Meeting Minutes

|HL7 PHER WG Meeting Minutes |Date: 2016 – 12 – 8 |

|Location: Phone Number: 770-657-9270 |Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. US Eastern Time |

|Participant Passcode: 6548521 |or |

|Go to Meeting: |Quarter: |

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|or | |

|Location: | |

|Facilitator |Erin |Note taker(s) | Nell |

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|Attendee Last |Name |Affiliation |

|Seen | | |

|X |Rita Altamore |WA DOH |

|X |Erin Holt Coyne |TN DOH |

|X |Austin Kreisler |Leidos/CDC |

|X |Nell Lapres |Epic |

|X |John Loonsk |CGI Federal |

|X |Joginder Madra |Madra Consulting |

|X |Craig Newman |NGC/CDC |

|X |Laura Rappleye |Altarum Institute |

|X |John Roberts |TN DOH |

|X |AbdulMalik Shakir |Hi3 Solutions |

|X |Mead Walker |Mead Walker Consulting/CDC/NCHS |

|X |Kathy Walsh |Labcorp |

|X |Michelle Williamson |CDC/NCHS |

| |

|Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No |

|The PHER DMP requires a co-chair and 2 or more other members (subscribers to the PHER list server.). |


1. Welcome, introductions, agenda review and approval

2. Approve previous meeting minutes

3. RR Typo Block Vote

4. Plans for future VR Ballot Recon

5. VR Ballot Recon

Supporting Documents

• Vote

Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

1. Welcome, introductions, agenda review and approval.

2. Minutes

• RR Typo Block Vote:

o Difference from the block:

▪ Comment 129:

• Has been changed to Persuasive with Mod with the appropriate spelling.

o [pic]

• Motion: To approve the block of typographical errors and allow the editors to fix as appropriate.

o John Roberts / John Loonsk - 12 – 0 – 0

• Future VR Ballot Recon

o Still have 2 ballot reconciliations ongoing

o Hetty Kahn will be working on both the VR Dam and the BFDR but is not available on Thursdays.

o We will be forming a sub-group to meet on Tuesday or Wednesday (PHER is invited to attend).

▪ They would propose dispositions and disposition comments

▪ They would then submit to the larger group for Mead or AMS to submit on the Thursday standing PHER calls

▪ Hetty will send out the invite to the whole PHER group to attend if they can

o John Roberts would like to be included

• VR Ballot Recon

o [pic]

o Comment #78:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – we will remove the reference toa value set since the Apgar is a numeric value.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #82:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – PHIN VADS value set is named PHVS_BirthAttendantTitles_NCHS. This is correct spelling as verified on the birth certificate. We will correct the spelling for 3.4.6.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #92:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Not Persuasive – this information is included in the NCHS edit specification to provider clarity on how DOB is captured. We included it in this IG to also provide this clarification.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #94:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Not persuasive – “a” is correct. It is drawn from UCUM.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #106:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – yes, this will be changed to XCN.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #151:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – We will add the clarification from the comment in the IG.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 11 – 0 – 1

o Comment #169:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – We will update as proposed.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #122:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – We will make corrections as needed so the label is referring to patient name as “PID-5.”

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #125:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – It will be changed to “MR”.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #127:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – Yes, BDL is the correct code and will replace BPL throughout the document where indicated

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #153:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – We will need to make an update to the description for 3.4.67 and will remove the “, or unknown”.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #154:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Not Persuasive with mod – The IG will not be published with these naming convention’s. They were placeholders until the actual LOINC codes are available to include in the IG that will be submitted for approval for publishing.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #156:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – We will include brief descriptions to provide clarity as to what each of the groups of value set are referencing such as live birth versus fetal death.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #158:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – will update as suggested. Several value sets were not imported due to PHIN VADS being down. They will be imported now that PHIN VADS is back up. Implementers should use the value sets that will be updated and published in PHIN VADS.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 0

o Comment #72:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive with mod – We received notification that IGAMT will implement profiling multiple occurrences. If this feature is available in time for this IG’s publishing, we will implement it using IGAMt. If IGAMT is not able to support this feature in time for publishing we will proceed with publishing without this feature; however, we will plan to post an STU comment to reflect this issue and will modify during the next publication.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 13 – 0 – 0

o Comment #75:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive with mod – SSN has a high completion percentage because it is one of the fields required for enumeration at birth. Some jurisdictions also collect mother’s MRN although the field is optional and not all facilities provider it. We will provide support for collection MRN for facilities that will use it. We will create a value set to support the values for SSN and MRN.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 12 – 0 – 1

o Comment #76:

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – Having multiple NK1’s for a person is painful. We will allow the field to repeat as 0..2.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 11 – 0 – 1

o Comment #79:

▪ How do other domains do this?

• Lab will send the OBX with a value like “TNP” in OBX-5.

▪ Motion: Disposition – Persuasive – Will not include the OBX and provide clarification when APGAR 10 is not required.

• Michelle Williamson / John Roberts – 10 – 0 – 0

4. .

Vote: (Identify the vote distribution across affirmative, negative, or abstention; numbers in format “for/against/abstain”, or ‘unanimous’).

Adjourned US Eastern Time.

|Actions |

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|Next Meeting: |

|Date: |

|Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. US Eastern Time |

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|Preliminary Agenda Items: |

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