258 - American National Standards Institute

Curriculum Vitae

Peter L. Elkin, MD

Mayo Clinic

200 First Street, SW

Rochester, Minnesota 55905

Telephone: (507) 284-1551

Fax: (507) 284-5370

E-Mail: elkin.peter@mayo.edu

Current Academic Appointment:

Professor of Medicine

Personal Information:

Date of Birth: December 23, 1956

Place of Birth: Trenton, New Jersey


1978 B.S. Union College - Applied Mathematics

1978 Completed Course Work for M.S. in Statistics while satisfying

Undergraduate Curriculum Requirements

1985 M.D. New York Medical College

1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Computer Science

Postdoctoral Training:

Internship and Residencies:

1985 - 1986 Internship, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island

1988 - 1990 Clinical Fellow, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital,

Boston, Massachusetts

1990 - 1992 Resident in Otolaryngology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,

Boston, Massachusetts

1994 - 1996 Resident in Internal Medicine, Lahey Clinic Medical Center,

Burlington, Massachusetts

Research Fellowships:

1986 - 1987 Research Fellow, and Coordinator of Computer Research, Department of

Orthopaedics, Rhode Island Hospital

1987 - 1990 Research Fellow, National Library of Medicine Fellow in Medical Informatics,

Laboratory of Computer Science at the Massachusetts General Hospital,

Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health

Board Certification:

1996, 2006 American Board of Internal Medicine #171869


1986 Rhode Island State License to Practice Medicine

1987 Massachusetts State License to Practice Medicine

1996 Minnesota State License to Practice Medicine


1971 Russell E. Elliot Memorial Scholar

1977 - 1978 Putnam Contestant (Math Olympian)

1983 Grant Award, Worthington Biochemical

1986. Grant from IBM

1998 Fellowship, American College of Physicians

1998 Homer Warner Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Medical Informatics (For the paper entitled “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Automated Term Composition”, presented at the Fall AMIA Conference).

2001 Mayo Office for the Advancement of Research Award

2005 Mayo Department of Medicine Laureate Award

2006 Fellowship, American College of Medical Informatics

2007 Golden Raison Award, Danish Society of Medical Informatics

Hospital Appointments:

1987 - 1995 Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Medicine

1993 - 1996 Carney Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine

1992 - 1996 New England Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine

1992 - 1993 Faulkner Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine

1996 - Present Mayo Clinic Medical Center

1996 - Present Saint Mary’s Hospital

Professional Memberships and Societies:

1990 - American Medical Informatics Association

1994 - American College of Physicians, Fellow

1992 - Massachusetts Medical Society

1996 - American Medical Association

1996 - Zumbro Valley Medical Society

1996 - Minnesota Medical Association

1996 - Society of General Internal Medicine

Principal Clinical and Hospital Service Responsibilities:

1986 - 1987 Emergency Physician, East Providence Emergency Room

1987 Emergency Physician, Woonsocket Hospital

1990 - 1992 Resident, Otolaryngology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary

1992 - 1993 Physician, EMSA Correctional Care

1992 - 1995 Tufts University School of Medicine, Senior Instructor in Medicine

1987 - 1995 Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant in Medicine

1996 - 1999 Mayo Clinic, Senior Associate Consultant

1998 Assistant Professor of Medicine

1999 - Present Mayo Clinic, Consultant

1996 - Present Saint Mary’s Hospital, Hospital Service Responsibility

2001 Associate Professor of Medicine

2004 Professor of Medicine

Educational Activities:

A. Editorial Boards:

1986 - Present Software Reviewer, New England Journal of Medicine

1986 - Present Software Reviewer, JAMA

1988 - 1990 DXplain Editorial Board

1997 Reviewer of Papers for the Fall American Medical Informatics Association Conference

1997 Reviewer of Papers for the International Medical Informatics Association’s (MedInfo) Conference

1998. &2000 Program Committee: Fall AMIA Conference

2002 Dermatology Lexicon Project, NIAMS, NIH

B. Mayo Medical School

1996 - Medical Student Education, Saint Mary’s Hospital Rotations

1996- Medical Fellowship Education, Inpatient, Outpatient and Conference

1996- Assistant Professor of Medicine

1999- Associate Professor of Medical Informatics

2001 - Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Informatics

2004 Professor of Medicine

C. Teaching Experience:

1978 Lectured and organized seminars on Statistics for Researchers in the Department

of Chemistry, Union College

1980 Lectures on Systems Design, Eastman Kodak Company

1988 Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Medical

Walk-In Unit

1989 - 1990 Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course, Massachusetts General

Hospital, Harvard Medical School

1989 Substitute Tutorial Instructor, Genetics, Endocrine and Reproduction Course,

Harvard Medical School

1989 - 1990 Guest Lecturer, Computers in Medicine Course, Harvard University

1992 - 1993 Medical Resident Education, Emergency Medicine, Faulkner Hospital

1993 - 1995 Medical Resident Education, Emergency Medicine, Carney Hospital

1996 - Present Medical Resident Education and Medical Student Education, Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic

1996 – Present Biomedical Informatics Fellow Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Administrative Responsibilities and Committee Assignments:

1982 - 1985 Curriculum Committee, New York Medical College

1983 - 1984 Computers as Teaching Aids, New York Medical College

1983 - 1985 President’s Data Processing Advisory Committee, New York Medical College

1984 - 1985 Dean’s Academic Computing Committee, New York Medical College

1986 ASTM E31.12 Committee for Standards in Medical Nomenclature

1992 - 1993 Academy of Otolaryngology’s Medical Informatics Committee

1994 - 1996 Lahey Clinic Medical Center’s Medical Informatics Committee

1996 - 2001 Mayo Clinic’s Vocabulary Subcommittee of the EMR

1998 - 2004 Chair, Mayo Clinic’s General Internal Medicine Research Committee

1996 - 2004 Mayo Clinic’s Area Medicine Research Committee

1997 - Present American College of Physicians, Medical Informatics Liaison for the State of Minnesota

1997 - Present American College of Physicians, Council Member – Minnesota State

1997 - 1998 Program Committee for the 1998 & 2000, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Fall Conference

1998 - 2001 Office Automation Committee, Vice Chair

1998 - Present ASTM E31.01 Committee on Controlled Medical Vocabulary, Chair

1998 - Present ISO TC215 U.S. Technical Advisory Group

1998 - 2003 ISO TC215 on Health Informatics, Task Force Chair, Working Group 3

1998 - 2001 G-7 ENABLE Project: US Advisor on Networking and Classifications

1998 – Present American Medical Informatics Association’s Education Committee

1999 - 2001 Office for the Advancement of Research, Department of Internal Medicine

1998 – 2005 Co-Chair, HL7 Templates SIG

Administrative Responsibilities and Committee Assignments: (continued)

2003 – Present Co-Chair, HL7 Clinical Genomics SIG

2005 – Present Chair, OASIS International Healthcare Continuum (IHC)

1999 – Present Disease Management Review Group, Member

2000 – Present Foundation Education Technology Committee

2000 – 2002 Information Management Technology Committee

2002 – 2007 CE10 Grant Review Committee

2001 – 2006 Vice-Chair, ASTM E31 International standards committee on Healthcare Informatics

2003 - Present Special Study Section, National Library of Medicine, NIH

2003 - Present Genomics Liason, General Internal Medicine

2007 CTSA Reviewer, NCRR, NIH

2005 - Present Co-Chair, HITSP Population Health Technical Committee

2007 AHIC, EHR Working Group

2006 - Present Chair, IMIA working group on Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics

Presentations at Regional or Institutional Meetings:

1. “Medical Informatics: An Update”; Elkin, PL; Medical Grand Rounds Lahey Clinic Medical Center 5/96.

