Home | Department of General Services




333 Market Street, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Information 783-6788

Press Office 783-9802

Executive Office


General Information 783-6788


Mumin Khalid MD 783-9780

Executive Deputy Secretary

Carrera Debora 783-6755

Executive Assistant

Worley Kari 783-9780

Special Advisor to the Secretary

Volkman David 787-1489

Special Assistant to the Secretary

Ramos TaLisa 787-0193

Director of Intergovernmental Affairs

Downie Eli 525-5755

Chief Talent Officer

Hanna Tomas 346-9735

Receptionist 783-6788

Policy Office

10th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-8230


Kane Julie 783-9783

Deputy Director

Levis Eric 425-2785

Policy Specialist

Donohoe Erin 346-9003

Administrative Assistant

Campbell Stacey 787-7575

Government Relations Office

10th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-8230


Latanishen Steve 787-7133

Deputy Director

Capece Carlee 425-5959

Legislative Aide

Partida Luis 525-5538

Administrative Assistant

Campbell Stacey 787-7575

Office of Press and Communications

10th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-8230

Phone 783-9802

Communications Director

Smith Casey 214-4871

Press Secretary

Vacant 783-9803

Digital Director

Bazzo Kelly 214-5388

State Board of Education

1st Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 787-7306

Executive Director

Molchanow Karen 787-3787

Administrative Assistant

Jones Stephanie 787-3787

Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development


Shaw Kelsey 346-4673

Division of Policy

Community Outreach/Regional Key Section

Division Chief

Sands Jessica 787-8082


Bechtold Amanda 772-4848

Fry Judith 346-3197

Vacant 265-8903

Libertini Melissa 346-4664

Ordonez Michael 265-8906

Division of Standards and Professional Development

Division Chief

Wise Deborah 787-7489


Egan Amanda 772-0655

Olley Maryanne 214-8434

Phillips Jolie 265-8912

Richards Winnie 772-4849

Wiestling Barry 346-4670

Bureau of Early Intervention Services & Family Supports

FAX 214-6575


Parker Lisa 214-7130

Division of Standards and Professional Development


Hackleman Emily 783-3636

EI Advisors

Bingaman Caroline 772-2376

Castagneto Ellen 705-2219

Kawski Heather 346-1119

Tucker Wendy 265-8908

Division of Operations and Monitoring – East


Kenney Staci 610/209-5149

El Advisors

Coles Mary 570/544-9131

Vacant 484/719-9282

Fiadino Maryanne 610/878-7220

Carlisle LeeAnn 346-1117

Human Services Specialist

Dietz Andrew 772-2098

Firestone Matthew 265-8904

Swatzlander Gregory 570/443-0220

Division of Operations and Monitoring – West


Noel Deb 265-8900

EI Advisors

Erickson William 570/374-2605

Manoledes Janet 724/836-2460

Youngblood Kevin 346-1116

Vicini Janice 814/655-1866

Vacant 724/208-3730


5th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 214-2786

Deputy Secretary

Jeffrey Fuller 787-2127

Executive Assistant

Vacant 772-3586

Advisor to the Deputy Secretary

Vacant 772-4557

Executive Secretary

Wagner Irma 787-2127

Clerk Typist


Educational Technology

Munro Amy 214-3227

School Improvement Office

10th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Rose Abagail l 736-7053

Program Monitoring and Accountability Office

5th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Colarossi Gina 783-6137

School Services Office

7th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 214-4389


Washington Monica 783-6746


Dubbs Thomas 214-8212

Van Schaaik Fiaane 783-6610

Administrative Assistant

Queeley April 787-4860

Clerk Typists

Uzokwe Lilian 214-9755

Vacant 783-3750

Nonpublic/Private Schools

Nauss Stephanie 736-7723

Shade Renee 783-6767

Weaver Tina 783-9298

Vacant 783-9286

Vacant 783-9282

Safe Schools Office

7th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Kuren Scott 783-6469

Administrative Officer

Gavin Nancy 783-6683

E-Grants / Safe School Reports

Alves Russell 783-6777

Student Assistance Program/Lead Testing

Loccisano Joseph 346-4253

OSS Budget and Financial Support / E-Grants

Klouser Dana 705-3771

Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY)

