CIFT-620 (01-05) Department of Revenue • Page 13 …

CIFT-620 (01-05)

Department of Revenue ? Page 13


IMPORTANT The Louisiana Revenue Account Number must be used on all tax documents and correspondence.

Please use the pre-printed return supplied by the Department. Any change of address should be noted in the address area, and the circle indicating that the address has changed should be marked. If a pre-printed return is unavailable, indicate the Louisiana Revenue Account Number, complete name, and current address on the tax return. If the address is different from that of the last return filed, mark the circle indicating that the address has changed. Returns and instructions are available at all offices listed on page 25 and via the Department's website, revenue..

PLEASE COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE LINES AND SCHEDULES OF THE RETURN. Failure to furnish complete information will cause processing of the return to be delayed and may necessitate a manual review of the return.

Every corporation should retain, for inspection by a revenue auditor, working papers showing the balance in each account on the corporation's books used in preparing the return until the taxes to which they relate have prescribed.

WHO MUST FILE? DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS ? Corporations organized under the laws of Louisiana must file an income and franchise tax return (Form CIFT-620) each year unless exempt from both taxes.

Corporation franchise tax for domestic corporations continues to accrue, regardless of whether any assets are owned or any business operations are conducted, until a "Certificate of Dissolution" is issued by the Louisiana Secretary of State.

FOREIGN CORPORATIONS ? Corporations organized under the laws of a state other than Louisiana that derive income from Louisiana sources must file an income tax return (Form CIFT-620), whether or not there is any tax liability.

A foreign corporation is subject to the franchise tax if it meets any one of the criteria listed below:

1. Qualifying to do business in Louisiana or actually doing business within this state; or,

2. Exercising or continuing the corporate charter within this state; or, 3. Owning or using any part or all of the corporate capital, plant, or other

property in this state in a corporate capacity.

A corporation will be subject to the franchise tax if it meets the above criteria, even if it is not required to pay income tax under Federal Public Law 86-272.

Corporation franchise tax for foreign corporations continues to accrue as long as the corporation exercises its charter, does business, or owns or uses any part of its capital or plant in Louisiana, and in the case of a qualified corporation, until a "Certificate of Withdrawal" is issued by the Louisiana Secretary of State.

OTHER ENTITIES ? Any entity taxed as a corporation for federal income tax purposes will also be taxed as a corporation for state income tax purposes.

CONSOLIDATED GROUPS ? Louisiana law does not provide for filing consolidated returns. Generally, separate corporate income and franchise tax returns must be filed by all corporate entities liable for a Louisiana tax return.

on the S corporation exclusion of net income, refer to the instructions for Line 1B.

EXEMPT CORPORATIONS ? Louisiana Revised Statute 47:287.501 provides that an organization described in Internal Revenue Code Sections 401(a) or 501 shall be exempt from income taxation to the extent the organization is exempt from income taxation under federal law, unless the contrary is expressly provided. An organization claiming exemption under R.S. 47:287.501 must submit a copy of the Internal Revenue Service ruling establishing its exempt status. Refer to R.S. 47:287.501 for additional exemptions provided for banking corporations. Refer to R.S. 47:287.521, 526, 527, and 528 for information concerning the treatment of farmers' cooperatives, other cooperatives, shipowners' protection and indemnity associations, political organizations, and homeowners' associations.

Refer to R.S. 47:608 for information concerning those corporations exempt from franchise tax. Those corporations that meet the prescribed standards of organization, ownership, control, sources of income, and disposition of funds must apply for and secure a ruling of exemption from the Department.

TIME AND PLACE FOR FILING On or before the 15th day of the fourth month (April 15 on a calendar year basis) following the close of an accounting period, an income tax return for the period closed and a franchise tax return for the succeeding period must be filed with the Secretary of Revenue, Post Office Box 91011, Baton Rouge, LA 708219011. If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the return is due the next business day and becomes delinquent the first day thereafter. Make payments to Louisiana Department of Revenue. DO NOT SEND CASH.

EXTENSIONS OF TIME FOR FILING The Secretary may grant a reasonable extension of time to file the combined corporation income and franchise tax return not to exceed seven months from the due date of the tax return. Louisiana will recognize and accept the federal extension authorizing the same extended due date as the federal. A copy of the request filed with the Internal Revenue Service must be attached to the Louisiana return. If a federal extension has not been obtained or additional time is needed beyond the extended due date of the federal return, then Form CIFT-620EXT (Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Corporation Income and Franchise Taxes Return) should be filed with the Department by the due date of the return for which the extension applies. (See page 26.)

