January 2018

Officers 2017-2018

Office Name Council

Navigator SK John Bair 12117

Friar Father Chuck Breindel 12117

Captain SK Jun Macadat 12378

Admiral PFN Rob Wilhelm 12117

Comptroller SK Fran Foster 12117

Purser SK Jerry Foronda 12378

Pilot SK Eric Bell 9056

Scribe PFN Gene Tortone 9056

Inner Sentinel SK Brian Banazwski 9056

Outer Sentinel SK Dan Platukis 9056

1-year Trustee PFN Marcelino R. Villaflor (Marc) 9056

2-year Trustee PFN Roy Blakeburn 12117

3-year Trustee PFN Frank Mulcahy 4632

Commander PFN Marcelino R. Villaflor (Marc) 9056

Assembly Website:

Navigator’s Notes

Worthy Sirs,

Happy New Year!

Well we are half way through the fraternal year and I want to say what an honor its been to be your Faithful Navigator. I have just a few admin notes for you this month:

• Reminder that our February meeting will be the renewal of vows

• I am looking for people that might be interested in joining me as a delegate to represent the Assembly at the Bi-Annual meeting March 10, 2018 in Woodbridge VA.

• It’s that time of the year to start looking at the slate of Officers for next fraternal year. If you are interested please contact PFN Roy Blakeburn.

As we quickly approach Lent, we as Knights become busy with Pancake Suppers, Fish Fries and Soup and Sacrament I ask you not to lose sight of the purpose of Lent.

Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, doing penance, mortifying the flesh, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial.

I would like to leave you with part of His Holiness Pope Francis 2015 Lenten Message:

Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor 6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in his heart. He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us out whenever we turn away from him. He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to be indifferent to what happens to us. Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we forget about others (something God the Father never does): we are unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings and the injustices they endure… Our heart grows cold. As long as I am relatively healthy and comfortable, I don’t think about those less well off. Today, this selfish attitude of indifference has taken on global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a globalization of indifference. It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to confront.

When the people of God are converted to his love, they find answers to the questions that history continually raises. One of the most urgent challenges which I would like to address in this Message is precisely the globalization of indifference.

Indifference to our neighbour and to God also represents a real temptation for us Christians. Each year during Lent we need to hear once more the voice of the prophets who cry out and trouble our conscience.

God is not indifferent to our world; he so loves it that he gave his Son for our salvation. In the Incarnation, in the earthly life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God, the gate between God and man, between heaven and earth, opens once for all. The Church is like the hand holding open this gate, thanks to her proclamation of God’s word, her celebration of the sacraments and her witness of the faith which works through love (cf. Gal 5:6). But the world tends to withdraw into itself and shut that door through which God comes into the world and the world comes to him. Hence the hand, which is the Church, must never be surprised if it is rejected, crushed and wounded.

God Bless you all and thank each and every one of you for what you do!


FN John Bair


Upcoming Events (see website for details)


Assembly Meeting: Tuesday, 23 January @ 7:30 PM

Ascension Community Center


Prayer for Our Troops:

“Lord, hold our troops on your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need, Amen.”


Father Frank Sez

National Treasure

When an advertiser altered a photo of Michelangelo's famous marble sculpture of the biblical hero David, Italy’s government and gallery official objected. Picturing David with a military rifle slung over his shoulder (instead of his slingshot) would be a violation - “like taking a hammer to it or worse,” a cultural official said.

In first-century Jerusalem, David was remembered as the shepherd-songwriter and soldier-king of Israel's fondest memories and greatest hopes. Prophets foretold that David's descendant would finally defeat the enemies of Israel. So, centuries later, when crowds welcomed Jesus as the Son of David, they were expecting Him to lead the revolt that would overthrow their Roman occupiers. Instead, Jesus knocked over the tables of temple money-changers to restore His Father's house as a house of prayer for all nations. Israel's leaders were furious. This wasn't the kind of Messiah and Son of David they were looking for. So, without realizing what they were doing. They called for Roman executioners to take a hammer to the hands and feet of the true glory of Israel.

Instead of stopping them, Jesus let Himself be lifted up on a cross of shame – defaced and disgraced. Only by resurrection would it be known that the true Son of David had defeated His enemies with love and enlisted the children of all nations to spread the word.