Esposito John 736-7708

Emergency Management / Violence Prevention

VACANT 316-9339

Mental Health/Trauma Informed/Alcohol & Other Drugs

Milakovic Dana 214-4394

Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction

5th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 234-4071


Campbell Brian 787-8913

Administrative Support

Knee Jeffrey 525-5057

Fiscal Technician

Kashatus Zarine 783-7632

Administrative Officer

Stewart Donna 783-2642

Division of Instructional Quality

5th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Curriculum 783-3958

FAX Curriculum 234-4071

Division Chief

Gasper Brian 783-6633

Arts and Humanities 783-3958

Bilingual & ESL Education Advisor

Hutton Julia 787-5482

Measel Robert 783-6595

Educational Technology Advisor

Amy Munro 214-3227

Environment & Ecology Education Advisor

Tamara Peffer 783-6598

Mathematics Education Advisor

Mauro Kevin 772-6904

School Safety & Private Driver Training Schools

Education Advisor

Kashatus John 783-4382

Administrative Support

Mosher Alison 787-9841

Science Education Advisor

Bauman Dave 783-6598

Social Studies Education Advisor

McCrone Don 783-1832

World Languages 783-3958

Technology Education Advisor

Hutzel Brandt 214-9391

English Language Arts Advisor

Vacant 783-6538

Division of Assessment and Accountability

5th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Assessment 705-4234

FAX Assessment 234-4071

Division Chief

Truesdale Brian 214-5433

Education Research Associates

Elhadri Milad 705-5991

Novakovich Stephen 346-9673

English Language Arts Assessment

Vacant 346-8064

Basic Education Advisor

Waters Shazia 772-0020

Mathematics Assessment

Megan Clementi 783-6543

Science Assessment

Weller Craig 525-5825

Testing Accommodations

Vacant 346-8064

Test Security

Gift Jay 783-1144


Schuckman Drew 787-4865


Wolff Emily 525-5399

Administrative Support

Vacant 705-6359

Division of Federal Programs

5th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Division 783-2193

Division Chief

McCrone Susan 783-9161

Regional Coordinators

Calvello Lynn 783-9164

Derr Erin 787-7815

Garcia Maria 783-6904

Krawchuk Kenneth 787-7135

McKissick Thomas 783-3381

Rhoads Cindy 783-9167

Vacant 783-6902

Vacant 783-6543

Basic Education Associates 1

Connelly Kim 772-0814

Daub Susan 783-1832

St. Clair Lisa 787-8632

Basic Education Associates 2

Crawford Christina 317-5010

Education Administration Associates

Gallatin Kelly 783-3403

Vacant 783-6903

Carroll Matthew 787-5232

Administrative Assistants

Cooper Phillip 783-6907

Janney Michelle 783-6903

McGeehan Angela 783-6908

Rapisarda Tracy 787-7117

Administrative Support

Graves Sheri 787-8631

Hinkley Guillermina 783-6901

Salonick Melanie 787-8632

Trissler Karen 787-7278

Randolph Chrystal 783-6901

Wilson Lennette 787-7372

Bureau of School Support

3rd Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 214-4389

FAX 705-8021

Bureau Director

Rowe Carrie 783-6838

Administrative Officer

Vacant 783-6848

Division of Charter Schools

3rd Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

General Information 787-9744

Division Chief

Seely Randall 705-0353

Administrative Support

Carretti Catherine 525-5779

Basic Education Associate 2

Hawkins Keptsia 783-5670

Vacant 346-8039

Division of Planning and Professional Development

3rd Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Division Chief

Lena Amy 783-4307

ACT 48 PERMS Coordination/Admin Support

Uvick Sarah 772-3817