PERIODS TO BE COVERED The return must be filed for either a calendar year, a fiscal year (12-month accounting period ending on the last day of any month other than December), or a 52 - 53 week accounting period. The dates on which the period reported on the return begins and ends must be plainly stated in the appropriate space at the top of the return. The accounting period must be the same as that used for federal income tax purposes.

RETURNS FOR PART OF THE YEAR For information concerning returns filed for part of the year, refer to the instructions for Lines 2 and 9 on Pages 14 and 16 of this booklet for instructions on annualization and proration.

AMENDED RETURNS In order to amend the amounts reported for the computation of income or franchise taxes, the taxpayer must file a revised Page 1 of Form CIFT-620, along with a detailed explanation of the changes, and a copy of the federal amended return (Form 1120X), if applicable. The "AMENDED RETURN" box on the Louisiana form should be clearly marked.

Subchapter S CORPORATIONS ? Louisiana law does not recognize Subchapter S corporation status, and an S corporation is required to file in the same manner as a C corporation. However, in certain instances, all or part of the corporation income can be excluded from Louisiana tax. For information

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REPORT OF FEDERAL ADJUSTMENTS R.S. 47:287.614C requires every taxpayer whose federal return is adjusted to furnish a statement disclosing the nature and amounts of such adjustments within 60 days after the adjustments have been made and accepted. This statement should accompany the amended return.

DECLARATION OF ESTIMATED TAX R.S. 47:287.654 requires every corporation that can reasonably expect its estimated income tax for the year to be $1,000 or more to make installment payments of its liability. The term "estimated tax" means the amount the taxpayer estimates to be the Louisiana income tax imposed for the period less the amount it estimates to be the sum of any credits allowable against the tax.

See the instructions pertaining to Form CIFT-620ES for further information, including the addition to the tax for underpayment or nonpayment of estimated income tax.

ROUNDING TO WHOLE DOLLARS Round cents to the nearest whole dollar on Page 1 of Form CIFT-620. Total prepayments, including any credit carried forward from last year, should also be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

ALLOCATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF NET INCOME AND FRANCHISE TAXABLE BASE The Louisiana income tax is imposed only upon that part of the net income of a corporation that is derived from sources within Louisiana. Corporations that do business outside of Louisiana must complete Form CIFT-620A, which provides schedules for the apportionment and allocation of net income.

When a corporation does business within and without Louisiana, the Louisiana franchise tax is imposed only on that part of the total taxable capital that is employed in Louisiana. Such corporations must also complete Form CIFT-620A, which provides schedules for the allocation of the franchise taxable base.



Lines A through I ? All taxpayers must answer the questions in Lines A

through I. For Line "G," please enter the corporation's six digit North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS).

LINE 1A ? LOUISIANA NET INCOME Information regarding the computation of Louisiana net income is provided in the instructions for Schedule D of Form CIFT-620 and Schedule P of Form CIFT-620A. Enter on this line the amount from Schedule D, Line 14 or Schedule P, Line 33.

LINE 1B ? S CORPORATION EXCLUSION R.S. 47:287.732.B provides an S corporation with an exclusion of its Louisiana net income. The exclusion is determined by multiplying Louisiana net income by a ratio calculated by dividing the number of issued and outstanding shares of the S corporation's capital stock owned by Louisiana residents on the last day of the S corporation's taxable year by the total number of issued and outstanding shares of capital stock on the last day of the S corporation's taxable year.

In the case where a federal tax refund or credit arises from the carryback or carryforward of a federal net operating loss, the Louisiana net operating loss must be reduced by the amount of the federal tax refund or credit that applies to the federal income tax deducted on the prior Louisiana return. In calculating the federal tax refund applicable to the loss, consideration must be given to the total federal refund or credit received from all prior periods, including the refund or credit resulting from the investment tax credit carryback. The amount of the refund or credit applicable to Louisiana is determined by multiplying the total refund or credit by a ratio obtained by dividing the federal tax deducted on the original Louisiana return by the total federal tax on the original federal tax return.

In the event that there is no carryback or carryforward of a net operating loss for federal purposes, then as provided in R.S. 47:287.83, the federal income tax deduction should be recomputed to reflect the carryback or carryforward of the net operating loss. The net operating loss carryback or carryforward should be used to reduce the Louisiana taxable income prior to the calculation of the ratio of Louisiana net income on a federal basis to federal net income in the computation of the federal income tax deduction.

