Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington–1st for ...

Vocabulary database Categories for filing vocabulary articles1 General surveys1.1 Books1.2 Collections of abstracts, bibliographies, articles on individuals1.3 Surveys of vocabulary learning, introductions to collections of articles1.4 Book reviews1.5 Articles not directly on vocabulary, fluency2 What it means to know a word2.1 Aspects of knowing a word, partial knowledge, proper nouns2.2 Vocabulary difficulty, interference2.3 Models, working memory2.4 Active/passive2.5 Word form - spoken and written, spelling2.6 Grammar2.7 Factors affecting vocabulary learning3 Concepts3.1 L1 concept development3.2 Lexical storage and search, bilingual lexicon3.3 Homonymy, polysemy, senses3.4 L2 concept learning and teaching, attrition4 Associations4.1 Associations, metaphor5 Collocations5.1 Analysis of collocation5.2 Teaching and learning collocations5.3 Concordancers and concordancing6 Word building, first language influence6.1 L1 acquisition of morphology, word families in L16.2 Lists of word parts, sources of English vocabulary6.3 L2 acquisition of morphology, word families in L26.4 Cognates and loan words, L1 borrowing and influence, etymology and learning6.5 Teaching word parts6.6 Lexical bar7 Vocabulary size7.1 Vocabulary size of very young L1 children7.2 Vocabulary size of L1 school children7.3 Vocabulary size of L1 adults7.4 Vocabulary size and growth of L2 learners7.5 Methodology of vocabulary size measurement8 Word lists and frequency counts8.1 Theory and critiques of word frequency lists, core vocabulary, Zipf8.2 Word counts8.3 Grade school lists8.4 Corpus research9 ESL word lists and graded readers lists9.1 Discussion of ESL vocabulary counts and lists; word families9.2 Simplification9.3 Studies of graded readers, reviews9.4 Learning from extensive reading9.5 Graded reader lists, EPER9.6 ESL lists9.7 Publishers’ catalogues of graded readers10 Specialised word lists10.1 Learning and dealing with vocabulary in specialised texts10.2 Vocabulary in specialised texts10.3 Specialised vocabulary lists10.4 Technical vocabulary10.5 Content-based vocabulary learning11 Conditions for learning11.1 Conditions, awareness11.2 Repetition and spacing11.3 Levels of processing11.4 Affective factors, gender, style11.5 Apps for vocabulary learning12 Vocabulary and listening12.1 Learning through listening in L112.2 Learning through listening in L2, viewing in L213 Vocabulary and speaking13.1 Learning through speaking in L113.2 Learning through speaking in L213.3 Lexical measures of speaking14 Vocabulary and reading14.1 How much vocabulary is needed for reading? Coverage14.2 Vocabulary knowledge helps reading, preteaching14.3 Readability14.4 Learning vocabulary through reading, enhancement techniques14.5 Extensive reading (check with 9.4)15 Vocabulary and writing15.1 Lexical diversity, assessing the vocabulary component of writing15.2 Errors15.3 Vocabulary knowledge helps writing, writing helps vocabulary15.4 Vocabulary and texting16 Vocabulary and discourse16.1 Vocabulary and discourse17 Vocabulary strategies18 Words in context18.1 Context clues18.2 Observational studies of guessing18.3 L1 learning from guessing18.4 L2 learning from guessing18.5 Learning to guess19 Rote learning19.1 Rote learning19.2 Learning with sentence contexts, instantiation20 Keyword20.1 Reviews20.2 1L learning with keyword20.3 2L learning with keyword21 Dictionaries21.1 Reviews of dictionaries21.2 Comparing and evaluating dictionaries21.3 Using dictionaries21.4 Glossing21.5 Definitions, defining vocabularies22 Teaching22.1 Teaching vocabulary22.2 Techniques and procedures22.3 Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning22.4 Building vocabulary for reading23 Planning23.1 Planning the vocabulary component of a course24 Testing24.1 Testing and test formats24.2 Comparing formats24.3 Testing depth of knowledge24.4 Particular tests, EVST, VLT etc24.5 Test-taking motivation25 Fluency25.1 Fluency26 Extensive reading26.1 Extensive reading nature and implications26.2 ER motivation attitudes26.3 Learning through ER26.4 Improving readiness for ERThe Extensive Reading Foundation’s Guide to Extensive Reading. Available at ERF_guide.pdf. Special English Word List used in The Voice of America's World-Wide Radio Broadcasts in Special English. Washington D. C.: United States Information Agency.Longman Structural Readers Handbook. (1976). (2nd ed.). London: Longman.A Guide To Collins English Library. (1978). Glasgow: William Collins & Son.Abberton, E. (1963). Some persistent English vocabulary problems for speakers of Serbo-Croatian. ELT Journal, 22, 167-172. {6.4}Abello-Contesse, C., & Dolores Lopez-Jimenez, M. (2010). The treatment of lexical collocations in EFL textbooks. In M. Moreno Jaen, F. Serrano Valverde & M. Calzada Perez (Eds.), Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy: Lexis and Corpus-based Language Teaching (pp. 95-109). London: Equinox.Aborn, M., & Rubenstein, H. (1956). Word class distribution in sentences of fixed length. Language, 32, 666-674. {2.6}Aborn, M., Rubenstein, H., & Sterling, T. D. (1959). Sources of contextual constraint upon words in sentences. 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