Wrenn Zorina 783-6646

ACT 48 Appeals

Osorio Migdalia 214-5781

Act 48 Provider Applications

Clemmer Barbara 425-5728

Ranck Douglas 346-8048

ACT 55 Coordinator/TOY/ Blue Ribbon Schools/Milken Award

Blanch Nick 346-4369

School Improvement and Comprehensive Planning

Anderson Carrie 214-8215

Ready to Learn Grant/Youth Center Corrections Advisor

Towse James 783-9542

MIC3/State Commissioner Designee

Clemmer Barbara 425-5728

Division of Student Services

3rd Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Division 783-6466

FAX 783-6642

Division Chief

Medina Carmen 783-6464

Administrative Support

Burgos Linda 783-6466

Fiscal Management Specialist 1

Martinez Maribel 772-2429

Management Technician

Pankratz Alexandra 787-1890

Fiscal Technician

Boyer David 705-2881

Basic Education Associates 1

Baur Rachel 346-3186

Eye Joseph 783-3755

Singleton Shantella 783-8901

Wallace Rebecca 265-8964

Ritter Lavinia 783-6468

Basic Education Associates 2

Alexander Lysandra 783-6465

Camara Storm 772-2066

Ney WaTanya 214-7314

Education Administration Associates

Lockwood Lisa 783-9294

Education Admin Supervisor

Scott Norman 346-3251

Bureau of Career and Technical Education

11th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-6672


Burket Lee 783-6977

Administrative Officer

Vacant 772-4861

Fiscal Management Specialists

Brennan Elizabeth 772-2111

Heather Matulevich 783-6862

Smith Janelle 783-6990

Administrative Assistant

Vacant 787-5530

Division of Data Analysis, Assessment and Contracts


Burton Monique 346-3188


Kling James 736-7652

Career and Technical Education Advisors

Gross Cynthia 772-4864

Hoke Ashley 783-6867

McCleary Jean 783-6971

Westfall Erin 346-9721

Lynn Aul No entry

Vacant 772-4853

Educational Research Associate

Springman Kevin 783-6623

Administrative Assistant

Nefertiti Menoe 346-8400

Division of Program Standards and Quality Assurances


Kelleher Jean 783-6962


Kling James 736-7652

Specialized Career & Technical Education Advisors

Agriculture Education

Davis Christopher 783-6994

Business Education

Freidin-Mansfield Mindy 346-9480

Health Science Education

Vacant 783-6951

Work-Based Learning

Golding Lisa 783-0358

Trade and Industry

Haubert Raina 783-6957

Administrative Assistant

Keisling Tammy 783-6996

Division of Professional Development and Support Services


Vacant 783-6964

Career and Technical Education Advisors

Worley, Mycenea No entry

Vacant 346-9735

Career and Technical Education Advisors

Vacant 787-6026

Standley Nadine 783-6952

Vacant 783-6953

Vacant 346-9721

Division of Adult and Postsecondary Career and Technical Education


Brassington Tamalee 783-6972


Vacant 772-0814

Specialized Career and Technical Education Advisors

Health Occupations Education

Conway Rebecca 783-6974

Weidman Sheri 772-4868

Vacant 783-6979

Career and Technical Education Advisors

Vacant 783-6959

Nalesnik Tanya No entry

Marshall Beth 783-6860

Readinger Tracey 736-7707

Bureau of Special Education

7th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

ConsultLine for Families – Toll Free 1-800-879-2301

ConsultLine – Out of State 901-2146

FAX 783-6139

General Information 783-6913

Director’s Office


Clancy Carole 783-6134

Assistant Director

Pastorak Amy 772-3500

Administrative Officer

Williams Sandra 772-2647

Special Education Advisors (Department-based)

Alexander Jeanette 783-6882

Moyer Shirley 705-5186

Reisinger Wendy 783-6882

Special Education Advisors (Regionally-based)

