Los Mandatos Familiares Guided Notes - Español con Señora Bacon

Los Mandatos Familiares

Espa?ol Dos con Se?ora Bacon

There are several ways to give

in Spanish.

The most polite way is to use a form of "deber" with an

to say that someone

should do something. Deber is a regular -er verb and means "to ought to" (or "to owe"). Examples:

Debo hacer la tarea. =

do the homework.

No debes nadar cuando llueve. =

swim when it rains.

Mi hermana debe hacer su cama. = My sister

make her bed.

Debemos pasar tiempo al aire libre. =

spend time outdoors.

Mis amigos no deben fumar. = My friends


A slightly more forceful way is to use a form of "tener que" with an that someone has to do something. Remember that tener is an irregular verb. Examples:

to say

Tengo que ir a la escuela. =

go to school.

Tienes que estudiar. =


Ella tiene que ayudar a su madre. =

help her mother.

Tenemos que descansar. =


?Tienen ustedes que comprar un coche? = Do y'all

buy a car?

The most imperative way is to use the informal (familiar) command form.

To form the a rmative familiar command, take the stem of the

form, and add "a" for

-ar verbs and "e" for -er and -ir verbs. (It is almost always like the ?l/ella/usted form of regular verbs).

(Hablar) Habla = Talk

(Comer) Come = Eat

(Escribir) Escribe = Write

To form the negative familiar command, take the stem of the

form, add "es" for -ar

verbs and "as" for -er and -ir verbs, and place a "no" in front of the verb.

No hables = Don't talk

No comas = Don't eat

No escribas = Don't write

Note: If a verb is stem-changing in the yo form, then it is also stem-changing in the command.

(Jugar) Juega = Play

No juegues = Don't play (note that there is an extra "u" after the "g".)

Note the common irregulars below:

(Hacer) Haz = Do/make; No hagas = Don't do/make; (Tener) Ten = Have; No tengas = Don't have

(Ir) Ve = Go; No vayas = don't go

(Salir) Sal = Leave; No salgas = Don't leave

Re exive pronouns and direct object pronouns are attached to a rmative commands (and a written accent mark is added where the emphasis was before attaching the pronoun) and go between the "no" and the verb for negative commands.

L?vate las manos. = Wash your hands. No te laves las manos. = Don't wash your hands.

Re exive pronouns are also attached to the in nitive when used with forms of "deber" and

"tener que".

Debes lavarte las manos. = You should wash your hands.

Tienes que lavarte las manos. = You have to wash your hands.

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See if you can use the notes from above to give the following advice in Spanish:

1. We should shave. 2. My brother has to walk the dog. 3. Read a book. 4. Don't swim in the pool. 5. Don't drink a lot of co ee. 6. Ride a bike in the city.


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