Unit 7 Mendelian Genetics - Miss McCormic's Website

Mendelian Genetics

NAME_____________________________________________________ TOTAL PTS _______

Grading Scale: 42=D 57=C 75=B 90=A

DIRECTIONS: Each assignment has a point value based on the amount of time and effort necessary to complete that task. You will be rewarded points for each completed assignment based on your ability to discuss and answer questions about your work with your teacher. Starred assignments (*) MUST be completed. You may choose other assignments to complete points in each “layer”. You must complete each layer before moving to the next layer.

Layer I. Choose and complete 60 points of work from the following choices:

1. Take notes from the lecture on Mendel and genetics. (10 pts.) _____

2. Make Flashcards for the vocabulary words in Chapter 10.2-10.3. (10 pts.) _____

3. Make a crossword puzzle using at least 10 vocabulary words from Chapter 10.2-10.3 (10 pts.) _____

4. Find a current event from a newspaper or magazine that relates to genetics. Highlight the 5 most important sentences and write a minimum of 3 sentence summary. (5 points) _______

5. Create a board game on the unit topic and have 2 classmates play the game (15 pts.) _____

6. Teach a lesson to the class on how to do punnett squares. (5 pts.) _______

7. Do the “Genetics Challenge” worksheet. (10 pts) _______

8. Mini lab 10.1 page 281 in textbook. Answer Analysis questions 1-2 (5pts.) ________

9. Answer the Assessment questions from Section 10.2 pages 289 (12-14), 290 (15-20). Section 10.3 pages 290 (21-24), 291 (25-31). (Section 10.2 worth 5 points and Section 10.3 worth 5 points) ________

10. Watch the video “Mendel's peas genetics - Experiments that changed the world” from youtube. Site:

Write a summary of the video at least 10 sentences long. (10 pts) _____

11. Make up a 10-question quiz w/answers about “Mendelian Genetics”. (10 pts) _____

12. Make a PowerPoint presentation about “Mendel’s Contribution to Genetics” (at least 5 slides).

(10 pts) _____

13. Dihybrid Cross packet (15pts.) ________

14. Simulating a One-factor cross worksheet (5 points) _____

15. Complete the handout entitled, “Bikini Bottom Genetics.” Be able to answer questions.

(10 points) _____

16. Complete the handout entitled, “Bikini Bottom Genetics 2.” Be able to answer questions.

(10 points) _____

17. Complete the handout entitled, “Oompah Loompa Genetics.” Be able to answer questions.

(10 points) _____

18. Make up a song about Mendel and his work. Be sure to include vocabulary and explain his work. (10 pts) _____

Online Exercises:

19. Go to

Read Mendel’s Genetics and take the practice quiz. Print the quiz at the bottom of the page and hand it in. (10 points) _____

20. Go to

Read the material and answer the questions at the bottom and turn in. (5 points) _____

21. Go to

Read the section “Monohybrid Cross”(bottom of page). On a separate sheet of paper, copy and answer the questions. Do the Punnett Square at the bottom of the section on the paper and turn in. (5 points) ______

22. Go to

Copy the questions and your answers to the problems and turn in. (5 points) _____

Layer II. Do the Lab below for 20 points.

*1. Harry Potter Genetics

Layer III. Choose one question to research and complete for 20 pts. If you choose to write a paper it needs to be one page typed with double spacing. I DO NOT want MLA format at top of paper. You must cite your sources otherwise you will receive a ZERO!

1. Did Gregor Mendel fake some of his data? Why do some scientists think this?

2. Relate Mendel’s laws of heredity to the events of meiosis.

3. Role Play Genetic Testing. Share with class.

4. Write and illustrate Mendel’s original scientific journal. Include his observations, conclusions and drawings. Write in the first person and include all necessary vocabulary.

5. Independent Research Project developed by student. Requires teacher approval before beginning.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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