charter Academy encourages students to develop and maintain high academic standards. Special honor is given to students in grades 7th and 8th after each quarter’s report card that have attained a GPA of 90% or above, with no grade being lower than an 85%.

Students who miss more than five days in a quarter will not be allowed to be on the Honor Roll unless they have a doctor’s excuse for the extended absences, or extenuating circumstances, at the discretion of the Head of School. Any student caught cheating will automatically be ineligible for honors regardless of their grade point average.

Continuation Ceremony (8th Grade)

Participation in the Continuation Ceremony (even if a student is not recommended for retention) is at the discretion of the Head of School contingent upon:

- C average in all classes

- Number and seriousness of discipline infractions

- Teacher feedback on student effort

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the teacher or set up an appointment to meet with us. Due to the need to prepare in the morning before school, please make an appointment or just stop by after school. We are usually at school until 4:00pm.

Dear Parents,

Many of you have already expressed interest in volunteering in the classroom. We are very excited about your enthusiasm for this year! If you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis, please check the bubbles of the times/activities with which you would be interested in helping. If you can only volunteer sometimes, please don’t feel obligated to sign-up for a regular spot. We would love to have you keep this form and send us an email if you can come in on random dates. We will be making a schedule starting soon. Please return this form by Friday, September 5th.

Thank you all again for your willingness to help!

Middle School Staff


Name: ___________________________________

Student’s Name: _____________________________

Special Occasions

Science Labs and Events

o As needed-we will create an email list if you would like to be on it.


o Party Coordinator: Help teacher set up holiday parties

o Special Days Coordinator: Help teacher set up curriculum parties

At Home

o Projects done at home

7th /8th Grade Information Sheet

Child's Name:__________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________

Address (street, city, zip):___________________________________________________________________________

Parent / Guardian:_________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:____________________________________________________________________________________

Work Phone:____________________________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone:____________________________________________________________________________________


Siblings (Grade/Teacher’s Name):____________________________________________________________________________________


Best Way to Contact You: ___Home ___ Work ___ Cell ___Email

Best Time of Day to Contact you: ___ Day ___Evening

People with whom your child can go home:_______________________________________________________

Getting to know your child...

Allergies / health problems:____________________________________________________________________

My child’s strengths (academic, social, etc):

My child’s struggles (academic, social, etc):

My child’s interests/hobbies (art, sports, science, etc.):

My child’s goal(s) for Middle School is (are):

What else would you like me to know about your child? (Comments, questions, concerns, etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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