Modeling Chemistry

Central New Jersey Modeling Institute Modeling Chemistry Workshop Calendar 2010

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|5 |July 6 |7 |8 |9 |

| |Intro, course expectations, |Turn in: responses to Gillespie reading|Turn in: Mass-Volume lab report |Turn in: responses to discourse and |

| |teacher mode vs. student mode, |work on and w/b ws 2 |Thickness of a thin-layer lab; post-lab |questioning; Unit 1 reflection |

| |Modeling Chemistry talk; |Discussion of Gillespie |discussion |Discussion: classroom discourse and |

| | |Interpret responses to Ashkenazi’s Mass | |socratic questioning. |

| |ABCC pre-assessment |and Matter test |videos: gold leaf and thickness of oil, | |

| |Unit 1 Matter | |size of a particle |Eureka video |

| |overview of Mass and Change sample data,|Mass-volume lab: Pre-lab; Data; | |ws1 |

| |discuss particle representations |Analysis, Post-lab discussion |web-site activity: the size of things | |

| |What is the ‘stuff’ like at its simplest| | |Intro to pressure – relate to particle |

| |level? U1 ws1 |Density as conversion factor – |WB Unit 1 test (review-comments on test)|behavior - simulation software (web |

| | |non-algorithmic treatment |Unit 2 Energy & States of Matter-1 |resources) |

| |WB Histogram | |Diffusion demos; discussion and model |ws 2 |

| |Particle diagrams |work on and w/b ws 3 and 4 |development; storyboards; |Gas behavior lab(s) |

| | |Density of a gas lab - representations |Show student storyboards - how they |Post-lab discussion |

| |Measurement of volume lab (intro to |of particles to account for density |reveal naïve beliefs |Rationale for proportional reasoning |

| |Pasco equipment and Data Studio; |  |States of matter – particle |over equations for gas behavior |

| |interpret slope as conversion factor) |  |representations – Eureka videos |ws 3 |

| | |  |Thermometer demo | |

| |Glugs, Measurement, precision and | | |Rationale for a unified energy concept –|

| |accuracy, | | |PowerPoint on Energy |

| | |HW – read Unit 1 Teacher Notes, - |HW: - read Managing classroom discourse | |

| | |Mass-Volume lab report |and Socratic questioning, |HW – Energy reading, |

| | |- take unit 1 test |- write one reflection on both readings |- read Bowen-Bunce: “Testing for |

| |HW – read Gillespie: “Great Ideas of | |- Unit 1 reflection |Conceptual Understanding” |

| |Chemistry”; | | |- reflection on reading: implications of|

| |- responses to Gillespie reading, | | |persistence of naïve beliefs |

| |- analyze Ashkenazi’s test on Mass and | | |- Pressure Lab Report |

| |Matter | | | |

|12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |

|Turn in: responses to Bowen-Bounce |Turn in: Unit 2reflection; response to |Turn in: Sticky Tape lab report and Unit|Turn in: Unit 4 reflection | |

|reading; Pressure Lab report |Gabel reading |3 | | |

|Discuss Bowen-Bounce reading | | |Discuss readings, | |

|Review Unit 2 Review and Test, w/b test |Discuss Gabel article, | | | |

| |Quantitative treatment, ws 3 & 4 |Work on and WB ws 3 |Discussion of law of constant | |

|The story so far… | | |proportions, more on molar mass and PT | |

| |Unit 3: review and test |Discussion: reflections/comments on | | |

|Unit 3 Energy & States of Matter-2 |WB and comment |design of unit 4, |Finish E.F. lab, analyze data, board | |

|Icy-hot lab | | |meeting to compare results | |

|Post-lab discussion, treatment of energy|The story so far… |review Unit 4 review and test | | |

|storage |Unit 4: Describing substances | |% composition, empirical vs molecular | |

| |Pure vs Mixture (separation techniques) |Unit 5: Counting and Moles; | | |

|Energy concept – resolving chemistry and|Simple vs Compound particles: |video: Gases and How They Combine, |ws 2, | |

|physics representations |electrolysis of water, Ring of Truth |Avogadro’s Hypothesis | | |