Mozina Barbara 814/674-2648

Hampe Lisa 724/425-3000

Clerk Typists

Ioos Aaron 772-3500

Shepley Wesley 772-2645

Slade Jacquelyn 783-6134

Division of Analysis and Financial Reporting

Education Administrative Supervisor

Hart Delmar 783-5768

Administrative Officer

Jacobs Eileen 783-5768

Education Administrative Associate

Dolbin Donald 783-6879

Clerk Typists

Slade Jackie 783-6134

Special Education Advisors (Department-based)

Bray Laura 772-3260

Focht Keith 783-6921

Fulton Janette 425-5442

Education Statistics Associate

Rissinger Jodi 783-6911


Fan Zhihong (Holly) 346-9644

Budget Analysts

Burkey Jessica 783-6906

Tobias James 783-6925

Ventrone Patricia 783-3635

Division of Monitoring and Improvement – East


Vacant 783-6137

Clerical Supervisor

Vacant 783-6137

Clerk Typists

Strawser Amanda 214-0656

Vacant 783-2311

Special Education Advisors (Department-based)

Vacant 787-5770

Special Education Advisors (Regionally-based)

Campbell Sherri 783-6137

Furman Ruth 610/642-1237

Gettle Candy 783-6918

Giovannnini Gina 941-9363

Irgang Lisa 215/379-1023

Kirton Juanita 570/421-2805

Mack Kenesta 215/225-1709

Marsh Casey

Moore Robert 215/443-3357

Murphy John 215/968-1531

Newsome Karen 717-678-8440

Radicchi JoAnn 570/586-1460

Sexton Katrina 215/744-1490

Weitzenhoffer Steve 783-6137

Wolfington-Halacyio Robin 214-0656

Vacant 814/563-5301

Division of Monitoring and Improvement – West


DeLuca Amy 610-1224

Clerical Supervisor

Vacant 610-1224

Clerk Typist

Shepley Wesley 772-2645

Special Education Advisors (Regionally-based)

Eye Shannon 814/684-2038

Ferko William 814/938-4963

Haglund Patricia 814/662-2662

Hampe Lisa 724/425-3000

Hartman Kerri 412/831-1824

Leamon Erik 814/563-5301

McBroom Connie 724/694-1307

Neal Tyann 412/851-0419

Smith, Dawn 724-288-5371

Stanley Nancy 724/654-6825

Verner Cortney 412/823-6058

Zeleznik Sandy 412/278-0259

Division of Monitoring and Improvement – Central


Podder Shatarupa 772-2646

Clerk Typist

Meckley Richard 772-3260

Charmaine Lee 787-4914

Education Administration Associate

Franklin Kelli 783-6876

Special Education Advisors (Department-based)

Gombocz John 772-3745

Kehler Todd 772-4972

Special Education Advisors (Regionally-based)

Eye Shannon 814/684-2038

Giovannini Gina 570/822-2969

Hausworth Lisa 364-4770

Haas Jessica Keener 610/678-6059

Ishman Mark 570/433-3291

Sotack Deborah 814/349-2481

Division of Monitoring and Improvement -Philadelphia


Sexton Katrina 317-7685

Clerk Typists

Strawser Amanda 214-0656

Special Education Advisors (Regionally based)

Erwine Alicia 319-6338

Ferko William 877-6878

Keifer Dawn 364-8347

Marvin, Magaret 903-2538

Mears Stacey 982-4427

Murphy John 215/968-1531

Newsome Karen 678-8440

Wolfington-Halacyio 329-7079

Office of Administration


Deputy Secretary

Graham Lori 772-4789

Executive Secretary

Laird Cindy 772-4789

Compliance Office Director

Patton Julie 346-1085

PDE HR Liaison

Donegan Mark 787-8037

Data Quality Office

13th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 787-1787


Ream David 783-6698

Statistical Section Manager

Vacant 783-6764

Statistical Section Supervisor

McCann Ashley……………………………… 783-4414

Business Analyst

Stafford Thresa 783-6671

Administrative Officer

Wiest Cindy 783-6696

See Office of Administration for IT Contacts.

Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX – 4th Floor 783-6566


Sites Jessica 787-7808

Assistant Director

Vacant 787-7808

Administrative Officer

Garman-Scott Patricia 787-7808


Asper Keegan 787-4446

Salapa Isaac 787-5093

Executive Policy Specialist

Wynn Deb 783-1024

Audit Section

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Carroll Clayton 265-7496

Clerical Support

Carter Anita 265-7496

Division of School Facilities

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 705-6805


Fry Jesse 787-4503

Education Administration Specialist

Drayer Jason 787-3164

School Construction Finance Management Specialist

Grant James 787-4439

Architectural Consultant

Vacant 787-5993

Fiscal Management Specialist

Schoffstall Amanda 783-7094

Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX – 4th Floor 783-6566


Sites Jessica 787-7808

Assistant Director

Vacant 787-7808

Administrative Officer

Garman-Scott Patricia 787-7808


Asper Keegan 787-4446

Salapa Isaac 787-5093

Executive Policy Specialist

Wynn Deb 783-1024

Audit Section

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Carroll Clayton 265-7496

Clerical Support

Carter Anita 265-7496

Division of School Facilities

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 705-6805


Fry Jesse 787-4503

Education Administration Specialist

Drayer Jason 787-3164

School Construction Finance Management Specialist

Grant James 787-4439

Architectural Consultant

Vacant 787-5993

Fiscal Management Specialist

Schoffstall Amanda 783-7094

Division of Budget

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 705-6805


Rudisill Naomi 787-7808

Departmental/Basic Education Subsidies

Fiscal Management Specialist

High Amy 783-5263

Jenkins Deborah 783-9832

Porter Terri 783-6794

Higher Education/Federal Programs

Fiscal Management Specialist

Vacant 783-9831

Hannon Joseph 214-4872

Division of Subsidy Administration

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Hanft Benjamin 787-5423

Financial Management Specialist

Burkett John 787-5423

Harmantzis Julie 787-5423

Clerk Typist

Seibert Wanda 787-5423

Coordinator of Subsidy Administration

Pierce Valecia 787-5423


Esposito Alicia 231-6479

Hollenbach Jonathan 787-5423

Venkatraman Latha 787-5423

Gordon Christi 736-7276

Coordinator of Child Accounting

Sieber Lori 787-5423

Child Accounting Specialists

Cole Scott 787-5423

Miller Shane 787-5423

Division of Food and Nutrition

4th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-6566


Ramp Vonda 783-6556

Education Administration Specialist

Hanft Eliza 783-6870

Business Analyst II

Koppenhaver Ken 214-2909


Calvello Joseph 736-7269

Haas Bobby 783-6583

Fiscal Manager

Keller Kay 787-4419

Fiscal Management Specialist

Barron Adrian 783-6559

Netznik Peter 783-9345

Santana Greg 525-5058

Audit Specialists

Cromyak Ann 265-7765

Rudy Heather 783-6979

Alam Kris 783-6568

Procurement Specialist

Vacant 783-9343

Matter Jonene 783-6553

Administrative Officers

Handley Shawna 783-4911

Martin Brandie 783-7321

Smith Karima 705-2672

Waters Yolanda 783-6947

Support Staff

Naugle Janice (CACFP) 772-3530

Pickering Ford Laura (NSLP/SFSP) 783-4831

School Nutrition Programs (SNP) Supervisor

Jarrett Jennifer 783-2989

SNP Education Administration Associates

Baker Sheri 783-3223

Harvin Anita 783-6558

Staz Diane 783-6686

SNP Education Administration Specialist

Brown Bethune 783-5137

Nutrition Education Training Coordinators

Edmondson Jennifer 783-6552

Hess Audrey 787-4351


Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Manager

Stake Lorie 783-6534

CACFP Education Administration Specialists

Capaccio Cynthia 787-5317

Singer Mark 214-5907

CACFP Education Administration Associates

Balchunas Melanie 783-6551

Nemeth Christy 783-3512

Romberger Dee 783-6560

Romberger Keely 783-9816

Summer Food Service Programs (SFSP) Manager