2. “Megestrol induced Adrenal Suppression”, Thome S, Elkin PL, Poster Presentation at the 1996 Minnesota ACP Meeting.

3. “Standard Problem List Generation, Utilizing the Mayo Canonical Vocabulary Embedded within the Unified Medical Language System”; Elkin PL, Chute CG, et al; Internal Medicine Research Forum.

4. “Controlled Medical Terminiologies: Update”; Elkin, PL; Presented to Area General Internal Medicine Division 6/97.

5. “Medical Expert Systems: Overview”; Elkin, PL; Presented to Area General Internal Medicine Division 12/96.

6. “Kellogg Strategic Alliance Meeting”; Elkin, PL et al; Area General Internal Medicine 11/97.

7. “Medical Expert Systems”; Elkin PL; Internal Medicine Residency Lecture Series 6/98.

8. “Literature Searching and the Internet”; Internal Medicine Residency Lecture Series 8/98.

9. “Update in Medical Informatics”, Area General Internal Medicine 12/15/98.

10. “Literature Searching”, POIM Course 1999 through 2002.

11. “Update in Biomedical Informatics”, Minnesota ACP meeting 1999.

12. “PDAs in the Practice of Medicine”, Minnesota ACP meeting 2001.

13. “Bioinformatics in Psychiatry”, August 2002.

14. “Bioinformatics an Overview”, Medical Grand Rounds October 30, 2002.

15. “Bioinformatics in Psychiatry”, August 2003.

16. “Bioinformatics: An Overview”, Mayo Genetics Society, September 18, 2003.

17. “Physicians' Attitudes Towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Their Knowledge of Specific Therapies: A Survey at an Academic Medical Center”, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, MD; Ann Vincent, MD; Peter L.Elkin, MD; Laura L. Loehrer; Stephen S. Cha, MS; Brent A. Bauer, MD, The North American Research Conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2006. 

Presentations at National or International Meetings:

1. “Supporting Postcoordination in an Electronic Problem List”; Electronic Poster Fall AMIA Conference 1997; Kevin D. Keck, Keith E. Campbell, MD, PhD, Chris G. Chute, MD, DrPH, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Mark S. Tuttle, William G. Cole, PhD

2. “The Hypertext Medical Workstation”; Elkin PL, Cimino JJ, Barnett GO; Presented to the 1990 American Medical Informatics Association Conference.

3. “Browser Independent Communication Utilizing the WWW Over a CHIN”, Elkin PL, Mohr DN, Tuttle MS, Cole W, Atkin G, Keck K, Fisk T, Lee K, Chute CG, Presented to the Spring AMIA Conference 1997.

4. “Mapping to MeSH”; Elkin PL, Cimino JJ, Lowe HJ, Aronow DB, Payne TH, Pincetl PS, Barnett GO; Presented to, the 12th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1988.

5. “Automated Batch Searching of MEDLINE for DXplain”; Elkin PL, McLatchey J, Packer M, Hoffer E, Cimino C, Studney D, Barnett GO; Presented to the 13th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1989.

6. “Closing the Loop on Diagnostic Decision Support Systems”; Elkin PL, Barnett GO, Famiglietti KT, Kim RJ; Presented to the 14th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1990.

7. “Planning and Implementing the Enterprise Problem-Centric, Episode-Based EMR”, Presented at the 1996 Fall AMIA Symposium, Carpenter P, Mohr D, Claus P, Higgins M, Suermondt J, Elkin PL

8. “Standardized Problem List Generation: The Mayo Experience” Elkin PL, Chute CG. Presented at the International Medical Informatics Association’s Working Group Six Meeting 1/97.

9. “Medical Knowledge Representation: From a Clinically Derived Lexicon to Understanding”; Elkin PL, Chute CG. Presented to the “Toward An Electronic Patient Record” Conference 1997.

10. “Standard Problem List Generation, Utilizing the Mayo Canonical Vocabulary Embedded within the Unified Medical Language System”; Elkin PL, Chute CG, et al; Presented to the 1997 Fall AMIA Symposium.

11. “Reduction of Qualifiers from a Clinically Derived Lexicon.” Chute CG, Elkin P; Presented to the 1997 Fall AMIA Symposium.

12. “Aiming for Systems that Really Work: What Vendors Have, What Providers Need”; Panel Discussion and Workshop Fall 1997 AMIA Meeting. Paul C. Carpenter, MD, Paul L. Claus, MD, Peter L. Elkin, MD, David N. Mohr, MD, Patricia Gibbons

13. “Controlled Medical Vocabularies in Internal Medicine”; Elkin, PL; CPRI Conference on Medical Terminologies 11/97.

14. “Internet Resources for Academic Medicine”; Elkin, PL; Minnesota Chapter of the American College of Physicians Annual Meeting 11/97.

15. “Basic Medical Informatics”, Elkin PL, Litin S; Iowa Chapter, American College of Physicians, 12/97.

16. “Intermediate Medical Informatics”, Elkin PL, Litin S; Iowa Chapter, American College of Physicians, 12/97.

17. “Evaluating Medical Controlled Vocabularies“, ANSI-HISB 1998. Elkin, Chute.

18. “Human Factors Engineering” Tutorial, 1998 Spring AMIA Conference (Philadelphia). Elkin, Schwartz, Kaihoi.

19. “The Role of Compositionality in Standardized Problem List Generation.” Medinfo (Seoul, Korea) 1998.

20. “User Directed Composition of Medical Problems”, Elkin, Chute. EPRIMP (Rotterdam, Netherlands) October 1998.

21. “Quality on the Internet: Present and Future”, Elkin PL, G7 ENABLE Project (Rotterdam, Netherlands) October 1998.

22. “Human Factors Engineering” Tutorial, 1998 Fall AMIA Conference. (Orlando, Fla) Elkin, Schwartz, Kaihoi.

23. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Automated Term Composition”, 1998 Fall AMIA Conference (Orlando, Fla). Elkin, Bailey, Chute.

24. “A Java based Tool for Entry of a Medical Problem List, which Accesses a Remote Large Scale Enterprise Vocabulary Server”; Peter L. Elkin, MD, Mark Tuttle, Kevin Keck, Geoffrey Atkin, Christopher G. Chute, MD, DrPH; 1998 Fall AMIA Conference (Orlando, Fla).

25. “A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial of Automated Term Dissection”, JAMIA Supple. 1999; PL Elkin, KR Bailey, PV Ogren, BA Bauer, CG Chute. Presented at the fall 1999 American Medical Informatics Association Meeting

26. “Theater Style Presentation: Problem Managers”, PL Elkin, JR Campbell. Presented at the fall 1999 American Medical Informatics Association Meeting

Presentations at National or International Meetings: (continued)

27. “Semantic Augmentation of Description Logic Based Terminologies”, Methods of Information in Medicine, in press. PL Elkin, MR Harris, PV Ogren, JD Buntrock, SH Brown, HR Solbrig, CG Chute. Invited Speaker: International Medical Informatics Association’s Working Group 6 Meeting.

