Requests for Changes in Resident Complement

Review Committee for Ophthalmology


This specialty approves:

• Increases and decreases in resident complement

• Complement by year and total

Requests for changes in resident complement require prior approval of the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) and must be submitted through ADS.

To officially initiate a change in the approved resident complement, programs must log into ADS and under the Program tab, select Complement Change from the right pane. All complement change requests will be electronically sent to the DIO for approval as required by the Institutional Requirements except when permanent changes are requested during site visit preparation (the DIO approval is provided via signature on the Program Information Form). After the DIO has approved the complement change request, the materials submitted in ADS are forwarded to the Review Committee (RC) for review and a final decision. You will be notified by the RC Executive Director upon final decision by the RC.

Programs must hold a status of continued accreditation to be considered for a complement increase. Programs with a status of continued accreditation with warning, initial accreditation, initial accreditation with warning, or probationary accreditation are not eligible for an increase. A site visit may be required for complement change requests depending on the details of the request.

The following documents/information will be required to complete a complement change request (instructions also provided in ADS):

• Educational rationale for change

• Key faculty/resident ratio

• Major changes in the program since its last review

• Response to previous citations

• Current block diagram

• Proposed block diagram

• Resident case logs

• Institutional data

All institutional cases for each participating site for the most recently completed academic year must be included. (Do not limit cases to those in which a resident has participated.) Refer to the document "Ophthalmology CPT Codes" document on the Ophthalmology page for the CPT codes for each listed procedure category. Limit the report of institutional cases to the number of patients in each category, not the number of billable procedures, as the latter would artificially inflate the number of available cases.

| |Site #1 |Site #2 |Site #3 |Site #4 |Site #5 |

|Cataract | | | | | |

|Non-phacoemulsification ECCE | | | | | |

|TOTAL Cataract | | | | | |

|Other Cataract | | | | | |

|Anterior vitrectomy | | | | | |

|TOTAL Other Cataract | | | | | |

|Laser Surgery | | | | | |

|Laser trabeculoplasty | | | | | |

|Laser iridotomy | | | | | |

|Panretinal laser photocoagulation | | | | | |

|Focal laser photocoagulation | | | | | |

|Cyclodestructive procedures | | | | | |

|Other glaucoma lasers (incl iridoplasty) | | | | | |

|TOTAL Laser Surgery | | | | | |

|Corneal Surgery | | | | | |

|Conjunctival procs/Pterygium excision | | | | | |

|Other cornea | | | | | |

|TOTAL Cornea Surgery | | | | | |

|Keratofractive Surgery | | | | | |

|Laser procedures | | | | | |

|Other (keratorefractive) | | | | | |

|TOTAL Keratorefractive Surgery | | | | | |

|Strabismus | | | | | |

|Other strabismus | | | | | |

|TOTAL Strabismus | | | | | |

|Glaucoma | | | | | |

|Shunting procedures | | | | | |

|Other glaucoma | | | | | |

|TOTAL Glaucoma | | | | | |

|Retinal Vitreous | | | | | |

|Posterior vitrectomy (Pars Plana) | | | | | |

|TOTAL Retinal Vitreous | | | | | |

|Other Retinal | | | | | |

|Vitreous tap/inject | | | | | |

|Other retina | | | | | |

|TOTAL Other Retinal | | | | | |

|Oculoplastic and Orbit | | | | | |

|Lacrimal surgery | | | | | |

|Other orbital surgery (e.g., orbitotomy) | | | | | |

|Eyelid laceration / canalicular repair | | | | | |

|Chalazia excision | | | | | |

|Tarsorrhaphy | | | | | |

|Ptosis repair | | | | | |

|Entropion / ectropion repair | | | | | |

|Blepharoplasty / reconstruction | | | | | |

|Temporal artery biopsy | | | | | |

|Other oculoplastic surgery | | | | | |

|TOTAL Oculoplastic and Orbit | | | | | |

|Globe Trauma | | | | | |

|Intraocular foreign body | | | | | |

|Other globe trauma (e.g., ant chamber washout) | | | | | |

|TOTAL Globe Trauma | | | | | |


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