| |show clip from Chemical Families sample |Counting by massing – Relative Mass |Unit 5 review | |

|Discussion of energy reading; |representations |Activity | | |

| |Sticky Tape Activity |The mole concept; count-mass conversion |Unit 6: Representing Chemical Change | |

|PowerPoint on how to do energy bar |Post lab; model development – Thomson |factors |Rearranging atoms activity, post | |

|charts |model of atom |Empirical Formula Lab, begin reaction |activity discussion | |

| | | |Nail lab – part 2 | |

|Qualitative treatment of energy; ws 1 & |Conductivity of solutions |Nail lab -part 1 | | |

|2; |Ionic vs molecular solids | | | |

| | | |HW – E.F. Lab report, | |

|HW – Unit 2 reflection - response to |HW:  - sticky tape lab report |HW: - read Barker: “Beyond Appearances…”|- read Barker “Beyond Appearances…” | |

|reading and class discussion on unified |- read LD’s synopsis of Vanessa Barker’s|sections 1-4, |sections 5-8 | |

|treatment of energy, WS 2: 3, 4, 5 WS3:|paper, - skim ws 1 & 2 |- response to reading, |- reflection on reading’ | |

|3,4, 6, 7 |Unit 3 reflection |- Unit 4 reflection |- read Galley: “Exothermic Bond | |

|- read Gabel:”Improving Teaching and | | |Breaking…” | |

|Learning…” | | |Unit 5 reflection | |

|- responses to Gabel reading | | |- work on “A” project due Wednesday | |

|19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |

|Turn in: Empirical Formula lab report; |Turn in: Nail lab report; Unit 6 |Turn in: Cu-AgNO3 lab report; “A” |Turn in: Unit 7 reflection; Molar | |

|response to Barker reading (1-8), Unit 5|reflection |project |Volume write-up | |

|reflection | | | | |

|Nail lab – part 3 – calculations, |discussion on Galley “Exothermic Bond |Review Unit 7 Test |Quantitative treatment of energy in | |

|post-lab discussion |Breaking…” |Unit 8: Stoichiometry II – volume and |reactions | |

| | |energy | | |

|How to make balancing equations a |Review Unit 6 test |Partial pressure as consequence of |Heat of Combustion Lab | |

|conceptual exercise |Unit 7: Stoichiometry – I (moles and |[pic], ws 1 |Post-lab discussion; | |

|Overview of Ws 1 |mass) | | | |

| |PowerPoint and handout - Why ICE table |Molar volume lab, collect and analyze |Notes on multiple energy representations| |

|Cu-AgNO3 lab pre-lab and part 1 |is superior to algorithmic approach |data, board meeting |and ΔH | |

| |Work on and w/b worksheet 1 |Implications of lab, analog to molar | | |

|Types of Reactions Lab – sample data – | |mass |Work on and w/b ws 4 | |

|discuss representations and treatment of|Finish lab and calculations, board | |ABCC post-test | |

|energy |meeting |Stoichiometry flowchart |Wrap up: group pix and e-documents | |

| |Review ICE treatment of stoichiometry – | | | |

|PowerPoint on Ech LOLOL diagrams |how it differs from Dimensional Analysis|Ideal gas law, ws 2 | | |

| | | | | |

| |More work on stoichiometry |Molarity: solution stoichiometry | | |

|Work on and w/b ws 4 |work and w/b ws 2 |Work on and w/b ws 3 | | |

| |limiting reactant problems, ws 3 | | | |

| |Strategy map to begin w/b, | | | |

| | | | | |

| |work on and w/b ws4 | | | |

|HW – work on “A” projects due Wed; | | | | |

|- reflection on unit 6, |Work through unit 7 test | | | |

|- nail lab report | |HW: - write up molar volume lab, | | |

|- read Galley “Exothermic bond |HW – work on “A” projects due Wednesday,|- Reflect and comment on Unit 2, 3,and 4| | |

|breaking..” | |Tests | | |

| |- Cu-AgNO3 lab report, | | | |

| |- Unit 7 reflection | | | |

Modified from Calendar of Modeling Chem Workshop at Carl Hayden HS in June 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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