28. “Evidence Based Literature Searching”, Elkin PL; Minnesota Chapter, American College of Physicians, Annual Meeting 11/5/99, Invited Lecturer.

29. “Human Factors Engineering” Tutorial, 1999 Fall AMIA Conference. (Washington, D.C.) Elkin, Kaihoi.

30. “Quality Standards in Clinical Terminology Development”, ASTM E31.01 Meeting, Chair 5/99 and 10/99

31. “Quality Standards in Clinical Terminology Development”, ISO TC 215 on Health Informatics Meeting, Task Group Chair and US Delegate 5/99 (Berlin, Germany) and 11/99 (Tokyo, Japan) and 1/28/2000 (San Diego, California).

32. “Quality Standards in Clinical Terminology Development”, HL-7 Meeting, Invited Speaker 1/27/2000.

33. “Messaging Standards for Compositional Expressions”, HL-7 Meeting, Invited Speaker 1/27/2000.

34. “Clinical Templates Tutorial”, HL7 Winter Meeting 2001.

35. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Accuracy of Clinical Record Retrieval using SNOMED-RT as Compared with ICD9-CM”, AMIA Fall Symposium 2001.

36. “Controlled Health Vocabularies”, Informatics Grand Rounds, University of Michigan 2001.

37. “Internal Medicine Resident Satisfaction with a Diagnostic Decision Support System (DXplain) Introduced on a Teaching Hospital Service”, AMIA Fall Symposium 2002.

38. “Drug Terminologies” AMIA Spring Symposium 2002.

39. “Formal Methods for Compositional Terminologies”, Informatics Grand Rounds, University of Washington. July 2002.

40. “Human Factors Engineering Tutorial”, AMIA Fall Symposium from 1998 through 2002.

41. “Usability Workshop” Medical Informatics Europe May, 2003, St. Malo, France.

42. “Human Factors Engineering”, Informatics Grand Rounds, University of Lille, France. May 2003

43. Many Invited Lectures each year.

Computing Experience:

1978 - 1981 Systems Analyst, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York

Primary responsibilities for designing, programming in RPGII, and supporting

Distributed systems and databases on IBM Minicomputers.

1986 - 1987 President and CEO, MD Designs Corporation, Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Researched, developed and marketed a Medical Scheduling System.

1987 - 1990 Research Fellow, Laboratory of Computer Science, Massachusetts

General Hospital

Major Projects:

COSTAR Fellow; responsible for the ongoing development and vocabulary

maintenance of this Ambulatory Medical Record.

DXplain (A Medical Diagnostic Decision Support System); ongoing

development, and acquisition of references for each DXplain Disease.

Unified Medical Language System; manipulating controlled vocabularies.

User Interfaces; established a prototype Physician’s Workstation.

Electronic Publishing; developed the concept for and authored a program

to provide enhanced access to Electronic Medical Textbooks using Expert

System’s technology.

1996 - Mayo Clinic College of Medicine.

Major Projects:

KP - Mayo Project

Mayo - LTI Collaborative

Mayo Problem List Vocabulary

Ontology of Mayo Specific Vocabulary

Ontology of Qualifiers

Vocabulary Panel and Server for the CEMR 2.0

Usability Laboratory Test Design and Analysis

Area Medicine Web Page Development and Design

Minnesota ACP Web Page Development and Design

Opticode (for the Department of Finance)

WebEncoder (for the Department of Finance)

SmartAccess Vocabulary Server (MMV)

SmartAccess Image Management System (MMV)

“Consultant” (Expert System first developed for the VHA)

Web Computerized Physician Order Entry (WebCPOE) - DOM

PDA Based Education Resource – Department of Anesthesia

Major Research Interests:

1. Controlled Health Vocabularies

2. Information Retrieval

3. Human Factors Engineering

4. Clinical Decision Support Systems (Expert Systems)

5. Electronic Medical Records

6. Standards in Medical Nomenclature

7. Voice Recognition technology and the application of voice technology to medicine

8. Electronic Quality Monitoring

9. Biosurveillance

Grant Support


|Veterans Administration |Biosurveillance and Electronic Quality Monitoring |

|7/1/07-6/29 |PI: Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $556,000 |

|Roche Pharma |Benefit of Oseltamivir in the Prevention of Complications from Influenza |

|7/1/07-6/30/08 |PI: Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $160,000 |

|Department of Defense |NLP for Biosurveillance |

|OSD06-H09 |PI: Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $10,000 |

|Veterans Administration |POEMS eQuality Grant |

| |PI: Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $225,000 |

|Centers for Disease Control and |Independent Validation and Verification of Biosense |

|Prevention |PI: Peter L. Elkin, MD |

|HK00014 |Budget: $2,679,000 (9/30/06-9/29/09) |

|Centers for Disease Control, HHS |BioSense: Biosurveillance Utilizing SNOMED-CT based Natural Language Processing |

|#PH000022 |Principal Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $2,494,210 (9/30/05 – 9/30/08) |

|National Library of Medicine, NIH |Evaluation of Interface Terminologies |

|#LM008576 |Principal Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $150,000 (3/1/05 – 2/28/08) |

|VA Research Contract |Independent Validation and Verification of VA and National Standard Terminologies |

| |Principal Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $312,000 (1/1/05 – 2/8/06) |

|National Library of Medicine, NIH |Controlled Vocabulary Design for Clinical Applications |

|#LM06918 |Principal Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $946,671 (3/1/02-2/28/06) |

|National Library of Medicine, NIH |Semantic Structures for Patient Data Retrieval |

|#LM05416 (renewal) |Co-Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD |

| |Budget: $349,299 (10/95-12/98) (extended to 2000) |

|National Library of Medicine and |Multi-Institutional Testbed for Clinical Vocabulary |

|AHCPR |Co-Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD |

|#HS-LM08751 |Budget: $762,565 (9/94-9/97) |

|National Library of Medicine |Medical Concept Representation Forum |

|#LM06899 |Co-Investigator, Peter L. Elkin, MD. |

| |Budget: $50,000 |

|Veterans Administration |Peter L. Elkin, MD, Principal Investigator |

| |CPEP Automated QA of Disability Examinations |

| |Budget: $141,000 (5/1/03-4/30/04) |

|Department of Defense #OSD032-DH10 |Peter L. Elkin, MD, Principal Investigator |

| |Data Mining Longitudinal Clinical Data to Detect Adverse Drug Events |

| |12/12/03 to 12/11/04 |

| |Budget: $100,000 |

|Catharsis, Inc. |Peter L. Elkin, MD, Principle Investigator |

| |Automated Medication Safety Program |

| |7/1/2001 to 6/30/2006 |

| |$200,000 |

|American College of Physicians |Peter L. Elkin, MD, Principle Investigator |

|(ACP) |The PIER Project Collaborative |

| |2/1/1999 to 2/1/2001 |

| |$25,000 |

|Kellogg Corporation |Peter L. Elkin, MD, Principle Investigator |

| |Informatics tools toward Improved Adherence with Clinician Recommendations |

| |1/1/97 to 1/1/2002 |

| |$25,000 |

Grant Support


CE10 Program A Controlled Evaluation of the Benefit of Introducing a Diagnostic Decision Support System (DXplain) into the workflow of a Teaching Hospital Service.

1/1/2000 to 12/31/2000 and renewed for Dr. Elkin from 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001.

Funding: 20% time (10% Dr. Elkin and 10% Dr. Bauer), $10,000.