A Louisiana "resident" includes resident estates and trusts and resident and nonresident individual shareholders who have filed a correct and complete Louisiana income tax return and paid the tax due. This ratio is also applicable to a Louisiana net loss to exclude a percentage of the loss from carryback or carryforward treatment.

A SCHEDULE SHOWING THE CALCULATION OF THE EXCLUSION MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE RETURN. This schedule must include a list of all shareholders of the corporation, designating those who report the S corporation income on a Louisiana tax return. The shareholder information must include the address and Social Security Number, the number of shares held on the last day of the taxable year, and the amount of the distributive share of S corporation net income for each shareholder.


LINE 1E ? FEDERAL INCOME TAX DEDUCTION The amount of federal income tax to be deducted is that portion levied on the income derived from sources in this state. To compute the federal income tax deduction allowable on the Louisiana return, refer to the worksheet and instructions provided on Page 24.

LINE 2 ? LOUISIANA INCOME TAX The amount of Louisiana income tax is computed on Schedule E of Form CIFT-620.

LINES 1C and 1D ? NET OPERATING LOSS CARRYFORWARD OR CARRYBACK To apply for a tentative refund resulting from the carryback of a net operating loss, use Form R-6701, CIT-624 (Request for a Tentative Refund Resulting from the Election to Carryback a Net Operating Loss).

The amount of net loss may be carried back to each of the three taxable years that precede the taxable year of such loss and/or forward 15 years immediately following the year in which the loss occurred.

In the case of a return for part of the year, other than the initial or final return, for purposes of computing the tax due, Louisiana taxable income shall be placed on an annual basis by multiplying the amount thereof by twelve and dividing by the number of months included in the period for which the short period return is required or permitted. The tax on this annualized income is then computed and multiplied by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is equal to the number of months included in the period for which the short period return is being filed, and the denominator is twelve. This tax is then entered on Line 2 of Page 1 of Form CIFT-620.

A net operating loss generated after a reorganization cannot be carried back LINE 3 ? NON REFUNDABLE INCOME TAX CREDITS to a corporation that does not survive the reorganization. See R.S. 47:287.86(I). Enter the amount from Line 29, Column A from Schedule NRC.

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LINE 7A ? TOTAL CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, UNDIVIDED PROFITS, AND BORROWED CAPITAL Enter on this line the total franchise taxable base from Line 32, Column 3 of Schedule A of Form CIFT-620.

LINE 7B ? FRANCHISE TAX APPORTIONMENT PERCENTAGE If all of your business is done in Louisiana, enter 100.00 percent on this line. For corporations that do business both within and without Louisiana, complete Schedule N of the Apportionment and Allocation Schedule (Form CIFT-620A). Enter on Line 7B the percent on Line 5 of Schedule N. Carry your percentage to two decimal places.

LINE 7C ? FRANCHISE TAXABLE BASE The total amount of taxable capital attributable to Louisiana is calculated by multiplying Line 7A by Line 7B. Enter the result on this line.

LINE 8 ? ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY R.S. 47:606(C) provides that the portion of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, and borrowed capital allocated for franchise taxation shall in no case be less than the total assessed value of real and personal property in this state for the calendar year preceding that in which the tax is due. The assessed value of real and personal property is generally that value determined for property tax purposes in the area where the property is located. Enter on this line the assessed value of the real and personal property located in Louisiana in 2004.

LINE 9 ? LOUISIANA FRANCHISE TAX The amount of Louisiana franchise tax is computed on Schedule F of Form CIFT-620. The minimum tax is $10.00.

In the case of a return for part of the year other than the initial or final return, the franchise tax due shall be prorated. To calculate the tax due, the tax for a full year is computed and multiplied by a ratio. The numerator of the ratio is the number of months from the closing date of the prior franchise year to the closing date of the short period return filed, and the denominator is 12.

LINE 10 ? NONREFUNDABLE FRANCHISE TAX CREDITS Enter the amount from Line 30, Column B ? Schedule NRC.

LINE 12 ? LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS All amounts previously remitted should be claimed as estimated income tax.

LINE 15 ? REFUNDABLE TAX CREDITS ? Enter the amount from Line 5, Schedule RC.

LINE 17 ? DELINQUENT FILING PENALTY The penalty for failure to file a return on time, except when failure is due to a reasonable cause, is 5 percent of the tax if the delay in filing is for not more than 30 days, with an additional 5 percent for each additional 30 days or fraction thereof during which the failure to file continues.

