LAB (Safety) Contract

LAB (Safety) Contract

As a science student, I will adhere to the following rules:

1. Follow all instructions given by the teacher and in the lab directions/instructions.

2. It is the student’s responsibility to read all lab directions before beginning an activity.

If you are in doubt about any procedure, ask your teacher before you begin.

3. Do not perform any unauthorized activities.

4. Wear safety glasses when handling acids or bases, when using the Bunsen burner or

hot plates, and when specifically instructed by your teacher. Wearing contact lenses

in the lab area where chemicals are involved should be avoided.

5. Do not leave your lab table unless you are the person designated to retrieve equipment

for your group.

6. Do not eat or drink in the lab.

7. Never heat a liquid in a closed container. Always point a test tube or bottle that is

being heated away from you and others.

8. Be aware of the location of the fire blanket to put our a fire on a person, fire

extinguisher to put our a fire in the room, eye wash stations or large sink to wash away

chemicals spilled on a person.

9. Do not turn on the water or gas, or plug a device into an electrical outlet unless

specifically required by the lab, or if directed to do so by the teacher.

10. Never taste or inhale a chemical. Never put any lab equipment in your mouth.

11. Wear closed toe shoes, keep your hair tied back, and confine loose clothing or


12. In case of an accident, report to the teacher immediately. This includes accident

involving the breaking of equipment or glass, cuts, etc.

13. When your activity is done, return all equipment and materials to the proper area.

Turn off water, gas, electrical devices, etc. Clean your work area including the sink.

Remember, the sink is not a trash can!

14. I understand that if I do not follow these lab rules in every way, I may be subject to

academic penalties and/or disciplinary action.

No student will be allowed to participate in lab activities until this contract has been read, the section found below completed, and the contract has been returned to the teacher.

Student name (print) ________________________; signature ______________________

Teacher (print) ___Michael A. Pastirik__________; signature _____________________

Parent Name (print) _________________________; signature _____________________

Emergency phone number: ___________________; Date: _______/_______/_______

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I feel that you should be informed regarding the school’s effort to create and maintain safe science classroom and laboratory environments.

With the cooperation of the instructor, parents, and students, a focus on safety will identify, prevent and (if necessary) correct possible hazards.

You should be aware of the safety instructions your child will receive before engaging in any laboratory work. Please read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian, and it is on file with the teacher.

Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this Student Safety Contract, are aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of your child in the science laboratory, and will instruct your child to uphold their agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Mr. Pastirik; _______________________________


I, ____________________________________________________, have read and agree

(Print Your Name)

to follow all safety rules set forth in this contract. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and fellow students to maintain a safe, orderly, and clean lab environment. In addition, I will follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part, may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, receiving a failing grade, dismissal from the course, etc.

_____________________________________________ _______________________

(Sign Your Name) Date


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