Dabulis Dianne 783-6557

SFSP Education Administration Specialist

Ringenberg Mary 783-6501

SFSP Education Administration Associate

Colemire Tony 783-6554

Field Services Program Manager

Seibert Lindsay 346-9778

Field Services Regional Supervisors

Brunner Erin 783-6537

Eckelmann Wayne 772-3261

Gaugler Steven 346-2120

Vacant 772-3531

Wentzel Steven 736-7263

Administrative Assistants

Hamme Sue 346-0722

Rose Martha (Post-Review) 783-6518

Weimer Wendy (Pre-Review) 787-9819

Field Advisers

Avillion Krista 783-6767

Boyd Charlene 736-7710

Bumbaugh Lori 772-2386

Castello Christina 783-6654

Curry Julie 579-8278

Howell Kaitlin 704-7864

May Beth Anne 783-9282

Miller Richard 772-0067

Nwandu Ginger 787-5530

Pieszala Joseph 783-9286

Ryder Erin 579-3935

Santangelo Kristin 743-9661

Satterthwaite Shalonda………………………783-6895

Smetana Lauren 731-2293

Stewart Amanda 783-6876

Bureau of Management Services

15th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 772-2317


Chubb Eric 783-9791

Assistant Director

Ware Lawanza 783-9864

Administrative Officer

Bachman Juliann 783-2551

Division of Operational and Support Services

Right-to-Know (Public Records) AORO, Records

Riegel Angela 783-9810

Reprographics/Automotive Services

Vacant 346-9991

Mail Room 787-6665

Division of Procurement, Grants and Payables

Grants Management/Contract Compliance

Vacant 346-9991

Accounts Payable Unit

Sload Tracy TBD


Vacant 425-2596


Ametrano-Warford Michele 787-7194

Domen Jim 525-5980

Shull Ekaterina 783-6848

Walden Roxanne 787-5174

Office of Commonwealth Libraries


FAX 772-3265

Reference Number 783-5669

Deputy Secretary/State Librarian’s Office (Acting)

Banks Susan 783-2466

Administrative Officer

Noble Chris 202 Forum 783-4173

Administrative Assistant

Barbour Demetrice 201 Forum 787-2779

Bureau of Library Development

Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 772-0044


Sharpe Heather 12th floor 214-4046

Administrative Support

Spiegel Matthew 12th floor 783-5738

Vacant 787-9253

School Library Advisor

Vacant 783-5744

Division of Grants and Subsidies

Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Vacant 309 Forum 783-0565

State Aid

Reilly Michael 14th floor 783-5745

LSTA Administrator

Cleveland Hadiyah 14th floor 787-9253

Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund Grants for Public Library Facilities

Lupico Edward 12th floor 783-5747

Division of Advisory and Outreach Services

Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Public Library Advisors

Bisbano Beth 14th floor 783-5731

Megdad Diana 12th floor 787-3124

Mulligan Stacey 12th floor 783-5744

Smith Heather 12th floor 783-4830

Geisinger Amy 12th Floor 783-6931

Bureau of State Library

FAX 772-8268

Information 787-4440


Greene Sarah 202B Forum 783-5968


Shenk Ellen 5th floor State Museum 783-5969

Government Documents/Public Services

Hale Kathleen 102 Forum 787-2327

Interlibrary Loan

Volkov Victoria 203 Forum 787-4130

Law/Government Publications Reading Room

Circulation Desk 116 Forum 783-7017

Reference Desk 116 Forum 787-3273

Main Reading Room

Circulation Desk 102 Forum 787-3169

Reference Desk 102 Forum 783-5950

Reference Desk 102 Forum 787-4307

Collections/Cataloging Head

Vacant 217 Forum 772-5616

Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education


FAX 772-3622

Deputy Secretary

Garcia Tanya 787-4313

Administrative Assistant

Runkle Beth 787-4313

Administrative Officer

Maurer Anna 772-3737

Executive Assistant

Ballerini Victoria 787-4313

Community Colleges

Dotts Michael 705-7787

Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education

12th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-0583


McCurdy Kimberly 787-4313

Administrative Assistant

Runkle Beth 787-4313

Division of Adult Education

12th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Harrison Amanda 772-4853