Hospital Data Project ($162,578) A method to improve data capture of diagnoses in hospitalized patients. The system also provided a method for increased recruitment of hospitalized patients to ongoing clinical trials.

Midas Award ($52,786) An Automated Medication List Generation program to aggregate the current Med list from the body of each of the clinical notes and the For All Time (FAT) Med list. This will enhance patient safety by facilitating a better understanding of the patient’s current and historical medications.


Abstract and Posters:

1. “Mechanism of Adenosine Release from Cells,” Belloni FL, Elkin PL, Klibonoff D, Giannottto B, Peripheral Circulation V(4720),Pg. 1097.

2. “The Hypertext Medical Workstation”; Elkin PL, Cimino JJ, Barnett GO; Abstract published in the 1990 American Medical Informatics Association Spring Conference Proceedings.*

3. “The Medical Concept Space as a Model for Hypertext”; Cimino JJ, Elkin PL, Barnett GO; Abstract published in the 1990 American Medical Informatics Association Spring Conference Proceedings. *

4. “A Strategy to Assess the Performance of DXplain”; Feldman JM, Cimino C, Hoffer EP, Packer MS, Elkin PL, Barnett GO; Abstract published in the 1990 American Medical Informatics Association Spring Conference Proceedings. *

5. “Megestrol induced Adrenal Suppression”, Thome S, Elkin PL, Poster Presentation at the 1996 Minnesota ACP Meeting.

6. “Browser Independent Communication Utilizing the WWW Over a CHIN”, Elkin PL, Mohr DN, Tuttle MS, Cole W, Atkin G, Keck K, Fisk T, Lee K, Chute CG, Proceedings of the Spring AMIA Conference 1997. *

7. “Standard Problem List Generation, Utilizing the Mayo Canonical Vocabulary Embedded within the Unified Medical Language System”; Elkin PL, Chute CG, et al; Internal Medicine Research forum 1997.

8. “The Role of Compositionality in Standardized Problem List Generation.” Internal Medicine Research forum, 1998. Elkin PL, Chute CG, et al.

9. “A Java-based Interface for Medical Research Project Classification Using Metaphrase”, Qiang Liu, James D. Buntrock, Douglas L. Crowson, Mark S. Tuttle * , Peter L. Elkin MD, CG Chute MD, DrPH; Mayo Clinic/Foundation, Rochester MN; * Lexical Technology, Inc., Alameda CA. *

10. “Mayo Problem List Manager”, Mayo Foundation Technology Fair 1999; Elkin PL, Ogren PV, Beinborn JA, Chute CG.

11. “A Large-Scale Evaluation of Terminology Integration Characteristics”, Poster - Mayo Research Forum and the Minnesota American College of Physicians Meeting 1999; FS McDonald, CG Chute, PV Ogren, D Wahner-Roedler, PL Elkin.

12. “An Unusual Case Of 72 Year Old Female With Cyclophosphamide Induced Uroepithelial Injury”; Ronnier J. Aviles, M.D., Stacey Vlahakis, M.D., Peter L. Elkin, M.D. Poster - the Minnesota American College of Physicians Meeting, (11/5/99).

13. “Cutaneous Cryptococcal Infection”; Jennifer Tozmann, Roger Aviles, Ronnier J. Aviles, MD, Peter L. Elkin, MD; Poster - the Minnesota American College of Physicians Meeting, (11/5/99).

14. "Representation Capability of SNOMED RT and WHO ICIDH2 for Functional Status Concepts within the CLINHAQ and HAQ". Arthritis and Rheumatism, 490, Vol 43, No9(Suppl)Sept 2000. Ruggieri AP, Elkin PL, Michet CJ, Ytterberg SR, Matteson EL.

15. “Mayo Vocabulary Processor”, Mayo Foundation Technology Fair 2000; Elkin PL, Ogren PV, Beinborn JA, Chute CG.

16. “Results of a Survey Regarding the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Patients seen at Mayo Clinic." Journal of General Internal Medicine: page 277 Supplement 1, Volume 18, April 2003. Elkin PL, Lee MC, Vincent A, Gay RE, Loehrer, LL, Koletowo AA, Pankratz VS, Bauer BA.

17. “Efficacy of a Computerized Physician Order Entry and Decision Support System in a Hospital Setting”. MedInfo 2004, John T. Chow, MD and Peter L. Elkin, MD

18. “COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE USE BY PATIENTS IN A MULTIDISCIPLINARY SPINE CENTER”, North American Spine Society meeting 2003, Ralph Gay1, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler1, Peter Elkin1, Brent Bauer1, Randy Shelerud

19. " Introduction of Complementary and Integrative Medicine by General Internists into the Practice of an Academic Medical Center" DL Wahner-Roedler, PLElkin, AVincent, T.Schilling, MC Lee, LL Loehrer, BA Bauer Journal of General Internal Medicine , Volume 19, Supplement 1, page 107, April 2004

20. “Use of Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) Therapies by Female Patients Seen in a Fibromyalgia Clinic of a Tertiary Care Center ", DLWR, THO, JMT, REG, PL Elkin, AV, MCL, LLL, JNM, BAB, Journal of Women's Health Vol 13, No4, p 463, May 2004

21. " Use of Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies by Patients seen in a Fibromyalgia Clinic of a Tertiary Care Center", D.L. Wahner-Roedler, T.H. Oh, J.M.Thompson,R.E. Gay, P.L. Elkin, A. Vincent, M.C. Lee, L.L.Loehrer, J.N. Mandrekar and B.A.Bauer, Revista Clinica Espanola, Vol 204, Supplement1, page 379, Sept. 2004.

22. EJ Buenz, DJ Schnepple, BA Bauer, PL Elkin, JM Riddle, TJ Motley. Bioprospecting Historic Herbal Texts with Bioinformatics. International Congress on Natural Products Research. July 2003.


24. Wahner-Roedler, Dietlind; Elkin, Peter; Vincent, Ann; Loehrer, Laura; Cha, Stephen, Bauer, Brent. “Physicians' Attitudes Towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Their Knowledge of Specific Therapies: A Survey at an Academic Medical Center”,

25. Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, MD; Ann Vincent, MD; Peter L.Elkin, MD; Laura L. Loehrer; Stephen S. Cha, MS; Brent A. Bauer, MD, The North American Research Conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2006.  “Gender-Specific Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Results of a Survey of Patients Seen at Different Specialty Areas in a Tertiary-Care Center.” Gender Medicine. 2006; vol. 3, suppl A: 566-7.

26. Sensitivity and Specificity of a Quantitative D-Dimer Latex Immunoassay for the Diagnosis of Acute Pulmonary Embolism as Defined by Multidetector-Row Computed Tomographic Angiography, Journal of General Internal Medicine, April 2006 (Vol. 21, Issue s4).

27. Serum Proteomic Profiles in Giant Cell Myocarditis: Altered Expression of Immune Response and Lipid Metabolism Proteins Oyere K. Onuma, Sreekumar Raghavakaimal, Peter L. Elkin, Leslie T. Cooper, ACC Meeting 2007, 801-3, New Orleans, LA.

28. Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, Jeffrey M. Thompson, Connie A. Luedtke, Susan M. King, Stephen S. Cha, Peter L. Elkin, Barbara K. Bruce, Cynthia O. Townsend, Jody Bergeson, Andrea Eickhoff, Laura L. Loehrer; Amit Sood, Brent A. Bauer: Effect of Revival Soy on Fibromyalgia Symptoms: A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial Forsch Komplementärmed 2007;14 (supp1): 25

Book Reviews and Newsletters:

1. “Fig. P” by Biosoft, a Software Review, JAMA, June 20, 1990-Vol 263, No. 23.

2. “A Patient’s Guide to Low Back Pain” by Sechrest, a Software Review, JAMA Nov 2, 1994-Vol 272, No. 17.

3. “medical informatics” by de Dombal T, a Book Review, Proceedings of the Mayo Clinic 5/97.

4. “Computerizing Large Integrated Health Networks: The VA Success” ed by Kolodner RM, Springer 1997, Proceedings of the Mayo Clinic January 1998.

5. “Medical Informatics” the Internal Medicine Newsletter, Mayo Clinic July, 1997.

6. “Web Doctor” by Sharp RM , Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 1999.

7. “Medical Information: A users guide to Informatics and Decision Making”, by Jordan TJ, Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2002.

8. “Clinical Information Systems: A component-Based Approach”, by Rudi Van de Velde and Patrice Degoulet, Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2003.

Letters to the Editor:

1. “Effects of Diet and Exercise on Cholesterol Levels”; Elkin PL, Bauer BA, for the Mayo Adherence Working Group. NEJM Nov 19, 1998 Vol 339, No 21, p 1552-3.

2. “Cyclophosphamide-associated uroepithelial toxicity”; Ronnier J. Aviles, M.D., Stacey Vlahakis, M.D., Peter L. Elkin, M.D. Annals of Internal Medicine 131 (7):549, 1999 Oct. 5.

3. “UMLS Concept Indexing for Production Databases: A Feasibility Study”; Furman S. McDonald MD, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2001;Vol. (8), Num (5), September/October,2001, PP. 512-515.

Monographs / Book Chapters:

1. “Standard specification of Quality Indicators for Controlled Health Vocabularies”,

Peter L. Elkin, MD, et al., ASTM / ANSI Standard (ASTM E2087).

2. “Health informatics . Controlled health vocabularies - Vocabulary structure and high-level indicators”, Peter L. Elkin, MD, et al. ISO TC 215 Technical Specification ( TS17117).

3. “Health Indicators: Definitions, Relationships and Attributes”, Peter L. Elkin, MD, et al.NWIP ISO Technical Specification.


5. “The Role of Terminology in Future Health Information Systems.” In: HealthePeople: Transformation to Person-Centered Health Systems. Brown SH, Elkin PL. Editors: Demetriades JE, Kolodner RM, Christopherson G. Springer ISBN 0-387-23282-6 2005.

6. “BioInformatics: An Overview”, In Primer on Medical Genomics Elkin, PL. Editors Tefferi, Ayalew, Spelsberg, TC.

7. “Standardization of Microarray and Pharmacogenomics Data”, Methods in Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery, Humana Press 2005 eISBN 1-59259-964-8, Editor: Richard S. Larson, MD, PhD, Authors: Casey Husser, Jeffrey Buchhalter, O. Scott Raffo, Amnon Shabo, Steven Brown and Peter L. Elkin

8. “Text Processing”, in “Aspects of Electronic Health Record Systems”, Springer-Verlag, 2005, ISBN 0-387-29154-7; Editor: Harold Lehman, MD, PhD, Author: Peter L. Elkin

9. “Information from the Internet: Challenges for patients and physicians”, BA Bauer, PL Elkin, Informa UK, ltd. 2006; Editors: Chun-Su Yuan, Eric J Bieber, Brent A Bauer.

Papers (Published Peer Reviewed Articles):

1. “The Mechanism of Adenosine Release From Hypoxic Rat Liver Cells;” Belloni FL, Elkin PL, Giannotto B, British Journal of Pharmacology, 1985;June 85(2):441-6.

2. “Mapping to MeSH”; Elkin PL, Cimino JJ, Lowe HJ, Aronow DB, Payne TH, Pincetl PS, Barnett GO; IEEE Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Computers and Medical Care 1988; p. 185-190.

3. “Automated Batch Searching of MEDLINE for DXplain”; Elkin PL, McLatchey J, Packer M, Hoffer E, Cimino C, Studney D, Barnett GO;IEEE proceedings 13th Annual Symposium on Computers and Medical Care 1989, p. 436-40

4. “Evolution of Dxplain: A Decision Support System”; Packer MS, Hoffer EP, Barnett GO, Famiglietti KT, Kim RJ, McLatchey JP, Elkin PL, Cimino CC, Studney DR IEEE Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computers and Medical Care 1989, p. 949-53.

5. “Closing the Loop on Diagnostic Decision Support Systems”; Elkin PL, Barnett GO, Famiglietti KT, Kim RJ; Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium on Computers and Medical Care 1990, p. 589-594.

6. “Dxplain - Important Issues in the Development of a Computer Based Decision Support System”; Barnett GO, Hoffer EP, Elkin PL; IEEE Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium on Computers and Medical Care 1990, p. 1013-17.

7. “As We May Think: The Concept Space and Medical Hypertext”; Cimino JJ, Elkin PL, Barnett GO; Computers and Biomedical Research, 1992 June; 25, p. 238-63.

8. “Planning and Implementing the Enterprise Problem-Centric, Episode-Based EMR”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) Suppl. 1996, Carpenter P, Mohr D, Claus P, Higgins M, Suermondt J, Elkin PL

9. “59-year-old man with right hip pain.” Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Jun;73(6):541-4.. Nijawan P, Elkin PL.

10. “Medical Knowledge Representation: From a Clinically Derived Lexicon to Understanding”; Elkin PL, Chute CG. Proceedings: Toward An Electronic Patient Record 1997.

11. “Standard Problem List Generation, Utilizing the Mayo Canonical Vocabulary Embedded within the Unified Medical Language System”; Elkin PL, Chute CG, et al; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) Suppl 1997, p. 500-504.

12. “A clinically derived terminology: qualification to reduction.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) Suppl 1997, p. 570-574. Chute CG, Elkin PL.

13. “The Role of Compositionality in Standardized Problem List Generation.” in Safran(ed), Medinfo Proceedings, 1998. Elkin PL, Chute CG, et al.

14. “Aiming for Systems that Really Work: What Vendors Have, What Providers Need”; JAMIA Suppl 1997. Carpenter PC, Claus PL, Elkin PL, Mohr DN, Gibbons P.

15. “Supporting Postcoordination in an Electronic Problem List”; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Suppl 1997 p. 955; Keck KD, Campbell KE, Chute CG, Elkin PL, Tuttle MS, Cole WG.

16. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Automated Term Composition”, JAMIA Supplement 11/1998. Elkin PL, Bailey K, Chute CG. *

17. “User Directed Composition of Medical Problems”, Elkin, Chute. EPRIMP October 1998.

18. “A Clinical Terminology in the Post Modern Era: Pragmatic Problem List Development”, JAMIA Supplement 11/1998. Chute CG, Elkin PL, Fenton SH, Atkin GE.

19. “Terminology and Clinical Concepts: The Bricks and Substance of an EPR”; CG Chute, PL Elkin, Proceedings of the EPRIMP Conference, Rotterdam Netherlands 10/98.