LINE 18 ?DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY The penalty for failure to pay the tax in full by the date the return is required by law to be filed, determined without regard to any extension of time for filing the return, is 5 percent of the tax not paid for each 30 days, or fraction there of, during which the failure to pay continues.

Delinquent filing and delinquent payment penalties combined cannot exceed 25 percent. Please see LAC 61:III.2101.

LINE 19 ? INTEREST The amount of interest, as provided in R.S. 47:1601, is computed at the rate of 1.25 percent per month from the date the tax is due until the date it is paid.

LINE 20 ? TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Make payment to Louisiana Department of Revenue. Do not send cash.

SIGNATURES AND VERIFICATION The return must be signed by either the president, vice-president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, or any other authorized officer. If receivers, trustees in bankruptcy, or assignees are operating the property or business of the corporation, such officials must execute the return for such corporation. Any person, firm, or corporation that prepares a taxpayer's return must also sign. If a return is prepared by a firm or corporation, the return must be signed in the name of the firm or corporation. This verification is not required when the return is prepared by a regular full-time employee of the taxpayer. Telephone numbers of officers and preparers should be furnished.


For all credits, you must attach documentation that substantiates the credit, rebate, or tax equalization contract. For additional information on a particular credit, please reference the publication Credits, Exemptions, Exclusions, and Deductions for Indvidual and Corporation Income Tax, Corporation Franchise Tax, Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax. (R?40058). This publication may be viewed on the Department's website at revenue..

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE NRC Indicate the amount of each credit being claimed against corporate income and franchise taxes in the appropriate column. For credits against the corporate income tax, add the amounts in Column A and enter that amount on Line 29 of Schedule NRC and on Line 3 of Form 620. For credits against the corporate franchise tax, add the amounts in Column B and enter that amount on Line 30 of Schedule NRC and on Line 10 of Form 620. A brief description of each credit is listed below.

Line 1 ? Credit for contributions of tangible property of a sophisticated and technological nature to educational institutions R.S. 47:287.34 and R.S. 47:287.755 provide for this credit, and it may only be taken against the corporate income tax. The credit allowed shall be computed at the rate of forty percent of the property's value. The institution that receives the donation must furnish to the donor or seller a certification of such donation, contribution, or sale below cost, which shall include the date and the value of the property donated, contributed, or sold.

Line 2 ? Credit for converting vehicles to alternative fuels usage R.S. 47:287.757 provides for this credit, and it may only be taken against the corporate income tax A credit of twenty percent of the cost of investing in

qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property is allowed, with an alternative provision for the purchase by a taxpayer of a motor vehicle that contains qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property installed by the manufacturer. Please see the statute for complete information.

Line 3 ? Credit for bone marrow donor expenses R.S. 47:287.758 provides the credit and it may only be taken against the corporate income tax. The amount of the credit is equal to twenty-five percent of the bone marrow donor expense paid or incurred during the tax year by an employer to provide a program for employees who are potential or who actually become bone marrow donors. Please contact the department for additional information.

Line 4 ? Credit for the employment of certain first time drug offenders R.S. 47:287.34 and R.S. 47:287.752 provides for the credit, and it may only be taken against the corporate income tax. A credit is allowed for a taxpayer who provides full-time employment to an individual who has been convicted of a first time drug offense and who is less than twenty-five years of age at the time of initial employment. The credit is two hundred dollars per taxable year per eligible employee. Please contact the Department for additional information.

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Line 5 ? Credit for employment in a qualified motion picture production R.S. 47:1125.1 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. A motion picture production company may be entitled to a tax credit for the employment of residents of Louisiana in connection with production of a motion picture. Please contact the Department for additional information.

Line 6 ? Credit for the employment of the previously unemployed R.S. 47:6004 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The statute allows for a credit for hiring the previously unemployed. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 7 ? Credit for investments in state certified motion picture productions R.S. 47:6007 provides for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. The credit allows Louisiana domiciled taxpayers a credit for an investment in a state certified motion picture production. For information on qualifying for this credit please see Revenue Information Bulletin number 05-001 on the Department's website.

