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December 4, 2017


Lisa F. Saunders

Associate Professor

ADDRESS: Department of Economics

University of Massachusetts

412 East Pleasant Street

Amherst, MA 01002

(413) 545-0546


1987 Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley

1979 B.S., Business Administration, Old Dominion University


1997-present Associate Professor, Department of Economics; University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

1997. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics;

1994. Visiting Scholar and Post-Doctoral Roy Wilkins Fellow, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of

Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

1991-1992 Visiting Professor and Post-Doctoral Ford Fellow, Institute for Labor and Industrial

Relations and Department of Economics, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana

Summer 1984 Research Assistant, U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors, National Income Division

Summer 1983 Research Assistant, U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Economic Research Division


2017 Saunders, L. (2017) ‘Rational choice, independent utility and the inclusive classroom’, Int. J. Pluralism and Economics Education, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.312–317.

2012 “Employment and Earnings: A Case Study of Detroit,” Review of Black Political Economy, March 2012.

2001 “Racial Differences in Transportation Access to Employment in Chicago and Los Angeles,” (with Chanjin Chung and Samuel Myers) American Economic Review, Vol. 91, No. 2, May 2001.

1996 “The Effect of Commute Time on Racial Earnings Inequality." (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr.)

Applied Economics, Vol. 28, pp. 1339-1343.

1996 "Why do African American Men Earn Less? Earnings Inequality in Economic

Theory and Policy." Organization: The Interdisciplinary Journal of

Organization, Theory and Society, Vol. 3, No. 4,

November, pp. 510-519.

1995 "Regional and Industrial Patterns in the Relative Earnings of Black Men and

White Men, 1979-1989." Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 118, No. 4, April,

pp. 68-73.

1993 "Airlines: Setting Constraints on Hub Dominance" (with William G. Shepherd),

The Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 29, No.3, September,

pp. 201-220.

1993 "Trucking Deregulation and the Black-White Wage Gap" (with James Peoples),

Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, October, pp. 23-35.


2003 “Racial Inequality and Feminist Economics,” (with William Darity, Jr.) in Ferber

and Nelson, eds. Feminist Economics Today: Ten Years Beyond Economic Man,

University of Chicago Press, 2003.

1997 "Commentary on David Card, 'Deregulation and Collective Bargaining in

Airlines,'" in J. Peoples, ed., Regulatory Reform and Labor Markets.

Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

1996 “Transportation, Efficiency and Equity." (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Chanjin

Chung) in E. Larson, ed., Buying Time: Symposium Research and

Policy on the Land Use and Equity Impacts of Congestion Pricing.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, August, pp. 47-65.

1995 "Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems: Potential Impact on Disadvantaged

Communities," (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr.) in J. Hennessey and

T. Horan, eds., National Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems and

the Environment." Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, Institute of

Public Policy, June 1995: pp. 125-35.


2007 African Americans in the U.S. Economy, by Cecilia Conrad

et. al. eds., Feminist Economics Vol. 13, No 1, January 2007.

2002 Prosperity for All: The Economic Boom and African Americans, by

Robert Cherry and William Rodgers, Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 28,

No. 4, Fall 2002.

1994 Race, Gender, and Work: A Multicultural Economic History of Women in the United States, by Teresa L. Amott and Julie A. Matthaei. Journal of Labor Studies, Vol. 18, No. 4, Winter, pp. 83-84.

1989 Discrimination: Its Impact on Blacks, Women and Jews, by Robert

Cherry. Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 24, No. 4, Winter,

pp. 112-114.


2016 “Warming Up the Climate in the Classroom: Challenges, Strategies, and Rewards,”

Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Newsletter,

December 2016.

2013 “On Being the Other in the Classroom,” Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, Summer Newsletter, Summer 2013, page 13.

2008 “Discrimination, Wage by Gender,” in William A. Darity ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, MacMillan Reference USA, 2008.

2000. “An Interview with Barbara Bergmann: Leading Feminist Economist,” (with Mary King) Review of Political Economy, Vol. 12, No. 3, July 2000.

1999. “An Interview with Marianne Ferber: Founding Feminist Economist, (with

Mary King) Review of Political Economy, Vol.11, No. 1.

1997 If You Can't Stand the Heat: Comment on Gudeman and Gudeman, 'Gender,

Market and Community,'" Feminist Economics, Vol.3, No. 1. 1997: pp. 125-127.

1987 Wages, Work Rules, and Cost-Efficient Firms in the Deregulated Airline

Industry," Dissertation Series, UCB-ITS-DS-87-5, Institute of

Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1987.

1986 "Two-Tier Wages," Labor Center Reporter, No.170, University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Industrial Relations.

1986 "Deregulation: The New Wave," Labor Center Reporter, No. 186, University of

California, Berkeley, Institute of Industrial Relations.


1988 "Aircraft Operating Efficiency, Wages and Work Rules In a Deregulated Airline Industry," Working Paper No. 6, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1988.

