| |Below Expectations |Meets Expectations |Exceeds Expectations |POINTS |

|Organization I |Loses focus more than once. Does not manage time |Follows logical sequence but structure could be |Catches audience’s interest. Follows logical sequence, | |

| |effectively. No logical sequence of information. |better. May need more elaboration on one or more |stays focused, good explanations. Effective time | |

| | |points. Adequate time management, but could be |management and strong transitions. | |

| | |stronger. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |________ |


| |and/or closing statements or irrelevant |Offers some type of opening and closing statements. |Clear opening and closing statements. | |

| |opening/closing statements. |PART OF GROUP PRESENTATION: |PART OF GROUP PRESENTATION: | |

| |PART OF GROUP PRESENTATION: |Fair attempt to acknowledge previous speaker and |Strong integration of where previous speaker left off and | |

| |Poor or no acknowledgement of previous speaker and|weave comments into logical following sequence. |initial comments. Strong set up/hand off to next speaker. | |

| |previous speaker’s content. Poor or no set up/hand|Provides some brief introduction of next speaker and | | |

| |off to next speaker. |topic. | | |

|Voice Quality & Pace |Mumbles, mispronounces words, grammatical errors, |Easily understood. Speaks loud enough to be heard and|Enthusiastic and engaging. Speaks clearly and loudly | |

| |“umms”. Difficult to understand. Speaks too |at appropriate pace. Some awkward pauses or halting |enough at a comfortable pace. Exudes confidence and | |

| |quietly or too loudly. Speaks too fast or too |delivery but mostly clear and natural. Could display |interest. No grammatical or pronunciation errors. | |

| |slow. Loses train of thought, tentative. Lacks |greater enthusiasm, seem more genuinely interested in|Presentation appears conversational, extemporaneous, and | |

| |enthusiasm. Mechanistic |own presentation. |natural. |________ |

|Mannerisms & Body Language |Demonstrates distracting mannerisms which may |No significantly distracting mannerisms. Acceptable |Body language used effectively to maintain audience’s | |

| |include bad posture, shifting feet, too much or |posture. Body language mostly demonstrates comfort in|interest. Body language reflects presenter’s reaction to, | |

| |too little hand movement. Body language reveals |interacting with audience but occasional instances of|and empathy with, the audience. Gestures match verbal | |

| |reluctance to interact with audience. Seems |discomfort may be communicated. Seems natural for the|content, are comfortable and relaxed, seem spontaneous. | |

| |fearful/very nervous. |most part. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |________ |

|Professionalism & Appearance |Does not meet minimum requirements for business |Meets minimum standards for business dress and |Dressed appropriately. Appearance engenders respect and | |

| |dress. Makes excuses for aspects of the |appearance. Generally treats audience professionally,|credibility. Treats audience professionally. Speaker | |

| |presentation. Inappropriate word choice for |acceptable word choice (no slang). May seem to lack |appears confident and has good command of the topic. | |

| |audience. Inappropriately informal. |confidence at times. Reasonably credible. | | |

| | | | |________ |

|Rapport with Audience & Use of |Does not connect with audience. Little to no eye |Tries to maintain eye contact most of the time but |Genuinely connects with audience. Maintains eye contact. | |

|Media |contact. Reads. Relies heavily on slides and/or |instances may be fleeting in length. Scans the room. |Visuals (slides, etc.) effortlessly enhance speech. | |

| |notes. Attempts to cover too many slides or |Some reliance on notes or slides. | | |

| |lingers too long on too few slides. | | |________ |

GRAND TOTAL: ______________


Updated January 2009

Credits: This document borrows from the SPEAKS Rubric from CSU-Fullerton Business Communication Program and the CSU-Chico, College of Business Oral Communication Rubric.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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