Mart Dehaan

In keeping with past articles, God is pleased with work done well. He honors good workers, and so should we. God is pleased with His Knights of Columbus and Assembly 2588.

Until next article

Happy New Year,

PFN Frank Mulcahy

**Taken from Our Daily Bread***


Membership News

Annual Dues

Annual Dues

2018 dues notices are being sent out. Annual dues are $30.00. You can help the Assembly keep costs down by either paying at an upcoming meeting or returning the self-addressed envelope with your check as quickly as possible. Each time the second or third notice is sent out, it costs the Assembly an additional 49 cents. If you do not pay your dues, your membership could be suspended at the end of the fraternal year (June 30). If you want to be reinstated, it will cost an additional $5.00. This is imposed on the Assembly by Supreme. Thank you in advance for being proactive in paying your dues.

Fraternal Survey

A Fraternal Survey worksheet will be included in the upcoming mailing. Please complete this and return it with your dues payment. Then information compiled from these worksheets is used to complete our report of fraternal activity during the past year.

Thanks to the Sir Knights that have already sent in their dues and fraternal survey information. The response has been exceptional.

SK Fran Foster

Faithful Comptroller


Uniform Update

Supreme Council has updated a number of items concerning wear of the new uniform.

The transition period for implementation of the new uniform is extended until June 30, 2019, an additional year from the original implantation date.  During this period both the uniform and the service regalia may be worn.  The uniform will be given preference in the line of march and in formations.

If you have the uniform, you must wear the uniform, not the service regalia.

The social baldric can now be worn with dark suits for all 4th and 3rd Degree events. 

When worn with a tie, the social baldric is placed in front of the tie.

The social baldric is not worn with the uniform.

Be aware that a long back log of orders exists for the new uniform.  Some reports indicate a delay of 2-3 months.  Please be patient and persevere.

 We are obviously in a "fluid" situation with frequent changes announced by Supreme.

Please be patient and flexible as Supreme Council, the Calvert Province, and the Virginia District work through the implementation of the new uniform and other dress requirements.

Please see the below memo from the Supreme Master:






DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2017

The social baldric will continue to be used at Fourth Degree Exemplifications. All candidates will still be given a social baldric, Fourth Degree pin and one ticket to the banquet. The social baldric can be worn at any social event under a tuxedo jacket or under a suit jacket.

The Laws & Rules Governing the Fourth Degree and the Color Corps Drill Manual are being updated and will be distributed when complete.


Assembly Shirts

We will be taking orders for Assembly shirts at the next meeting.


Cotton - Winter Shirt: $25.00

Polyester - Summer shirt: $27.00

(Additional cost for 2XL and 3XL)

Payment must be made when ordered.

Football Fund Raiser

Congratulations to winners Toby Robillard, Zoilo Vergara and John Bair.

Assembly Information

Assembly Budget, Meeting Minutes and Newsletters are posted on the website. Sir Knights can log in and review anytime, especially prior to meetings.


Veterans Affairs

Tet Offensive History Coin

- Free - $2.95 for shipping and handling – TN126

- This Half-Dollar coin pictures U.S. Army soldiers in combat during the opening days of the Tet Offensive.

Veterans Administration Pre-Need Burial Eligibility Determination


- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) implemented the pre-need burial eligibility determination program to assist anyone who would like to know if they are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. VA is promoting pre-need eligibility determinations to encourage Veterans and their eligible family members to plan in advance to use VA burial benefits that Veterans have earned through their military service.


GI Bill Updates

Four Main Threats to Current Users

The Post 9/11 GI Bill has provided hard earned educational opportunities to veterans and servicemembers and their families. Recent expansions to the benefit in the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act have provided even broader opportunities for the GI bill's use, including at independent study programs, career and technical schools, and postsecondary vocational schools. The educational benefit, however, must be used wisely to ensure that when student veterans and family members complete their educational programs, they actually are in a better circumstance. The identified four main threats are:

( First, some schools have begun aggressively marketing to recipients of the Post-9/11 GI Bill because they want to increase their student veteran population for non-intrinsic purposes. Current law requires institutions to obtain at least 10 percent of their revenue from someplace other than federal government financial assistance. Funds from the GI bill and DoD Tuition Assistance aren't included in that definition, however. This creates a situation where a school can receive 90 percent of its revenue from federal student aid and 10 percent from DoD or VA beneficiaries, and thus a school can be 100-percent funded with federal dollars, putting all the risk of failure on taxpayers. The 10-percent GI bill loophole created an incentive for schools to aggressively pursue students using the GI bill to fill in their 10 percent of revenue, often misleading students about the value of

the education they would receive. In 2012, a group of state attorneys general wrote to Congress asking for this loophole to be closed. Instead, a bill currently in Congress would eliminate the 10-percent requirement entirely and allow schools to receive 100 percent of their revenue from federal funds, regardless of the source. The bill is H.R. 4508, the PROSPER Act, otherwise known as the Higher Education Reauthorization Bill. To see what percentage of funds a school receives from the federal government, visit the office of Federal Student Aid website.

( Second, GI bill beneficiaries who attend schools where GI bill funds do not cover all of their tuition often acquire student loan debt they cannot later afford to pay. An October 2017 report by the U.S. Department of Education found veterans had a higher loan default rate than other first-time students, as high as 45 percent.

( Third, according to Department of Education data, schools’ student veterans tend to choose have low overall graduation rates, even though student veterans themselves have above-average graduation rates. Low overall graduation rates often are associated with lower-performing academic institutions, although that is not always the case. The U.S. Department of Education maintains a College Scorecard with detailed information about school graduation rates.

( Fourth, schools that accept the GI bill are not in any way screened to ensure graduating students will have positive outcomes, such as legitimate career opportunities. While current law does contain a rule requiring schools to “prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation” (20 U.S.C. 1088), it only applies to specific programs within a school and not to the school itself. The Department of Education has information about average salaries after graduation and should be consulted if students are curious about currently available data.

While neither Congress nor the VA have settled on the right solution for ensuring the GI bill is the benefit it needs to be for veterans and their families, the debate continues. If you have ideas or questions about this topic, email

them to legis@.


New GI Bill August 2018 Changes

The new Forever GI Bill signed into law by President Trump earlier this year has multiple provisions that will roll out in 2018. Among them are changes to the Post-9/11 GI Bill for Purple Heart recipients, reservists and dependents — all of which start in August.

( Post-9/11 Purple Heart recipients will be eligible to receive 100 percent of GI Bill benefits

regardless of how long they served. This includes coverage of tuition at a public school’s in-

state rate for 36 months, and books and housing stipends.

( There will also be scholarship funds available on a first-come, first-serve basis for GI Bill users who need a fifth year of school to complete science, technology, engineering or math programs.

( The Veterans Affairs Department will begin calculating housing stipends based on where a student takes the most classes — a change from current policy, which uses the ZIP code of a student’s school.

( If a dependent who received transferred benefits dies before using all of the bene

fits, the Forever GI Bill gives the service member or veteran the ability to transfer remaining benefits to another dependent. This provision will apply to all deaths since 2009.


Headstone Coins

While visiting some cemeteries you may notice that headstones marking certain graves have coins on them, left by previous visitors to the grave. A coin left on a headstone or at the grave site is meant as a message to the deceased’s family that someone else has visited the grave to pay respect.

For Military, leaving coins of different denominations denote their relationship with the deceased. Leaving a penny at the grave means simply that you visited. A nickel indicates that you and the deceased trained at boot camp together, while a dime means you served with him in some capacity. Leaving a quarter means you were there with them when they took their last breath.

According to tradition, the money left at graves in national cemeteries and state veterans cemeteries is eventually collected and the funds are put toward maintaining the cemetery or paying burial costs for indigent veterans. In the U.S., this practice became common during the Vietnam War, due to the political divide in the country over the war; leaving a coin was a more practical way to communicate that you had visited the grave than contacting the Soldier's family, which could devolve into an uncomfortable argument over politics relating to the war. Some Vietnam veterans would leave coins as a "down payment" to buy their fallen comrades a beer or play a hand of cards when they would finally be reunited.

Today, military folk do sometimes leave very special remembrances at the graves of deceased servicemen: challenge coins. These tokens identify their bearers as members of units and are prized and cherished by those to whom they have been given; thus, any challenge coins found at gravesites were almost certainly left there by comrades-in

-arms of the deceased.

