Mandatos con nosotros (p. 182) - Quia


Nombre Fecha


Guided Practice Activities, Sheet 5

Mandatos con nosotros (p. 182)

? You can express nosotros commands two different ways in Spanish. The English equivalent of a nosotros command is "Let's . . ."

One way is to use Vamos + a + infinitive.

Vamos a bailar.

Let's dance.

Another way is to use to the nosotros form of the subjunctive.


Let's dance.

? Remember that -ir stem-changing verbs change ou or ei in the nosotros form.

Durmamos aqu?.

Let's sleep here.

? Remember that verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar change spelling in the subjunctive.

Juguemos a las cartas.

Let's play cards.

A. Read each of the following statements about Juanita and her best friend. Decide if each statement tells what they normally do, or if it's a suggestion. Follow the model.

Modelo: Guardemos los secretos. normalmente sugerencia

1. Tenemos mucho en com?n. normalmente sugerencia

2. Resolvamos los problemas. normalmente sugerencia

3. Celebramos los d?as festivos juntos. normalmente sugerencia

4. Seamos honestas. normalmente sugerencia

5. Llevemos ropa parecida. normalmente sugerencia

6. Comamos en un restaurante. normalmente sugerencia

7. No peleamos. normalmente sugerencia

8. No mintamos a los profesores. normalmente sugerencia

9. No critiquemos a los dem?s. normalmente sugerencia

10. Hagamos las paces. normalmente sugerencia

B. Write the nosotros commands for each verb given. Follow the model.

Modelo: (salir) ____s_a_l_g_a_m__o_s____

1. (pedir)


4. (jugar) ________________

2. (mentir) ________________

5. (repetir) _________________

3. (almorzar) ________________

6. (tener) _________________

? Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Guided Practice Activities 4-5 137


Nombre Fecha


Guided Practice Activities, Sheet 6

C. Marisa is suggesting that she and Josefina do the same things. Write the suggestion Marisa gives, using nosotros commands. Follow the model.

Modelo: Josefina, no ______m_i_r_e_m__o_s_____ la tele hoy.

1. Josefina, __________________ la m?sica cl?sica. 2. Josefina, __________________ una explicaci?n cuando tenemos un malentendido. 3. Josefina, __________________ en el coro. 4. Josefina, __________________ la tarea juntas.

? When you use a direct or indirect object pronoun with an affirmative nosotros command, attach it to the end of the verb.

Resolvamos el problema. Resolv?moslo.

? With a negative nosotros command, place the object pronoun in front of the verb.

No le digamos el secreto al chico chismoso.

D. Each time your parents make a suggestion, respond with an opposite suggestion. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with a direct object pronoun in your answer. Follow the model.

Modelo: MAM?: Celebremos el cumplea?os de tu abuelita.


____N__o_l_o__c_e_l_e_b_r_e_m__o_s_. ___

1. PAP?:

Limpiemos el garaje.

3. PAP?:

Hagamos las paces.





2. MAM?:

Escuchemos m?sica cl?sica. 4. MAM?: Pidamos perd?n.





? When the reflexive or reciprocal pronoun nos is used in an affirmative nosotros command, the final -s of the command is dropped before the pronoun. A written accent is added to maintain stress, usually on the third-to-last vowel.

Cont?monos los secretos. Divirt?monos.

E. Complete each sentence using the nosotros command of the reflexive verb.

Modelo: (vestirse) ____V_i_s_t_?_m__o_n_o_s___.

1. (cepillarse) _________________ los dientes. 3. (ducharse) __________________.

2. (ponerse) _________________ los zapatos.4. (lavarse) __________________ las manos.

? Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

138 Guided Practice Activities 4-6

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