Skills & Techniques – Motivation & Concentration

Q. Discuss the importance of motivation and concentration in relation to learning

and developing skills.

Motivation is essential when learning and developing skills. Being motivated should mean a performer works hard in practice and listens intently to feedback form their coaches. There are 2 types, Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Intrinsic is when you are able to motivate yourself to achieve or to train. For instance, if you were training for a particular badminton competition and needed to train 5 times a week this would require a large amount of intrinsic motivation so that you would complete the training. Not only is it important to motivate yourself to go to training but if you didn’t motivate yourself to work hard and appropriately at training then it wouldn’t have as significant an impact on your development. For instance, a lack of motivation may mean that you don’t even bother to train, or if you did train a lack of motivation could mean you lose focus quickly which in turn could lead to poor quality practice. By setting a goal you might be able to motivate yourself. By following SMARTER you would be able to set an achievable and realistic goal that could aid with your level of intrinsic motivation. Coaches, parents and teachers can also help with your Intrinsic motivation by trying to inspire you.

However, some performers may not be highly motivated intrinsically but instead rely on external motivation as a method of stimulating training. Extrinsic motivation is when the pursuit of tangible rewards is the goal. Tangible rewards such as medals and prize money can be motivation for some to work hard in training and strive for success in competition. Although, performers who are Intrinsically motivated perhaps rely more on the pursuit of Intangible rewards such as praise or national recognition as their stimulation. However, I think it would be fair to say that both types – Intrinsic and Extrinsic – both play a significant role in motivating performers.

A performers ability to concentrate is also essential when attempting to develop a skill or technique. Being able to concentrate should allow a performer to focus intently on instruction, demonstration and feedback which should ensure a more effective execution of skills & techniques. Being able to concentrate should allow players to fulfil their role more effectively, being able read and anticipate play, which should result in better decisions being made. Good concentration should also allow performers to block out the influence of the crowd, and other external factors such as the pressure of the game situation, and focus on their game plan and tactics.

However, a lack of concentration could obviously have the opposite effect of the things mentioned previously. For instance, a lack of concentration during a critical point in a badminton match could result in poor decision making, consequently losing you the point. A lack of concentration when following a training programme could mean that you are not focusing on instruction from your coach and consequently miss important pieces of information which could hinder your progress. A lack of concentration could mean that you quickly lose focus during practice and stray off task which could result in you picking up bad habits ingraining poor technique.


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