Next time you visit a cemetery, leave a coin.


Veterans Job Fairs ()

January 25, 2018 - 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Vaughn Towers at Carter-Finley Stadium

4600 Trinity Road

Raleigh, NC 27607

February 15, 2018 - 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Richmond International Raceway

600 East Laburnum Avenue

Richmond, VA 23222

April 5, 2018 - 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

The Lee Club

Building 9009 Battle Drive

Ft. Lee, VA 23801

May 17, 2018 - 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Nauticus - Half Moon Cruise and Celebration Center

One Waterside Drive

Norfolk, VA 23510


Go to the following link to see Retiree Assistance Office Bulletins:


Go to the following link for the Virginia Department of Veterans Services:


Go to the following link for Virginia State Veteran's Benefits& Discounts:


Hampton VA Medical Center Donation

Next Assembly donation will be on just before Memorial Day. Please bring personal items (i.e. toiletries, gently used or new clothing, paperback books, magazines, etc. to the monthly meetings or contact Mike Maliniak to schedule a pickup (see attached flyer).

Thank you for your support.


Discounts in Virginia

Military and Veterans Discount Center has close to 7,000 business locations in Virginia that have discounts for military personnel and veterans. In addition to businesses providing discounts, the state also provides discounts for those that have served. To find business discounts, enter your zip code and category in the search box at the top of:

[pic] [pic]







Patient Comfort Items/Hygiene Products (travel size):

- deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, soap, comb, shaving cream, razors, hand/body lotion, denture cleaner, feminine hygiene products, shower caps/shoes, baby powder

New or Gently Used Clothing:

- men’s/ladies’ underwear, socks, panty hose/knee highs, knit hats/mittens, terry slippers, sun visors/caps, sunglasses


- magazines, puzzle books, playing cards, paperback books, composition notebooks, stamps, coffee/snack foods






Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree, deem it an honor and privilege to carry our TRIAD EMBLEM, which features The Dove, The Cross, and The Globe. Our Honored Order cherishes as its Patron, Christopher Columbus.

Spiritually, the sacred symbols fashioned on our sword and lapel pin, typify the union of the Three Divine Persons in one Godhead The Most Holy Trinity. 


o The Globe God the Father, Creator of the Universe.   

o The Cross God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind.  

o The Dove God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of Humanity.

HISTORY: In the early years of the Fourth Degree, members met as part of their councils, mostly after meetings. In 1910, during a reorganization of the Order's leadership, the first Assemblies were created. Additionally, the position of Supreme Master was established to lead the Fourth Degree internationally. Vice Supreme Masters lead Provinces and Masters head Districts. This system has spread and flourished as Sir Knights not only serve their local Church through their service to local councils but also their joint efforts in these Assemblies. The Honor Guard, first called for in 1886 was officially formed in 1902, for ceremonial purposes. Since that time, the uniforms of the Color Corps have varied, however all have shared the similar theme of mariners. Most noticeable in today's current uniform is the chapeau worn with ostrich feathers.

MEMBERSHIP: The Fourth Degree ritual added patriotism to the three original principles of the order: charity, unity, fraternity. Any Third Degree member in good standing with at least six months membership in the order – is eligible for membership in the Forth Degree. The primary purpose of the Forth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship and love of and loyalty to the knights’ respective countries through active membership in local Forth Degree groups called Assemblies. Fourth Degree members must retain their membership as Third Degree members in the local council to remain in good standing.

EVENTS: The first Exemplification of the new Degree was scheduled to be held in the Astor Hotel in New York City on February 22, 1900. However, there were so many candidates the Exemplification had to be moved to a larger venue. Therefore, the site was moved to the Lenox Lyceum. At this first Exemplification of the Fourth Degree 1,100 members of the Knights of Columbus, being in good standing "took their fourth." The second Exemplification, held in Boston on May 8, 1900 saw another 750 Third Degree knights join the ranks of Sir Knights.  cherishes as its Patron, Christopher Columbus.

Once a Sir Knight attains an office, he is entitled to wear the colors of that office until elected or appointed to a higher office, except for the Marshal [appointed by the Master of District] and the Color Corps Commanders [appointed by the Faithful Navigator] who are appointed for a specific term and then revert to their previous colors when


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