The Bronx High School of Science

The Bronx High School of Science Biology Department

V. Reidy, Principal A. Wagy, Instructor

Digestion & Nutrition Unit Exam

Directions: Bubble in the best answer on your scantron for questions 1-30.

1. The pancreas is an organ connected to the digestive tract of humans by a duct (tube) through which digestive enzymes flow. These enzymes are important to the digestive system because they

A) form the acids that break down food

B) change food substances into molecules that can pass into the bloodstream and cells

C) change food materials into wastes that can be passed out of the body

D) form proteins needed in the stomach

2. In humans, the large intestine is the major site for the

A) storage of nutrients for future use

B) completion of carbohydrate digestion

C) completion of lipid digestion

D) absorption of water into the bloodstream

3. Which substances are released into the small intestine of a human and aid in the digestion of the intestinal contents?

A) salivary amylase, intestinal juice, and pancreatic juice

B) bile, hydrochloric acid, and salivary amylase

C) bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice

D) hydrochloric acid, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice

4. An erosion of the lining of the alimentary canal, generally associated with some kind of irritant, is known as

A) a gallstone B) a coronary attack C) an allergy attack D) an ulcer

5. The diagram below represents a beaker containing a solution of various molecules involved in digestion.


Which structures represent products of digestion?

A) B and C B) A and D C) D and E D) B and E

For questions 6-9, use the following diagram.


6. The chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins in this organ.

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) none of the above

7. One digestive function of the secretion stored in structure F is the

A) emulsification of lipids

B) hydrolysis of proteins

C) synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes

D) excretion of cellulose

8. An accumulation of hardened cholesterol deposits within structure F may result in

A) a stroke B) gallstones C) diabetes D) constipation

9. Ulcers are erosions of the surfaces of which two structures?

A) B and D B) C and D C) A and E D) B and C

10. Which process is represented by the diagram below?


A) absorption B) peristalsis C) excretion D) emulsification

11. What is the role of teeth in digestion?

A) They break down food mechanically, increasing the surface area of the food for enzyme action.

B) They break down food mechanically, stimulating enzyme synthesis in the food.

C) They break down food chemically, aiding the movement of the food through the esophagus.

D) They break down food chemically, mixing saliva with the food for easier digestion.

12. The diagram below represents a portion of the human digestive tract.


The muscular contractions that occur in the region labeled X are known as

A) peristalsis B) synthesis C) cyclosis D) hydrolysis

Questions 13 and 14 refer to the following:

A human was fed a meal containing measured amounts of proteins, starch, and fats. Eight hours later, a 10-milliliter sample of fluid was removed from the humans small intestine for analysis.

13. Based on the relative amounts of nutrients present, which graph best represents the results of the analysis?


14. Which indicators could be used to test for the presence of some of the substances in the fluid sample?

A) Fehling's solution and bromthymol blue solution

B) bromthymol blue solution and pH paper

C) Benedict's solution and Lugol's iodine

D) pH paper and Lugol's iodine

For questions 15-16, use the diagram below, select the organ that is most closely related to the malfunction described.


15. Too much unabsorbed water in this organ results in diarrhea.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

16. Hardened stones of cholesterol from this organ can cause painful blockages in bile ducts

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

17. In the equations below, A represents a food substance, and B represents its completely digested end product. Which equation, represents the change that takes place as a result of chemical digestion?

A) A + water ( A+A+A

B) B+B+B ( A + water

C) A + water ( B+B+B

D) A+A+A ( A+water

For questions 18 and 19, use the table below.

|Animal |Type of Digestive Structure |Method of Digestion |

|A |Tubelike, with two openings |Extracellular, only |

|B |Saclike cavity |Intracellular and Extracellular |

|C |Food vacuole |Intracellular, only |

18. Animal B could be

A) a hydra B) a human C) an earthworm D) a paramecium

19. Animal C could be

A) a hydra B) a human C) an earthworm D) a paramecium

For questions 20-21, use the diagram below


20. Which region performs mechanical digestion?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

21. Which organ acts as a temporary storage organ?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

22. Earthworms have intestinal folds similar to the villi of the human intestine. The function of the intestinal fold is

A) force the movement of food in one direction through the digestive tract

B) excrete metabolic wastes

C) circulate blood

D) increase the surface area for absorption of digested nutrients

For questions 23-24, use the diagram below.


23. Which letter indicates the digestive glands?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

24. This organ allows the grasshopper to live in a dry environment by conserving water.

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

25. In the fat hydrolysis laboratory, digestion of the cream occurred most rapidly in which test tube?

A) The test tube with cream and blue litmus alone

B) The test tube with cream, bile, and blue litmus

C) The test tube with cream, oancreatic juice, and blue litmus

D) The test tube with cream, pancreatic juice, bile, and blue litmus

26. From the laboratory exercise mentioned in the previous section, it is clear that the incredient necessary for digestion of fats is:

A) Cream B) bile C) pancreatic juice D) blue litmus

27. Pepsin functions best at which pH?

A) 2 B) 7 C) 9 D) any pH

28. Catalase is:

A) an enzyme B) a substrate C) a macromolecule D) a nutrient

29. Which of the following is NOT a class or nutrients?

A) fats B) proteins C) carbohydrates D) fiber E) minerals

30. Bubble in E to get credit for this question.

Short Answer Section

Directions: Answer the following questions in the space provided on your scantron. Remember to be thorough but brief.

For the given statement, select the organ, shown in the diagram below, which is most closely related to the statement. Give the number and identify the organ.

31. This organ produces and secretes hydrocholoric acid.

32. This organ contains many villi.

33. These organs digest carbohydrates.

34. The chemical digestion of protein begins within this organ.

35. Materials to be egested are stored in this organ.

36. Design a controlled experiment to determine what materials are digested in the stomach.

A. Include the hypothesis.

B. Describe the experimental design.

C. Indicate the control group(s).

D. Describe the results of the test.

Digestion & Nutrition Exam Key

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. E

7. A

8. B

9. A

10. D

11. A

12. A

13. B

14. C

15. D

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. D

20. D

21. C

22. D

23. B

24. E

25. D

26. C

27. A

28. A

29. D

30. E

2 points each. One for number and one for name

31. 2- stomach

32. 5- small intestine

33. 1- mouth, 5-small intestine

34. 2- stomach

35. 4- large intestine

36. A: 1 point for hypothesis

B: 6 points. 1 for each test tube, 1 for each correct indicator

C: 3 points: 1 for each control group

D: 1 point for correct result. Proteins


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