Nervous System Test Review - Oswalt Hangout

Nervous System Test Review

Brain & Spine


1. Be able to identify, label and give functions of the main lobes, fissures, & sulci of the brain.

2. What are the function of the four brain regions, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and diencephalon?

3. Know the main components of these regions and their functions:

a. Hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal gland

b. Cerebral cortex

c. Pons, medulla, midbrain

d. Corpus callosum

e. Reticular Activating System

4. Know the locations and functions of the following structures.

a. Falx ceribri

b. Tentorium cerebelli

c. Choroid plexus

d. Olives

e. Pyramids

f. Corpora quadragemina (colliculi)

g. Red nucleus

h. Substantia nigri

i. Optic chiasma

j. Hippocampus/Amygdala

5. What are the three layers of the meninges? –in order w/ functions

6. Where is cerebrospinal fluid created, found, and what is its function?

7. What are ventricles in the brain and their function? What cells line the ventricles

8. What are the main functions of dorsal nerve roots and ventral nerve roots in the spinal cords? Know the structure of the spinal cord and where the dorsal and ventral root enter into the spinal cord.

9. What are the afferent and efferent pathways in the spinal cord and what information do they carry?


1. What are the main functions of the autonomic and somatic nervous system?

2. What are the main functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems?

3. What the main neurotransmitters that turn them on and off?

4. Know the 12 cranial nerves and their function. (recall the pneumonic)

*Know what the following disorders of the NS are, their symptoms and treatments if any.

-Alzheimers -Stroke -Meningitis -Parkinsons -Seizures

-Multiple Sclerosis -Herniated disc


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