Administrative Officer

Bratcher Lori 260-5235

Clerk Typist

Newhouse Whitney 772-4853

GED Staff

Vacant 787-5532


Houck Christine 783-6868

Kenney Alice 705-0306

Parker Cheryl 772-3643

Wilson Mary 783-6953

GED State Administrator

Vacant 783-6861

Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity

12th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333


Kuhn Lynette 736-7268

Higher Education Associate

Wetten Gina 265-7723

Higher Education Associate

Stewart David 736-7704

Administrative Assistant

Simmons Michelle 783-6786

Clerical Assistant 3

Cindy Gebhard 783-6567

Division of Law Enforcement Education and Trade Schools

12th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

6345 Flank Drive, Suite 1700, Harrisburg 17112

Division Chief

Campbell Nicole 612-4999

ILEE Program Director

Buchkoski Greg 657-4219

ILEE Administrative Officer

Minnich Melissa 657-4219

ILEE Administrative Support

Geatz Lisa R 657-4219

ILEE Police Training Curriculum Specialist

Winters Thomas E 657-4219

ILEE Police Training Education Specialist

Vacant 657-4219

Vacant 657-4219

Private Licensed Schools Administrative Assistant

Turzanski Stan 783-8228

Private Licensed Schools Clerk-Typist

Perry Elizabeth 783-8228

Private Licensed Schools Education Administration Specialists

Felix Allison 787-5041

Piper Jenny 787-6399

Long Alison 787-3470

State Board of Private Licensed Schools 783-8228

Division of Veterans Education

12th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 772-3622


Verchimak Denise 772-3644

Fiscal Management Specialist

Matthews Donna 783-6795

Veterans Education Advisor Supervisor

McKinney Randall 783-9236

Veterans Education Advisors

Harriman Steve 346-9591

SienkiewiczTara 772-3646

Suereth Luke 783-9239

Veterans Education Advisor (Field Office)