Line 8 ? Credit for donations to assist qualified playgrounds R.S. 47:6008 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The amount of the credit is the lesser of one thousand dollars or one-half of the value of the cash, equipment, goods, or services donated. The credit must be applied against the applicable tax or taxes in the taxable period in which the donation is made. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 9 ? Louisiana basic skills training tax credit R.S. 47:6009 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The is allowed against either tax for employers who pay for training to bring employees' reading, writing, or mathematical skills to at least the 12th grade level. The credit is limited to $250 per participating employee. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 10 ? Research and Development Credit R.S. 47:6015 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit is allowed for a corporate taxpayer who claims for the taxable year a federal income tax credit under 26 U.S.C. ?41(a) for increasing research activities. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 14 ? Louisiana capital companies credit R.S. 51:1924 provides for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. A credit is allowed for the investment in the certified capital of a certified Louisiana capital company. The credit must be certified by the commissioner of the Office of Financial Institutions. You must attach a copy of your certification to the return.

Line 15 ? Credit for cash donations to the dedicated research investment fund R.S. 51:2203 provides for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. The statute allows for a credit of 35 percent of a cash donation of $200,000 or more to the Dedicated Research Investment Fund administered by the Louisiana Board of Regents. The Board of Regents must certify to the Department of Revenue that the taxpayer is qualified for the credit. You must attach a copy of your certification to the return.

Line 16 ? Credit for insurance company premium tax paid R.S. 47:227 provides for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. The credit is based on a tax (based on premiums), paid by the taxpayer during the preceding twelve months. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 17 ? Credit for new jobs R.S. 47:287.34 and R.S. 47:287.749 provide for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. A schedule showing the calculation of the credit must be attached to the return and must include the following information: (1) Name, address, and Social Security Number of each new employee, (2) Highest number of full-time and qualified part-time employees during the previous year, (3) Highest number of full-time and qualified part-time employees during the current year, (4) Number of new employees hired for new jobs created during this taxable year; and (5) Amount of credit carried forward from the previous year. Please contact the Department should you need additional information.

Line 18 ? Credit for neighborhood assistance R.S. 47:287.34 and R.S. 47:287.753 provide for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. A corporation engaged in the activities of providing neighborhood assistance, job training, education for individuals, community services, or crime prevention in the state of Louisiana may receive a tax credit. A tax credit of up to seventy percent of the actual amount contributed may be allowed for investment in programs approved by the commissioner of administration or his successor. Such credit for any corporation shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars annually. Please contact the Department for additional information.

Line 11 ? New Markets Credit R.S. 47: 6016 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The statute allows the credit if the taxpayer makes certain qualified low-income community investments. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 12 ? Credit for debt issuance costs R.S. 47:6017 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit is allowed for the filing fee paid to the Louisiana State Bond Commission that is incurred by an economic development corporation in the preparation and issuance of bonds. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 13 ? Credit for rehabilitation of historic structures R.S. 47:6019 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit is allowed if the taxpayer incurs certain expenses during the rehabilitation of a historic structure located in a downtown development district. Please contact the Department for information on qualifying for this credit.

Line 19 ? Credit for refunds by utilities R.S. 47:287.664 provides for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. A credit is allowed for certain court ordered refunds made by utilities to its customers. Please contact the Department for additional information.

Line 20 ? Credit for hiring eligible re-entrants R.S. 47: 287.748 provides for the credit, and it may only be applied against corporate income tax. A credit is allowed to encourage the employment in full-time jobs in the State of Louisiana of re-entrants who have been convicted of a felony and who have successfully completed the Intensive Incarceration Program as provided for in R.S. 15:574.4. Please contact the Department for additional information.

Line 21 ? Credit for donations to public schools R.S. 47:6013 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The statute allows for a credit equal to forty percent of the appraised value of a qualified donation of property made to a public school. "Public school" is defined to mean a public elementary or secondary school. "Qualified donation" is defined to mean a donation of immovable property purchased or otherwise acquired by a

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corporation and donated to a public school immediately adjacent or contiguous to such property. Please contact the Department for additional information.

Development and is issued for private sector investment in certain areas designated as "Enterprise Zones." You must attach a copy of your contract to the return.

Line 22 ? Technology commercialization credit R.S. 51:2354 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The statute allows a credit of fifteen percent of the amount of money invested by the taxpayer in commercialization costs for one business location. The Louisiana Department of Economic Development must certify the technology commercialization credit. You must attach a copy of your certification to the return.

Line 23 ? Atchafalaya trace heritage area development zone tax credit R.S. 25:1226.4 provides for the credit, and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The statute provides for a credit issued by the State Board of Commerce and Industry for certain heritage-based cottage industries. You must attach a copy of your contract to the return.