20. “A Java based Tool for Entry of a Medical Problem List, which Accesses a Remote Large Scale Enterprise Vocabulary Server”; Peter L. Elkin, MD, Mark Tuttle, Kevin Keck, Geoffrey Atkin, Christopher G. Chute, MD, DrPH, JAMIA Supplement 1998.

21. “Metaphrase: an aid to the clinical conceptualization and formalization of patient problems in healthcare enterprises.” Methods of Information in Medicine. 37(4-5):373-83, 1998 Nov. Tuttle MS. Olson NE. Keck KD. Cole WG. Erlbaum MS. Sherertz DD. Chute CG. Elkin PL. Atkin GE. Kaihoi BH. Safran C. Rind D. Law V.

22. “Desciderata for a Clinical Terminology Server”, JAMIA Suppl. 1999; CG Chute, PL Elkin, DD Sheretz, MS Tuttle.

23. “Barriers to the Clinical Implementation of Compositionality”, JAMIA Suppl. 1999; LK McKnight, PL Elkin, PV Ogren, CG Chute.**

Papers (Published Peer Reviewed Articles): (continued)

24. “A Large-Scale Evaluation of Terminology Integration Characteristics”, JAMIA Suppl. 1999; FS McDonald, CG Chute, PV Ogren, D Wahner-Roedler, PL Elkin.

25. “A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial of Automated Term Dissection”, JAMIA Suppl. 1999; PL Elkin, KR Bailey, PV Ogren, BA Bauer, CG Chute.

26. “Human Interfaces: Face-to-Face with the Problem List.”, Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp. 1999;(1-2):1204. Campbell JR, Elkin PL.

27. “Guideline for the Achievement of Comparable Data When Evaluating Controlled Health Vocabularies”, Proceedings of the INFOcus Symposium 2000. PL Elkin, CG Chute.

28. “Terminology Services as Software Components: An Architecture and Preliminary Efforts”, Proceedings, IMIA Working Group 6 Conference 2000. CG Chute, HR Solbrig, PL Elkin.

29. “Semantic Augmentation of Description Logic based Terminologies”, Proceedings, IMIA Working Group 6 Conference 2000. Elkin PL, Harris M, Ogren PV, Buntrock JD, Brown SH, Solbrig HR, Chute CG.

30. “A Formal Approach to Integrating Synonyms with a Reference Terminology.” JAMIA 2000;SympSuppl. Solbrig HR, Elkin PL, Ogren PV, Chute CG.

31. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Concept-based Indexing of Web Page Content.” JAMIA Symposia Suppl., 2000. Elkin PL, Ruggieri AP, Bergstrom L, Bauer BA, Lee M, Ogren PV, Chute CG.

32. “The Content Coverage and Organizational Structure of Terminologies: The Example of Post-operative pain.” JAMIA Symposia Suppl., 2000. Harris MR, Graves JR, Herrick LM, Elkin PL, Chute CG.

33. “Representation by Standard Terminologies of Health Status Concepts Contained in Two Health Status Assessment Instruments Used in Rheumatic Disease Management.” JAMIA Symposia Suppl., 2000 Ruggieri AP, Elkin PL, Chute CG.

34. “Toward Standardization of Electronic Guideline Representation”, MD Computing, 11/ 2000, p39-44; PL Elkin, M Peleg, R Lacson, E Bernstam, R Greenes, EH Shortliffe.

35. Harris MR. Graves JR. Solbrig HR. Elkin PL. Chute CG. Embedded structures and representation of nursing knowledge. [Review] [42 refs] [Journal Article. Review. Review, Tutorial] Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 7(6):539-49, 2000 Nov-Dec.

36. “Optimization of a Research Web Environment for Academic Internal Medicine Faculty”, JAMIA, in J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2002 Sep-Oct;9(5):472-8.; Peter L. Elkin, MD, Barb Sorensen, Diane De Palo, PhD, Greg Poland, MD, Kent R. Bailey, PhD, Douglas L. Wood, MD, Nicholas F. LaRusso, MD.

37. Guideline for Health Informatics, Controlled health vocabularies - Vocabulary structure and high-level indicators” in Patel(ed), Medinfo Proceedings, 2001. Elkin PL, Brown SH, Chute CG.

Papers (Published Peer Reviewed Articles): (continued)

1. Internal Medicine Resident Satisfaction with a Diagnostic Decision Support System (DXplain) Introduced on a Teaching Hospital Service. JAMIA Symp. Suppl. 2002, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Mark Lee, MD, Larry Bergstrom, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, John Bundrick, MD, Scott Litin, MD, Edward Hoffer, MD, Kathleen Famiglietti, Richard Kim, G. Octo Barnett, MD, Peter L. Elkin, MD.

2. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Accuracy of Clinical Record Retrieval using SNOMED-RT as Compared with ICD9-CM, JAMIA Suppl. 2001, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Alexander P. Ruggieri, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, James Buntrock, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Scott Litin, MD, Julie Beinborn, Kent R. Bailey, PhD, Larry Bergstrom, MD

3. Usability Evaluation of the Progress Note Construction Set, JAMIA Symposium Suppl. 2001, Steven H. Brown, MS MD, Shawn Hardenbrook MSW, Linda Herrick RN PhD, Judith St. Onge RN PhD, Peter L. Elkin MD.

4. Expression of a Domain Ontology Model in Unified Modeling Language for the World Health Organization International Classification of Impairment, Disability and Handicap, Version 2., JAMIA Symposium Suppl. 2001; Alexander P. Ruggieri, M.D., Peter L. Elkin, M.D., Harold Solbrig, Christopher G. Chute, M.D. DrPH.

5. Design and Evaluation of a Domain Name Specification, JAMIA July 2001, Steven H. Brown, MD, Shawn Hardenbrook MSW, Paul Carpenter, MD, Judith St. Onge RN PhD, Peter L. Elkin MD

6. “Exogenous Triiodothyronine (T3) Thyrotoxicosis Triggered by the Ingestion of Tiratricol, a Recalled Dietary Supplement”; Mayo Clin Proc. 2002 Jun;77(6):587-90. Brent A. Bauer, M.D., Peter L. Elkin, M.D., Dana Erickson M.D., and Michael D. Brennan M.D.

7. “An Expert Computer System for Monitoring Adverse Drug Events”; HIMSS Proceedings, Feb. 2001. Peter L. Elkin, MD, Linda Herrick, RN, PhD, Pam Johnson, RN, Natalie Atkins, RN, Lisa Carter, RN, Bob Kennelly, Elizabeth Mroz, RN, Karen Lee, Brent A. Bauer, MD.

8. “A Formal Representation for Messages Containing Compositional Expressions.” Int J Med Inf. 2003 Sep;71(2-3):89-102. Peter L. Elkin, M.D., Steven H. Brown, M.D., Michael Hogarth, MD, Michael Lincoln, MD, Alan Rector, M.D., Ph.D.