Okon Tara 787-5134

Clerk Typists

Cherednyk Yuniya 783-9260

Hermann Earl 772-3885

Pittsburgh Field Office

301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 204

Pittsburgh 15222

FAX 412/565-5312

Information 412/565-5364

Veterans Education Advisor Supervisor

Butler Emily 412/645-2007

Veterans Education Advisors

Renner Dennis 412/565-2827

McChesney Jusup 412/565-5275

Clerk Typist

Vacant 412/565-5364

Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality

12th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

Call Center PA TEACH 728-3224

FAX 783-6736

TTY 783-8445


Pokorny-Golden, Carissa 783-6744

Assistant Director

Helm Kerry 772-4508

Administrative Assistant

Whitney Vazquez 525-5560

Division of Certification Services

Call Center PA TEACH 728-3224



Education Administration Supervisor

Witmer Debra (Acting) 783-6722

Division of Professional Education and Teacher Quality

Higher Education Program Manager

Vacant 783-6720

Higher Education Associate

Harris Saunders Sonya 783-6763

Basic Education Associate

Ruby Benjamin 783-3373

Higher Education Associate

Wakeem Jamal 772-3566

Professional Standards and Practices Commission

14th Floor, Harristown 2, Harrisburg 17126-0333

FAX 783-0734

Executive Director/Legal Counsel

Crosby Shane 787-6576

Assistant Executive Director/Assistant Legal Counsel

Vacant 787-6576

Legal Office Admin

Rivera April 787-6576

Office of Chief Counsel


FAX 783-0347

Chief Counsel

Maguschak Elizabeth 787-5500

Assistant Chief Counsels

DiRito Sarah 787-5500

Lord Patrick 787-5500

Snyder Samantha 787-5500

Assistant Counsels

Anzalone Elizabeth 787-5500

Augustine Eric 787-5500

Chmil Nadya 787-5500

Coyne Kathryn 787-5500

Czerniakowski Amber 787-5500

Fair Jeffrey 787-5500

Fields Sean 787-5500

Hockenberry Sara 787-5500

Rejrat Wallace 787-5500

Sivulich-Hoffman Susan 787-5500

Stritzinger Zachary 787-5500

Tomaine Robert 787-5500

Werner Nicole 787-5500

Wilt-Seibert Maribeth 787-5500

Zaccarelli Mark 787-5500

Zeitlinger Julius 787-5500

Legal Analysts

Vacant 787-5500

Shaffer Angela 787-5500

Office Administrator

Hrobak Carol 787-5500

Legal Assistants

Patrice Eunicejean 787-5500

Preston-Simpson Terriann 787-5500


Kopko Peter 787-5500

Spaulding Justin 787-5500

Turner Steven 787-5500

Comptroller Operations

See Office of the Budget.


Brassington Tamalee ED 11th Fl Htwn2 783-6972

Buchkoski Greg ED 6345 Flank Dr Ste 1700 657-4219

Burket Lee ED 11th Fl Htwn2 783-6977

Campbell Brian, ED 5th FL Htown2 787-8913

Campbell Nicole ED 12 FL Htown2 787-2414

Campanini Tracey ED 6th Fl Htwn2 346-9324

Chubb Eric ED 15th Fl Htwn2 783-9791

Clancy Carole ED 7th Fl Htwn2 783-6134

Colarossi Gina ED 5th Fl Htwn 2 783-6137

Crosby Shane ED 14th Fl Htwn2 787-6576

Dawson Brian ED 200 Forum 783-2466

Deluca Amy ED 7th Fl Htwn2 610-1224

Fuller Jeffrey ED 5th Fl Htwn2 783-9807

Garcia Tanya ED 12th Fl Htwn2 787-4313

Graham Lori ED 10th Floor 772-4789

Hagarty Eric ED 10th Floor 783-9780

Hanft Benjamin ED 4th Fl Htwn2 787-5423

Harrison Amanda ED 12th Fl Htwn2 772-4853

Hart Delmar ED 7th Fl Htwn 2 783-5768

Helm Kerry ED 12th Fl Htwn 2 772-4508

Hollinger James ED 314 Forum 783-5737

Kane Julie ED 10th Fl Htwn2 783-9783

Kelleher Jean ED 11th Fl Htwn2 783-6962

Kuhn Lynette ED 12th Fl Htwn 2 736-7268

Kuren Scott ED 7th Fl Hwtn 2 783-6469

Latanishen Steve ED 10th Fl Htwn2 787-7133

Maguschak Elizabeth 9th Fl Htwn 2 787-5500

McCrone Susan ED 7th Fl Htwn2 783-9161

Medina Carmen ED 3rdFl Htwn2 783-6464

Molchanow Karen ED 1st Fl Htwn2 787-3787

Pastorak Amy ED 7th Fl Htwn2 772-3500

Podder Shatarupa ED 7TH Fl Htown 2 772-2646

Ramp Vonda ED 4th Fl Htwn2 787-7698

Ream David ED 13 Fl Htwn2 783-6698

Riegel Angela ED 15th Fl Htwn2 783-9810

Rowe Carrie ED 5h Fl Htwn 2 783-6838

Sexton, Katrina ED 7th Fl Htwn 2 774-1490

Sites Jessica ED 4th Fl Htwn 2 783-9843

Smith Casey ED 10th Fl Htwn2 214-4871

Truesdale Brian ED 5th Fl Htwn 2 214-5433

Volkman David ED 10th Floor Htwn 2 787-2127

Verchimak Denise ED 12th Fl Htwn 2 772-3644

Ware Lawanza ED 15th Fl Htwn 2 783-9864

Wise Deboah ED 6TH FL Htown 2 787-7489


29 Education (Updated January 2023)


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