1984 "A Note on Questions About Buying Plans in the Consumer Surveys Taken by the Michigan Survey Research Center and the Conference Board," Washington DC: Federal Reserve Board of Governors, August 1984.

1983 "Collective Ratemaking in the Intercity Bus Industry" (with Dennis Breen), Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission Staff Analysis, Submitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission, Motor Carrier Ratemaking Study Commission, June 16, 1983.


94. Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Roy Wilkins Center for Social Justice, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

92. Post-Doctoral Fellowship, National Academy of Science,

Ford Foundation, and University of Illinois

1988-89 University Course Development Grant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

1988-89 Faculty Research Grant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

1988-89 Lilly Endowment Teaching Fellows Program, University of Massachusetts,


87. Graduate Minority Program Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of

California, Berkeley


2009-2015 AEA, Committee on the Status of Minorities in Economics Professions, Executive Board; and Mentor Program (2009-present).

2006-2008 Executive Board Member, National Economic Association.

2003-2005 Vice President, International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE).

1995-1998 Executive Board Member, IAFFE.

1997-2003 Editorial Advisory Board Member, Feminist Economics.

1997-2000 Advisory Board Member, Strengthening Economics Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (NSF Grant - also consultant/trainer)

AD HOC REFEREE: Applied Economics, Demography, Eastern Economics, Feminist Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Review of Black Political Economy, Review of Social Economy.


American Economic Association

International Association for Feminist Economics

National Economic Association

Senior Fellow, Ford Foundation


“Heterodox Graduate Programs in Economics,” AEA Summer Mentoring Pipeline Conference, July 28, 2017, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

“Education and Earnings in Durable Goods Manufacturing: A Case Study of Detroit, 2009-2013,” Allied Social Sciences Association, January 5, 2016, San Francisco California.

“Race and Gender in the American Economy”, International Association for Feminist Economic Annual Conference, July 11, 2013, Palo Alto California.

Research Methods Panel for Advanced Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows. National Research Council/Ford Foundation: Ford Fellows Conference, September 19, 2008

“Trends in Travel Time to Work Among Women of Color.” ASSA Annual Meetings, Washington DC. January 2003.

"Toward a Feminist Theory of Economic Inequality by Race," International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference, Oslo Norway, 2001.

"Racial Content in Economics Principles Courses and Textbooks," ASSA Annual Meetings, International Association for Feminist Economics, Workshop on Integrating Race and Gender in the Economics Curriculum, January 1996 (Also, Howard, Southern, Denison and Wellesley Universities).

"Regional and Industrial Patterns in the Relative Earnings of Black Men and White Men, 1979-1989," NEA/AEA January 1994, Annual Convention of the Eastern Economic Association, March 1994, University of Minnesota, Center for Population Studies, April 1994; and Annual Meetings of the Western Economic Association International, July 1994.

"Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems: Potential Impacts on Disadvantaged Communities," Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, George Mason University, June 1994; Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Meetings, October 1994, Chicago IL; and College of William and Mary, Department of Economics, November 1994.

"What is Feminist Economics?" University of Minnesota, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, May 1994.

"Airline Operating Cost Comparisons, 1982-84." Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association, November 1992.

"Trucking Deregulation and the Black-White Wage Gap," Department of Economics, University of Montreal-Quebec, September 1992.

"U.S. Airline Cost Efficiency," National Academy of Sciences, Annual Ford Fellows Conference, November 1991.

"Employee Ownership in the Airline Industry," University of Massachusetts, Center for Labor Relations and Research, May 1991.

"Labor Costs in the Airline Industry after Deregulation," Harvard University, Department of Economics, Political Economy Seminar, April 1991.

"Airline Deregulation's Effects on Productivity and Cost," Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association, November 1990.

"Airline Deregulation, Market Power, and Productivity" (with W. G. Shepherd), Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy Conference, The Global Airline Industry: Future Directions, Future Policies. College of William and Mary, November 1990.

"Wages, Work Rules and Cost Efficient Firms in a Deregulated Airline Industry," University of Illinois, Labor Economics Seminar, May 1988.


Disparities in the Labor Market: What Are We Missing? Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC, September 26-27, 2017.

Science of Broadening STEM Participation, National Science Foundation, February 24-25, 2016.

National Summit on Diversity in Economics, Federal Reserve Board Washington DC, October 30, 2014.

Presentation and Discussant, CSWEP/IAFFE sessions in Celebration of the Career of Marianne Ferber, Midwest Economics Association Annual Conference, March 2011, St. Louis, MO.

ArcGIS Geographical Information Software, New Institute for Urban Research, March 2009.

Census Data User's Conference, University of Minnesota, March 1994.

Longitudinal Survey Data Workshop, Radcliffe Murray Research Center, Harvard University, March 1994.



Research Methods in Economics

Research Writing in Economics

Labor Economics

Labor in the American Economy

Political Economy of Women

Political Economy of Racism

Introductory and Intermediate Microeconomics.


Economics for Public Policy and Administration (MA)

Labor Topics (Ph.D.)


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