9. “Automated Enhancement of Description Logic Defined Terminologies to Facilitate Mapping to ICD9-CM”, J Biomed Inform. 2002 Oct-Dec;35(5-6):281-8.; Peter L. Elkin, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD

10. “An Object Oriented Approach to Medical Reasoning,” Healthcare IT Advisory Report October 2002, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Alexander P. Ruggieri, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Larry Bergstrom, MD, Alfred Bove, MD

11. “Conceptual Relativity”, Submitted to Science, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Arun Majumdar, John Sowa, PhD, Steven H. Brown, MD

12. “Initializing the VA Medication Reference Terminology Using UMLS Metathesaurus Co-Occurrences”, JAMIA Suppl. 2002, John S. Carter, MBA1,2, Steven H. Brown, MD, MS3,4, Mark S. Erlbaum, MD, MS2, William Gregg, MD4, Peter L. Elkin, MD5, Ted Speroff, PhD4, Mark S. Tuttle, FACMI2

13. “A Controlled Trial of Physicians’ and Patients’ Ability to Distinguish Authoritative from Misleading Complementary and Alternative Medicine Web Sites”, Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine Fall 2003 Vol(1) No(1) p. 48-54; Brent A. Bauer, MD, Mark C. Lee, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, V. Shane Pankratz, PhD, Peter L. Elkin, MD.

14. “Adult Henoch-Schönlein Purpura: A case report of a 28-year old with HSP and renal insufficiency”, Submitted to Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, Sean Haney, M.D, Amy S. Oxentenko, M.D, Peter L. Elkin, MD

15. “BioInformatics”; Mayo Clinic Proceedings January 14, 2003:78:57-64, Peter L. Elkin, MD

16. “A formal representation for messages containing compositional expressions.” Int J Med Inform2003 Sep;71(2-3):89-102. Elkin PL, Brown SH, Lincoln MJ, Hogarth M, Rector A

17. “A Systematic Review of the Health Level 7 Reference Information Model”, Healthcare IT Advisory Report, August 2002, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, Alexander Ruggieri, MD, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Calvin Beebe, Robert Dolin, MD.

18. “Continuing Medical Education and Patient Safety: An Agenda for Lifelong Learning”, JAMIA Vol(9) Num (6) Nov/Dec 2002 p. s128, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Paul N. Gorman, MD.

Papers (Published Peer Reviewed Articles): (continued)

19. “Guideline and Quality Indicators for Development, Purchase and Use of Controlled health vocabularies”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol 68/1-3 pp 175-186, Sep 2002, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, John Carter, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Larry Bergstrom, MD, Mark Pittelkow, MD, Cornelius Rosse, MD, D.Sc.

20. “Sensitivity and Specificity of a Plasma Fibrin D-Dimer Assay For the Diagnosis of Acute Pulmonary Embolism as Defined by Computed Tomographic Angiography”, Mayo Clin Proc. 2004 Feb;79(2):164-8., David A. Froehling, M.D., Peter L. Elkin, M.D., Stephen J. Swensen, M.D., John A. Heit, M.D., V. Shane Pankratz, Ph.D., Jay H. Ryu, M.D.

21. “A Controlled Trial of Automated Classification of Negation from Clinical Notes”, BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2005 May 5;5(1):13., P. L. Elkin, MD; Steven H. Brown, MD; Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD; Bill Carruth, Larry Bergstrom, MD.

22. “Evaluation of SNOMED CT’s coverage of Oncology Indications”, Proc AMIA Symp. 2003;:115-9, SH Brown, MD, BA Bauer, MD, D Wahner-Roedler, MD, PL Elkin, MD

23. “The Usability of Distance Learning”, IMIA W2 2003 Symposium Suppl., Peter L. Elkin, MD, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Mark Lee, MD, Brian Kaihoi.

24. “Data Representation in Healthcare: A design for a freely-available openly-developed international reference terminology for healthcare.”, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003;95:427-32, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, Michael J. Lincoln, MD, Mark Pittelkow, MD, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Rhonda Thomas, PhD, Larry Bergstrom, MD.

25. “A Controlled Trial of Concept-based Indexing vs. Keyword Indexing of the University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center’s CIMER Internet Site”, Submitted MIE 2005, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Mark C. Lee, MD, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, Karen Lee, Catherine D Kirkwood, MPH, John L. Phelps, Peter L. Elkin, MD.

26. “Adequacy of representation of the National Drug File Reference Terminology Physiologic Effects reference hierarchy for commonly prescribed medications”, Proc AMIA Symp. 2003;:569-78. ST Rosenbloom, J Awad, T Speroff, PL Elkin, BA Bauer, DL Wahner-Roedler, M Lee, SH Brown.

27. “An Evaluation of the Content Coverage of SNOMED-CT for Clinical Problem Lists “,Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Jun;81(6):741-8. June 2006, Peter L. Elkin, MD1, Steven H. Brown, MD2, Casey Husser, MD1, Brent A. Bauer, MD1, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD1, S. Trent Rosenbloom, MD2, Ted Speroff, PhD

28. “VA National Drug File Reference Terminology: A Cross-Institutional Content Coverage Study”, Medinfo. 2004;2004:477-81., Steven H. Brown MD1,2, Peter L. Elkin MD3, S. Trent Rosenbloom MD2, Casey Husser, MD3, Brent A. Bauer, MD3, Michael J. Lincoln MD1,5, John Carter MBA4, Mark Erlbaum MD4,Mark S. Tuttle FACMI

29. “Generating Complex Clinical Documents Using Structured Entry and Reporting”, Medinfo. 2004;2004:683-7. S. Trent Rosenblooma, Wendy Kiepeka, John Bellettib, Perry Adamsa, Kiki Shuxteaua, Kevin B. Johnsona, Peter L. Elkinc, Edward K. Shultz

30. “Evaluation of SNOMED-CT Coverage of Veterans Health Administration Terms”, Medinfo. 2004;2004:540-544. Janet FE Penz a, Steven H Brown b, John S Carter c, Peter L Elkin d, Viet N Nguyen e, Shannon A Sims f, Michael J Lincoln.

31. “Use of Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) Therapies by Patients Seen in Different Specialty Areas in a Tertiary Care Center”, Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, M.D.; Ralph E. Gay, M.D.; Peter L. Elkin, M.D.; Mark C. Lee, M.D.; Ann Vincent, M.D.; Laura L. Loehrer; Abdul-Azeez Koletowo; Vernon S. Pankratz, Ph.D.; Brent A. Bauer, M.D.

Papers (Published Peer Reviewed Articles): (continued)

32. “Use of Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) Therapies by Patients Seen in a Fibromyalgia Clinic of a Tertiary Care Center”, Mayo Clin Proc 2005 Jan; 80(1):55-60, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, M.D.; Peter L. Elkin, M.D.; Terry H. Oh, M.D.; Jeffery M. Thompson, M.D.; Ralph E. Gay, M.D.; Mark C. Lee, M.D.; Ann Vincent, M.D.; Laura L. Loehrer; Abdul-Azeez Koletowo; V. Shane Pankratz, Ph.D.; Brent A. Bauer, M.D.

33. “Bioprospecting Historic Herbal Texts – Hunting for New Leads in Old Tomes”, Eric J Buenz, David J Schnepple, Brent A Bauer, Peter L Elkin, John M Riddle, Timothy J Motley. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2004 Sep;25(9):494-8..

34. “SmartAccess Management System for Images (SAMSI): A Methodology for Automated Unification and Archival of Medical Images with Conceptually Codified Data from the Electronic Medical Record.” Submitted Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Casey S Husser, MD1, Mark R Pittelkow, MD1, Brent A Bauer, MD1, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD1, Zelalem Temesgen, MD1, Karen E Lee1, Peter L Elkin, MD1 ***

35. “Exploiting ebXML Semantic Constructs for Handling Archetype Metadata in Health Informatics.” Int. J. Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006. Asuman Dogac, Gokce Laleci, Yildiray Kabak, Seda Unal, Thomas Beale, Sam Heard, Peter Elkin, Farrukh Najmi, Carl Mattocks, David Webber.