Line 24 ? Biomedical research and development park credit R.S. 46:813.1 and R.S. 17:3389 provide for the credit and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit is allowed for a company that establishes research activities in either a Biomedical or University Research and Development Park. You must attach a copy of your contract with the Department of Economic Development to the return.

Line 25 ? Tax equalization credit R.S. 47:3202 provides for the credit and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit/exemption is issued by the Department of Economic Development for tax equalization for certain businesses locating in Louisiana. You must attach a copy of your contract to the return.

Line 26 ? Manufacturing establishments credit R.S. 47:4305 provides for the credit and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit is provided to certain manufacturing establishments that have entered into a contract with the Department of Economic Development. You must attach a copy of your contract to the return.

Line 27 ? Enterprise zone credit R.S. 51:1782 et. seq. provide for the credit and it may be applied against either the corporate income tax or corporate franchise tax. The credit is issued by the Department of Economic

Line 28 ? Quality jobs R.S. 51:2455 provides for the credit/rebate. Please contact the Department with respect to this credit/rebate.

Line 29 ? Add the amounts in Column "A" and print the amount here and on Line 3 of Form CIFT-620.

Line 30 ? Add the amounts in Column "B" and print the amount here and on Line 10 of Form CIFT-620.


LINE 1 ? A refundable credit is allowed against corporate income and corporate franchise taxes for 100 percent of the ad valorem taxes paid to political subdivisions in Louisiana on inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, and retailers (R.S. 47:6006). A copy of the inventory tax assessment and a copy of the cancelled check in payment of the tax must be attached to the return.

LINE 2 ? A refundable credit is allowed against corporate income and corporate franchise taxes for 100 percent of the ad valorem taxes paid on vessels in Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Waters (R.S. 47:6006.1). A copy of the inventory tax assessment and a copy of the cancelled check in payment of the tax must be attached to the return along with a completed Form LAT 11 from the Louisiana Tax Commission.

LINE 3 ? A refundable credit is allowed against corporate income and corporate franchise taxes for up to 40 percent (.40) of the ad valorem taxes paid to Louisiana political subdivisions by a telephone company with respect to that company's public service properties located in Louisiana (R.S. 47:6014).

LINE 4 ? A refundable credit is allowed against corporate income and corporate franchise taxes for purchases by a taxpayer of specialty apparel items from a Private Sector Prison Industry Enhancement (PIE) contractor (R.S.47:6018). Please contact the Department for further information concerning this credit.

LINE 5 ? Add Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4. Print the result and on Line 15 of Form CIFT-620.


Corporations shall compute their tax liability on the basis of the portion of the total taxable base employed in Louisiana at the close of the preceding calendar or fiscal year. The total taxable base is composed of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, and borrowed capital. The balance sheet in Schedule A should reflect, in addition to the amounts shown on the books, the value of any assets undervalued or not reflected on the books. The corporation franchise tax law provides that all assets are deemed to have such values as reflected on the books of the corporation subject to examination and revision by the Secretary. The Secretary may increase the book value of assets up to cost to reflect the true value of surplus and undivided profits, but is prohibited from making revisions that would reflect any value below the amount reflected on the books of the taxpayer. A taxpayer may, at his own discretion, reflect values in excess of cost. In determining cost to which the revisions limitation applies, the fair market value of any asset received in an exchange of properties shall, in most cases, be deemed to constitute the cost of the asset to the taxpayer.

and outstanding. However, the cost of treasury stock may be deducted from earned surplus, limited to the extent of the surplus that was available when the treasury stock was acquired. Capital stock, whether par value or not, is deemed to have such value as is reflected on the books, subject to examination and revision by the Secretary, but in no event less than shown on the books.

SURPLUS, UNDIVIDED PROFITS, ETC. ? Surplus and undivided profits shall be deemed to have such value as is reflected on the books of the corporation, subject to examination and revision by the Secretary. Reserves other than depreciation, bad debts, other established valuation reserves, etc., should be included. Examples of reserves to be included in surplus and undivided profits are reserves for contingencies, repairs, self-insurance, etc. In addition, any excessive valuation reserve should be included in the taxable base to the extent of such excess. DEFERRED INCOME TAX MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE TAXABLE BASE. The entire profit on installment obligations should be included in surplus regardless of whether deferred on the books.


CAPITAL STOCK ? The term "capital stock" means all stock that is issued

In computing surplus and undivided profits, any amounts required by court order to be set aside and segregated in such manner as not to be available for distribution to stockholders or for investment in properties, the earnings from


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