NALC Branch Officer's Guide to Finance and Administration

$ NALC Branch Officer's Guide to Finance Adminandistration National Association of Letter Carriers

$ NALC Branch Officer's Guide to Finance Adminandistration


Chapter 11: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6:

Branch Officer Duties NALC Dues Reporting to the U.S. Dept. of Labor Reporting to the I.R.S. Bonding Requirements Branch Record Keeping

National Association of Letter Carriers ? January 2013

Dear Branch and State Officers:


This guide provides information about several of the most important jobs performed by branch financial and administrative officers.

The guide is divided into six chapters, each with its own table of contents.


1. Duties of Branch Financial and Administrative Officers. A general introduction to the roles of branch financial and administrative officers. The major requirements of the job are addressed-- responsibility, knowledge, and a conscientious approach to the job.

2. NALC Dues. An explanation of how NALC keeps track of membership dues at all levels, including: branch responsibilities in the dues tracking system, the dues paid by different types of members, and the four methods of dues payment.

3. Reporting to the U.S. Department of Labor. An explanation of the branch's responsibilities for filing certain reports with the U.S. Department of Labor, including organizational reports and annual financial reports. Also covered are certain additional requirements of the federal Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).

4. Reporting to the Internal Revenue Service. A brief explanation of certain Internal Revenue Service requirements that apply to NALC branches: tax exempt status, the tax consequences of various types of payments to branch officers or other members (salary, lost time, expenses), the filing of tax returns to report branch income, and special reporting and tax payment responsibilities for "unrelated business income."

5. Bonding Requirements. A brief explanation of federal legal requirements that certain branch officials be "bonded," or insured against acts of fraud or dishonesty.

6. Branch Record Keeping. A discussion of the branch record keeping system, including a suggested filing plan for branch records, filing hints, and a "Retention Schedule" for the different types of branch records.

Chapter 1 Duties of Branch Financial and Administrative Officers




A. Responsibility


B. Knowledge of Requirements


C. Careful Approach to the Job



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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