36. “Ontologic hierarchical Distance Identification Network (ODIN).” Submitted JAMIA suppl, 2006, Peter L. Elkin, MD1, Arun Majumdar4, Steven H. Brown, MD, MS 2, 3 S. Trent Rosenbloom, MD MPH2, John F. Sowa, PhD4, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD1, Brent A. Bauer, MD1, Zelalem Temesgen, MD1, Luka Bajzer1

37. “Six Questions on the Construction of Ontologies in Biomedicine.” Submitted JAMIA Suppl. 2005, Anand Kumara, Anita Burgunb, Werner Ceustersc, James Ciminod, James Davise, Peter Elkinf, Ira Kaletg, Alan Rectorh, Jim Ricei, Jeremy Rogersh, Stephan Schulzj, Kent Spackmanl, Davide Zaccaginim, Pierre Zweigenbaumn, Barry Smitha,k

38. “Modeling Structural Evolution in a Reference Terminology.” In press, MedNet 2006. S. Trent Rosenbloom, MD MPH 1, Peter L. Elkin, MD 2, Luka Bajzer 2, John S. Carter, MBA 3, Steven H. Brown, MD, MS 1, 4

39. “Development of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Programme at an Academic Medical Centre” Evidence Based Integrative Medicine 2005; 2(1) 9-12. Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, Peter L. Elkin, Ann Vincent, Laura L Loehrer, Tiffani D. Schilling and Brent A Bauer.

40. “Using SNOMED-CT as a Reference Terminology: Mapping VA Disability Terminology to ICD-9-CM”, in press Medinfo 2007, Steven H. Brown, MD, Casey Husser, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, Sandra Bailey, Linda Nugent, RHIA, Karla Porter, RHIA, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Peter L. Elkin, MD

41. “A Diagnostic Decision Support System (DXplain) Can Decrease Costs for Diagnostically Challenging Cases”, Submitted to the Annals of Internal Medicine, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Mark Liebow, MD, Brent A. Bauer, MD, Swarna S. Chaliki, MD, Larry R. Bergstrom, MD, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler, MD, John B. Bundrick, MD, Mark C. Lee, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, William C. Mundell, MD, David A. Froehling, MD, Kent R. Bailey, PhD, Casey S. Husser, MD, Kathleen Famiglietti, Richard J. Kim, Ed Hoffer, MD, Mitchell Feldman, MD, G. Octo Barnett, MD.

42. “Human Factors Engineering for clinical applications”, in press International Journal of Medical Informatics, Marie-Catherine BEUSCART-ZEPHIRa, , Peter ELKINb and Sylvia PELAYO

43. “Dealing with Negative Findings in Referent Tracking”, in press International Journal of Medical Informatics, Werner CEUSTERSa, Barry SMITHb and Peter ELKINc

44. “68-year-old man with fatigue, fever, and weight loss.”, Mayo Clin Proc. 2005 Jul;80(7):939-42. , Gangat N, Lin Y, Elkin PL.

45. “Standardization of microarray and pharmacogenomics data.”, Methods Mol Biol. 2006;316:111-57. Review, Husser CS, Buchhalter JR, Raffo OS, Shabo A, Brown SH, Lee KE, Elkin PL.

46. “SNOMED CT®: Utility for a General Medical Evaluation Template”, AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006;:101-5. Steven H. Brown MS MD1,2, Peter L. Elkin MD3 Brent A. Bauer MD BA3, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler MD3, Casey S. Husser MD3, Zelalem Temesgen, MD3, Shawn P. Hardenbrook MSW1, Elliot M. Fielstein PhD1,2, S. Trent Rosenbloom MD MPH2.

Papers (Published Peer Reviewed Articles): (continued)

47. “Interface terminologies: facilitating direct entry of clinical data into electronic health record systems.”, J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006 May-Jun;13(3):277-88. Epub 2006 Feb 24. Review., Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Johnson KB, Elkin PL, Brown SH.

48. “eQuality: Automatic Assessment from Narrative Clinical Reports”, In press, Mayo Clin Proc. 2006;81(11):1472-1481, Steven H. Brown MS MD, Theodore Speroff PhD, Elliot M. Fielstein PhD, Brent A. Bauer MD, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler MD, Robert Greevy PhD, Peter L. Elkin MD

49. “Improving Confidence in Safety in Clinical Drug Development”, ACRP Monitor Vol (20) Issue (5) October, 2006. Barry Hardy, PhD, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Jim Averback, MS, A Leander Fontaine, MD, PhD, Sidney Kahn, MD, PhD.

50. Ammenwerth E, Talmon J, Ash JS, Bates DW, Beuscart-Zephir MC, Duhamel A, Elkin PL, Gardner RM, Geissbuhler A. Impact of CPOE on Mortality Rates - ontradictory Findings, Important Messages. Methods Inf Med. 2006;45(6):586-93.

51. “Categorical information in pharmaceutical terminologies”. Carter JS, Brown SH, Bauer BA, Elkin PL, Erlbaum MS, Froehling DA, Lincoln MJ, Rosenbloom ST, Wahner-Roedler DL, Tuttle MS. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006;:116-20.

52. “The Human Factors Engineering approach to biomedical informatics projects: state of the art, results, benefits and challenges.” IMIA Yearbook 2007. Marie-Catherine BEUSCART-ZEPHIR*, Peter ELKIN**, Sylvia PELAYO*, Regis BEUSCART

53. “Using SNOMED CT to Represent Two Interface Terminologies”, S. Trent Rosenbloom MD MPH1, Steven H. Brown MS MD1, David Froehling MD2, Brent A. Bauer MD2, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler MD2, William M. Gregg MD1, Peter L. Elkin MD, submitted to JAMIA.

54. “Biosurveillance Evaluation of SNOMED CT’s Terminology (BEST Trial): Coverage of Chief Complaints”, submitted to JAMIA, Peter L. Elkin, MD, Steven H. Brown, MD, Andrew Balas, MD, PhD, Zelalem Temesgen, MD, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, David Froehling, MD, Mark Liebow, MD, Brent A. Bauer, MD, S. Trent Rosenbloom, MD, Greg Poland, MD

55. “Aequus Communis Sententia: Defining Levels of Interoperability”, in press MedInfo 2007, Peter L. Elkin, MDa, David Froehling, MDa, Brent A. Bauer, MDa, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MDa, S. Trent Rosenbloom, MDb, Kent Bailey, MDa, Steven H. Brown, MDb

56. “Evaluation of a quantitative D-dimer latex immunoassay for acute pulmonary embolism diagnosed by computed tomographic angiography.”, Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 May;82(5):556-60. Froehling DA, Daniels PR, Swensen SJ, Heit JA, Mandrekar JN, Ryu JH, Elkin PL.

57. “Who makes the diagnosis? The role of clinical skills and diagnostic test results.”, J Eval Clin Pract. 2007 Jun;13(3):321-5. Wahner-Roedler DL, Chaliki SS, Bauer BA, Bundrick JB, Bergstrom LR, Lee MC, Cha SS, Elkin PL.

* Awarded the Homer R. Warner prize for the outstanding paper at the 1998 Fall Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association.

** Nominated for Best Paper, Fall AMIA Symposium 1999.

*** Winner of the Theyer Award for Outstanding Article in the field of Anesthesia.


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